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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 02:55 AM
Another pointer to BLACK SWAN EVENT in this Aurax post on PatriotN88 telegram



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 948590 No.1121353 📁
Apr 20 2018 19:36:21 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 29a790 No.1121283 📁
Apr 20 2018 19:31:44 (EST)
Alison Mack singing like a canary, as Alan Dershowitz would say

Canary palm tree?



posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 04:04 AM
Just mulling a few things and trying to join the dots over my morning brew.
First, with regards to the AUKUS deal and the pi$$ed off French. Does anyone remember that photo of Macron literally poking his finger in Joe's face at some 'international' meeting? The French also played no small part in getting people out of Afghanistan. So Macron gets gazumped on France's deal with Australia. No wonder he's pissed off, but does it all go back to him 'poking Joe' in the face and this is US 'punishment?.
Then we have Boris leading the call to ensure the poorest countries in the world get millions of vaccines whose expiry dates will run out by Christmas. I also noticed a lapel badge he was wearing just yesterday in an interview over in US. It was planet Earth. Sorry, it might indicate climate change to everyone else, to me it represents one world government. So his rallying cry to get poorest countries vaccinated should be read as take over of these countries. One World Government.
Then we have La Palma. This morning on Sky News UK, Kate Burley made just a passing reference to it, but what stood out was she said " We know how quickly volcanoes can change." It really felt like she had 'insider' information.
Then we have the Prince Andrew fiasco. He has today been served papers via his American lawyer. Apparently Sky have their camera's outside Buckingham Palace waiting for a comment. Regardless of the right and wrongs of Andrew, he's an idiot, I would call him a 'useful idiot' if TPTB want and need to take the Royal family down. Remember that other photo of Rothschild poking Charles in the chest some years ago.
I know all the above can be something or nothing on the world stage, but they are inextricably linked.
I might have more clarity once I have my second brew.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 05:19 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 06:44 AM
missed this back on the 14th

Three Former U.S. Intelligence Community and Military Personnel Agree to Pay More Than $1.68 Million to Resolve Criminal Charges Arising from Their Provision of Hacking-Related Services to a Foreign Government - September 14, 2021

According to court documents, the defendants worked as senior managers at a United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.)-based company (U.A.E. CO) that supported and carried out computer network exploitation (CNE) operations (i.e., “hacking”) for the benefit of the U.A.E government between 2016 and 2019. Despite being informed on several occasions that their work for U.A.E. CO, under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), constituted a “defense service” requiring a license from the State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), the defendants proceeded to provide such services without a license.........

edit on 9212021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Talk about a "Conspiracy"

Linking to post above (one i'm replying to ) - lots of players converging

Defense attorneys, judge in Sussmann case have high-level Democratic connections

Mr. Sussmann will face a trial judge who appears to have background connections to the FBI‘s original Russia investigation.

U.S. District Court Judge Christopher Cooper, who is overseeing the case against Mr. Sussmann, is married to attorney Amy Jefress, who represented former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Just The News first reported Monday.....

Ms. Page was a top lawyer on special counsel Robert Mueller’s team in the FBI‘s Trump-Russia investigation, and became best known for anti-Trump tweets to her former paramour, now former FBI agent Peter Strzok.

“It seems the two-tiered system of justice continues — how can a judge oversee a federal criminal case in which his wife’s client may end up being a witness in, for either the defense or the government?” Kash Patel, who served as chief of staff to the acting Secretary of Defense under President Donald Trump, told The Washington Times in a statement.

Mr. Durham, who is investigating the origins of the FBI‘s Trump-Russia probe, has accused Mr. Sussmann of making a false statement to the FBI about his warning related to computer servers tied to the Trump Organization that were backchanneling communications with a Russian bank....

Mr. Sussmann’s former law firm, Perkins Coie, has represented the Democratic National Committee. He is being represented in the criminal case by the law firm of Latham and Watkins, whose attorneys Sean Berkowitz and Michael Bosworth told reporters that Mr. Sussman “committed no crime.”

