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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 09:23 PM
Are you guys watching these stories?

They shut down the whole Homestead Air Reserve Base and are telling people an explosive device “rolled where it shouldn’t be”? Whoopsie? They are telling people in the area to stay in their homes.

And Australia government got owned by ransomware. Sorry no sauce; Tweet was deleted. But it was a legit source.

BTW; eventually somebody is going to notice that the CIA and Navy wanted to release some of the JFK files, but they asked Australia and Australia didn’t want the files released. I’m glad Australia is more important than the American people. Oh, and how Australia said the phone tip about the JFK assassination was a crank call. We let them deal with it. Oh, another whoopsie.

But what is most interesting about the releases on the JFK assassination was the lack of information from the Navy. You know. Our buddies that are buddies with the CIA and Australia in their special locations in Aussie land. Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine; they fall under the Navy. That’s why the Navy chimed in on the declassification. So where are their files?

Also in the newly declassified files is a removed redaction identifying a CIA base in Frankfurt. You know…Scytl. Election data raid? “No CIA base here” Frankfurt.
edit on 12/15/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 09:42 PM
Maybe Stepford Biden was an abductee...

Professor Nolan was contacted by representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency and other American structures, and asked to participate in the study of biological samples of pilots who had a chance to deal with UFOs.

Havana syndrome caused by aliens! We are doomed!! Tin foil hat on tight, mind you.

Same story but with more details from Vice with the Nolan interview. Very interesting topics of discussion. Many key terms mentioned Havana Syndrome, and possible correlation to those who claim to hear a vibrational hum.

How does the impact of electromagnetic frequencies factor into your hypotheses about what exactly transpired here?

With one of the patients, it happened on the Skinwalker Ranch. Given how deep into their brain the damage went, we can actually estimate the amount of energy required in the electromagnetic wave someone aimed at them. We don't think that has anything to do with UAPs. We think that that's some sort of a state actor and again related to Havana syndrome somehow.

You've also analyzed inanimate materials like alleged UAP fragments...
You've probably heard of Jacques Vallée, Kit Green, Eric Davis and Colm Kelleher. All roads lead to them when it comes to UAP. I basically became friends with that whole group; they call it The Invisible College. When they found out some of the instruments that I had developed, using mass spectrometry, they asked if I could analyze UAP material, and tell them something about it. That led to the development of a roadmap of how to analyze these things.


The synchronicity of the SQUIDs should not be overlooked. Dr. Louis N. Ridenour and his close associate Dudley Allen Buck were the pioneers of such technology to make computer components super small. Now, consider microwave beam technology reduced to a portable device that may be causing the Havana Syndrome or AHI.

The cryotron was a great breakthrough in the size of electronic computer elements. In the next decade, cryotron research at other laboratories resulted in the invention of the Crowe Cell at IBM, the Josephson Junction, and the SQUID.

SQUID = Superconducting Quantum Interference Device, is a very sensitive magnetometer.

Much more to the story over the decades, leading us to...

posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 09:45 PM
Srsly, why does Brandon need a fighter cap everyplace he goes?

posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Haven't you heard?

Joe thinks 'right wing extremists' are out to get him.

Something, something, F-16's and nuclear weapons ring a bell?

Or 9/11?

I don't actually have ANY issue with presidential fighter caps, and suspect there are more up there than you know.

Maybe a funny fighter jock will someday be seen with call sign of Brandon-46?

edit on 15-12-2021 by Ghostsdogood because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 10:00 PM
Source Shows Video and Texts of CNN Producer Fantasizing About Sex Acts with Fiancé’s Young Daughter

posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: Ghostsdogood

posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox


posted on Dec, 15 2021 @ 11:03 PM
More red pills


posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

I ALREADY reused one of your images, thank you Pillar!

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Kinda like... Turkish coup d'état attempt

A helicopter belonging to the pro-coup forces was shot down by a Turkish military F-16 fighter jet.[110][121] There were also reports of pro-state jets flying over Ankara to "neutralize" helicopters used by those behind the coup.[110]

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

Interesting value add RockQueen!

