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PROvaxxer's... I need your help.

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posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 06:48 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
It's insane that some people won't trust their own GP but will put the lives of their entire family in the hands of some random "doctor" on a video that tells them really outlandish things backed up by absolutely no evidence.

It's Darwinism for the year 2021.

a reply to: andy06shake

I live alone. I have no family. I don't honestly give a toss.

You, however, can go for it. And come at me again, weak as piss.
edit on 16-8-2021 by jerich0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Its all been medi corped, no such thing as a family doc any more.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: incoserv

Education is good.

But you go to a doctor when you are poorly.

Googling whats wrong with you tends to produce mixed results.

Where as a doctor worth their salt will endeavour to provide a real cure or solution as to what ails us via examination and tests if necessary

People are not stupid, but they are also not all doctors.

Those that refuse to seek the advice of trained professionals where medical conditions are concerned do so at there own risk.

The fact is that you can ask five different doctors and get give different answers. So ultimately it comes down to me being well informed and educated so that I can decide which of the five i will believe.

The "experts" are not experts. So you're going to arbitrarily pick your person in a white coat and do whatever they tell you?

I don't just "Google what's wrong." That's stupid. It's stupid to even write that. I research. I study. I think. I make informed decisions.

But maybe they are right. Maybe most people are stupid.
edit on 2021 8 16 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell

That's not my experience nor has been for the past 30 odd years with the same Doctor.

The Man's retiring soon but there are 3 other Doctors in the group at the same practice that i trust to a similar calibre.

A good doctor is important.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: jerich0

originally posted by: nonspecific
It's insane that some people won't trust their own GP but will put the lives of their entire family in the hands of some random "doctor" on a video that tells them really outlandish things backed up by absolutely no evidence.

It's Darwinism for the year 2021.

a reply to: andy06shake

I live alone. I have no family. I don't honestly give a toss.

You, however, can go for it. And come at me again, weak as piss.

Then what is the point of this entire OP?
Don't get all pissy when someone point out the obvious.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: myselfaswell

That's not my experience nor has been for the past 30 odd years with the same Doctor.

The Man's retiring soon but there are 3 other Doctors in the group at the same practice that i trust to a similar calibre.

A good doctor is important.

It's good your have medical professionals that you trust, but ultimately you have to live with whatever is done to you.

Years ago my wife had an issue and we saw a doctor. The doctor recommended a procedure. We went home and did some research, found an alternative that was much less invasive and much less costly. We went back to the doctor and asked the alternative. The doctor said it was a good choice and recommended it. It worked out perfectly well.

My doctor is not responsible for my well being; I AM!

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: incoserv

So if i go to 5 doctors with a boil on my arse i will receive 5 different diagnosis?

I don't buy that, obviously medical opinions may vary but the answers will be the same to similar.

What do you imagine these people go to university and medical school for all that time and expense if not to become experts in their field?

Fact is your talking mince now incoserv, as you use the correct tool for the correct job, and where our wellbeing, health, and medicine are concerned that's a doctor you are after not a plumber or electrician.

edit on 16-8-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: incoserv

My little brother had heart issues at birth then went on later in life to have a stroke and then a heart transplant to save his life.

And that worked out perfectly well.

Doctors are responsible for his continued existence.

I may be responsible for my well being, but that means when something is wrong i go to a doctor.

Same way if something is wrong with the engine of my car i go to a mechanic and not joe bloggs on the internet for advice.

Quite simple really, and its not like you are not free to do as you please to within rhyme and reason.

edit on 16-8-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: Village Idiot

Hysterical! Thanks!

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

This system continues today wherein “Big Pharma” makes large “donations” to medical schools in exchange for teaching the medical students to use their patented drugs. As part of this system, many alternative treatments are criminalized. For example by law, it is illegal to treat cancer with any modality except chemotherapy, surgery or radiation. It is actually a criminal felony for a medical practitioner to treat cancer with anything but these three modalities.

Why is this the case?

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

To hazard a guess so people don't attempt punt pseudoscientific garbage as a means to curing or preventing the disease.

Here in the UK the Cancer Act of 1939 would seem to apply.

