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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: brewtiger
Love this post. It lifted me up and we need more lifting! Universal Law
and tear those walls down while forbidding that the walls ever be constructed again.
The only walls we need are the ones that should be on the countries borders!

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
And was out on bail last night as well from what I understand! The dumbarses just keep poking the bear!

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
I agree. Trumps time was spent fighting back against bullshift lies consistently during his 4 years. What I wished he would have done was ignored some of it and let the continue letting them hang themselves. He had the support behind him and none of us believed their crap. I feel as though if he'd ignored them and cleared more of the swampy laws out, it would have left us with a much easier path to follow. I realize that we believe in this thread, that the military was the only way and whether Ku is a white hat operation or a black hat operation this still rings true. I am saying that because he did not ignore their crap and plow though like it what is happening right now, it leads me to believe that he did not know he was going to lose the 2020 election and that maybe Trump is more of a catalyst being used to unite us and lead us down a path the he is being lead down. I hope I am making sense! Caled posted a couple of days ago a theory that Ku is Jesus. I think that is entirely possible but we are all being led, including the Trumps.....

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: Caled
I'd like to see an update on her current health related issues. It look like she was pulling a stunt to me so I'd like to know what the conclusion of her examination showed. I'll try to get some info. You are right though she did remind me of that other person you mentioned.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 05:48 PM
Well, this is a wild story...

How Richard Kofoed, a serial entrepreneur from California, declared bankruptcy, then donated more than $800,000 to the GOP and moved into Mar-a-Lago’s backyard.

Richard Kofoed's 2020:

✅Jan—Files for bankruptcy

✅July—Begins donating what ends up totaling $830,000 to GOP

✅Oct—Business associate alleges he embezzled funds that went to GOP (he denies)

✅Dec—Celebrates Christmas at White House. And Mar-a-Lago.

Even though Kofoed’s full story—complete with the bankruptcy filing, lawsuit and new address—has never been told, Kofoed’s proximity to the first family has earned him a few passing mentions in media reports. Last month, ProPublica noted that Kofoed chartered a plane that shepherded Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is dating Donald Trump Jr., to Florida after she spoke at the Jan. 6 rally to overturn the election results. The Daily Mail reported that the Kofoeds attended a fundraiser for Noem in September 2021, where they allegedly witnessed former Trump campaign boss Corey Lewandowski harass a fellow donor (an attorney for Lewandowski dismissed the allegations as “rumors,” according to the Daily Mail).

Trump Donor Allegedly Used Embezzled Money To Support The Former President’s Campaign And Lead A Lavish Lifestyle

It was reported in September 2021 that he had made sexual advances toward a major Trump donor, a Trump spokesman said Lewandowski "will no longer be associated with Trump World."

The donor's daughter, Cassidy (center) was also part of Trump World. She was involved in planning the bogus insu rrection rally. Serial entrepreneur's & party of grifters.

1717 Pennsylvania Ave:
Trump transition office address
Lewandowski's Avenue Strategies
Same Address as
Patriot Strategies,LLC - in 2015 awarded 2 Cyber Security contracts via PENCE's Ind. Nat'l Guard.

Revolving door to the Oval Office...💰💰💰

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 06:08 PM
Some might remember I said about a year ago, or maybe a week ago, that the "Third" UK lockdown would bring about the beginning of the end - the unraveling.

(For some reason I get the feeling he doesn't know the "jumped the shark" origins).

What is interesting to speculate on is this.
If the Antarctic meeting was a new financial system finalization, what would it mean for the Draco Rona Control effort as a whole?
Could it be to be included within the new system that the gov/corporations must end CoviDraco?
Could it be places will be wholly on their own if they do not bend a knee to release the restrictions? ie, broke.
Was the meeting a mix of BH and WH, or was it WH with BH taking orders and/or bringing their people to the table?

What complicates matters for me is the choice point long past. The adherence to fear as the legal guardian of soul's actions is wholly incompatible with personal or planetary liberation. The two cannot exist on the same plane - not even a little, as the fearful will continue to fear liberation and quite literally kill those who favor it.

