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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 05:13 PM
Weird-azz double post.
edit on b000000302021-09-18T17:16:19-05:0005America/ChicagoSat, 18 Sep 2021 17:16:19 -0500500000021 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
So I said yesterday this PerkinsCoie thing is big. They seem to be, from all digs, one of the Heads Of The United States Hydra.

Here is an example. Cliff's notes. SEC filed a lawsuit against Ripple using XPR as their platform in Dec 2020 saying it was a security and therefore subject to their jurisdiction. At the center of the case is Hinman, who seems to have given a personal pass to Etherium earlier. The point is not the case or the merits, but look who is involved before it shows up on the world's stage.

Did Durham slay a head with this? Were I a big client I would RUN from PC right now, there is no telling how toxic they are going to be. If they are a Head, then removing them is much bigger then Sussmann.

Wow did Dashen get this started for us? I mean as soon as the new thread started some real fireworks were not far behind.

If this keeps going as it should then this will ripple thru and start domino's falling. Then tangential domino piles will get swept in like those cool domino sets we get to see from time to time.
take one down and pass it around 97 bottles of hopium beer on the wall......

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Dashen's timing twas not coincidental.

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 06:40 PM
Okay Das, i will keep an open mind, the more i sense, see and feel the future the more i comprehend the past, maybe Q head is one of the FamiliesLies or part of the 13 or was way back when.
Imagine as when you went to sleep you could do a conscious catch up , meet up with whomever/s, imo we do this unconsciousely ( sensed i had a good chinwag with RelSufi recently lol and Troy ), Q may be the actual Noosphere, tube and connection micro n macro and or tapped into to garner options by Qteam, one can measure the PSI of the noosphere >

The “noosphere,” according to the understanding of Vladimir Vernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin, denotes the “sphere of human thought.” The word is derived from the Greek word nous, meaning “mind,” and sphaira, meaning “sphere.” In lexical analogy it is related to “atmosphere” and “biosphere.” The noosphere is in the upper atmosphere, located between the radiation belts. By the constructs of Vernadsky and de Chardin, our brains are electromagnetic and can thus affect the electromagnetic fields. Author José Arguelles calls the noosphere a circumpolar Rainbow Bridge surrounding the planet. A new phase change is due at the end of the year 2012 and will take us into the beginning of the Psychozooic Era.

The noosphere is best described as a sort of “collective consciousness” among all human beings. It emerges gradually from the highest interaction of human minds. The noosphere has grown in step with the organization of the human mass in relation to itself as it populates the Earth. As humankind organizes itself in more complex social networks, the higher the noosphere will grow in awareness. This is an extension of Teilhard’s Law of Complexity and Consciousness, the law describing the nature of evolution in the universe. Teilhard de Chardin added that the noosphere is growing towards an even greater integration and unification, culminating in the Omega point, which he saw as the goal of history. The goal of history, then, is an apex of thought and consciousness. Teilhard de Chardin commented that, “The more complex a being is, so our Scale of Complexity tells us, the more it is centered upon itself and therefore the more aware does it become. In other words, the higher the degree of complexity in a living creature, the higher its consciousness; and vice versa. The two properties vary in parallel and simultaneously. If we depict them in diagrammatic form, they are equivalent and interchangeable.”

If it is possible to spiritually unify and coordinate ourselves telepathically all over the planet, we will need a common goal. How can this be done? First,


originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes
Flipping would mean they are not all on the same side, also self destructing makes it sound like they are falling on a sword but in US politics that seems to just be a figure of speech. Take a bad role in the movie but then get a nice paying gig in the private sector. Maybe a book deal or speaking engagements.

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: crankyoldman
So I said yesterday this PerkinsCoie thing is big. They seem to be, from all digs, one of the Heads Of The United States Hydra.

Here is an example. Cliff's notes. SEC filed a lawsuit against Ripple using XPR as their platform in Dec 2020 saying it was a security and therefore subject to their jurisdiction. At the center of the case is Hinman, who seems to have given a personal pass to Etherium earlier. The point is not the case or the merits, but look who is involved before it shows up on the world's stage.

Did Durham slay a head with this? Were I a big client I would RUN from PC right now, there is no telling how toxic they are going to be. If they are a Head, then removing them is much bigger then Sussmann.

