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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 06:04 AM
Mark Meadows says DOJ tried to redact Russiagate materials 'minutes' before Biden sworn in

......."The DOJ or the FBI would consistently push back when he asked for the remaining documents to be declassified," Meadows wrote. "In these final weeks, when the President's request was once again ignored, he demanded that these documents be brought to the White House and I personally went through every page, to make sure that the President's declassification would not inadvertently disclose sources and methods. DOJ had finally allowed key documents to be declassified and yet minutes before Joe Biden would be sworn in, they were trying to redact information they had just provided.".....

There remains an air of mystery about the documents covered by Trump's eleventh-hour declassification memo — only a smattering appears to have been revealed in scattered media reporting .......

"I hereby declassify the remaining materials in the binder. This is my final determination under the declassification review and I have directed the Attorney General to implement the redactions proposed in the FBI’s January 17 submission and return to the White House an appropriately redacted copy," Trump said...... "I am confident that President Trump's order will provide much needed clarity and remove any excuse for the final Durham report to remain in a classified vault," ...

edit on 12102021 by MetalThunder because:

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Well, that's Julian Assange on his way over to the US.
Ruling has just been overturned. 10.30am GMT


I would NOT want to be on the aircraft that is transporting him across the ocean.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
how do u?
Trying to find proof from Rogan post but work calls

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Well, that's Julian Assange on his way over to the US.
Ruling has just been overturned. 10.30am GMT


So, he exposed Bush and Obama. I see a problem coming here based on our gov being controlled by foreign infiltrators. I pray the white hats have him now. He deserves to be free. Even if they think he can be found guilty, his time in confinement as been too high for the telling of the truth about these evil elite controlling the world governments of practically each nation. We all see odd things happen to leaders or civilians who have hit a nerve when they went against the CV narrative in several nations.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

If he is already in America, as rumoured, then the UK courts had no choice but to reverse the judgement... what are they going to do? Keep dragging out an actor or CGI? Then how silly do they look when the real Assange is on a press conference in the US?

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I think he is/was in Brit custody. If they had already handed him over but claimed to still have him, their credibility would be shot if/when he popped up over in the USA.

He just got approval to get married in prison. I’d imagine his fiancé has been visiting him. I wonder if they officially performed the ceremony prior to his return to the USA?

I wonder, if not, this delays that marriage? Does she have info that currently isn’t protected by spousal privilege?

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Posted: "Q Fails. "
Did you really?

Guess this, like most everything here, is a matter of opinion.

You are free to keep telling yourself whatever it takes to keep up your morale. In the end you will be either right or wrong.

I have the luxury of not caring about the outcome so I don't have to kid myself to keep a sense of hope alive.

There is no logical reason for Q or anyone on the white hat side to make public their moves. Certainly it is naive to think the black hats use the Q drops or Qanon decodes as a primary source of intel. The ones hunting "snipe" are the Qanons who think what they dig up wasn't already known to both parties which may or may not be at war behind the scenes.
edit on 10-12-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Well, that's Julian Assange on his way over to the US.
Ruling has just been overturned. 10.30am GMT


I would NOT want to be on the aircraft that is transporting him across the ocean.

Or even anywhere near it on the ground.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Q = hope?

That’s funny.

I’m living a great life. I drive my own hope. Q is an additional source of info and perspective.

There is no win/lose or right/wrong with Q.

That’s what makes the anti-Q crowd so funny. They spend so much energy and time opposed to the idea/concept/reality that they actually are as immersed in it as much as those of us who participate (at whatever level).

Hope? That’s not a strategy.

Strategy? Long term 401k and other investments. Strong family & friends. Situational awareness in personal and financial security. Immune to the impact of others including government.

Will the black hats get held accountable? Probably not Tier I bandits but Tier II & III are taking their lumps. Either out of government or politics or even media. Their power and span of control eliminated.

Then there’s the ultimate endings. No Name, Ginsburg, and soon: Clintons’, Pelosi, Nadler, Soros… the sand is almost out of their hourglass.

Hope…. I hope the avocados are ripe when I go to the market. That’s about the extent “hope” comes into play. You either drive your existence or it drives you. That was the case before Q and after.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 09:32 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

There is no win/lose or right/wrong with Q.

