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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

Damn, that sounds like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or...

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 08:56 PM
Idiocracy is Free

Take a break from real life, lol.
edit on 4-9-2021 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:07 PM
Matrix collapsing on itself, or proof Antifa are just what has been known throughout time as "useful idiots?"

Antifacists PROTESTING a literal antifacist event over facist jab demands.


posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

In a way, the current situation is Red Pilling a generation of school kids.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

Sincerely hope you get better soon.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

Ya know... it makes so much sense for JFK Jr. to disappear himself, in the way Jackie did shortly after Jack was killed.

If he wanted a family, in no way could they be properly raised in the media circus world we live in. I wouldn't put it past Diana too, but that's a whole different ball of wax.

As I like to say, anything is possible.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
Don't know if anyone saw this but here it is again, and worth repeating.

Leaked report reveals Moderna knows their Covid-19 injection has caused over 300,000 injuries and they have hidden them from health authorities

It is no wonder then that they never had a Vax approved prior to this one. They should have never been on the list due to track record if they haven't had one safe enough for FDA approval.

I don't believe any of them have ever been safe. It's all been about control from the very start. Meticulous control over the herd. It's about to fail because when the Mass awaken from their slumber, all Hell us gonna break loose. Everyone has a breaking point to where they have nothing left to lose.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: PillarOfFire

Is graphene oxide what caused Japanese authorities to suspend Moderna’s “contaminated” covid vaccines?

On August 26, the country’s health ministry discovered that at least 390 doses, or 39 vials, of the Moderna injection from eight different vaccination sites contain the mystery substances, which strangely enough were found to be magnetic.

Yup, its all connected. All of it.

Was sent this..
Ivermectin goes on Prime Time TV - In Japan

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:37 PM
Indeed, sat with some, some time ago, saying where did antifa n blm come from, who funds, symbolisms etc etc and guided a wee bit, aha's and Q's aplenty, being young their minds can still make changes , diffiCULT for adult brains as we know lol, the young ones mind known are the huge arkillessss heel of Marbs n putrids, this a few moons old but they opening bigger Human recieving data, cracks and walking through walls >

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

In a way, the current situation is Red Pilling a generation of school kids.

edit on 4-9-2021 by 13Kiwi20qYes because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

It would seem, that they were always In it together. And they will fall the same way they began. Together. The pied piper can't carry his tune forever.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I feel optimistic that is the case. (Positive thing)

Also thinking about The end of the Matrix movie 3. Q mentioned the movie as well as ghostezra. The end of that Movie the Oracle asks "what about the others, will they be allowed to leave"? to which he Architect brashly replies "Of Course! What do you think we are, Humans"?

Neo gets to Exit the Matrix along with the rest.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

That's funny because I'm vegetarian for 25 years.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 10:05 PM
Old news, but now I know the exposure time of 20 seconds, and my guesstimated Δ altitude, I come up with 227 mph vertical as the average speed. Sounds about right.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 10:13 PM
New news, 11.3 n law of war, think he be a Kiwi also >

a reply to: FlyingFox

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: CanadianMason
Injection site still sore after two months...developing chronic lower abdomen pain, difficulty walking...stiffness in joints and neck muscles, trouble talking, throat dry constantly, labourious breathing, chronic insomnia, waking up at odd hours..... yet, weirdly still able to function at optimal performance....a bit worried for this oncoming 4th wave in Ontario...vax is now polling employees about our vax status....etc... sorry friends, my thoughts are jumbles of late

I hope you are joking. I pray that you are joking.

CM , I made some HCQ by taking the rind of a Grapefruit and lemons and boiled them for about 10 mins low rolling boil. Then after it cooled I strained it into a jar with a lid and started sharing it with my family who had been diagnosed with CV19. It did help them, but then 99.99 percent of the people who get diagnosed with it end up living life afterwards.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 10:29 PM

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 11:25 PM
Looks like the little st. James folder from the vault was posted on google drive..

seems to be more old stuff

edit on 4/9/2021 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Oh I agree they are parasitic....that's the only way they would have made it in the world. Nothing they have ever achieved was earned, it was given due to how low they were willing to go against decent people. To me, they are as scummy as they can get and I mean from the top of the pyramid down. In the world that was created for us they would never have sat in higher positions based upon hard work, integrity, honesty, and all the good characteristics that we know humans are capable of having. They had to rig the system to stay at the top!

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
I agree with this so much CT. Seeking revenge will not only result in bad karma it is a complete waste of energy. Justice on the other hand is requirement for the good of humanity not only for trespasses that have happened but to temper future trespasses. Thank you for the reminder!

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 10:51 AM
The Court has ordered the Gov't to disclose the identities of Maxwell's "unnamed co-conspirators" and here is where it gets interesting...

As of August 2020, the DOJ investigation of the co-conspirators "remained active."

Techno Fog explanation on the ongoing grand jury investigation - including who might be targeted.

Finally, one important question is still unanswered. Will any more of Epstein’s co-conspirator’s be prosecuted?

We can understand (but can’t fully answer) this question by looking to Epstein’s non-prosecution agreement.

This agreement, or plea deal, was unique. Not just because it was favorable and done in secret and kept secret from his victims and the public, but because it released Epstein’s known and unknown co-conspirators. From the non-prosecution agreement:

[T]he United States also agrees that it will not institute any criminal charges against any potential co-conspirators of Epstein, including but not limited to Sarah Kellen, Adriana Ross, Lesley Groff, or Nadia Marcinkova.

Epsteinites go free.

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