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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 04:48 AM
Have a feeling all is in place, Mmmmaybe we will get Q posts, why i ponder would Q post again if all is in place, plan planned and set ? , because timing of the whole has to be perfect, many not awoken are pissed off enough to demand change anyway, children getting even more affected so mor n more parents launching, many seeing the future as an actual horror moving coming atm, everything in place for the plan, end beginning, will and imo is domino organized now, feel all that may be left is Nurture ramp up and world wide signs.


a reply to: PillarOfFire

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

I observe and watch for the most part, then share my findings with others to piece together. I don't know about Q posting further however, Many believe Q is JFK Jr. Or a small group of White Hats.

Found this and thought I'd share. Again like the Rosanne Barr Vid. It sounds very much like JFK Jr.

According to my own info. From various places over the past 10 years, it's about to end, were about to stop seeing the illusion. According to Gematria anyway.
edit on 4-9-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 10:36 AM
Daily Gesara Updates including New from Donald Trump.

Daily Updates

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: crankyoldman

What's interesting about this meme is the 144000 results.
I 29.97 N 45.8 E is in Ukraine near the black sea. 29.97 is also standard day pressure.

Standard pressure at sea level is 29.9212 Inches of Mercury (Hg), or 760 mm of Hg.

seal level too, typo repaired.

edit on 4-9-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
a reply to: Caled

I'm sorry but, Why are you still eating at McDonald's?

Darn it, I knew someone would call me out on that. I blame the family. We actually wanted chick fil a, but they were closed, and they didn’t want to wait in line at Taco Bell…and it’s not like you can trust any of these companies or the grocery stores…

But yes, point taken.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 11:27 AM
There were two Mr Pool posts early morning, the first, at 00:57AM GNT, is a video of a White circular explosion in a desert, with a pyramid in the background. It's not a nuclear explosion - looks more like a new "Egg Earth" birthing itself from old Earth?

The second is more intriguing as it was at 4:00AM GMT (think MSM talking points tine). It simply says:

SOL. Sun with rays

The "Sun with Rays" is an Emoji!
There are 54 spaces between the period and the sun emoji!
(Mirror of 45?)

Note that SOL is a MARS day.

Off to a family meal now, back on after midnight UK time.

edit on 4-9-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

Standard pressure at sea level is 29.9212 Inches of Mercury (Hg), or 760 mm of Hg.

OOPS you are right.

edit on 4-9-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 11:42 AM
il Donaldo Trumpo

I will confess to being somewhat intimidated with this but I follow my leader and he gave me the link, indirectly, so I had to do the work.
T.B. Pecy>Fmf@cvl

I am shaking so I hope I don't mess this up.
What we have here is the set up for the entire launch and structure for the C-19 attack. In addition bonus footage of Hublots Weapon sales program and China big, big time. Collusion between the NIH, Who, World Bank, and Military with China.

We finally have confirmation of the ship involvement which I have brushed up against a few times in my research.
I have spent time worrying about this post because the implications are enormous.
However I will provide some details and let the better minds prevail as to what this means.

From what I can see clearly is that Goog has been taken over completely and is just a vehicle for different countries and organizations to communicate, set up operations and provide guidance to each other. They just go about their day just making up fake http sites. So much for being a resource center.
I am saying some prayers right now for strength and guidance.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 11:50 AM
July 18, 2019. Right before the Plandemic.

Force Design is Top Priority!
"Re-invigorating the Fmf [Formosal Financial Token]
can be accomplished by assigning more - Marine...
however, do not support a new-build CVL [civil] [light aircraft carrier.]

He is right there giving orders along with the NIH.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 12:28 PM
There is no such thing as "children."
There are HUMAN BEINGS who have not fully developed the body they are going to use on Earth.

By classifying things the Matrix allows for the demonization of those "categories."

There are Human Beings on Earth, at various stages of physical and emotional development, there are no children. There are no elderly, seniors, teenagers, babies or anything else that can be seen as vastly different from Human Beings.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 12:56 PM
If anyone goes to the site be careful because some of the links are not secure.
This was set up before the plandemic. It is a joint operation with the military, our weaponized NIH spearheading the assault in collusion with Chyna and most likely financed by the Central Banks of different Countries.
As soon as you get to the site there will be images of the weapons that are for sale by Hublot.
First things First:
Students had to upload instructions prior to November 2019.

July 15, 2019 we have the Commandant's Planning Guidance -Headquarters Marine.
Going through all of the links it is a very clear lay out of the planning and setting up of operations in preparation of the attack.

Instructions are given on how to create a Domain Name and to even get a premium Domain.

We have battleships, cruisers, carriers, destroyers, ground elements, aircraft carriers. Specific ships are named and
specific people.