That depends if you believe falling for a LARP is a total fail, Q was an astro-turfed meme on 4chan/pol/ by a Discord group re-cycling the general speculations at the time, their threads were generally deleted for being fake and gay so they relocated to 8chan were the owner Jim Watkins doxxed/blackmailed/bribed them and took control of the LARP in late 2017 in order to draw traffic to his otherwise unprofitable site.

Jim Watkins as plunderer of 2chan, part time pornographer and pig farmer of the Philipines is unlikely to be a basis for Earth shattering revelations or insider knowledge, unlikely to be generator of fiendishly complex codes or to be able to literally see the matrix, he does have an interest in pens though and particulalry liked then President Trump's.

It's always been the case that Q conspiracy research was /pol/ lite the retarded memes and LARP version for those who felt more safe and secure in avoiding the issues of the actual were they would just be considered Qtards, a version that could still be manipulated by mainstream Republicanism and Zionism and there are any number of shill teams trying to maintain that status quo notably the top trending on Bitchute, the entire point being to re-direct the concerned and curious back into the Globalist two party system preventing any genuine revolutionary thought and ideals, thus these threads are intended to be utterly pointless and lead to no genuine change.

If you don't think that's wrong then i suppose just carry on...

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:30 AM
Time for a little pep in that Step

Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia - 2015

The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship........

....Others think the leaders of the KM are the bloodline of Cain, that is, “children of Cain”, that are the Devil’s own and have absolutely no soul or human conscience, but are pure predators like a wild beast — while at the same time being incredibly two-faced, that is able to put on a good con and a nice face on the outside.

Perhaps it could be both factors. In any case, it is time to expose this evil, the greatest evil the world has ever experienced.

It is time for the world to work together to eradicate this problem now and forever, by whatever means necessary.

Needed for coming page

edit on 12102021 by MetalThunder because: you'll see lol

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: Madrusa

That depends if you believe falling for a LARP is a total fail, Q was an astro-turfed meme on 4chan/pol/ by a Discord group re-cycling the general speculations at the time, their threads were generally deleted for being fake and gay so they relocated to 8chan were the owner Jim Watkins doxxed/blackmailed/bribed them and took control of the LARP in late 2017 in order to draw traffic to his otherwise unprofitable site.

I love how you say this as if you know it to be a fact. Meanwhile, nobody in the world knows who Q really is. The lone source for people claiming it was the Watkins' is an HBO documentary maker, yet the entire IC couldn't figure out who Q was definitively. Thousands of negative hitpieces from the media and they couldn't figure out who it was either.

Thankfully we have internet user Madrusa to set it straight for us once and for all. 😂

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: angelchemuel

Imagine the Pope being arrested along with many Prelates and Bishops.

Imagine the Church's involvement in MK Ultra is made public.

Imagine the revelation when the faithful suddenly understand that the Elite in the Church are Satan Worshiping a/hats.

That is all highly likely.

Catholics will still believe in Jesus, remember, the Pope is not the Church, only a rotten figurehead.


If the Pope and the church elite are proven not just corrupt but evil, all their teachings become suspect.

How long ago did this start? Men have tried to control religion for selfish agendas going at least back to the crucifixion. Even before that, if you consider religions other than Christianity.

Does the Bible itself and what has been excluded from it need to be reconsidered?

Catholicism, and perhaps all of Christianity, would have to undergo a fundamental reformation to identify and embody the true, original teachings of Jesus. That would be difficult and controversial.

The Catholic Church as an institution built over history would never be the same. “Belief” would never be the same, as folks come to understand that unreliable men have placed themselves as interpreters between God and the people.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Well, that's Julian Assange on his way over to the US.
Ruling has just been overturned. 10.30am GMT

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

I don't think blaming a mythical character in the Bible helps much or a Cannanite Deity or the long gone Babylonians because they no longer exist and this is simply a pretext to trust in Abrahamic Religions which any Khazarian Mafia can more reliably be said to belong to.

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
I love how you say this as if you know it to be a fact.

Meanwhile a bunch of people here act like they know for a fact that Q was a WH insider and head of PR for the rebellion.

the entire IC couldn't figure out who Q was definitively

Maybe they did and realized it was a nothing burger or it could have been them all along.

edit on 10-12-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:53 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

PM for angelchemuel 📧


posted on Dec, 10 2021 @ 10:57 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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