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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 04:38 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: daskakik
Civil War......I don't believe Americans will give up their freedoms.

I think TPTB have gotten a good grasp on where and how hard to push.

I mean they have a whole lot of you sitting here waiting on a nebulous plan to show fruition while you blow off steam punching the keys on your keyboard.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: daskakik


posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: carewemust
Yes and the frustration didn't start with Biden, Trump, Obama, or Bush. It started with Clinton then little by little our wants were taken away to appease the wants of others. We felt guilty or were made to feel guilty for things we didn't do because we believed that our faith was in line with seeing everyone as equal and treating them as such. I still feel that way but you have to do something with the chances you're given. Also there are somethings that should not be governed by the feds. If we downsized the federal gov and turned issues back to the states then the left could live in blue states and the right in red states.
You are right about the high profile people complaining like we do. We have no state leadership. in my state ASA Hutchinson is gonna cruise to get to 2022. He honestly spoke out more that I expected. Tom Cotton screwed up when he didn't vote for a recount in Jan.but I honestly think he thought the DS was never going to comply and I think he may have eyes on the WH in the future although he may hae blown it. I'm not nuts about Abbott in Texas but all in all we gotta get rid of some of these Rhinos. I am excited about Jake Bequette in Arkansas. Hes ex Razorback Football, ex military, the was drafted by the Patriots but was injured and left in his 2nd year. I wonder what PFS thinks about him?
I had heard that several senators requested a meeting with Biden, wonder if that time has been set?
Lets just hope Durham and the voter fraud is enough to take all the baddies with power out then we can work on the rest.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: daskakik
The young ones aren't sitting on the keyboard blowing off steam, not that I can tell anyway. They are getting ready for deer season I shouldn't have to explain what that entails. And don't mistake my lack of explaining what I'm doing other than blowing off steam, it's just better not discussed online. I am shopping for a truck and a few other toys.....

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: daskakik

What does KU say... Oh yeah, Sometimes you cannot TELL them the trush. You must SHOW THEM


...Buttons same distance apart as demonstrated by the RED lines,
Bevel same width as shown in GREEN,
Bevel's edge same width, as shown in BLUE!

You can see the lugs on the watch case on the left are a smooth, flattish arc, ending in a sharp corner. You can see the lugs on the watch case on the right have a somewhat more pronounced curve ending in a flat foot at the base of the lug.

The two watch cases are similar in that they are silver, presumably stainless steel, have a crown and are generally watch shaped. They are clearly not the same watch, however, based on the lug shape.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 09:23 AM
First off...sorry Rel...don't shoot the messenger! But it isn't the same watch. However, I did figure out exactly what model and style it is, so there is that.

Here are some additional pictures that show white/light stitching on the watch band.


The Q watch is an IWC Portugieser Chronograph Classic with blue steel hands:

Now we just need to figure out who wears one of these. Trudeau wears a simliar watch, but not the same model.

This specific model was released in 2017. The first pic of the watch is from January 5, 2019. So that narrows down when we would expect to see someone wearing that exact watch.

This is slightly interesting. Here is an older model. Flip it over and what does it look like on top?

Fun fact. Frank Underwood wears IWC Portugieser watches throughout the House of Cards. Except season 4 when he didn't wear a watch.

Unfortunately the one Kevin Spacey is wearing in 2017 (his last season) has gold hands.
edit on 10/1/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: Caled
First off...sorry Rel...don't shoot the messenger! But it isn't the same watch. However, I did figure out exactly what model and style it is, so there is that.

Here are some additional pictures that show white/light stitching on the watch band.


The Q watch is an IWC Portugieser Chronograph Classic with blue steel hands:

Now we just need to figure out who wears one of these. Trudeau wears a simliar watch, but not the same model.

Nothing would please me more than seeing that guy being arrested on live TV. I would literally cheer. And many millions of other canadians would too. I have serious questions about our election, there is no way a man so hated still managed a minority government. Pretty sure the areas that always favour liberal, are also the areas in which dominion voting machines are used.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Sorry for the delay in my response.

Since you brought up DUMBs and tunnels, people should be made more aware of the extensive tunnels that lay under the city of Chicago. Some of these tunnels are said to go strait into Canada. I get why Obama wants his center in Chicago, but let's be honest here folks, as many times as he has pushed the "Kenya Born Conspiracy" himself shouldn't his outreach center be better placed in Nairobi?

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 10:52 AM
Mind Control. If they are experts...

I'm being facetious, they are not experts at anything. Just drones without minds or souls.

Unrelated. Worth the time to see how people VOLUNTEERED for the movement and should be respected. Puts a face(s) to the effort.


posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
I don't think we will have a Civil War. They have been trying to get that one started for a while now.
Government in conjunction with the Media have been dividing us for many years.
By Race
By Religion
By gender
By Class
By Political ideology
and now... By Vaccination status.
The American people, when all is said and done, do not want to fight one another. Argue? Yes.
The next war we see is going to be a Revolutionary War. It will be between the Government and Citizens.
I pray it does not come to all out fighting but they are pushing people too far.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 11:46 AM
The Book of Forbidden Knowledge is from the 1910s and reads like an almanac giving bits of arcane wisdom on various topics. Covers the significance of birth days, numbers, talismans and omens.