Triangle> Company-Q-Gate. This one worried me at first because of the Q reference but as we have seen with all of the inversion he /they are just the inversion of us. Bill Gates G12 9EQ
Reg. Co. SC067107 Q-Gate
[CVL] Ltd.
95 Dowanhill Street
Glasgow, Lankarkshire
FMP AGRI LTD, 71-75 Shelton St.
Covent Garden, London

There are specific crypto connections which is probably how they conduct transaction. Formosa Financial Token [FMF], Forte Coin [FOTC], Fornix [FIX].

Monetary Authorities and Central Banks of different countries and the World Bank are involved. Analytica Accounts. From everything we have seen that makes sense because it is always about the $$$.

Patterson Air Force Base Contact- PC
88th ABW/CUL
Phone # 937-656-0942
Phone [DSN] # 312-986-0942
FAX 937-656-2946

The executive team had to be put in place for launch time.
Dec, 18, 2019.
Executive Producer [what's in a name game]...Dr. Jen Markowsky [FMF]
Musical Producer...Thomas Baust [MDR]
Recording ...Dietlinde Kretzchmann. plus others

ibiblio > This was also in the Argentina communication.

Greenpoint Partners-NIH Director of Operations.
IDBI Bank.

March 11. 2019. JM Fixed Maturity Fund. Series XXVIII. Set up in advance.

Countries involved are many but most prominent are the Chinese, British, U.S and Germany. Waikiki is a key player with 78 products.

Looking over it all I suspect that the attack would come through Canadian waters due to the reference "Fisheries and Oceans Of Canada".

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 01:06 PM

Daré Bioscience acquires Microchips Biotech Programmable Contraceptive Device

Daré Bioscience, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing innovative products for women’s health, announced it entered into an agreement to acquire privately-held Microchips Biotech, Inc.  Daré entered into the agreement to secure Microchips’ innovative, drug delivery technology, which it intends to evaluate as a programmable contraceptive.

Microchips Biotech

MicroCHIPS, Inc. is pioneering the next generation of implantable drug delivery and biosensing devices for use in the pharmaceutical and patient monitoring markets. Our proprietary reservoir technologies include both active and passive forms and provide numerous product opportunities for our partners.

MicroCHIPS, Inc. is a privately held company headquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts. The Company was founded in 1999 by Dr. John Santini, MIT Professors Michael Cima and Robert Langer, and Terry McGuire of Polaris Venture Partners. Our world-class team of nineteen includes fifteen of the best and brightest scientists and engineers.

Bob Langer, MIT Professor, had financial ties to Jeffrey Epstein and worked with Transhumanist, Charles Lieber

edit on 4-9-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 01:12 PM
Every time Joe says "Taliban" with a fake accent it reminds me of this song...🤣🤣🤣

Meanwhile...RED China signs up the faithful...

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 01:14 PM

https://>claims-appeal-sheet XLS

I did not access or link it but it is there and thought it might be an interesting lead.

Plans had to be put in place for reporting metrics. Dec. 31, 2019>files>docs
Draft CACOP Reporting Metrics.

Every detail was planned for.

Even accessed the Coastal and Marine Geoscience Data so that Hublot can deliver and launch weapons and not run aground. Even the TSA is covered. Very thorough work and all prior to Plandemic.

Bruce Colbert, the author has been selected to be an executive officer of which company? Hublot or the health criminal organization or the rogue Military?

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 01:56 PM
And these words are the same as what he said on the twitter feed " The Mystery CUL Iron True Temper Dynamic Gold" watch while looking out over the bay in Monaco.

Power Bomb 450SX-F.

Links are even posted in Chinese and one would have to translate to understand the detail and I did not do that. There are also some French and Italian. Seems like the entire world was in on taking us down because we wanted our President Trump.

Seems they even offer discounts.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -NIH/Gates > Why was this included in all of this set up>Familial Mediterranean Fever?
Genetically Defined autoinflammatory Jesus 2016. I kid you not.
Gain of function break through.>doi>full>odi

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
PM for you.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
Robert Langer is co-founder of Moderna Therapeutics
Moderna Board of Directors

MIT Scientist Bob Langer Becomes A Billionaire Thanks To Moderna Stock Rally

Forbes estimates that Langer is worth about $1.1 billion, with his fortune largely made up of his Moderna shares as well as smaller holdings in publicly traded biotech startups including Frequency Therapeutics, SQZ Biotechnologies and Lyra Therapeutics. He follows in the footsteps of Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, worth $2.7 billion, and fellow professor and biotech investor Timothy Springer, worth $1.5 billion, who passed the billion-dollar mark as Moderna’s stock price soared in April and May.

