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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - G-D WINS - -PART- -- (38) --

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posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: ZoraD1994

JUST IN - DOJ AG Garland and FBI Director Wray to announce "a significant law enforcement matter" later today.

I wonder if this will have to do with the FBI raiding O'Keefe's home? They didn't just raid Veritas headquarters, they also raided his home at 3am.

What's weird is that they're going hard after this dude over Ashley Biden's diary.

"How do you introduce evidence legally?"

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
I have enjoyed listening to great pieces of music like this for past 10 years. I prefer to relax to this than hearing words now. Great article thanks. Cloud Atlas Sextet is one of my favorites and I love the Contact Soundtrack. Spelling does seem to confuse things a lot. Maybe Brandon might start squeaking like a dolphin soon ...people might understand him better. Lol.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: ZoraD1994

JUST IN - DOJ AG Garland and FBI Director Wray to announce "a significant law enforcement matter" later today.



posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

I wonder if this will have to do with the FBI raiding O'Keefe's home? They didn't just raid Veritas headquarters, they also raided his home at 3am.

What's weird is that they're going hard after this dude over Ashley Biden's diary.

"How do you introduce evidence legally?"

Was thinking this as well.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 10:29 AM
My mother continues to astound me with her synchronicities... today she pointed me to a strange maze of tunnels in Liverpool, UK, that I think were part of the adrenochrome industry in the early 1800s!

Her source was this Daily Mail article today:

It's not a whoduggit... but why? Exquisite tunnels stretching for miles beneath Liverpool that were built for no apparent purpose. Now they are starring in the latest Doctor Who episode, and RAY CONNOLLY unearths their eccentric origin

This will be easier to understand if I summarise my view then point to the sources that support it!

1) Joseph Williamson was known as The King of Edge Hill and The Mole of Edge Hill. In the 1800s, to be called "King of..." you would either be the feared "Mafia" boss, or the controlling businessman of the area?

2) At age 11 he left his family to work for Richard Tate's tobacco and snuff business. By age 23 he had married the boss's daughter and bought out the company (with who's money?),

3) 3 years later he bought Mason Street, Edge Hill, which eventually backed on to a Railroad cutting made by George Stephenson, a miner who developed early steam railways. George was father of Robert Stephenson of "Rocket" fame, accredited with the first steam train 15 years after his father had built his first steam locomotive! George also designed the miners' Safety Lamp before Humphrey Davey. Mason street was, at that time, on the edge of the port of Liverpool.

4) Williamson built a street of houses against the cutting; built without any plans and which were "of the strangest description". He lived on the street himself and insisted on personally approving all the tenants on the street! One of the tenants was the Unitarian James Martineau, who had been trained as a civil engineer! Martineau lived to 94 - over twice the life expectancy in the 1800s.

5) He employed people to dig a maze of tunnels from under the street which stretched for miles but had no obvious purpose. When his wife died he spends his nights underground in the tunnels. The main one, under his house, was called the "Banqueting Hall". I think this means that he was managing the underground works at night,

6) As the pictures below show, many of the tunnels were wide enough to house railways, with high enough ceilings to avoid their steam suffocating the workmen. They were also full of bottles, plates and pots (for blood-letting/storage?):

7) Important to consider the location of Mason Street, Edge Hill, within 2 miles of current Liverpool docks, 2 cathedrals, and Lime St railway station which connected to mines and cotton factories. Goods and slaves came from every continent to the docks:

8) Other considerations:
a) The Daily Mail article arises because Joseph Williamson and his tunnels are incorporated into the current plot of the latest Doctor Who series - is this the start of some soft disclosure about the tunnels?
b) It is theorised here that the tunnels were used for masonic meetings much like the Wycombe Caves of Sir Francis Dashwood's Hellfire Club to the North West of London,
c) We have covered the findings of a more recent Eli Lilley adrenochrome production facility in Liverpool, with a PDF communication of blood "donors", ages, quantities - has this been ongoing in Liverpool for 200 years? Incidentally, one of Eli Lilley's first drugs was Quinine to treat malaria (think Hydroxychloroquine!)
d) There is the revealing legend of him hosting dinners for gentry guests in the tunnels; serving, to their disgust, a cheap meal of porridge, which led to a number of the invited gentlemen to leave, only to take his real friends who stayed behind to a "magnificent feast" in the famed ‘banqueting hall’. This seems like an initiation test before being allowed entry to "spirit cooking" parties?