Prior to his time at Latham Watkins, according to an online corporate biography, Mr. Berkowitz worked as director of the special task force created to investigate the Enron corporate scandal, and was lead prosecutor in the criminal case against Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling.

Mr. Berkowitz in 2005 replaced then-Justice Department attorney Andrew Weissman, who became a lead prosecutor in Mr. Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Mr. Bosworth served on Mr. Biden’s presidential transition team, and prior to that worked as special counsel to FBI Director James Comey Jr., who defended the Russia investigation as “essential” during Senate hearing testimony in September 2020.

TIME to Turn the "Page"

edit on 9212021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 08:58 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: Caled
When was that posted and what was the "no" in response to?

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
Someone mentioned Astr0 posting here again. I figured I would bring the post over.


We are working hard and fast to gather, recover, and heal as many as we can, and as fast as we can.

Never in all of our experience did we ever think that a neuronal targeting pathogen would be unleashed on mankind.

What has been done, can never, ever be recovered from. Those that sleep, are dying. As to them, so to ours.

POTUS has fallen. The west has fallen. And we learned of a nation preparing to build city ships across Earth's skies and duplicate our efforts.

There is little time, and there are fewer every passing day who can sleep on the calculations.

What has been taken from you is an incalculable loss, truly beyond the scope of most people's understanding. We expected a Space Fleet and a meeting of minds. We found a global genocide in progress.

For those unaware, this guy claims to be a member of a breakaway civilization. The basic premise is that back in the 50s or whenever, someone found a very advanced AI computer device on an archaeological dig that gave them instructions for building star ships. 6 nations I believe it was cooperated on the project and they built, at first, nuclear powered craft and were able to fly off planet and eventually establish another home somewhere out in the cosmos. He claims they plead with world leaders once per decade to release the tech to man kind but leaders always say no.

What he's talking about here with "those who sleep" is that they allegedly have the ability to neural link sleeping brains together to perform complex deep space trajectory calculations. He says those people, along with everyone else, is being killed off.

The story seems pretty outlandish, but this guy made quite a name for himself in regards to top secret aircraft. Things that were verified by "experts" on the matter.

I've long thought that Astr0s peeps and the Q peeps would be connected. If Astr0 is indeed who he says he is, and Q is who he says he is, they undoubtedly know about each other.

Maybe he can pop in this thread. That would be cool.

Looks like it was posted yesterday at 3pm and he didn't quote who he was replying to, but I think he was responding to someone being sarcastic about what he was "up to." Someone said they noticed he had logged onto ATS recently but didn't post. Someone said something snarky and then he popped in and said "no..."

ETA: in Astr0's original story (long before Q), he said that the advanced AI they discovered was named "ALICE", btw. Just an interesting coincidence.

edit on 21-9-2021 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Funny watching m.A.L.I.C.E. fall to pieces. Are these supposed to help or hurt Team Joe?


Look who has a hand in the Evergrande catastrophe.

One eye on Evergrande the other on Tether.

It would take a lot of work to convince me that there is a whip there. I see one of the reins. That's it.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

Lets just say it is a whip. We have no idea who these people are, where they came from, or what their motives are. Would it be better to use a gun, taser? What other non-lethal devices could you use on horseback besides a whip? I don't think that picture depicts a whip but if it was a whip I have no issue with it being used. The same if it was a lasso being used to detain them. The border is so out of control right now I think its only a matter of time before military personnel roll in.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: Caled
When was that posted and what was the "no" in response to?

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
Someone mentioned Astr0 posting here again. I figured I would bring the post over.


We are working hard and fast to gather, recover, and heal as many as we can, and as fast as we can.

Never in all of our experience did we ever think that a neuronal targeting pathogen would be unleashed on mankind.

What has been done, can never, ever be recovered from. Those that sleep, are dying. As to them, so to ours.

POTUS has fallen. The west has fallen. And we learned of a nation preparing to build city ships across Earth's skies and duplicate our efforts.

There is little time, and there are fewer every passing day who can sleep on the calculations.

What has been taken from you is an incalculable loss, truly beyond the scope of most people's understanding. We expected a Space Fleet and a meeting of minds. We found a global genocide in progress.