I also cannot grasp the ticking time bomb that is the Graphene/5G bioweapon and how it can be defused. Can a collective so addicted to fear transcend the control concoction for fear of manifesting it - two wrongs can't make it right here.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

What Putin really told Biden

So Russian President Vladimir Putin, all by himself, and US President Joe Biden, surrounded by aides, finally had their secret video link conference for two hours and two minutes – with translators placed in different rooms.

That was their first serious exchange since they met in person in Geneva last June – the first Russia-US summit since 2018.

For global public opinion, led to believe a “war” in Ukraine was all but imminent, what’s left is essentially a torrent of spin.

So let’s start with a simple exercise focusing on the key issue of the video link – Ukraine -, contrasting the White House and Kremlin versions of what happened.

Minsk or bust

Now for what really matters: the red line.

What Putin diplomatically told Team Biden, sitting at their table, is that Russia’s red line – no Ukraine on NATO – is unmovable. The same applies to Ukraine turned into a hub of the Pentagon’s Empire of Bases, and hosting NATO weaponry.

The root cause of all this drama, absent from any NATOstan narrative, is straightforward: Kiev simply refuses to respect the February 2015 Minsk Agreement.

There will be no NATO war on Russia – as Martyanov himself has extensively demonstrated NATO wouldn’t last five minutes against Russian hypersonic weapons. And Moscow will be focused on what really matters, geoeconomically and geopolitically: solidifying the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) and the Greater Eurasia Partnership.

More on the Panopticon circus from not the western media larps...

Andrei Martyanov reacts to Senator Roger Wicker idea to bomb Russia. With nukes

Reminds me of Sen Barry 'Nukem' Goldwater which LBJ used his nuke rhetoric against him in an Ad and won the election...80 sec Ad...

All fun & games as the rhetoric heats up until it is not.💣

edit on 9-12-2021 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 06:49 PM
Rosiememos has a priceless epic twitter rant going on the Jussie verdict. Irony overload.... very funny.

Oddy, twitter has these two trending together (no idea who Duggar is - don't care)

Q Jussie

Is this still a mean tweet?

Is this now a mean tweet?

Virtual Signaling, faux outrage is some funny stuff. The problem is the expected shelf life is hours, when it comes back like this worlds collide. It would be a comedian's paradise, but alas, they were all canceled by virtue signaling. Evidence remains of humor...

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Do you expect for people NOT to do analysis and decodes?

Ok, let's wrap it up people, daskakik has some doubts.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 07:38 PM
Jussie will be a big hit on Cell Block H.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Oh boy

China Vows To Open Fire on US Troops That Come to Taiwan’s Aid

.....Sullivan on Tuesday said in response to questions from reporters that the United States is out to ensure a forceful Chinese takeover of Taiwan "never happens." The Global Times in its editorial responded directly, saying China will not back down from its reunification effort.

"Mr. Sullivan, please be advised to sort out your mind carefully and think about what bargaining chips you do have in your hands to intimidate the Chinese mainland which is determined to achieve national reunification and has various strategic tools to resist blackmail," the paper wrote. "You will find your hands empty. Therefore, don't have a big mouth, Mr. Sullivan, otherwise you will only create more embarrassment for your country."

*Insert Doc Holiday "Say When" gif*

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 07:47 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Do you expect for people NOT to do analysis and decodes?

Ok, let's wrap it up people, daskakik has some doubts.

People are gonna do what they want.

I'm just saying that to me, and probably some of the people that have jumped ship, this is going nowhere no matter what you believe the analyzing and decoding is giving you.

Time will tell, they told me years ago. At what point do you accept that time has told you?

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Do you expect for people NOT to do analysis and decodes?

Ok, let's wrap it up people, daskakik has some doubts.

People are gonna do what they want.

I'm just saying that to me, and probably some of the people that have jumped ship, this is going nowhere no matter what you believe the analyzing and decoding is giving you.

Time will tell, they told me years ago. At what point do you accept that time has told you?

