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PROvaxxer's... I need your help.

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posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: ToLiveIsToDie

My problem with it, is that we are been told from officals that it is 100% total safe and nothing bad can ever come from it.

Thats simply not true, there are no absolutes, I never heard that anywhere. There is always the risk of side effects, now they may be described as minimal, or rare..but 100% safe..never heard that.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: glen200376

Only just read up about molecularly targeted therapies and biotherapeutic approaches this morning from exactly the web site that you link.

And they are indeed a new means of fighting cancer in development.

I'm hardly attempting to take credit for there creation nor claim to understand how they function.

Simply telling Itisnowagain of there existence, it not a test, and i cant see how me regurgitating the information is plagiarism considering it's above my head how they were created, just that they exist, and are in development.
edit on 16-8-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 04:10 PM
Going for the player not the ball is the best way to try and win an argument your inevitably going to lose though mate.

They even called you a shill, that's game over that is.

a reply to: andy06shake

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

Ive been called worse things nonspecific.

Water off a ducks back to me.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 04:19 PM
I've probably called you worse myself over the years.

a reply to: andy06shake

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
Going for the player not the ball is the best way to try and win an argument your inevitably going to lose though mate.

They even called you a shill, that's game over that is.

a reply to: andy06shake

I'll trump you on that (not as in "Trump") as according to some on here I'm one of the biggest shills on ATS.

A troll, too, apparently.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

And I've probably accepted in the spirit in which it was offered. LoL

It's just banter and debate nonspecific.

Kind of the reason why we are all here.

No point in taking things to seriously, especially insults.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

They don't understand or like banter on here. Mores the pity.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 04:33 PM
My popularity has taken a nose dive since I returned and spoke out against covid denial and nonsense.

It was never that high before either what with me being an English trump mocking lefty.

a reply to: andy06shake

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

Not a contest worth winning nonspecific, popularity that is.

Well not here at ATS anyroad.

And as you know certainly not about the stars and flags mumbo jumbo once you have been here for any sort of time.

Place has changed all the same over the years my main gripe being its political these days.

Seemingly no matter the thread or topic up for debate.

It is what it is i suppose.
edit on 16-8-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 04:42 PM
This thread is basically trolling/click bait, trying to incite arguing for no reason other then to think you're so cool for not getting vaccinated.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: game over man

That post is basically trolling/click bait, trying to incite arguing for no reason other then to think you're so cool for getting vaccinated.

I thought nonspecific and I had a pretty reasonable discussion. Did you read past the first page before deciding to try to derail the thread? Or did you just ignore the parts that didn't fit your perception based on the title?


posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: jerich0

Naw mate GP don't generally shout at you for a start. LoL

As i suggest, if in doubt about the vaccines, seek real medical advice on a personal level from a trusted health care professional like your general practitioner.

Great, so... my Fathers GP said avoid these injections at all costs as they are nothing more than unproven experimental gene therapy and anyone who takes them is volunteering to be experimented on in direct violation of the Nuremberg code.

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 08:27 PM
Please all you righties DON’T vax COVID can’t hurt
You… we dems are just silly for getting the shot

posted on Aug, 16 2021 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: flice

I don't have any articles to link.

I am a nurse. When the vaccine first rolled out we were second on the front lines to receive the vaccine. I wanted to wait it out to see how it affected my colleagues at work. One was out for a week after getting the vaccine, and a colleague of mine was laid out in bed for 48 hours but recovered. Another coworker got the vaccine, called in to work sick the next day, and a few days later had a heart attack while driving in to work, and drove to the emergency room entrance instead. Needed a cardiac stent placed and subsequently had blood clots, from what I heard.
The first wave hit us pretty hard. ICU was full and we pooled resources to help with staffing shortages. However it mostly affected the elderly or those with preexisting conditions.
At first I was a skeptic. I am relatively healthy and younger, and seeing the problems from the vaccine people around me were having, they were very different complications than those from a seasonal flu shot.

Then there was news of this new delta variant. I've heard from another nurse I know, of a family with several kids (some right out of high school, some younger), all contracting the delta covid variant from a summer vacation. Both parents held on for over a month and died within a few weeks of each other. It makes me sad to think about how the older kids will have to take care of their younger siblings now.
A friend of mine had the original strain, has asthma, and was out of work for several months. Their relative recently got the delta variant, was put on oxygen, progressed from there to bipap and then intubation. They were admitted to the hospital and died less than a week later. A nurse at another hospitals ICU told me the variant is killing younger healthier people and at a much quicker rate than the previous strain, sometimes within a few days of admission. A common theme is those who have had the vaccine that are admitted to the hospital are usually discharged home within a few days.