For those unaware, this guy claims to be a member of a breakaway civilization. The basic premise is that back in the 50s or whenever, someone found a very advanced AI computer device on an archaeological dig that gave them instructions for building star ships. 6 nations I believe it was cooperated on the project and they built, at first, nuclear powered craft and were able to fly off planet and eventually establish another home somewhere out in the cosmos. He claims they plead with world leaders once per decade to release the tech to man kind but leaders always say no.

What he's talking about here with "those who sleep" is that they allegedly have the ability to neural link sleeping brains together to perform complex deep space trajectory calculations. He says those people, along with everyone else, is being killed off.

The story seems pretty outlandish, but this guy made quite a name for himself in regards to top secret aircraft. Things that were verified by "experts" on the matter.

I've long thought that Astr0s peeps and the Q peeps would be connected. If Astr0 is indeed who he says he is, and Q is who he says he is, they undoubtedly know about each other.

Maybe he can pop in this thread. That would be cool.

Looks like it was posted yesterday at 3pm and he didn't quote who he was replying to, but I think he was responding to someone being sarcastic about what he was "up to." Someone said they noticed he had logged onto ATS recently but didn't post. Someone said something snarky and then he popped in and said "no..."

ETA: in Astr0's original story (long before Q), he said that the advanced AI they discovered was named "ALICE", btw. Just an interesting coincidence.

For those playing at home ...

Artificial Linguistic Computer Entity (ALICE)

Techopedia Explains Artificial Linguistic Computer Entity (ALICE)
In 1995, Richard Wallace pioneered the development of ALICE while attending Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. ALICE was originally known as Alicebot because it was first run on a computer by the name of Alice.

The ALICE program uses the XML schema known as artificial intelligence markup language (AIML), which helps specify conversation rules. In 1998, the program was rewritten in Java, and in 2001 Wallace published an AIML specification. From there, other developers wrote free and open sources of ALICE in several programming languages and in a variety of foreign languages.

The ALICE program simulates chatting with a real person over the internet. The official website even invites users to speak to Captain Kirk of the notorious U.S. TV series, "Star Trek." It also displays its version of Alice – a young-looking woman who, in human years, tells a user her age, hobbies and other interesting facts, as well as responding to the user's dialog. The open-source website offers fee-based memberships and discounts to seniors and students through the A.I. Foundation.

Despite programming logic and language developments, ALICE is still unable to pass the Turing test.

The Turing Test

The phrase “The Turing Test” is most properly used to refer to a proposal made by Turing (1950) as a way of dealing with the question whether machines can think. According to Turing, the question whether machines can think is itself “too meaningless” to deserve discussion (442). However, if we consider the more precise—and somehow related—question whether a digital computer can do well in a certain kind of game that Turing describes (“The Imitation Game”), then—at least in Turing’s eyes—we do have a question that admits of precise discussion. Moreover, as we shall see, Turing himself thought that it would not be too long before we did have digital computers that could “do well” in the Imitation Game.......

edit on 9212021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Hi Jane,

My take is second-order effects are of interest as well.

Consider. Australia getting atom-powered boats is interesting. But a second-order effect is that those boats can pick up some of the missions that would have previously been performed by US or UK atom-powered boats, thus freeing those US and UK assets for other missions, whether China-related or not.

Another 2OE is that more subs means the Chinese will have to redirect funding to build more anti-submarine warfare ships and aircraft. And something that is not obvious -- the Chinese will have to ensure they have enough mine clearing assets, because one mission a sub can undertake is the deployment of sea mines. Mines don't get much press because they are SO unglamorous, but they are a huge threat for navies in wartime to mitigate.

Poke the koala, will you Xi?


posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: butcherguy
I'm not convinced they're Haitians. Just not feasible in terms of logistics.

Seems to me the documentation process has not occurred yet? So any audio that lends credence of having a French dialect/accent would help. Assuming their spoken language is still a French derivative?


Y'all keep being magnificent!

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:43 AM
A few thoughts and questions for Astr0...

