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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, re Pool's pictures in your post:

a) Telegram timestamp in UTC = 00:44:33... #4433 = "CASTLE_ROCK_GODSPEED.png" flag,
b) CASTLE_ROCK = Last line of #4414,
c) Note the red arm band... RED1 in #4414 = POTUS twitter removal,
d) Combining above, #4414 step execution is complete?

a) Four people... #4

Anonymous ID: P3Lk4PKG No.147106598 šŸ“
Oct 29 2017 11:11:40 (EST)
Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.
POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting heā€™s even a target is false.
POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.
Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency
What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed?
Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^
Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).
Donā€™t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Rothā€™s, Clintonā€™s etc have more power present day than POTUS.
Operation Mockingbird
Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.

a) 14 soldiers boarding plane = #14 = First DURHAM BOAT post

a) Blind is lifted from cell window = UNSEALING of indictments?

a) = PATTON speech,
b) = RED5 = NAT MIL COM CEN from #4414

a) Timestamp in UTC = 01:23... matching previous Pool picture of "1,2,3 Let's GO!"
b) This post was edited at 01:28, it originally said "DEVIDE" and was corrected to "DIVIDE"

edit on 10-11-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 09:31 PM
The clip showing his "explanation" of why he vanished for 12 days it beyond ludicrous.

So now they aren't keen about it being hidden in plain sight?

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: YippiKyAA

A story about Everybody, Somebody, Anybody & Nobody.
A short story tells of 4 people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody & Nobody.
There was an important job to be done & Everybody was asked to do it.
Everybody was sure Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but
Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody
when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

What is a Nobody?

Breaking Through All Walls & Barriers

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Gates pretty much stole the GUI from Apple, or was it the other way around?

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

They really don't understand the Streisand Effect, do they?

edit on 10-11-2021 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 10:28 PM

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I can't remember the story details, but yea Gates stole it. Then years later he funded Apple so they wouldn't go bankrupt and make him look like a monopolist.

An Apple-1 computer and a 1986 Panasonic video monitor sold for $400,000 on Tuesday.

The first Apple-1 computers were sold for $666.66 in 1976. Forty-five years later, a still-functioning one has sold for $400,000.

"What we have with the Apple-1 is sort of like the holy grail of vintage computer collecting," says Corey Cohen, an Apple and technology historian.

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: FlyingFox

I can't remember the story details, but yea Gates stole it. Then years later he funded Apple so they wouldn't go bankrupt and make him look like a monopolist.

An Apple-1 computer and a 1986 Panasonic video monitor sold for $400,000 on Tuesday.

The first Apple-1 computers were sold for $666.66 in 1976. Forty-five years later, a still-functioning one has sold for $400,000.

"What we have with the Apple-1 is sort of like the holy grail of vintage computer collecting," says Corey Cohen, an Apple and technology historian.

Speaking of archaic. This is the shrub, oil tycoon, baseball team owner, governor, former president, war criminal and owner of an ancient computer set up and some prop-books.

What's funny about this is I remember after he was elected seeing some fluff piece at the ranch. I was shocked to see no fax, computer, phone was a dial, as if the most important man in the world was in the stone age. It was comical, and my thought was, "well, he's a prop, they have no need to talk to him or even pretend to."

Interesting Account marina oswald

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 11:15 PM
As I lay hear listening to the ridiculously loud global hum, I had a disturbing thought. What if the backed up shipping containers arenā€™t goods that are not making it to consumers. What if the government is prepping for the big event. Maybe the end of times. What if, among other things, there are massive amounts of body bags in the containers?

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Hold on to your hats...this is going to be a bit bizarre...

Strange connections with the Getty dynasty & their patronage of Thelemic filmmaker Kenneth Anger, ersatz EW&F playing both Astroworld & Getty wedding? Stranger things are bubbling to the surface here.

The Devil in the Details: Kenneth Anger

JP Getty financed Anger's Lucifer Rising.

Anger was besties with Jack Parsons' widow, Naval Intelligence agent & Thelemite Marjorie Cameron.
The FBI has placed its file on Jack Parsons' wife, Marjorie Elizabeth Cameron Parsons Kimmel, an occultist, artist, actress on its website. It runs to 154 pages with redactions. A lot of interesting info in there!

Cameron-Parsons foundation

A book they both authored called ā€œSongs for the Witch Womanā€ that features Cameronā€™s drawings and Jack Parsons' poetry.

Parsons' bestie/biz partner Ed Malina's son married to Christina Maxwell, sister of Ghislaine.

Malina's JPL is part of CalTech.

No surprises here, but Getty Foundation and CalTech/Jack Parsons' Laboratories are joined at the hip and Caltech has deep dark history with eugenics...Human Betterment Foundation.

Richard Fagen

Caltech Library

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Yep, just another useless tool. That is an interesting twit account. Thanks for the share.

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

They sure love their white bookcases.