This back and forth has gone on for days. But let’s evaluate…you assess that people can’t accept things, yet somehow your plead to everyone in here is suddenly gonna change their minds?
I mean I’ve had a bad day or two and vented in here like “nothing is happening” but I was able to find support in my fellow poster. I’ve also read a post or two and facepalmed like “really?”

Yet I am not out here on a week long tangent saying people should just stop. That’s your prerogative and all, but for what gain? And at what point can we just return to our daily banter

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 08:06 PM
EXCLUSIVE IMF, 10 countries simulate cyberattack on global financial system

JERUSALEM, Dec 9 (Reuters) - Israel on Thursday led a 10-country simulation of a major cyberattack on the global financial system in an attempt to increase cooperation that could help to minimise any potential damage to financial markets and banks.

The simulated "war game", as Israel's Finance Ministry called it and planned over the past year, evolved over 10 days, with sensitive data emerging on the Dark Web. The simulation also used fake news reports that in the scenario caused chaos in global markets and a run on banks.

"Attackers are 10 steps ahead of the defender," Micha Weis, financial cyber manager at Israel's Finance Ministry, told Reuters.

Participants in the initiative, called "Collective Strength", included treasury officials from Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Thailand, as well as representatives from the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and Bank of International Settlements.

"The banks are appealing for emergency liquidity assistance in a multitude of currencies to put a halt to the chaos as counterparties withdraw their funds and limit access to liquidity, leaving the banks in disarray and ruin," the narrator said.

Shall We Play A Game

10 Days

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
This back and forth has gone on for days.

Years, actually.

But let’s evaluate…you assess that people can’t accept things, yet somehow your plead to everyone in here is suddenly gonna change their minds?

I'm pretty sure it won't.

I mean I’ve had a bad day or two and vented in here like “nothing is happening” but I was able to find support in my fellow poster. I’ve also read a post or two and facepalmed like “really?”

Yet I am not out here on a week long tangent saying people should just stop. That’s your prerogative and all, but for what gain? And at what point can we just return to our daily banter

There is no gain. This is my daily banter.

In the end your daily banter and mine might be similar in that they were both just a waste of time.

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 08:21 PM
Yep, Biden sure got tough with Vlad Putin, al right. Apparently, the Associated Press is reporting (via Gateway Pundit) that Biden agreed to press Ukraine to allow autonomy for the Donetsk & Luhansk provinces, which are currently being controlled by Russia. The White House is denying it, of course.

Pretty much what I expected. They bang the war drums for the camera, but reality they don't care. There is zero change we're going to war with Russia.

edit on 9-12-2021 by AndyFromMichigan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 08:22 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Do you expect for people NOT to do analysis and decodes?

Ok, let's wrap it up people, daskakik has some doubts.

People are gonna do what they want.

I'm just saying that to me, and probably some of the people that have jumped ship, this is going nowhere no matter what you believe the analyzing and decoding is giving you.

Time will tell, they told me years ago. At what point do you accept that time has told you?

This is not the place for instant gratification nor having ones view of how events should unfold to slake a mental need one has.

Leave these here for consideration,

Acts 1:7 He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.

2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day

posted on Dec, 9 2021 @ 08:41 PM
Nothing happening?

- Biden brought insane attention to corrupt elections.
- Deep State went from conspiracy theory to conspiracy reality
- MSM is neutered permanently and branded Fake News
- the progressives won a 2-year power window in which they damaged the Dem credibility and set the table for 2022 & 2024 shift back to GOP.
- The Scamdemic, riots, wokeness, defund police, and socialist policies are all backfiring on Pedo Joe & co.

Q May or may not have been real. The eye opening to the Deep State and applying critical thinking to what the government and media are trying to do… very real.

When, in history, in a pandemic, did something like “Way to go Brandon!” absolutely paralyze the Left? It’s priceless.

ETA: I did not spend much time thinking about things like deep state, media, elite family influences, etc. until Q caught my attention. Now it’s a conversation I have regularly with family, friends, colleagues. It’s real.
edit on 9-12-2021 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

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