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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: PurveyorsOfTruth
I have a (probably weird) idea about some Mr Pool posts from earlier this month. I wasn't sure if I should post because I'm still pretty new to all of this and still learning.

On November 3 he posted "11667". On November 7 he posted "9933". On November 10 he posted "DIVIDE". On November 11 he posted "11".

Now, if you add 11667 and 9933 you get 21600. Divide that by 11 and you get 1963.63636. So, 1963. We all know how what happened in 1963.

Probably nothing. Just grasping at straws, but I thought I'd get your opinions at the very least.

That's how it works.

It is November. JFK killed 11-22, which is coming up. JFK was removed as POTUS, could this be the case for Team Joe? Given Pools recent posts...

22 factors into a bunch of stuff, including moves concerning Financial Reset. 589 = 22.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 12:05 PM
On Mr Pool's countdown over the last couple of days, I've just noticed that some have a white background and some have a black background. Dark to light?

It starts out light, goes to dark, and then light again.
edit on 20-11-2021 by PurveyorsOfTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 12:06 PM
Strange story, published on the eve of the GMax case seems like no coinkydink to me.

Tech billionaire allegedly kept spreadsheet of 5,000 women he had sex with


NWO goons not happy with Vlad's = over target.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: gmx0010110

I've also looked at the possibility that DJT's stance on the vax is a way for him to just walk away from all of this at the end and stop any discussion of him continuing politically. Thus opening up the political realm for other choices whom they wanted all along to lead the way?

I also look at the idea that the shots that DJT took had X ingredients. At some point the Pharma companies switched the ingredients to Z substances and it is a way for Trump to show how nefarious and dishonest they are. If I remember correctly I do not think any ingredients of the shots have been made public but I could be mistaken.

Could the contents of Trumps vaccine be the Trump Card that shows the difference between then and now?
edit on 20-11-2021 by Charliebrowndog because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

A problem with this "game" are people dying from vaccine drugs, while the chess-players determine their next move.

Occasionally, we get a "good death" from the vaccine, however:

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Yeah, that's the problem with my idea,. I have no idea what is going on so I am just spit balling but I am not sure why he has been behind the vaccines.

The other option is does it really matter and all of this is just a big distraction because they know something major is going to happen to earth where a huge death toll is going to happen that cannot be stopped. "The end is not fro everyone"

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

A problem with this "game" are people dying from vaccine drugs, while the chess-players determine their next move.

The silver lining is the problem is taking care of itself.

I hate so many people will die but enough of them are so strait up hostile and nasty to us who refuse the vaccine and try to warn them that my sympathy wains more and more daily.

It feels biblical at this point… thus my rant the other day.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 01:16 PM
Behold, a magical crystal ball, c. AD 300...Discovered in a wealthy female grave at Årslev, Denmark.

In the grave from Årslev lay a small ball of rock crystal with a carved inscription, ABLANAQANALBA. The inscription is a so-called palindrome – a text that can be read both forwards and backwards (around the letter Q). The magical use of letters like this palindrome and repetitions of strings of letters was one of the remedies prescribed by the Roman Emperor Caracalla’s personal physician Serenus. The spell ablana/analba is known from several amulets from the Mediterranean area and is related to the cult of the god Abrasax. The meaning of the text is ‘You are our father’.

A mysterious crystal ball

Reminds me of those polished killer drone balls from Phantasm.

"Cult of the god Abrasax"?

In Marvel comics, the character Abraxas embodies the destruction of the multiverse. (Metaverse?)

In the TV-adaptation of Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" series, the Abraxas Conjecture is the name of the mathematical proof that Gaal Dornick solves using Kalle’s Ninth Proof of Folding.

Carl G. Jung called Abraxas the “truly terrible one” because of his ability to generate truth and falsehood, good and evil, light and darkness with the same word and in the same deed. In Jungian psychology there is no easy way out of psychic conflict; one must not only fight on the side of the angels but occasionally join the host of the Fallen Angels. According to Jung, fear of Abraxas is the beginning of wisdom, and liberation, or gnosis, is achieved by not resisting.

The name denoted the Supreme Being, the source of 365 emanations, the sum of the numbers represented by the Greek letters to which numerical equivalents had been assigned.

The word abracadabra, according to some scholars, is derived from Abraxas. He appears in The Book of the Angel Raziel, a mystical work.
Abraxas (Abrasax, Abraxis)

The meaning of Abraxas in the languages of Greek, Hebrew, Latin and Old Irish/Celtic can be found in the secrets of occult numerology.