Wow did Dashen get this started for us? I mean as soon as the new thread started some real fireworks were not far behind.

If this keeps going as it should then this will ripple thru and start domino's falling. Then tangential domino piles will get swept in like those cool domino sets we get to see from time to time.
take one down and pass it around 97 bottles of hopium beer on the wall......

I'm beginning to think the Attorney referenced here is Sussmann + PC.

Reading the complaint against Sussmann, DNC wants DJT arrested. Can't do it. Has a meeting at PC with "Attorney Client Privilege" and sends Sussmann to the FBI as a concerned citizen. FBI knows what Sussmann means. DNC/HRC/ETC. follow the "rules" of privilege so they have done nothing wrong. The errand boy was just a messenger, detailing how the FBI should coordinate things.

In essence a system was created in which sinister plans were done under privileged communications, leaving attorneys to do the bidding in safety. Remember the "email drafts" process? Criminals staying two steps ahead of the cops.

Hoover's concept was never about Law and Order, never, it was just a thuggery organization created to do this kind of dirty work. Over time two distinct divisions were created, one what did real Law and Order work, real stuff, good stuff, and the other side, which remained true to Hoover's agenda.

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 06:47 PM
From the propaganda department...

Last February, Dr Bryce Meck, 30, would lock herself in the bathroom to cry for five minutes when her patients, whom she had watched over for weeks in the medical intensive care unit, were dying from Covid-19. They begged her to tell people in their community to get vaccinated. Of the 20 patients with Covid-19 in her care, only three survived.

Now more than ever before, medical professionals are drained from the relentless grief and trauma of the pandemic. But it’s more than the volume of patients that’s the problem: they’re dealing with the dissonance of unvaccinated patients, and constraints of the health system, leaving them without the tools to do their jobs the way they were trained to do.

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 06:48 PM
Random bits.

(seems the only person detained at the DC sting op was a fed).

Imagine being the type of person who believed, foolishly it seems, in natural immunity just a few weeks ago and now believe natural immunity is vapor ware, perpetuated by an anti human population who need to die. Weird.

Funny, some folks seem to be referring to themselves as #pureblood but that wreaks of a the tired vampire trope. I consider myself #OrganicGMOFree as god intended.

Imagine, each of the 18k permanently disabled were told they had a "very rare reaction." Now imagine every single person that has any reaction is told they have a very rare reaction. Then imagine living life where that makes since in a world where the ailment has a 99.97 survival rate for those "testing" positive.

That's why Vegas exists as it does, odds are funny that way.

edit on 18-9-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
From the propaganda department...

Last February, Dr Bryce Meck, 30, would lock herself in the bathroom to cry for five minutes when her patients, whom she had watched over for weeks in the medical intensive care unit, were dying from Covid-19. They begged her to tell people in their community to get vaccinated. Of the 20 patients with Covid-19 in her care, only three survived.

Now more than ever before, medical professionals are drained from the relentless grief and trauma of the pandemic. But it’s more than the volume of patients that’s the problem: they’re dealing with the dissonance of unvaccinated patients, and constraints of the health system, leaving them without the tools to do their jobs the way they were trained to do.

Ah, good catch. We're back on "resources drain" again.

Waiting for the... unvaxxed are contributing to climate change and need to be stopped because all of the trans folks dying from rising tides.

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

My breads are baked with love

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Random bits.

(seems the only person detained at the DC sting op was a fed).

It's a not-so-subtle method of discouraging certain otherwise legal gatherings.

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
a reply to: Skyman65

Much time travel talk around atm, fellow Kiwi also seeing it with the next Matricks >

Future prQQves past is getting very clever atm, think and feel how you would do it, to catch yourself in the present.

This frame capture of Trinity's strange bracelet...

The top piece reminds me of this...

Do you know what is in the bag??

See Wise as Serpents

Symbolic of The Bee of knowledge.

“Our ideal society is like a Beehive. Above the workers, we have the drones.” –Plato, Ideal society, perfect society or Utopia in who’s point of view Ruler or average public?

“A Masonic Lodge should resemble a Beehive, in which all the members work together with ardour for the common good.”
― Albert Pike - Morals and Dogma

In 1779 Adam Weishaupt, ‘the first wise headman’ wished to change the name Illuminati to the Order of the Bees.”
― Adam Weishaupt 1779

“There might be a drug, which, without other harmful effects, removed the urgency for sexual desires, and so reproduced in humanity the status of workers in a Beehive.”
― Charles Galton Darwin - 'The Next Million Years'

Interesting catch he makes from the trailer showing page 145 of the Alice in Wonderland book in which Q145 / Q146 is the same, a mirror.