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: Ghostsdogood

Not really mine, and you're welcome.

Also - Virginia Hospital Allows Ivermectin

Virginia Hospital Allows Ivermectin For C-19 Infected Patients After Court Finds Them In Contempt! The Hospital Faces $10K Per Day Fine!
edit on 16-12-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 03:35 AM
Time to "circle back"... I missed this on Dec 14th:

Chuck Grassley tweet, at 01:16:18 on 14th UTC = 20:16:18 EST on 13th:

Now is time to start celebrating the birth of Christ so say Merry CHRISTmas proudly. Hopefully this picture will put u in the spirit Merry Christmas to all

1) Note the only thing in FOCUS is the RED4 santa's hats... ref #4414

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 866b8a No.9473673 📁
Jun 4 2020 18:49:59 (EST)
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1

2) CAPS only gematria = NCMCHRISTHMC = 131, 786, 404 (simple, english, jewish)
a) Equivalents:
Pope Francis
Papa Francisco
Prince Charles
Ripple Moon
It is finished
Graphene Oxide

b) Links to posts:

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: ln25Q56n No.148871375 📁
Nov 10 2017 15:55:14 (EST)
POTUS NAT SEC E briefing 3:02am.
Please stand by.



Q !UW.yye1fxo No.101 📁
Feb 18 2018 16:07:46 (EST)
"Never gotten over the fact that Obama was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation!"
Re_read crumbs.
What is the reason this is being brought back up?
There is a purpose for every tweet and crumb dropped.
Follow the money.
Future proves past.
The Great Awakening.



Anonymous ID: ac1ea3 No.139792 📁
Dec 21 2017 11:54:58 (EST)
Pass entered incorrectly first time.

Bolded timestamp gives 12/21/21

3) Tweet timestamp is 01:16:18 UTC, or 20:16:18 EST and points to posts:

Anonymous ID: KKIreCTB No.148286961 📁
Nov 6 2017 16:48:58 (EST)
Crumb dump incoming fast.
Archive immediately.
Upload to graphic.

Bolded timestamp and post number both indicate crumb dump = 11.6 Marker


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3831d8 No.1940595 📁
Jun 28 2018 11:17:39 (EST)

Anonymous ID: e466e6 No.1940568 📁
Jun 28 2018 11:15:28 (EST)
THis hearing is incredibly painful to sit thru and extremely frustrating. Nothing about this hearing will change the minds of those still asleep. When will something be revealed to wake up more sleepers?

Focus on House floor vote (now).

Were there any important house votes on 13th or 14th?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bd6786 No.2805260 📁
Aug 30 2018 17:48:47 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bd6786 No.2805214 📁
Aug 30 2018 17:47:21 (EST)



Note that Z8301 = 26/12 = Boxing Day = HAPPY SUNDAY from post above.

edit on 16-12-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 06:40 AM
Real Raw News has 4 pages up of George W Bush military tribunal, which was ongoing this week:

Day 1 = Dec 8th

...JAG and the OMC had comprehensively vetted the panel for impartiality, a fair trial. He quipped, however, that of the 250 officers JAG had interviewed, only 3 showed no bias or animus toward the former president.
He said JAG’s evidence would demonstratively prove that George W. Bush, while serving as the 43rd President of the United States, knowingly committed multiple acts of treason on the nation and its people, and that those transgressions, which included war crimes and conspiring with hostile foreign governments, contributed to the deaths of 8,793 soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“...Bush profited massively from his illegal wars,” ... “and that is partly why we are seeking 1 count of murder for every life lost during those wars. "
“We’ve been led to believe 2,997 died when the towers fell." ... The genuine number is between 6,950-7,000, ... on Friday, you’ll see how we arrived at that number. You’ll hear an audio recording of Bush, in his own voice and words, discussing with his senior staff reasons for obscuring the truth,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

