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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 09:09 PM
This is odd. Coats blast from the past with a perfect mirror date?

Just for fun, another oddly number match up.

What's interesting about this meme is the 144000 results.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
My boss told me this afternoon that he is going to be putting out an email announcing that he will be mandating that all employees get fully vaccinated.

What triggered this?

We received emails from four of our better customers this week that they will not let us on their properties unless we are fully vaccinated. We have been getting signals from other customers that they will be doing the same.
Those customers include two large hospital groups and guess who else?

Johnson and Johnson, and Pfizer.

Now I will have to get vaccinated or lose my job.

American freedom is a thing of the past.

Their fear based on Government lies is chilling.

The whole world has gone mad and there are so many that are willing to be sheep it is embarrassing.

edit on 3-9-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
My boss told me this afternoon that he is going to be putting out an email announcing that he will be mandating that all employees get fully vaccinated.

What triggered this?

We received emails from four of our better customers this week that they will not let us on their properties unless we are fully vaccinated. We have been getting signals from other customers that they will be doing the same.
Those customers include two large hospital groups and guess who else?

Johnson and Johnson, and Pfizer.

Now I will have to get vaccinated or lose my job.

American freedom is a thing of the past.

Religious exemption? HERE Maybe file it regardless for protection?

Odd, I don't think Pfizer makes their employees get the jab, nor CDC or WHO.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 09:12 PM
Speaking of memesque headlines, What kind of Through the Looking Glass Orwellian-Kafkaesque doublespeak is this "fact-check"?

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Either way they want to say it, the ones who come down with the illness who are vaccinated carry viral loads that are off the charts compared to those who are not vaccinated.

It should be frightening to the vaccinated either way you look at it.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

The placement and measurements of the GP of Giza are absolutely baffling to me. It truly is as if that thing was placed there by some otherworldly intelligence. The length of the base of the moment and height of the monument both make identical ratios to the circumference of the earth along the equator and poles. It is also placed in the center of Earth's landmass.

The designers of that monument display an intelligence far greater than should have been available to the Egyptians of the time according to what archaeologists believe of their culture. Modern academia will tell you these same people didn't understand what a wheel was. 😂

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Odd, I don't think Pfizer makes their employees get the jab, nor CDC or WHO.

We work at Pfizer locations through their management company, Jones Lang LaSalle, so the letter came from them, but the locations we have our employees working are actual Pfizer plants. I don’t think that JLL is calling the shots, but I guess they could be.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 09:41 PM
Don’t quit. Make them fire you.

originally posted by: butcherguy
My boss told me this afternoon that he is going to be putting out an email announcing that he will be mandating that all employees get fully vaccinated.

What triggered this?

We received emails from four of our better customers this week that they will not let us on their properties unless we are fully vaccinated. We have been getting signals from other customers that they will be doing the same.
Those customers include two large hospital groups and guess who else?

Johnson and Johnson, and Pfizer.

Now I will have to get vaccinated or lose my job.

American freedom is a thing of the past.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 09:46 PM
twita reply to: Thoughtful1

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Lengthy French documentary (translated to English speaking) on the "construction of the Great Pyramid and the True History of Humanity revealed" that presents a different theory and covers all those math details and much more.

The late Michael Aquino from way back has an interesting thread on the subject.


a reply to: butcherguy

Damn, that's a tough decision to make and wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Not going to tell you what to do, but whichever way you decide I wish you all the best. Putting food on the table is #1 in my book.

Ha, small world. I knew several JLL contractors when I was working for a giant globalist corporation. The contractors, ALL of them do as their told by the Corp masters or else! Sucks, but sometimes you got to roll with the punches or move on.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
Now I do agree with that! I know the media is lying to them but think about how many of the hateful, mindless remarks that we see in the twitter feed and it's the same on a lot of others. They are on there seeing the same information we are seeing and never does it" soak in". I do not want to sound cruel but I'm not sure they have the intellect to grasp it if they do hear or read it......

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: crankyoldman

The placement and measurements of the GP of Giza are absolutely baffling to me. It truly is as if that thing was placed there by some otherworldly intelligence. The length of the base of the moment and height of the monument both make identical ratios to the circumference of the earth along the equator and poles. It is also placed in the center of Earth's landmass.

The designers of that monument display an intelligence far greater than should have been available to the Egyptians of the time according to what archaeologists believe of their culture. Modern academia will tell you these same people didn't understand what a wheel was. 😂

They moved in, those are not "old" they are from another reality altogether. The equipment needed to use them was removed ages ago, they were kaput by the time the "Egyptian" culture moved in - thankfully. But.. Hawass.

I went to the Tut exhibit when it returned here. They played the film of the opening of King Tut's closet. I cracked up that the junk closet was interpreted as a suitcase to the afterworld. Absurd. But, as we have seen throughout, history is easy to manipulate here on earth, and folks will fight to the death over the lies upon lies. Hawass. LOL.

There is a book "Who Built The Moon" which has totally unfathomable measurements on such things. It isn't natural, but for another time and place, as what it was, what it is, and what it has become is strange.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

I love this movement! Deplorable truckers who aren't supposed to be intelligent enough to understand what is good for them (the world) and what is bad ( according to Obama).....flexing some physical and mental muscle and screwing with the "intellectuals".

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Brien Foerster is my de facto expert.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 10:58 PM
Prof. Edward Dutton of The Jolly Heretic has some interesting videos about the dysgenic effects of civilization. He believes this may also be the reason for the evolution of the 'Spiteful Mutant'. A person with a high mutative load who is genetically predisposed towards beliefs such as antinatalism, socialism, an aversion to ethnonationalism, etc. He also talks about the anti-genius, a highly intelligent 'mutant' who uses his abilities to maximize decoherence.