And his connect to this passage along with footnote 145 AND 11.8.4 with footnote 146.

Another interest he makes is the mirror of 155 to Q551...[4x RR] and linking to 19.19 Biological weapons convention.

Future proves past? Based on the above he opines this part of the trailer may have had a hand by white hats.

He didn't point this out but the ring/circle shape at right I think is the Rakotzbrücke Devil's Bridge in Gablenz, Germany. This 19th-century bridge uses its reflection (mirror) to form what appears to be a perfect circle.

The number 150 identifies one of the police cars which Q150 is that infamous LdR reference; or mirrored Q51 telling us the time is now.

Call it Wachowski Qeaster eggs, synchronicity coincidences, or whatever, but found his vid analysis quite thorough & interesting making connections to various old Q drops I've never seen mention.

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

7/7 are feds.
3/7 are named "Jason."

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: crankyoldman

7/7 are feds.
3/7 are named "Jason."

Ok so those are probably active military guys. I doubt that those are "FEDs". Look at the Barracks Cuts they are wearing, I mean hell the one guy looks like a standard issue Corpsman. I bet those are Marines, so given that literally nothing happened there except a guy getting picked up for carrying a knife, the question here is who asked the Marines to send in a squad?

Where they there on their own, then why bring a Corpsman along?
If ordered, then who had the authority to do so and the will?
Was this mini-deployment a favor to someone to stop something that didn't happen?

What was really expecting to happen?

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: FlyingFox
From the propaganda department...

Last February, Dr Bryce Meck, 30, would lock herself in the bathroom to cry for five minutes when her patients, whom she had watched over for weeks in the medical intensive care unit, were dying from Covid-19. They begged her to tell people in their community to get vaccinated. Of the 20 patients with Covid-19 in her care, only three survived.

Now more than ever before, medical professionals are drained from the relentless grief and trauma of the pandemic. But it’s more than the volume of patients that’s the problem: they’re dealing with the dissonance of unvaccinated patients, and constraints of the health system, leaving them without the tools to do their jobs the way they were trained to do.

Waiting for the... unvaxxed are contributing to climate change and need to be stopped because all of the trans folks dying from rising tides.

I will no longer answer to "unvaxxed", from now on I'm going with this-

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 08:45 PM
OMG, this is the best. Thank you.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: crankyoldman

7/7 are feds.
3/7 are named "Jason."

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 09:04 PM
This is just strange. So the No Name is captained by a VIETNAMESE guy named Tran, which translates to "old or ancient" which surely describes No Name. Drop 56 mentions No Name by name, instead of No Name, which is the number on the ship.


7 drops with Mcain but one has an [e] tacked on. The drop which connects directly to the Dossier, which, Durham just punched a hole in as the ship is leaving on the 17th?

So John McNoName who had his hands all over the dossier has a ship named after him, a ship that has a VIETNAMESE guy at the helm, which departs Japan on the day Durham launches a boom on the Dossier via an indictment of Sussmann and PC.

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Ok so those are probably active military guys

High and tight haircuts, yeah, but they're also wearing dress socks with shorts. Those dudes wear suits. I'm going with FBI types. Maybe fresh out of the academy?

They don't look too happy that someone is taking their photo. 😂
edit on 18-9-2021 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

No idea, I was just being funny. I know several former Army & Navy guys who are now Feds (2 in the FBI) and look exactly like these guys. Looks are very deceiving these days as I'm sure you well know.

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: underpass61

Over in fantasy fandom...the first search result returned by Google (after top pure blood stories)...

"The term 'pure-blood' refers to a family or individual without Muggle (non-magic) blood. The concept is generally associated with Salazar Slytherin, one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, whose aversion to teaching anybody of Muggle parentage eventually led to a breach with his three fellow founders, and his resignation from the school."
Draco Lucius Malfoy was a British pure-blood wizard of the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

When I hear pure-blood / purebred I think of dogs and horses.

German Blood Certificate

posted on Sep, 18 2021 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

Do you know what is in the bag??

Pomegranate seeds.

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