Day 2: Dec 10th

The first ... evidence was a microcassette with three distinct voices: George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld’s.
Bush: “If we’re doing this, we have to go all in, you know. And after it’s done, we’ll need a damn good excuse to sell Congress, and our hands, they’ll have to be squeaky clean.”
Cheney: “They’ll be no ties to us. And our hands—well, they’ll be bathed in bleach.”
Bush: “How much is this gonna cost?”
Cheney: “Who cares? It’s not our money (Cheney laughs) and we get richer at taxpayer expense. I can set everything up, but I need your ok on it.”
Rumsfeld: “If we want this for September, we don’t have a lot of preparation time, maybe 3 months.”
Cheney: “Don, the government works efficiently when we need it to. We do this, and a lot of information we don’t want made public goes away forever. We blame Bin Laden—I don’t think we need him anymore—and after the dust settles in New York and Washington, we bomb the # out of Kabul. No one cares if we destroy some ancient stone buildings and thatch huts. And you get to show off shiny new weapons.”
Bush: “And the world will buy it? They’ll believe some poorly funded Jihadists managed to pull off the most sophisticated and deadly terror attack in history, and on American soil? I’m all for killing the f*ckers, Dick, but they’ll believe this?”
"Could you tell us, please, where you obtained this tape?”

“I can: Rumsfeld made it. All I can say is it was discovered among his personal possessions after he suicided himself at his tribunal,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.
Aufhauser asked why ... Cheney wasn’t sitting beside Bush as a co-defendant.

“...he fled the country the same night George was arrested. ...” Rear Adm. Crandall ... played the tape.

Bush: “What kind of casualties are we looking at on the Homefront?”
Cheney: “So, a few thousand, maybe more.”
Bush: “Oh, that’s not so bad.”
Rumsfeld: “Every battle has collateral damage. We must accept ours.”
Bush: “As long as we’re not getting f*cking blamed for it.”
Cheney: “Like I said, that won’t happen.”

Day 3, Dec 13th - Part 1

...Crandall opened ... by reading a handwritten note Dick Cheney had given to George W. Bush in June 2001. Penmanship analysis experts, he told the panel, had verified the text and signature as Cheney’s.

“Per our Tuesday talk, have reached out to contacts. They’re on board if the price is right. They want a lot of money. It’s trivial compared to what we stand to make in the long run. Half up front, half when done. We should meet for lunch soon in New York or Washington,” Rear Adm. Crandall read.
“Your client isn’t adept at destroying evidence,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “This was found among other evidence seized at his Crawford ranch. Look, this commission freely admits that Cheney did all the planning for 9/11. Bush sure doesn’t have the brains to do it. Until we catch Cheney, and we will catch him, we won’t know everything. But Bush had final authority, and he abused his authority to wage war on this country and the world.

He resumed the tape:

Cheney: “The less you know right now, the better. Plausible deniability. You just have to trust I know what I’m doing, George.”
Rumsfeld: “Has to be multi-pronged here. I don’t want to be the one to explain why $2.3t is missing, or where it went.”
Cheney: “None of us will have to explain anything.”
Bush: “What if your overseas friends f*ck this up, Dick? In any plan a million #ing things can go wrong. We don’t want to get bitten on the ass if this goes south.”
Cheney: “Trust me, I’ll have planned for every contingency. If there’s a mishap, we can use a little friendly fire to finish the job, and cover that up. It’d be no different from what Clinton did in ’96.”
Although Cheney didn’t expand on what happened in 1996, Real Raw News believes he was referring to the downing of Flight TWA 800 in July of that year.
Bush: “Get it right, Dick, get it right.”

Day 3 - Part 2

Donald Evans was an unassuming figure in ... Bush’s corrupt administration. A longtime friend of “double-yew,” ... the Texas-born energy mogul ... While serving as the 34th Secretary of Commerce Evans kept to the shadows... Barely visible to begin with, he faded into total obscurity until surfacing as a witness for the prosecution Monday afternoon at Bush’s military tribunal.
Evans’ testimony.