The original Gnostic religion of Abraxas has its roots in the ancient Egyptian New Kingdon located at Thebes. It was here where they had proclaimed Jupiter to be the supreme ruler of both the AS ABOVE and SO BELOW, in which they had subscribed to him seven subordinate angels (planets).

Abraxas is the astral serpent on the tree who hands the illumination of both good and evil to Adam and Eve whose eyes are then opened. The very king worm who rules this world, that is both our creator and destroyer. The maker of good and evil rolled into one persona, that being the human population in which Abraxas rules over the world
Gnostic Warrior

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: carewemust

Yeah, that's the problem with my idea,. I have no idea what is going on so I am just spit balling but I am not sure why he has been behind the vaccines.

The other option is does it really matter and all of this is just a big distraction because they know something major is going to happen to earth where a huge death toll is going to happen that cannot be stopped. "The end is not fro everyone"

DJT ordered a "vaccine" and this isn't what he ordered - he also didn't mfg any of it. While the drone class thinks "Genetic Modification Injections" are the same, the CDC changed the definition so they would be "honest." That's the signal, the demon class mislead him so they could royally F him in the A later by saying "DJT's fault, see, your hero screwed you."

Was there a real vaccine for the fake pandemic?

Folks are dying, yes, but everyone had a choice. They simply chose fear over love, and the results of that choice are now showing up. DJT isn't responsible for either the choice, what led to it, or the results anymore then I am.

Fact is, folks simply let the teeeveee decide for them, and get confused when choices lead to unwanted results. I myself, and many here, saw this coming day one, so, in essence, it wasn't hidden, people just didn't bother to look.

At what point do people become responsible for their own choices? Never? Sometimes, but not now? Occasionally, but with reservations? All of the information was available, yes, hard to find, but it was there. Big lesson, biggest and one cannot live in a reality of liberation if they crave a reality ruled by fear. Fear or Love?

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

A little music to go along with your very interesting reading...
You Tube...

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: NightFlight

Oh yea, nice!


Saturday Gematria trivia...
Baphomet & Nanotech have 18 Matching Ciphers.

Add up all the number values (single line) and you get > 3742.

H.R.3742 - Vaccine INFO Act.
Sponsor: Rep. Bilirakis, Gus M. [R-FL-12] (Introduced 06/08/2021)

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 03:22 PM


Bank of England outlines next steps towards a digital currency in 2022

“The plan to publish a consultation next year on CBDC is a crucial step in our policy development ...

"This consultation will begin an open discussion on the role a UK central bank digital currency might play in the UK,” economic secretary to the Treasury, John Glen, added.

"I’d encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion so we can explore the opportunities this could bring, as well as understanding any risks it may pose.”


posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I just want to add:

Abraxas' business model focuses on assets with:

High working interest
Operational & infrastructure control
Low geologic risk
Strong full cycle ROR
Low risk exploitable upside using the company's proven operating expertise
Abraxas focuses primarily on the development of conventional and unconventional resources in its primary operating areas in the Rocky Mountains, South Texas, Powder River Basin and Permian Basin.


Abraxas Youth & Family Services is a nonprofit provider of a diversified array of services to over 6,500 youth, adults and families each year. Abraxas began in Marienville, Pennsylvania in 1973 with only one site and only 30 clients. Now, 48 years later, Abraxas continues to deliver innovative, personalized and collaborative services. We offer treatment, behavioral health services, educational & vocational support, life skills, family counseling, recreation and community engagement. We are strength-based, client-centered, family-oriented and trauma-focused. Abraxas offers alternative education, outpatient counseling, in-home services, shelter, detention, residential treatment and re-entry/transition assistance.

But what's really important to remember:
From: Occult-World

Abraxas (Abrasax, Abraxis) is the gnostic name for the demigod who rules the 365th (highest and final) aeon, or sphere, ascending to the unknowable God. Christian Demonologists put Abraxas in the ranks of Demons.

Abraxas also was the name of a sun mounting an ouroboros (a snake biting its tail) held by the highest Egyptian goddess, Isis, the creator of the Sun and mistress of all the gods. Isis mythology found its way into Gnosticism. In addition, Abraxas was associated with the Mithraic mystery religion of Persian origin, the chief rival of Christianity in Rome in its first 400 years. As did Gnosticism, Mithraism featured a complex astrology and numerology. Numerical values of Mithra’s and Abraxas’ names each total 365.