Busy Busy

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 12:16 AM

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 01:24 AM

KU V21.62 101121 to 4953 incl DECODE tools

1) New Twitter accounts added with a tab for each, and added to Main Decode Results + Clock Search, Timestamp matches, Post per Day Calendar etc.:
@DeptOfDef: 3200 tweets from Nov 18 2020 10:00:01 to date,
@USMC: 3193 tweets from Feb 09 2018 14:55:40 to date,
@RoyalMarines: 2030 tweets from Oct 28 2017 02:00:16 to date.
2) Now 95k+ tweets in total... roughly 8.5million automated decodes.
3) Above took a while so not added today's tweets for other accounts yet.

Twitter accounts now =
@realDonaldTrump, @IlSharko, @PapiTrumpo (all POTUS45),
@DanScavino, @Scavino45 (Dan Scavino),
@MikePompeo, @SecPompeo (Mike Pompeo),
@DeptOfDef (US Dept of Defense),
@USMC (US Marine Corps),
@RoyalMarines (UK Royal Marines).

ETA - Because the "Main Decode Results" tab is in timestamp/tweetID order, scrolling through gives a pretty good feel for the interaction between above accounts that is not apparent by just looking at them on twitter.

edit on 11-11-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Oh they do...

This smells like they are preparing the satanic panic sweep against the voices speaking out against this tyranny...

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 03:33 AM
More disturbing occurrences from the blind to the deaf to the ... you get it.

Thought Forms aka Egregore.

However... it's not all dread. It will get better.

Link Videos here and other info regarding the vaxx and the law.

edit on 11-11-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 04:39 AM

An innovator in early AR systems has a dire prediction: the metaverse could change the fabric of reality as we know it.

Louis Rosenberg, a computer scientist and developer of the first functional AR system at the Air Force Research Laboratory, pennedĀ an op-ed inĀ Big ThinkĀ this weekendĀ that warned the metaverse ā€” an immersive VR and AR world currently being developed byĀ The Company Formerly Known as FacebookĀ ā€” could create what sounds like a real life cyberpunk dystopia.....

Heā€™s also concerned that the metaverse would ā€œmake reality disappearā€ by creating a system in which people canā€™t simply step away from their devices to have real-world interactions. The idea is that the metaverse could grow to a point at which it impacts essentially every facet of our lives and itā€™d be near impossible for most to just walk away. That means weā€™d all be constantly exposed to whatever false reality third-parties might want to show us, since thereā€™d be an AR overlay over everything. .....

No wonder they what everyone connected...Digital this digital that -

edit on 11112021 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 05:59 AM
Oh so bans on abortion are hurting the baby parts sales and they are byatchin about it. Every angle to a story that can be manipulated to make those barely paying attention is being employed. For those that say like Schumer to kill the child on it's date of birth I hear them say "how dare you stop murdering children?!" Their depravity is in the open. It is past time for people to act as one and sweep these people into histories trash bin and move on to a truly better world without those haters and child molesters allowed out here in our world anymore. Shoot them on sight will be the motto if they won't surrender peacefully.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
THIS is trending on the twit.

THE LOGIC is astounding. This is m.A.L.I.C.E. gone totally insane.

1 in 4 American women will have an abortion before reaching 45.

No entry sign Those denied one are more likely to spend years in poverty, says a 2020
@nberpubs study.

Writing hand "The main cost... is that it impedes women's ability to fully engage in the labor market," says author Sarah Miller.

So 1 in 4 American(?) women?

From the insane, to total effing bats$%^ crazy.

@IWPResearchā€™s latest findings show abortion restrictions also cost the US economy $105 billion every year

Money bag If these laws were lifted across states, 505,000 more women aged 15 to 44 would enter the labour force

So we know the problem isn't labor, we got 1m new laborers and high unemployment, we know the problem is with food sources drying up, the fear is this will spread like the contagion The Rona isn't. They have clearly deployed m.A.L.I.C.E. to say anything and everything to stop this, but the logic is computer logic.

edit on 11-11-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: brewtiger
I fell over today mate NOBODY was there to help. EVERYBODY seemed to see. ANYBODY could have helped me but it was SOMEBODY tonight that made that pain feel better. There is nice rain falling tonight upon my window and some heavier stuff coming tomorrow. I have no idea what is in store (nothing on shelves anyway)
It definitely is a jungle out there designed to troll you at all levels. Thanks for thinking of me because I was deep in the Jungle when you posted this. I needed a good slap in the face. It's a battle everyday keeping the Pride in line. Cheers.

edit on 11-11-2021 by YippiKyAA because: add link

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 08:09 AM
DOJ and FBI gave cover to Steele dossier source accused of lying

.....Horowitz said FBI interviews with Danchenko ā€œraised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele election reportingā€ and cast doubt on some of its biggest claims. Documents show the FBI had previously investigated Danchenko as a possible ā€œthreat to national securityā€ due to alleged connections with Russian intelligence.....

.....Nearly all of the signers of the Page FISA warrants ā€” Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, FBI Director James Comey, and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe ā€” have now indicated under oath that they would not have signed off on the surveillance if they knew then what they know now.........

Sounds like a bunch of CYA

edit on 11112021 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

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