“I was in my office, as usual, Monday morning—that was September 10, 2001. At about 10 or 11 that morning, I can’t recall the exact time, Bush called my office phone. He said he had something to tell me. His voice, it sounded shaky—I don’t know how else to describe it. Nervous maybe. See, at the time I had family and friends working in the towers. Out of nowhere, he tells me I should tell them to not go in that day. In fact, he told me they should avoid the city,” Evans said.

“The defendant, George W. Bush, told you this? And you’re certain it was his voice on the phone?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked.
“I’ve known the man for 50 years. I’m sure I know his voice,” Evans replied.
“And did he share with you why your friends or family should avoid the towers, and Manhattan, that Tuesday, September 11?” Rear Adm. Crandall said.
“He only said might happen, and that if it did, I was never to speak of it or the warning he gave me. He said it in a non-threatening but intimidating way, and you’d have to really know him to grasp what I mean,” Evans said.
“Did you take his advice? Did you warn them?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked.
“I did not, because I didn’t want to believe he could be serious. If I had, they’d still be alive today,” Evans said.
“And you were so fearful of Bush’s wrath that you never once in 20 years mentioned his warning to anyone?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked.
“That’s untrue. I sent a letter to the Chairman of the 9/11 Commission ... He chose... to omit it from the final report,”

edit on 16-12-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire

More red pills

Everytime you see the "Big Blue Marble" - realize the picture/representation is a fabrication of NASA - Mr. Blue Marble

curious with 5g rolling out in 20 days

Airli ne industry study warns of massive impacts if FAA’s 5G directive takes effect

The FAA’s order, known as an airworthiness directive, is based on a study conducted last year that found that a new spectrum of 5G that will soon be used by AT&T and Verizon is interfering with a type of altimeter on aircraft known as a radio (or radar) altimeter.

Pilots use radio altimeters from the ground up to a few thousand feet. The instrument is crucially important during periods of low visibility at airports, when pilots use height data derived from the radio altimeter to determine if it is safe to continue a low-visibility approach. Airplanes can also land themselves — known as an autoland — which also requires functioning radio altimeter data.

The FAA’s airworthiness directive — which would take effect on Jan. 5, when Verizon and AT&T plan to flip the switch on the new spectrum — would require airports to put out a notice to aviators when one of these types of 5G towers is active. That notice would ban low visibility approaches to the airport due to the unreliability of radio altimeter data..........

and this on the vaccine mandate front ....

Labor Secretary backs away from enforcing covid jab mandate for truckers, realizing entire supply chain will collapse if truckers aren’t allowed to work - 12-15-2021

edit on 12162021 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 07:45 AM
That’s the craziest thing I’ve seen in a while. Here is the official source from nasa’s website:

originally posted by: PillarOfFire

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: Blueracer

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: Blueracer

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
The video was touted on telegram as containing new proofs, so thanks for the feedback.

However, interesting that the link now brings up this:


Why would that happen if it was an already published video from 5 years ago?

I didn't watch it but ask did you? Maybe it was a new video with an old video wrapper for the first 20 seconds - but if you watched it we might rule that out?

The link works fine for me. Are you aware that Joe Arpaio is dead? He is not going to be releasing anything new. It is an old video. Not "new video with an old video wrapper for the first 20 seconds".

Joe is not dead.

You are correct. I was wrong about him being dead.

I still think there’s no new info. Old video.

Thank you. That was my whole point to begin with.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: PillarOfFire
Hi Pillar. Is the Jesus Meme a reference to the bible being compiled by TPTB to manipulate Christians?

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

There are no rules in War, so, who can say?

No more manipulative than anything else meme'd.

posted on Dec, 16 2021 @ 10:07 AM
My first memes...posted the first one (Fauci's Reign) on twit today. Improvements welcomed.

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