"Never in all of our experience did we ever think that a neuronal targeting pathogen would be unleashed on mankind."

I have a tough time believing that fact, if things work the way Astr0 says, this is an extremely logical action.

"What has been done, can never, ever be recovered from. Those that sleep, are dying. As to them, so to ours." and "There is little time, and there are fewer every passing day who can sleep on the calculations."

Are the ones that sleep people who had COVID (like me), or the ones that got the vaccine? I'm asking because I haven't decided if I'm actually sleeping anymore. I mean, my eyes are closed, but I'm basically dreaming all night, every night.

Am I the only one?

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: Caled
When was that posted and what was the "no" in response to?

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
Someone mentioned Astr0 posting here again. I figured I would bring the post over.


We are working hard and fast to gather, recover, and heal as many as we can, and as fast as we can.

Never in all of our experience did we ever think that a neuronal targeting pathogen would be unleashed on mankind.

What has been done, can never, ever be recovered from. Those that sleep, are dying. As to them, so to ours.

POTUS has fallen. The west has fallen. And we learned of a nation preparing to build city ships across Earth's skies and duplicate our efforts.

There is little time, and there are fewer every passing day who can sleep on the calculations.

What has been taken from you is an incalculable loss, truly beyond the scope of most people's understanding. We expected a Space Fleet and a meeting of minds. We found a global genocide in progress.

For those unaware, this guy claims to be a member of a breakaway civilization. The basic premise is that back in the 50s or whenever, someone found a very advanced AI computer device on an archaeological dig that gave them instructions for building star ships. 6 nations I believe it was cooperated on the project and they built, at first, nuclear powered craft and were able to fly off planet and eventually establish another home somewhere out in the cosmos. He claims they plead with world leaders once per decade to release the tech to man kind but leaders always say no.

What he's talking about here with "those who sleep" is that they allegedly have the ability to neural link sleeping brains together to perform complex deep space trajectory calculations. He says those people, along with everyone else, is being killed off.

The story seems pretty outlandish, but this guy made quite a name for himself in regards to top secret aircraft. Things that were verified by "experts" on the matter.

I've long thought that Astr0s peeps and the Q peeps would be connected. If Astr0 is indeed who he says he is, and Q is who he says he is, they undoubtedly know about each other.

Maybe he can pop in this thread. That would be cool.

Looks like it was posted yesterday at 3pm and he didn't quote who he was replying to, but I think he was responding to someone being sarcastic about what he was "up to." Someone said they noticed he had logged onto ATS recently but didn't post. Someone said something snarky and then he popped in and said "no..."

ETA: in Astr0's original story (long before Q), he said that the advanced AI they discovered was named "ALICE", btw. Just an interesting coincidence.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: Caled

In the original series of comments, Astr0 stated that people asleep all over the globe were 'harnessed' to perform calculations necessary for interstellar 'flight'. So, yeah, 'normal' sleepers.

My own sleep is ragged anymore, but I attribute that to a medicine I take.


posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: loveguy

I'm not convinced they're Haitians. Just not feasible in terms of logistics.

That is a question that needs to be answered.
Just how the hell DID 15,000 Haitians get from an island in the Caribbean to Mexico? Did they take a trash barge to get there? Because they seem to have brought a lot of litter with them.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Nice recap for those unaware of astr0.

What intrigued me most was how his posting history evolved.

Where is that post taken from?

That thread and the ones that followed is what ATS used to be about.

Its kinda ruined these days with non stop political madness.

How you guys stay the course is beyond me. Maybe because im mostly free even tho um unvaxxed. Little to no push from anyone running things where i live, and my employer doesnt give a ##.

Glad im still seeing this thread being active. Been part of my daily routine longer then ive been in a relationship.

Anyway that astro post peaked my curiosity. Back to lurking.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: samuelsson
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Nice recap for those unaware of astr0.

What intrigued me most was how his posting history evolved.

Where is that post taken from?

That thread and the ones that followed is what ATS used to be about.

Its kinda ruined these days with non stop political madness.

How you guys stay the course is beyond me. Maybe because im mostly free even tho um unvaxxed. Little to no push from anyone running things where i live, and my employer doesnt give a ##.