Not trying to scare people. This stuff really happened though.
I got my first covid vaccine this last week and rather than some soreness on my arm for a few days I feel fine.
I'll get my second vaccine at the end of this month.
What made me do it? There's something really deadly going on out there guys. The real risk of becoming a statistic on a vent and dying is worse to me than the potential side effects from the vaccine. I am a huge Trump supporter, and if Trump can get the vaccine that he helped develop, then I can get it too.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 12:18 AM

originally posted by: Allenb83
a reply to: flice

I don't have any articles to link.

I am a nurse. When the vaccine first rolled out we were second on the front lines to receive the vaccine. I wanted to wait it out to see how it affected my colleagues at work. One was out for a week after getting the vaccine, and a colleague of mine was laid out in bed for 48 hours but recovered. Another coworker got the vaccine, called in to work sick the next day, and a few days later had a heart attack while driving in to work, and drove to the emergency room entrance instead. Needed a cardiac stent placed and subsequently had blood clots, from what I heard.
The first wave hit us pretty hard. ICU was full and we pooled resources to help with staffing shortages. However it mostly affected the elderly or those with preexisting conditions.
At first I was a skeptic. I am relatively healthy and younger, and seeing the problems from the vaccine people around me were having, they were very different complications than those from a seasonal flu shot.

Then there was news of this new delta variant. I've heard from another nurse I know, of a family with several kids (some right out of high school, some younger), all contracting the delta covid variant from a summer vacation. Both parents held on for over a month and died within a few weeks of each other. It makes me sad to think about how the older kids will have to take care of their younger siblings now.
A friend of mine had the original strain, has asthma, and was out of work for several months. Their relative recently got the delta variant, was put on oxygen, progressed from there to bipap and then intubation. They were admitted to the hospital and died less than a week later. A nurse at another hospitals ICU told me the variant is killing younger healthier people and at a much quicker rate than the previous strain, sometimes within a few days of admission. A common theme is those who have had the vaccine that are admitted to the hospital are usually discharged home within a few days.

Not trying to scare people. This stuff really happened though.
I got my first covid vaccine this last week and rather than some soreness on my arm for a few days I feel fine.
I'll get my second vaccine at the end of this month.
What made me do it? There's something really deadly going on out there guys. The real risk of becoming a statistic on a vent and dying is worse to me than the potential side effects from the vaccine. I am a huge Trump supporter, and if Trump can get the vaccine that he helped develop, then I can get it too.

Thanks for a cool story, I gave your star for writing that. However I don't buy the story about delta variant killing both parents sorry.
edit on 17-8-2021 by AcerM because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 02:02 AM

originally posted by: vonclod
a reply to: ToLiveIsToDie

My problem with it, is that we are been told from officals that it is 100% total safe and nothing bad can ever come from it.

Thats simply not true, there are no absolutes, I never heard that anywhere. There is always the risk of side effects, now they may be described as minimal, or rare..but 100% safe..never heard that.

Well, it may not be true to you, but i have heard it plenty of times.

Only the sith deals in absolutes

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
My popularity has taken a nose dive since I returned and spoke out against covid denial and nonsense.

It was never that high before either what with me being an English trump mocking lefty.

a reply to: andy06shake

We have to set some things straight.

The desire to divide things in two, is an establishment point of view. Divide and conquer. But things are not black and white.
Trump being an a-hole, does not make Biden good.
Facepalming over the right wing, does not make you extreme left wing.
Seeing the problem with affirmative action does not make you elitist or racist.

The same goes for Covid. It's not about vax vs. anti-vax. The media and government would love for it to be so, because two groups pitted against eachother makes for a bigger brawl.

So lay down your attitude that because you like a specific politician or have liked them in the past, that you should still like them.

Stop dropping to your knees because you see a title.

Do you honestly think people like Fauci get to where they are because they are competent? NO...
They get there because they are loyal upwards in the chain. They don't give a hoot about you in the end.
But ofcourse they give an even lesser hoot about those who oppose what they are doing and need to do, to rank up.
That is obvious!

Just like HR departments don't exist for the sake of the employees, but for minimizing company liability.