Pick your day in October...

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: gmx0010110
a reply to: Justoneman
Fail to do your part...
They can hide their stealing vote methods...
Eventually this will be stopped...

You can't be serious.

Be true to the ideas of the "right to vote" and you have the "right to be upset"


“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
People hunting and you prepping are not signs of some civil war brewing. It only shows where your head is at.

Besides, it takes two to tango and that is where TPTB stop pushing, if there are really enough of you on the same page.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:21 PM

Epiphany = Control wants us divided/emotional = try the opposite

Joe vs The Volcano
- Produced by team that made BACK TO THE FUTURE / E.T.
- Lightning = Life is a crooked road / endless "soul-draining" loop
- A hero's journey = You are the door to the Universe

The roads were purposely created for EVERYONE TO FAIL
- Fake Narrative flipped - now used to WAKE UP / SAVE sleeping
- Think WAVES / constant & never-ending / getting bigger with new voices
- We are being shown more of the illusion & confirming ONLY ONE WAY OUT

PATRIOTS IN CONTROL = Hold the Line / Rise above it all
SELF-CONTROL = Rejecting Our Ego / Facing the Unknown
SELF-CONTROL = Understanding the power of our words & actions
SELF-CONTROL = Embracing our Gifts to spread COMFORT & MERCY to all

PEACE = THE PRIZE & Forgiveness Means Everything
edit on 1-10-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:21 PM
It's a start but Drawn and Quartered might "send a message." "Her" rhetoric was/is beyond inhuman and shows no sign of a human soul.

Then again, they might wind up with the thing on the left, the overt Satan queen. Presented with her twin.

It is very interesting to see them as they have always been, but now being revealed for the pewblick to see. At no time did I ever think "gee, these folks are really looking out for my best interest." Sure, a few were good folks, but for the most part this has never been hidden from me, which makes the current reveals odd ---- like who can't see this now?

Do we have to get even more extreme in the reveal - the President and the Speaker, arguably the most powerful positions on Earth, are both demented old nut jobs who cannot speak coherently.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:35 PM
Something is definitely happening. I could hear the global hum going crazy this morning. I know a person who died of COVID today. I also know a friend's family member that died of COVID this week.

A few random thoughts:

The hour and minute hands on the Q watch in #2913 are (if you account for the angle the watch is at) almost exactly the mirror opposite of the typical 10 and 2.

Something that has been bothering me...people who get COVID who say they don't leave the house. What if the USPS is a mechanism for distributing COVID?

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:57 PM
FBI Admits They Don't Keep Track of Antifa Violence

“How many acts of violence or domestic terrorism has Antifa committed over the last two years?” Mace asked Langan.

“Since we don’t categorize Antifa, nor do we calculate or collate information regarding Antifa — that movement, we don’t have that,” Langan responded. “But, we can provide you information on anarchist threats and cases in general.”

But that’s not the information Mace asked for, Mr. Langan. She asked specifically about Antifa.

This is interesting, we here, cough-know that Antifa-cough, was quietly designated as a terrorist organization a few years ago. We also see their effort waning, presumably due to funding drying up and now it is just the brain dead that carry on but the "movement" is dead, especially when exposed now.

A Q aficionado would have some great insight into certain matters. What Q drops, or information, led to the greatest C_A/etc issued Talking Point Attacks during the course?

Antifa = Nazis sent the C_A/etc. minions into full blown Nazi style rage. Irrational and moronic talking points were issued to debunk this connection. Such that they were ordered, the minions, to say the flags were different. Classic gas lighting, but revealing. This means Antifa was an integral part of the overall plan and it was important for it to be seen as independent and organic.

Another was the missile helicopter. Imagine being ordered to call the missile a helicopter, not a test launch or a Russian launch or even blame on NK, but a helicopter??? Why was that so important that a minion attack came on that seemingly innocuous image?

Andrenochrome is another, but child abduction or trafficking not so much and human trafficking not at all.

The election "integrity" was another. Minions issued fully comical talking points to support the demented pedophile being the most popular elected official ever at the time of the election.

And the "insurrection." Minions handed extra shots of espresso and whatever to rage in an effort to turn the fake FBI meandering tour of the capital into a African style military coup.

The Rona, but in this case the attacks were very different. Clone-bots and CCP bots fueled Corona Chan hysteria but not those fully assigned to Q to the same degree. The jabs, again, not quite the same level of rage and hate in their failed attempts to debunk Graphene Oxide, Forced Jabs, Passports etc.

Of course the original "Q is a LARP" which thankfully ate up all of Mike Cum David Rothschild's life entirely turning him into a comical version of the thing he claims to dispel though his hate, rage and misguided dedication. A LARP should be self evident, it does't take that idiot drawing attention to it to debunk it.

