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originally posted by: interupt42
You guys are slacking with the freedom of rationalization.
Im surprised nobody has spun the whole Brandon Taliban debacle where we left them billions of dollars of military grade weapons behind. Was it the patriots arming themselves for the upcoming Guantanamo mass import?
or did I miss it?
Remember , No coincidences
originally posted by: interupt42
You guys are slacking with the freedom of rationalization.
Im surprised nobody has spun the whole Brandon Taliban debacle where we left them billions of dollars of military grade weapons behind. Was it the patriots arming themselves for the upcoming Guantanamo mass import?
or did I miss it?
Remember , No coincidences
originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: cimmerius
The gun should NEVER have been pointed at anyone whether it was part of the scene or not. It is editing and cinematography's job to make it "look" as if it's being pointed at someone. Also, Baldwin attended gun safety with his co-star Jensen Ackles.....
originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
The New World Order (1990) by A. Ralph Epperson
Ralph Epperson has spent 27 years in researching the history of the two sides of the Great Seal, and has discovered that those who designed them committed America to what has been called "A Secret Destiny." This future "destiny," called THE NEW WORLD ORDER, is so unpleasant that those who wanted the changes it entails had to conceal that truth in symbols.
This book, THE NEW WORLD ORDER, is the amply documented explanation of what those symbols mean and how they connect to this nation's future. Mr. Epperson is making his research available to the American people so that they may know just what these planners wanted for our future.
And so that they can take corrective action.
Quote from the introduction:
The old world is coming to an end. It will be replaced with a new way of doing things. The new world will be called the "New World Order." This new structuring will re-distribute property from the "have" nations and will give it to the "have-not" nations. The New World Order will include changes in:
the family:
homosexual marriages will be legalized; parents will not be allowed to raise their children (the state will); all women will be employed by the state and not allowed to be "homemakers"; divorce will become exceedingly easy and monogynous marriage will be slowly phased out;
the workplace:
the government will become the owner of all of the factors of production; the private ownership of property will be outlawed;
religion will be outlawed and believers will be either eliminated or imprisoned; there will be a new religion: the worship of man and his mind; all will believe in the new religion;
The United States will play a major role in bringing it to the world. World wars have been fought to further its aims. Adolf Hitler, the NAZI Socialist, supported the goal of the planners. The majority of the people will not readily accept "the new world order" but will be deceived into accepting it by two strategies:
1. Those in favor of the changes will have become seated in the very thrones of power, generally without the public realizing that fact;
2. The "old world order" will be destroyed piece by piece, by a series of planned "nibbles" at the established format.
The New World Order (PDF book)
originally posted by: crankyoldman
4 New Pool
I find this interesting.
"One", is "Freed" or "Freer"
Of course this reflects my POV that POV will matter when the financial systems change. From one POV it will be NWO = Freer, from another POV it will be Freed depending on where one is within the system.
574 persons got away with $200 million selling 8000 children over 40 years
Through Cleveland’s child trafficking hub in one of their suburbs called European Adoption Consultants (EAC).
In these 574 cases, no one has been charged with selling children.
Money laundering charges have been limited to $30,000.
Defense attorneys have admitted that at least $200 million has passed through European Adoption Consultants (EAC) over 40 years.
EAC has retained a corporate law firm to prevent criminal charges from being filed against the business.
3 Ohio Judges Unexpectedly Die in 9-Day Period Following Vaccine Mandate in Cuyahoga County
CUYAHOGA COUNTY, OH – In the weeks following an imposed mandate by the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court that voted to force all courthouse employees to be fully vaccinated by mid-October, three Cleveland-area judges – two from the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court – have died in a nine-day span under curious circumstances.
originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
Catching up and agree it's a good proof by cranky!
I've been trawiing telegram for inputs and found a recirculation of I Pet GOAT II... I think this frame capture links to both Mr Pool XX smiley faces and Patel Patriot's theory on DEVOLUTION Continuity of Government plan:
1) The hanged man has XX for eyes and tongue hanging out, matching these 2 Mr Pool pics:
2) The word looks like "EVOLUTION" but, if you replace the rubbed out leg, the legs form a DELTA shape, turning the word into DEVOLUTION because DELTA = D.
3) Notice also the Shark above the gallows... this symbol has been appropriated by Il Donaldo Trumpo with handle of @IlSharko!
4) Note the black pins on the map... I think those are other sites they have prepped to be able to blow. What cities are they?
5) Now look at the pictures under the board (preceded by F = -F). The left one is the Chinese dragon splitting US brains with drugs but the real threat is the right hand picture which shows the LUNGS (COVID19).
I also found this frame, which seems to use the same "Sitting in a CIRCLE" of Bidan's early lockdown conferences:
... so in his press conferences journalists sat in the circles, and in the film it's Snow White (with her poison apple)... does this imply that MSM = SNOW WHITE feeding us poison in food that we think is good for us?