Daily Mail article on Williamson's tunnels
Wiki Joseph Williamson
Wiki George Stephenson
Eli Lilley
Wiki James Martineau
Port of Liverpool
Williamson's tunnels and Freemasonry
History of Liverpool (with slave trade references)

Lastly, the derivation of the name "Liverpool" is historically unclear (article in Liverpool Echo) but noone dares to discuss the obvious: a pool (of blood) from the living!

ETA - I missed the obvious correlation with current day DUMBs, tunnels, and MAGLEV trains using the tunnels!
edit on 8-11-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Curiouser and curiouser... definitely some comms going on!

Following the Il Donaldo Trumpo tweet in my last post, with 53 second video of Chester Bennington, now we have this telegram post from IET17, at 23:58:23:

Bomb threats at multiple U.S. universities, including Brown, Cornell, and Columbia, have prompted evacuations.

Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington...both died within 2 months of each other from "suicide by hanging" (Wiki):

Two months after Cornell's death, on July 20, 2017, the day on what would have been Cornell's 53rd birthday, Chester Bennington, the lead vocalist of Linkin Park, also died by hanging himself. Bennington had been a close friend of Cornell's; the two had performed together on some occasions and Bennington was the godfather to Cornell's son, Christopher. Bennington also sang Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" at Cornell's funeral. Bennington's family and bandmates said he had taken Cornell's death hard. Bennington's Linkin Park bandmate Mike Shinoda said that the singer had been unable to complete a performance of the band's song "One More Light", about the death of a friend, both in rehearsals and live, when they appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! shortly after Cornell's death.

It gets weirder!

1) Il Donaldo Trumpo's video of Chester Bennington was 53 seconds... Chester "committed suicide" on his mate Chris Cornell's 53rd birthday.

2) Both sang on Carlos Santana album in 2010; "Whole Lotta Love" and "Riders on the Storm"!!!


The longest-running, most successful partnership in the history of rock takes flight anew, as legendary Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame inductees Carlos Santana and Clive Davis, Chief Creative Officer of Sony Music Entertainment, collaborate on the brand new concept album, "Guitar Heaven: The Greatest Guitar Classics Of All Time", arriving in stores September 21 on Arista Records. The album was co-produced by Carlos Santana and Clive Davis with tracks produced by Matt Serletic and Howard Benson.

Working from their collective encyclopedic knowledge of rock, Carlos Santana and Clive Davis devised a list of guitar-centric titles — and then invited a Who's Who of guest vocalists to perform on every track. Singers range from Chris Cornell (on LED ZEPPELIN's "Whole Lotta Love"), Pat Monahan (on VAN HALEN's "Dance The Night Away"), Chester Bennington and Ray Manzarek (on THE DOORS' "Riders On The Storm"), Rob Thomas (on CREAM's "Sunshine Of Your Love"), Scott Weiland (on THE ROLLING STONES' "Can't You Hear Me Knockin'"), Chris Daughtry (on DEF LEPPARD's "Photograph"), Gavin Rossdale (on T. REX's "Bang A Gong") to rapper Nas (on AC/DC's "Back In Black"), veteran Joe Cocker (on JIMI HENDRIX's "Little Wing") and more.

3) Santana was originally signed to COLUMBIA records!

4) David Browne is cited twice in Chris Cornell's Wiki!

Just say'n

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
someone want to explain this?

President Joe Biden said Saturday that the families of children separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border during the Trump administration should be compensated, as his Department of Justice is in settlement talks with affected families.

Raising his voice, Biden said that regardless of the circumstances, people who had their children taken from them under the Trump administration's family separation policy, meant to deter families from crossing into the U.S. illegally, should be remunerated.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't "remunerated" mean "to pay someone for services rendered"? Did he get mixed up what his words here or did he accidently spout off something he shouldn't have again?

Since this was about Biden vs Trump on their Separation Policies, I thought I would loo up "Separation" in the "Q-BANK". Weirdly it was one about Illegal Separations of Children, "The Declaration of Independence", and The children of light and darkness.

So why does Biden want to pay these people off again?

I think your answer can be seen here: Immigration / chikd separation.

Those who sold their children for those going through withdrawal should be compensated. He's NOT talking to regular people - he/they never do. Regular people are cattle, who cannot be bothered with, he's talking to traffickers, mexican mafia, soldiers etc., not Ms. Ramirez.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I'm amazed that tweet is still up.


posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 10:58 AM

Deaths across the world are even immune to the Medical Mafia stat fakery. So, given this, we'd expect to have seen 75 every year for the last 10 years to so, so this should not surprise anyone at all.