His video: Why We Will NOT Get Enslaved By Elite-Programmed Robots and you don't need to fear the Singularity, makes some good points near the end and society would likely collapse (based on history) before any such technocrat elite takeover. If getting fired because of refusing the vax starts really trending, some sort of collapse may occur sooner. May be part of the reason for the immigration flood.

Contextual with the vid...


posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 11:02 PM
THIS is incredible. Most won't be able to follow, hell I couldn't, but what he says is truly effing strange. Had DJT said... nvm.


So on Hunter's 16th birthday Joe took him to Auschwitz to show him how this COULD happen again. And it is, see unvaxxed camps.

But I don't get this at all. He says he was talking with Prime Minister Gold Meir in her office right after the six day war with her "assistant" Rabin.


Six day war. 5–10 June 1967
Golda PM. March 17, 1969 – June 3, 1974
Joe in office. January 3, 1973 – January 15, 2009
Rabin, Yitzhak I assume by the smirk. Ambassador to the United States beginning in 1968, serving for five years.

So tell me how the hell did any of this happen fact checkers because the only thing that fits is the camps admission.

Truly this is totally insane, completely unhinged. The fact that anyone at all, left right or indifferent, thinks this is just Business As Usual because at least there are no more meant tweets needs to check themselves into the bin.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 12:18 AM
I went to a McDonald’s today. Took forever. There were two people working. One at the window taking orders and another cooking. Other than the wait, the food was more or less good. Nuggets were a bit dry, but I’m still impressed nonetheless.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Prof. Edward Dutton of The Jolly Heretic has some interesting videos about the dysgenic effects of civilization. He believes this may also be the reason for the evolution of the 'Spiteful Mutant'. A person with a high mutative load who is genetically predisposed towards beliefs such as antinatalism, socialism, an aversion to ethnonationalism, etc. He also talks about the anti-genius, a highly intelligent 'mutant' who uses his abilities to maximize decoherence.

His video: Why We Will NOT Get Enslaved By Elite-Programmed Robots and you don't need to fear the Singularity, makes some good points near the end and society would likely collapse (based on history) before any such technocrat elite takeover. If getting fired because of refusing the vax starts really trending, some sort of collapse may occur sooner. May be part of the reason for the immigration flood.

Contextual with the vid...


posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

So when he was 27 he was visiting Israel's PM? I mean it's possible, but then we should be asking ourselves that if this story is true, then why was he there?

According to the WIKI

In 1968, Biden earned a Juris Doctor from Syracuse University College of Law, ranked 76th in his class of 85, after failing a course due to an acknowledged "mistake" when he plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school. He was admitted to the Delaware bar in 1969.

Biden had not openly supported or opposed the Vietnam War until he ran for Senate and opposed Nixon's conduct of the war. While studying at the University of Delaware and Syracuse University, Biden obtained five student draft deferments, at a time when most draftees were sent to the Vietnam War. In 1968, based on a physical examination, he was given a conditional medical deferment; in 2008, a spokesperson for Biden said his having had "asthma as a teenager" was the reason for the deferment.

In 1968, Biden clerked at a Wilmington law firm headed by prominent local Republican William Prickett and, he later said, "thought of myself as a Republican". He disliked incumbent Democratic Delaware governor Charles L. Terry's conservative racial politics and supported a more liberal Republican, Russell W. Peterson, who defeated Terry in 1968. Biden was recruited by local Republicans but registered as an Independent because of his distaste for Republican presidential candidate Richard Nixon.

In 1969, Biden practiced law first as a public defender and then at a firm headed by a locally active Democrat who named him to the Democratic Forum, a group trying to reform and revitalize the state party; Biden subsequently reregistered as a Democrat. He and another attorney also formed a law firm. Corporate law, however, did not appeal to him, and criminal law did not pay well. He supplemented his income by managing properties.

So was he violating the Logan Act in-between plagiarizing law reviews, dodging the draft for health reasons, and failing to make a living at practicing law? What was he doing meeting with the PM of Israel?

Of course I doubt this story is true, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if he took the story from someone else and "mistakenly" thought that it was something he did. He seems to have a history of plagiarizing, and given his VP I'm sure he has to keep up the story-time politics.

I doubt any "Faux-Chec...Fact Checkers" will prove anything is wrong in this story. I read a "Fact-Check" today about Biden checking his watch while the Servicemen were brought back. They concluded that he didn't check his watch while the ceremony was taking place, but rather he did it after the ceremony and was no more disrespectful than when Trump saluted the remains of fallen soldiers. I'm sure there was more to the story, but I'm still pissed at that "F" report. since when is a President saluting fallen servicemen disrespectful, but looking at a goddamn watch while the fallen are being taken off the "F" plane not. OK Sorry about the rant, but "Faux-Checker" need to get kicked right square in the nut.

I believe there is a lost chapter in "Dante's Inferno" where a tenth level of hell exists. It's the place where Satan craps and pees. Fact-Checkers will go there when they die, and they will be happy because they will write about how great the place is.

Who is Joe Biden? He claims to have been in office 110 years ago, and now meting with people that he should have no need to meet with. He makes a lot of confusing claims that make no sense, but even if he really does have Dementia, he should be getting things in his life confused, and not getting reality and fantasy confused. So who, or what is Joe Biden?

Is he even mortal man, or some St Germain styled occultist?

Personally I think the man is an idiot, but still we should not exclude the possibility that people like those Epstein Crowd wanted Joe in office for some reason. Dare I say that Joe is their god?

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: Caled

I'm sorry but, Why are you still eating at McDonald's?

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 02:46 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

What's interesting about this meme is the 144000 results.
I 29.97 N 45.8 E is in Ukraine near the black sea. 29.97 is also standard day pressure.

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