Langer’s investment in Moderna is his most lucrative bet so far — and the professor has never wavered in his belief that the company’s ideas could succeed. “Beyond the promise of Moderna’s technology platform, I have also remained impressed by its committed leadership teams and staff,” he said. “So much so that I have not sold a single share of Moderna stock since the company’s founding.” 3myn6GBWeJGVrpsE6Eb1e3Ii8Gj_XlLTmvooWK4rXhpquweDZUA1ma0I&sh=f7159253a90d

Embattled After Epstein, Media Lab Director Joi Ito Gets Public Support

The biomedical engineer Robert Langer was one of the letter’s early signatories. In an interview, Langer — who has a role in the Lab’s administration — cited work to help amputees and to attract more diverse fellows to campus from groups that might otherwise be underrepresented, among other Ito initiatives. “To me, the tremendously good things he’s [Epstein] done for MIT and for the world — so far outweigh the bad things,” Langer said. wSfqJnA

In quest for vaccine, US makes 'big bet' on company with unproven technology

it turns out Moderna had an edge. Its scientists had already been collaborating with researchers from the National Institutes of Health on a vaccine for another coronavirus, Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). So when Chinese researchers released the genomic sequence for the new coronavirus -- SARS-CoV-2, which causes the deadly disease known as Covid-19 -- in mid-January, they had a jump start.

Established in 2010, Moderna has never brought a product to market, or gotten any of its nine or so vaccine candidates approved for use by the FDA. It has also never brought a product to the third and final phase of a clinical trial. I

Stéphane Bancel isCEO of Moderna:
Ego, ambition, and turmoil: Inside one of biotech’s most secretive startups

At the center of it all is Stéphane Bancel, a first-time biotech CEO with an unwavering belief that Moderna’s science will work — and that employees who don’t “live the mission” have no place in the company. Confident and intense, Bancel told STAT that Moderna’s science is on track and, when it is finally made public, that it will meet the brash goal he himself has set: The new drugs will change the world.

The company has published no data supporting its vaunted technology, and it’s so secretive that some job candidates have to sign nondisclosure agreements before they come in to interview. Outside venture capitalists said Moderna has so many investors clamoring to get in that it can afford to turn away any who ask too many questions. Some small players have been given only a peek at Moderna’s data before committing millions to the company, according to people familiar with the matter.

It’s a case of the emperor’s new clothes,” said a former Moderna scientist. “They’re running an investment firm, and then hopefully it also develops a drug that’s successful.”

Before Moderna, Bancel worked for a biotech company in France--BioMérieux:

In 1897, Marcel Mérieux, former assistant to Louis Pasteur, founded the Mérieux Biological Institute, which later became Institut Mérieux.[4] In 1963, Alain Mérieux founded BD Mérieux, of which he became majority shareholder in 1974. BD Mérieux would later become bioMérieux.[

Alain Mérieux & the Communist Party of China

Mérieux first came to China in 1978 to promote human and veterinary vaccines. Actually, the Mérieux family has long been friends with China. Before China and France established diplomatic relations, Mérieux’s father-in-law Paul Berliet had exhibited the Berliet trucks in Beijing and kicked off China-France cooperation in the automotive industry.

In 2003 when SARS hit China, BioMérieux SA took an active part in China’s research on SARS control and prevention and on streptococcus, writing an admirable chapter of China-France cooperation against epidemics.

2013, President Xi Jinping put forward the initiative of a Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Mérieux spoke highly of this initiative. He believes that the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) will lead Chinese medical teams to countries and regions plagued by diseases, especially communicable diseases, and in urgent need of assistance. This is a commitment that requires a global effort SZ4hE

Moderna CEO Worked Under Pharma Billionaire Who is Great Friends with Chinese Dictator Xi Jinping and Pushed for Wuhan Virology Lab

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel, who is pushing experimental COVID-19 vaccines designed to alter the RNA of recipients, previously worked as CEO of BioMerieux, a firm owned by a billionaire who was instrumental in the development of the infamous virology lab in Wuhan, China.

French pharma billionaire Alain Merieux, creator of BioMerieux, once served as the Co-President of the Franco-Chinese Committee on Emerging Infectious Diseases. Through this role, Merieux was instrumental in the development of the P4 Laboratory in Wuhan where the COVID-19 virus may have been synthesized and released to devastate society. ed-for-wuhan-virology-lab

DARPA Awards Moderna Therapeutics a Grant for up to $25 Million to Develop Messenger RNA Therapeutics™

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., October 2, 2013—Moderna Therapeutics, the company pioneering messenger RNA therapeutics™, a revolutionary new treatment modality to enable the in vivo production of therapeutic proteins, announced today that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded the company up to $25 million to research and develop its messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform as a rapid and reliable way to make antibody-producing drugs to protect against a wide range of known and unknown emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological threats.