The Gnostic Abraxas created the material world and also had Demonic qualities. He is the supreme power of being, in whom light and darkness are both united and transcended. Orthodox Christians viewed Abraxas as a Demon. In turn, Abraxas became a favourite deity of heretical sects of the Middle Ages.

Though to be fair my copy of "The Dictionary of Mythology" (ISBN:978-1-84193-424-2) says:
"He is depicted with the head of a cock wearing a crown, serpents for legs and holding a shield and whip."
a second entry says:
"one of the horses of Aurora" (Aurora is the Goddess of the Dawn and can be equated to the Greek Eos or Egyptian Ahi)

So, this as a commonly used symbol, could mean the either people just think it looks cool to use, or that the worship of this Goddess of the Dawn is more prolific then people might suspect.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Yes I know I'm quoting myself here, but I wanted to add a thought without putting to much messaging in my post.

I wonder if one of the reasons for all the confusing uses of names for Daemons is so that the average person can't just talk to them? I mean isn't that the big deal with many cults, knowing the name of the deity that you're suppose to be worshipping, so that it can give you divine guidance?

I noticed that on a "history show" that they would use the names of Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, and Beelzebub interchangeably. Even though they were talking to church officials. In one case a spokes person for the Vatican said that the Devil made Eve eat the apple, then retold the story by saying it was Beelzebub that made her eat and apple. If you look it up Lucifer is said too have talked her into eating it. So in the end it comes across like they don't want people to know the name of who really was talking to humans and getting them to eat stuff. Really weird behavior of Church Authority.


From: MSN? So, I just saw this and thought something weird is up. I mean look at who is talking and what they are saying:

During an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper on Anderson Cooper 360, Gupta was asked if Biden had taken any type of exam to measure his mental state.

"There's been a lot of focus on his cognitive abilities, questions raised by opponents and others, and in 2018 the former president [Donald Trump] had a test that measured mental acuity, was that part of today's test?" Cooper asked Gupta.

"It doesn't seem like it," Gupta replied. "I read pretty carefully through the doctor's report and they mention neurological exam, but that was more in terms of testing motor strength and sensation and things like that."

"As far as we know, for President Biden, we didn't see any kind of test like that performed," Gupta added.

This news comes as a recent Politico poll stated that 48 percent of Americans were reportedly concerned with Biden's cognition. This poll was released days prior to the president's public health report. Trump saw similar statistics with regards to his mental stability in 2018.

The test Cooper was referring to is known as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and was taken by Trump when he was 72 years old amid concerns over his cognitive abilities. Gupta described the assessment as a screening test for dementia.

So, no cognitive test for Joe? I mean we all basically know why, but they couldn't even be bothered to fake the test? I see a possible female President in the very near future. I hope Harris doesn't piss-off Jill before then.
edit on 20-11-2021 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

They mean it is mystifying trying to find a way to get us to believe their BS lies about Covid and their profit making CV19 vax's.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
I was too young to remember much about Reagan (7th grade when he was elected the first time) but I do remember in his second term that my dad, a hardcore Dem. even acknowledged how much he did to help save American farmers, but he remained a Dem. Later, towards the end of his last term my older brother explained how he helped the American farmers. I was the first in the family to register as a Republican and it nearly broke my father's heart but he couldn't see how the Dem, party was changing......especially after Slick Willie sold us out. I figure he probably sees from heaven now and has forgiven me. The truth is......I was the baby and dad's favorite so I did no wrong!....even voting against Dems.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 04:50 PM
That is worth considering. The early jabs are not as much of an issue. I know early double jabbers who are fine and I know people who recently had it and have had issues from headaches to much worse. It feels like Russian Roulette looking at so many Nurses and Doctors coming forward with details from their experiences.

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: gmx0010110

I've also looked at the possibility that DJT's stance on the vax is a way for him to just walk away from all of this at the end and stop any discussion of him continuing politically. Thus opening up the political realm for other choices whom they wanted all along to lead the way?

I also look at the idea that the shots that DJT took had X ingredients. At some point the Pharma companies switched the ingredients to Z substances and it is a way for Trump to show how nefarious and dishonest they are. If I remember correctly I do not think any ingredients of the shots have been made public but I could be mistaken.

Could the contents of Trumps vaccine be the Trump Card that shows the difference between then and now?

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
PM'd again

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

One problem is many of the vaccines expiring because so many were produced and so few consumed fast enough.

I don't think any testing was done to see what an expired covid vaccine would do to a person.

posted on Nov, 20 2021 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I hope we get proof one day that what you said about Donald Trump and the vaccine is true.

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