Glad im still seeing this thread being active. Been part of my daily routine longer then ive been in a relationship.

Anyway that astro post peaked my curiosity. Back to lurking.



I sometines thought craanky's mentions of alice was a hint to astro instead of alice in wonderland or hrc.

Been long since i posteed. I replied instead of editing. Sorry for the mess

edit on 21-9-2021 by samuelsson because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: Caled
A few thoughts and questions for Astr0...

"Never in all of our experience did we ever think that a neuronal targeting pathogen would be unleashed on mankind."

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: Caled
When was that posted and what was the "no" in response to?

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
Someone mentioned Astr0 posting here again. I figured I would bring the post over.


We are working hard and fast to gather, recover, and heal as many as we can, and as fast as we can.

Never in all of our experience did we ever think that a neuronal targeting pathogen would be unleashed on mankind.

What has been done, can never, ever be recovered from. Those that sleep, are dying. As to them, so to ours.

POTUS has fallen. The west has fallen. And we learned of a nation preparing to build city ships across Earth's skies and duplicate our efforts.

There is little time, and there are fewer every passing day who can sleep on the calculations.

What has been taken from you is an incalculable loss, truly beyond the scope of most people's understanding. We expected a Space Fleet and a meeting of minds. We found a global genocide in progress.

For those unaware, this guy claims to be a member of a breakaway civilization. The basic premise is that back in the 50s or whenever, someone found a very advanced AI computer device on an archaeological dig that gave them instructions for building star ships. 6 nations I believe it was cooperated on the project and they built, at first, nuclear powered craft and were able to fly off planet and eventually establish another home somewhere out in the cosmos. He claims they plead with world leaders once per decade to release the tech to man kind but leaders always say no.

What he's talking about here with "those who sleep" is that they allegedly have the ability to neural link sleeping brains together to perform complex deep space trajectory calculations. He says those people, along with everyone else, is being killed off.

The story seems pretty outlandish, but this guy made quite a name for himself in regards to top secret aircraft. Things that were verified by "experts" on the matter.

I've long thought that Astr0s peeps and the Q peeps would be connected. If Astr0 is indeed who he says he is, and Q is who he says he is, they undoubtedly know about each other.

Maybe he can pop in this thread. That would be cool.

Looks like it was posted yesterday at 3pm and he didn't quote who he was replying to, but I think he was responding to someone being sarcastic about what he was "up to." Someone said they noticed he had logged onto ATS recently but didn't post. Someone said something snarky and then he popped in and said "no..."

ETA: in Astr0's original story (long before Q), he said that the advanced AI they discovered was named "ALICE", btw. Just an interesting coincidence.

Regarding that statement, over the past few years there has been cryptic theories written about that subject on the mysterious ForgottenLanguages website.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:42 AM
Good Morning All...

OK, C’mon now, this is too weird concerning this missing, probably dead girl Gabby, may she Fly with the Angels..

So, this morning I happen to notice a picture of Gabby standing in front of a black and white checkered wall, with a Monarch Butterfly, huh ? It was on a clip with a montage of pics of Gabby. Well, I decided to try and find that pic and couldn’t, but I found this timeline and that was last pic taken before she disappeared ! We all know what this symbolism means, could this be truly just a coincidence ? What is the message and to who if not ?

This article shows Gabby’s last pic taken on either Aug. 25th or 26th.

Found article with actual pics of Gabby in front of wall
edit on 21-9-2021 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: loveguy

I'm not convinced they're Haitians. Just not feasible in terms of logistics.

That is a question that needs to be answered.
Just how the hell DID 15,000 Haitians get from an island in the Caribbean to Mexico? Did they take a trash barge to get there? Because they seem to have brought a lot of litter with them.

There were a few reports in TX media that they are Haitians, but had been living in Central and South America for around ten years. They decided to make a break for the border due to the current Administration's lax views on immigration. Those reports, which were not widely picked up by MSM for some strange reason, faded quickly.
edit on 21-9-2021 by kreinhard because: (no reason given)

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