This grant is part of a DARPA program called ADEPT: PROTECT (Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics: Prophylactic Options to Environmental and Contagious Threats). The goal is to develop platform technologies that can be deployed safely and rapidly to provide the U.S. population with near-immediate protection against emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological weapons, even in cases when the pathogen or infectious agent is unknown. id=IwAR3iySUH4wjR37BcreGlJUyQgapvDhVOWIrgeCQRveru22LBU8P6qTQlHhQ

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

This hits home pretty hard Cranky because it is so true so I am attempting to engage you and others in conversation about what we do next. I just do not understand why those who are following this leftist BS cannot see it. I know they been brainwashed but what it the world will it take to wake them up? How can they not see that they are cutting there on throats along with everyone elses? In regards to those videos and pics we've all been discussing that I for one cannot look at more of, the ones now on McAfee but have been around a while.....when these people see that same stuff does it affect them in the same way that it does us? Has something chemically changed their brains so that they have no empathy it can't be tylenol. I take that every day for RA and I can assure you I am passionate and have an overload of empathy for everyone suffering. My mind is just blown that these morons can not seem to wake up. I get on ATS and read tons of information that the entire world should be concerned with and I know the lefty's are on here so please, anyone inject an opinion here as to why the same stuff that concerns us just fly's right over there heads? Please tell me what it will take to wake them up? I feel so lost sometimes in this world when I see how easily led the left has been in the Cabal Agenda and I think constantly about how we can make them see the truth. I am apparently not thinking of anything that works so what will? Even if Ku is 100% spot on with what we have believed we still have a large percentage on the brain frozen or dead to deal with, how do we approach that? I have no desire to brainwash them to believe what I believe I just want them to see the facts and draw a human opinion. Does engaging them in conversation about important topics even work? I have friends who aren't brain dead but still just shrug it off and say "the world's just crazy". That cannot be the answer man. Everyone possible has to become involved imo, I just do not know how to motivate people enough to make them care. I didn't mean to drone on and on here but I am dealing with these thoughts daily and I just hope someone will discuss it.....I feel like we are going to need a plan, after the original plan has come to fruition. I realize that you can't fix stupid, but wth is making them so stupid?

That ignorant or stupid woman in the bottom picture???? Since she has had 21 abortions I am guessing she hasn't raised any children and I hope she ends up in the nastiest, poorest run nursing home in the country. I'll even volunteer to shop around for one especially for can't be that evil and not deserve some hell on earth!

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
My boss told me this afternoon that he is going to be putting out an email announcing that he will be mandating that all employees get fully vaccinated.

What triggered this?

We received emails from four of our better customers this week that they will not let us on their properties unless we are fully vaccinated. We have been getting signals from other customers that they will be doing the same.
Those customers include two large hospital groups and guess who else?

Johnson and Johnson, and Pfizer.

Now I will have to get vaccinated or lose my job.

American freedom is a thing of the past.

Comment on the part that I bolded above:

I really don't want to go too off topic of Q posts and things related, but I wanted to jump in with a similar-ish type of thing happening with me. I will attempt to be brief - this year I was diagnosed with bladder cancer (high grade papillary urothelial carcinoma - in case anyone needs specifics), had two rounds of surgery and chemo, and just finished my first 6 week course of BCG Immunotherapy (which will continue for about 3 more years). I will need to get scoped to check progress toward the end of the month, and probably then schedule the next course of the immunotherapy. I apologize that this has become a rambling post, but the point is that my doctor "very strongly recommended" that I get the Pfizer jab one week after my last visit so I would get through any of the "temporary flu like symptoms" I may have before my next appointment. By that request, I should have taken the jab this past Wednesday - which I did not and have no intention of doing. He didn't say he would refuse to treat me if I didn't get it, but if he does insist - I may essentially be putting my life on the line when I tell him no. And I'm not trying to be melodramatic or anything. I would assume that I could find another urologist who would treat me, but there is no way - no way - that I will be coerced by him into taking this poison.

I really hope you will not be forced into this! We each have a different set of circumstances and I can't possibly know what yours are - so no judgement from me whatsoever. I really wish something would blow wide open that would bring a halt to these forced inoculations!
edit on 4-9-2021 by tallcool1 because: spelling errors

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 03:37 PM
We are being tallied and sorted based on two choices -love or fear - which will lead down two different paths. They're painting us in a corner. Hard choices have to be made. Sacrifices will have to be made. We're not going to see a monumental shift until we work through this process. Not everyone is going to wake up, not everyone is meant to. Focus on yourself and the ones you love
edit on 4-9-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

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