German news agency compiles a list of 75 European athletes who have died "suddenly" in the past 5 months since being fully vaccinated.

Pretty should put to bed the idea that "athletes" are special on some way to those that own/pay them.
edit on 8-11-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 10:59 AM

Maybe Brandon might start squeaking like a dolphin soon ...people might understand him better. Lol.

Yippy needs sleep. Love from Oz.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 11:24 AM
For those following the sparse info on the Italian Mafia Trials - Mass Convictions are occuring

Speaking of Italy...

The Italian Connection: Why Did the U.S. Ambassador to Italy and His Deputy Request Unmaskings of Flynn Calls? - May 22, 2020

Early last fall, Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham made two trips to Rome.

Several key events from the “Russian collusion” story took place in Rome. The Link University campus in the city provided the backdrop for most of these events. We know that the faculty of Link University is closely connected to the British intelligence community. Moreover, the FBI held a training program at Link in the fall of 2016, an interesting fact which the Mueller report conveniently omitted.

And it just so happened that in March 2016, a mysterious Maltese professor named Joseph Mifsud “met” then-Trump campaign junior advisor George Papadopoulos on the Link campus in Rome. Over the course of several meetings, Mifsud allegedly told Papadopoulos that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of emails.........

The Italian Connection to Election Fraud, continued

All roads lead to Rome: Italy’s central role in rigging US elections
a week ago

An avalanche of information that has emerged in recent days leads to the conclusion that an essential element, which has so far been missing from the evidence of fraud in the November 3, 2020 presidential election in the United States, is the involvement of structures in the Italian administration. Here are the results of surveys conducted by the nation in action organization, the Good Governance Institute and former CIA agent Bradley Johnson.

Maria Strillo Zack’s revelations appear to be some of the most disturbing about the international political scene in recent years. Zack is president of the Nations in Action Association and a member of the Institute of Good Governance in the United States. She gave a series of interviews this week, in which she laid out stunning details about how multiple foreign interference took place in the US presidential election on November 3, 2020. Given the relevance of the information, she presented a detailed report on 6 January to some members of the US Congress, meeting at the Capitol for the official recording of voters’ votes. The report has the signatures of judicial experts from Italy and depositions from a trial. The Institute for Good Governance also issued a Press Release on 6 January in which it made public essential data recorded by a Court of Justice in Italy. The importance of these investigations was also underlined by General Michael Flynn, a former national security adviser, who on 5 January posted a tweet referring to the interview offered by Maria Zack,

noting that it indicated Another piece of the alien interference puzzle. The viability of our constitution and our country are at risk. Italy did it: Arturo D’Elia admits the election was stolen.......

edit on 1182021 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 11:27 AM
Maybe 10 days. Darnkiss. means [N]o [K]ing? #97 Nov 5 2017 18:15:25 (EST)

Camill a heartbreak: Duchess faces 'awkward' situation by taking Queen title

Speaking to the, royal photographer and biographer Ian Lloyd said: "Whether she chooses to call herself that is another matter, the only thing that we have is that statement in 2005 that she would be Princess Consort.

"I think it would be regrettable if she wasn't Queen, the problem is calling her the Queen immediately after the present Queen's regin has ended would be awkward I thin

Now for the interesting part to me. The common theme is "oh, these royals are just ceremonial at this point, they have no real power that's just conspiracy talk."

In 2018, the 95-year-old monarch publicly endorsed the Prince of Wales to become the next Head of the Commonwealth, by lobbying world leaders on his behalf at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

So she had to beg others to accept her dimwitted son as the King, a position which is just cosmetic, a relic, a link to the old world where everyone was overtly a slave. The mental gymnastics folks do on this whole "royal" thing is unreal to me.

Worth pondering. The Bridge Falls and shutting anything and everything down can be seen as reasonable. The UK Central Bank and more can shut down out of respect, and there will be no anger or run on the bank. After the reopening, the new system or a hybrid system can be in place. It is also a helluva distraction from Durham and Team Joe's shenanigans too, not to mention Australia, Canada and New Zealand eneMedia distractions.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Worth watching, seems Gav got this "third shot" and then vanished.


I wonder if he had a stroke, or is in a coma or something.