The attacks reveal everything, both what they at the top fear and who the minions actually are/were, and, ultimately where the loyalty of both resides. What is interesting, and beyond most, is that simply taking the above and graphing it out would prove not only the impact of Q but the counter that was put in place to debunk a LARP, which isn't a volunteer type thing. Q noted this in several drops, pointing to the coordinated attacks in the eneMedia, which, were debunked as not actually happening.

The reflection time is upon many. Looking back one can see very distinct patterns, patterns that those carrying the patterns out think are uniQue to them, when in fact they are just age old patterns that folks were just plugged into like those before them.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: Caled
Something is definitely happening. I could hear the global hum going crazy this morning. I know a person who died of COVID today. I also know a friend's family member that died of COVID this week.

A few random thoughts:

The hour and minute hands on the Q watch in #2913 are (if you account for the angle the watch is at) almost exactly the mirror opposite of the typical 10 and 2.

Something that has been bothering me...people who get COVID who say they don't leave the house. What if the USPS is a mechanism for distributing COVID?

Died "of" or "from" The Rona exclusively, or died with a positive PCR test?

At this point I assume all diagnosis of Corona Chan are useless. The method for determine cause of death, which isn't for the public but for the overlords/trust accounts/insurance payouts/IRS etc. is more art then science. If the hospitals are overrun, bodies everywhere (as they say), then there is no time for a true scientific autopsy which might, possibly, negate the huge payout from listing death by WuFlu.

As for something being up. Yes, very, very much.

One POV that can be helpful is to see the two distinct realities as they separate. Notice them as distinct, but overlapping. One way to do this is to observe those in a group setting and reference inners self as the central point. Are all those folks in the same reality? Never before have I seen this, which, will only get more pronounced in the coming weeks.

Others are seeing different facets of it.

edit on 1-10-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Caled
I was looking at the image of the IWC Portugieser watch and it is odd that the # 9 is there but the 12, 3 and 6 are omitted. It just doesn't make sense.

I checked the IWC Pilot series and found that the IWC Pilot Mark XVII had omitted the 12, 3, 6 and 9 and then in 2016 released the XVIII but then the 12 and 3 were omitted. Also the size was changed to 40, which imo is a highly symbolic number that has been winding its' way through all of this.

Another person of interest who sports the IWC Mark XVII [=17] is Putin. I pulled up the image of him bare chested riding a horse wearing it. Oddly he is right handed and wears his watch on his right hand.
Prince William is left handed [wears the Sea Master watch similar to Biden] and sports his watch on the left wrist.

I always felt it was intuitive to wear it opposite of the dominant hand but each to his own but it is odd that so many of these politicians are wearing them counter to normal wear.
Bill Clinton, George W. Bush all left handed wearing it on the left wrist.

#9 seems important and symbolically... divine completeness ie Christ died in the 9th hour...sacred number and number of heaven.
I am not sure what this all means but could it be possible that the different times shown on the ku watches represent different times EO's or other important documents are signed?

Also I was wondering if there are messages or codes that are on the back of these watches. I mean Marilyn Munroe had engraved a racy message for Kennedy so it is a discrete place to keep confidential info.>watches-and-jewllery>w...

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 01:22 PM
Great question. I purposely didn’t add any additional info because I can’t confirm vaccination for either of them. One claimed to be unvaccinated, and the other was most likely unvaccinated. But I don’t know. I only know details on one. Mid-forties, in the hospital with no family contact for more than two weeks, placed on the ventilator, made it about a week. Most likely unvaccinated. But does not change my position on the vaccine. Not happening. But I can tell you one thing. I’m not going to the hospital. It’s a death sentence if they know you are unvaccinated.

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Caled
Something is definitely happening. I could hear the global hum going crazy this morning. I know a person who died of COVID today. I also know a friend's family member that died of COVID this week.

A few random thoughts:

The hour and minute hands on the Q watch in #2913 are (if you account for the angle the watch is at) almost exactly the mirror opposite of the typical 10 and 2.

Something that has been bothering me...people who get COVID who say they don't leave the house. What if the USPS is a mechanism for distributing COVID?

Died "of" or "from" The Rona exclusively, or died with a positive PCR test?

At this point I assume all diagnosis of Corona Chan are useless. The method for determine cause of death, which isn't for the public but for the overlords/trust accounts/insurance payouts/IRS etc. is more art then science. If the hospitals are overrun, bodies everywhere (as they say), then there is no time for a true scientific autopsy which might, possibly, negate the huge payout from listing death by WuFlu.

As for something being up. Yes, very, very much.

One POV that can be helpful is to see the two distinct realities as they separate. Notice them as distinct, but overlapping. One way to do this is to observe those in a group setting and reference inners self as the central point. Are all those folks in the same reality? Never before have I seen this, which, will only get more pronounced in the coming weeks.

Others are seeing different facets of it.

edit on 10/1/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

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