Experts chosen to speak about these kinds of things are groomed. Crist... the head of the Danish version of CDC went on pension during covid and was replaced by a yet-nodding idiot, that eccoed what the government wanted, even though they are supposed to be telling the government what is the best option.

And mind you, my government is supposed to be "red" or left-wing. The people I normally vote for. But I disagree with everything they have been doing. It's facism.

I refuse to be loyal to politicians and titles. If there are any discrepancies that hurt the welfare of the total population, then those we need to deal with REGARDLESS of who is behind them, or... especially if private companies are behind them.

That's why I mock shows like Stew Peters and will continue to do so, but realise when I read publications and their references, that things are not what they are made into by the media and the governments.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 02:16 AM

originally posted by: ToLiveIsToDie

originally posted by: vonclod
a reply to: ToLiveIsToDie

My problem with it, is that we are been told from officals that it is 100% total safe and nothing bad can ever come from it.

Thats simply not true, there are no absolutes, I never heard that anywhere. There is always the risk of side effects, now they may be described as minimal, or rare..but 100% safe..never heard that.

Well, it may not be true to you, but i have heard it plenty of times.

Only the sith deals in absolutes

I would love to see anything that claimed 100% safe

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: Allenb83

Thank you for sharing. I see I need to clarify even further.

From reading the publications, I'm am no long doubting the effect of the vaccine for some people.

I am douting that the benefits from the vaccines, along with the scare mongering and lockdowns that came beforehand to soften us up, match up with the costs. And then the side effects added on top.

I do believe that you can weigh a humans life in coin. I couldn't say a specific number. But before you curse me for doing so, especially Americans, think about your own arms sales and involvement in wars. The facilitation of wars.
Let's just agree, that your government and arms producers believe the same...

The price we (humans) have paid in bankruptcies, mental health, segregation as in who gets the vaccine first, is too high. You can't even argue that what we have paid has come to benefit us all.
And all that wealth is basically the coin of every normal man and woman on Earth, that has been consolidated on a very few hands, even more than they were before Covid.

And this is a conclusion I come to, based on reading those research papers, that don't get the media spotlight, because well... they don't really serve the roadmap.

Think about it. Almost no so-called independant media has managed to succesfully bring attention to subjects such as PCR and nasal testing being in-adequate for determining infection. They are good for study and research, yes. But not diagnostics.
And by far most research papers going over efficacy either rely on those tests, or go to databases that are based on those tests.

So you see, from the get go, reports are being crafted that are based on data with high levels of error.
It doesn't matter if the cohorts are 1.500.000 people or 50 people, if the foundation is not accurate. Then you are just amplifying the wrong data.
And again, this is also something you can read in closing discussions, but not mentioned when presented.

When was the last time you ever heard a health official say: "We are very excited about the results....... ehm, ofcourse we have to take in mind that the amout of trial subjects was very small.... but yes, very excited!"


You hear this:
"We are very excited about the results!"

And then you might argue, well those scientists have integrity and are good and honest people.

Really? I'd like any of you, to sit in a high profile position and stick your neck out when you discover that you are being asked to peddle BS. None of you ever will.
And almost never happens, because what people do instead is resign. The reason being the obvious:

- My work life is not over. I can't afford to jeopardize that and if I whistleblow this, then its over. I'll never find work like this again.

People protect themselves first and foremost.

Except for a few like Mike Yeardon, and notice how he even say in that latest interview, how he has not made any new friends the last year but lost quite a few.
This is what happens. And most people don't want that. They want safety. You got kids right? Well, what's more important to you? Food on their table or "truth and honesty"?

You might not think it, given my sometime outrageous attitude on this forum and trash rethoric, but I'm quite into the field of communication and strategic communication, behavioural science etc.

Not for teaching or using it to service clients, but to understand what we as populations are up against. We are taught and grow up thinking that media is non-biased. Nothing is further from the truth. If there is money coming from somewhere else than the media's own ability to selfsustain, then there is bias.

And combined with a strung out population, so exhausted it is lacking executive functionality, free and critical thinking can easily be challanged. You stop asking questions and align with the ready made information. Because it's easier.

I like the analogy of parenting and kids. In an unstable household, where both mom and dad are scolding the kid and fighting eachother, the kid with a low amount of resources, will align with the parent that it likes the best. Very few will rightfully tear themself free from the tyrani.

People are kids.
edit on 17/8/21 by flice because: (no reason given)

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