BTW, I got COVID a couple of weeks ago, despite being vaccinated. I was sick in bed for.... about 1 day.

Meh. I've had worse colds.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

There is s story once again on Real Raw News that states he has been arrested and is being held but is intubated from being severely ill. Also in the story it talks about some "Interesting" things were found in his home during the raid to arrest him. Again take the source for what it is. I've heard both sides about Real Raw News but if true then it is game over for Mr. Newsome.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 12:02 PM
OTD in 1942, the Political Warfare Executive's 600kW transmitter in Sussex, codenamed Aspidistra, made its first broadcasts. It relayed the BBC's French service, airing messages by Roosevelt, Churchill, Eisenhower and De Gaulle in support of the landings in North Africa.

Aspidistra only held its status as the world's most powerful broadcast transmitter until February 1943 when the BBC's 800kW longwave facility at Ottringham, near Hull, went on the air. It could put a good signal into Berlin (and many other parts of Europe) day and night. It was the most powerful transmitter ever built in that era to broadcast black propaganda & military deception.

Aspidistra broadcast on medium wave AM with 600 kW of power. The transmitter (originally 500 kW) had been built by RCA for WJZ radio in Newark, New Jersey, United States. But at the prompting of the United States Congress, spurred on by competition, the Federal Communications Commission later imposed a 50-kW power limit on all US stations. RCA was therefore glad to sell it overseas and the United Kingdom Secret Intelligence Service bought it for £165,000.

Tricks of the Trade: Aspidistra and OSE5 - (3-page PDF)

Aspidistra, to use its wartime code name, was commissioned by the Political Warfare Executive, PWE, and was established in a purpose-built, or should that be "dug", rather large hole-in-the-ground at King’s Standingin the Ashdown Forest, near Crowborough, Sussex.

It is said that Winston Churchill personally authorised the purchase of the RCA transmitter, and when told of it’s immense power and ability to wave-change quickly, called it a ‘Raiding Dreadnought of the Ether’.

"The Biggest Aspidistra in the World" is a comic song first recorded by English singer Gracie Fields in November 1938, for inclusion in the film Keep Smiling.

As a popular foliage houseplant, A. elatior became popular in late Victorian Britain and was so common that it became a "symbol of dull middle-class respectability". As such, it was central to George Orwell's novel Keep the Aspidistra Flying, as a symbol of the need of the middle class to maintain respectability according to Gordon Comstock, the novel's protagonist.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 12:07 PM
Grosskreutz cross-exam should be epic.

edit on 8-11-2021 by FlyingFox because: The DA looks like he's gonna vomit. 🤢

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 12:13 PM

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

There is s story once again on Real Raw News that states he has been arrested and is being held but is intubated from being severely ill. Also in the story it talks about some "Interesting" things were found in his home during the raid to arrest him. Again take the source for what it is. I've heard both sides about Real Raw News but if true then it is game over for Mr. Newsome.

His wife has clarified, note the "plebes have no right..." tone which is brilliant. His wife who attempted to get Rose McGowan to drop her fight with Harvey the Convicted Rapist.

posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 12:26 PM
Situation building on the border of Poland and Belarus.

Belarus' leader is sore with the EU for questioning how he ran his last election. So his revenge is flying in migrants from the Middle East and Africa and bringing them to the border with Poland to force a crossing. The migrants want to go to Germany because that's where the social benefits are the most lucrative.

Poland has put up a fence and reinforced their border with troops and border policemen.

Migrants tried to storm the border today and now there is a report of shots fired, but it is unclear who fired the shots.

I'm guessing the migrants will have to either succeed or back off in less than a month because the weather in northern Europe is rapidly cooling off.


posted on Nov, 8 2021 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating

originally posted by: ZoraD1994

JUST IN - DOJ AG Garland and FBI Director Wray to announce "a significant law enforcement matter" later today.

I wonder if this will have to do with the FBI raiding O'Keefe's home? They didn't just raid Veritas headquarters, they also raided his home at 3am.

What's weird is that they're going hard after this dude over Ashley Biden's diary.

"How do you introduce evidence legally?"

It turns out they caught a couple of Ukrainian hackers that they're hoping to extradite. They were behind the REvil ransomware attack that affected about 4,500 entities. They pocketed like half a million bucks each.

I wonder how keen Ukraine will be to be extraditing people to the US right now when our own "POTUS" is a fugative of the Ukrainian justice department.


This may be the best headline I've ever seen.
edit on 8-11-2021 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

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