Said act has been significantly revised in the years since it was created however.

But this law is still used in court today most recently in several successful prosecutions by Trading Standards against people advertising alleged cures for cancer that did not do what they said on the tin.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: andy06shake
All you had to do was click the link......where the answer is given.
There's no need to 'hazard a guess'.

Why is this the case? Follow the money. The average cost of cancer treatment is $150,000, so clearly Rockefeller and his precedents were keen to keep the monopoly on this one. And of course, the American Cancer Society was founded by none other than John D. Rockefeller in 1913.

edit on 16-8-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: flice
5 pages and only one post on page 2 actually addressed the OP.

edit on 8/16/2021 by Klassified because: redact

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

I like to provide my own answer ta very much when i can. x

Any idea how many poor sods would lose there life savings and then there life's if people were allowed to go around all willy-nilly claiming the can cure cancer with magic potions and snake oil?

The answer is a hell of a lot, as is evidenced by the gullible fools who have placed there faith in cancer cures that turned out to be fake as a £3 note.

All you have to do is understand the law, never mind the science, which suggests there are numerous different types of cancer, and that one magic bullet is probably never going to be able to address or cure them all.
edit on 16-8-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: andy06shake
Every 4 minutes someone in the UK dies from cancer.

It has hardly been cured by the method which has been law since 1938.

edit on 16-8-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
It's insane that some people won't trust their own GP but will put the lives of their entire family in the hands of some random "doctor" on a video that tells them really outlandish things backed up by absolutely no evidence.

It's Darwinism for the year 2021.

a reply to: andy06shake

You always trust your GP? You never go get a 2nd or 3rd opinion? Seriously? I have never heard of such a thing.
Your GP says you need major surgery or this or that is wrong with you and you just say "OK". You dont get the opinions of other specialists to make sure that your GP is accurate?

When my mom was diagnosed with dad took her to 4 doctors/specialists. They ALL had differing opinions on treatment and outlook for her. Thankfully, they did NOT go with the first one.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

All you have to do is understand the law, never mind the science, which suggests there are numerous different types of cancer, and that one magic bullet is probably never going to be able to address or cure them all.

If you admit that their bullet is not magic enough, then other ways, other than theirs, should not be suppressed.

edit on 16-8-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
It's a virus in a state of pandemic. People have known for a long time it was coming, have your heard about science and history?

This was never an "if" it's always been a "when"

Pandemics are an unavoidable part of life just like earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

It's not affected by opinion or confirmation bias, it doesn't care about partisan politics or how many flags an ATS post has or how many thumbs up a YouTube video has.

It's a virus, possibly natural possibly altered by man but a virus none the less.

a reply to: myselfaswell

There is no pandemic in the US. If there was:

1. Our border would be locked down. No illegal aliens would be allowed over and no foreigners allowed into our country
2. There would be mandates to wear not masks but HAZMAT suits.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: jerich0

As i suggest, if in doubt about the vaccines, seek real medical advice on a personal level from a trusted health care professional like your general practitioner.

But can we trust them anymore? There are doctors in canada threatened with losing their license if they even warn patients of the possible dangers of the vaccines. Proof? Not really, but there are reports from all over.

My own doctor just gave up his medical license after building a brand new clinic. He didn't tell his staff either and now they are left scrambling trying to get people their records. He's the fourth in this area to quit. Some could have had legit reasons but if a doctor knows of anyone having bad reactions to vaccines and is not allowed to discuss or warn about it, I'd imagine they'd be under horrific stress and moral dilemma. Not a doctor I'd like to discuss the pros or cons of the vaccine with.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 08:24 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
You've met all the GPs in the world then have you?

This thread is utterly pointless as you are not looking for information as you have a predetermined opinion that cannot be changed.

You just want a bit of confirmation from fellow anti covid vaccine members so you feel more righteous about your decision not to take the vaccine.

I'd be inclined to take a proper look at the world outside both television news and conspiracy websites if you want a real indication of what's really going on but I doubt you will.

a reply to: jerich0

So you have no good reason or reasons to get the vaccine. No logical thought process happened. Thanks for making the case for the thread.

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