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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
“G’day Mates. Don’t worry, it’s just a shower”...

Comrade Premier Gladys Berejiklian of The New South Wales Directorate Has a Warning Message For Australian Citizens Demanding Freedom

"Aussies and Kiwis are the test populations for the objectives of the western alliance."

(If you skip the article, realize the short vid is a mash-up of statements.) The Aussie gulag Wellcamp is expected to receive guests by end of this year.

Staggering. They are all so physically disgusting.

While the Aussies were sleeping it went back to a penal colony.

So, criminals are kept in a cell and given an hour of "yard" at day, to protect the OTHER members of society from them.

In Australia folks are kept in their homes and given one hour of "yard" a day, to protect the OTHER members of society from them.

I fail to see a difference and anyone who does is insane.

The cops change sides and this all ends, strange the cops think they are not a part of the imprisoned, but right now they are just the screws in the same NSW jail cell.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 09:03 PM
I found a new way to read the internet and the nice part is that you don't even have to read the articles. Rel will just love this!
Do a goog [enemy search] ...
What land does Biden have in Argentina?
What land does Obama have in Argentina?
What land does George W. Bush have in Argentina?
What land does Clinton have in Argentina?
Scroll through and read. All the details are there and how they communicate with each other under the cover of news releases but just the topic and the sentence.
Pay close attention to heavily enhanced words.
You have to go through every page because it is a page turner, trust me. Also if you see goog has done the favor of editing the reading material please ask for more.

They set up the narrative, the game plan and there is no kuestion Biden is not the president now. It is the administration whoever they may be.

I did an experiment and left the link open to see if it is updated and yep it gets added to on critical issues as they evolve in Biden's case.

I went through all of the names such as and it appears that we have a list of the news outlets that are part of the game. They provide the platform for individuals to communicate with Biden's administration.

All the players are there Chyna, EU and the Climate Terrorist Organization. I have to call it that because they are front and center in all of this with the plan that 30% of U.S. land is to be under Federal control and remain undeveloped. No Oil fracking and electric cars.

Seems they have big plans for Africa. Why don't they leave these people in peace?

Anyway there is sooo much there. Happy reading everyone. We can call these the Cliff Notes of espionage or Text messaging.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 09:16 PM
The reason I even started with Argentina was that I was curious why so many elite have bought land there and also why Pfizer was demanding assets, such as military assets in Argentina and Brazil before they would give them vaccines. They pushed back and rightly so. But what is really going on?

Looking into the constitution of Argentina they have a very special clause. Property can not be confiscated EVER.>constitution>Argen...

This one clause would allow people to purchase land and provide a place to live and store wealth and when people like Obama. George W. Bush, Clinton and Biden need to head for the hills they have their hideouts. Even if tribunals come and they are stripped of their assets those assets are protected under the Argentine constitution.
They didn't care much for ours but I am sure they will fight to defend Argentina's.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 09:26 PM
Another thing that makes Argentina [also Chili] important is that they both claim ownership of Antarctica. One day this issue may end up in World Court and if Argentina's claim is upheld then whatever mystery they have down there will be Argentina's.
Then the entire world will be looking to Argentina. Looking at all the countries that have set up bases on the Antarctica this indicates something big is taking place and the stakes are high.

Pfizer's demand for Argentina assets and Brazils' can be for duel purposes. If they lose this battle and vaccines are shown to be dangerous and they are held liable their assets are safe and protected under Argentina's constitution. If the are successful then they have a country and military equipment to take out the rest of humanity.
This is just so wrong. No regard to humanity at all. It is all just about the money.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 09:45 PM
Watch the Water

I guess we can call this the Argentina Files.
According to https://5> George W. Bush bought 300,000 acres in Paraguay. He bought the rights to an ocean of fresh, clear as glass, Grade A water. His land sits atop one of the largest freshwater aquifers...

Bush and grand daughter of former President George H.W. Bush bought 98,840 acres.

Chaco Paraguay [very important]
Paraguay Triple Frontier A Family Mission.
So for people worried call it a conspiracy.

Resurrecting the Bush Land-Acquisition-in-Paraguay
U.S. President George W. Bush
Land Grab Project
Bush Family Paraguay Hideaway Update.
Bush cronies buying land in Argentina.

As you can see this can be read for each of the cast of characters.
I wonder if the name of the country is changed that will give different results?

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 10:00 PM
More False Flag comms? Wect News 6

(AP) – All four people aboard a small jet were killed Thursday morning when it crashed shortly after taking off from a small airport in Connecticut, officials said.

The jet took off just before 10 a.m. from the Robertson Airport before crashing into the building at Trumpf Inc., a manufacturing company, Farmington Police Lt. Tim McKenzie said.

Is this messaging "Take out Trump"?
Trumpf Inc > Trump Fin C?

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 10:01 PM
Looking at all of the www."s this one made zero sense.
It looks totally made up. Let me show you.>socio politicco>esp...

During those years of Bush lots of messages were going across the tv close caption screens and they were backwards. I could read them all since I had a picture frame with glass that reflected it all backwards. I am sure lots of other people were as well because it was pretty obvious. I wonder if this is the same.

sed a yelp ace to ilbib.

Okay off to Yelp. In Big Bold Letters
it looks like there aren't many great matches for your search.
Okay then why is all this there?>document

And a lot of communication portals. travis 85 wants to know how to see Message on Okcupid?
Teresa Widner-HVcyelp
How to un-lock on okcupidMob?
network solutions email.

Not to leave out dating sites...What to write on a dating site. Profile Examples
Yelp tii
Private snap...ilibib ashley bob ashley.

Pintrest- ilbib
Hotmail- ilibib

So we can safely assume that they operate across all of the social platforms.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 10:03 PM

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
As usual, our leaders, politicians, and other Masters of the Universe take something good and ruin it for the regular joe and then jet off to some other private place so they won't be around to reap what they sow. My heart breaks for our country. The vultures are feeding on the carcass.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: hangedman13
a reply to: cherokeetroy

I just love the idea of making the police run around looking for covid people! Not like there are actual crimes they could be dealing with. Shall we take bets on how long it takes for people to mess this system up? In my opinion it will not take very long.

They treat everyone like a criminal, meaning we all live in a prison.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 10:34 PM
Very xlent vid and so true, The 3 hexogonal figures in the Mcfee data or 666 with a bite ?, not sure if the incubing i do is online, eggysample there was 216 days from 2012-21-12 to water day n DOOT day july 2013, within was incubing, 6 lots of 36, Hex n Bee energies is the future nowaday imo, very much, am doing water/Wai Holy/sacred products atm and another doing similar is using created hex cellular wai/water with hers and we are combining experimenting also, especialllly gold n silver colloidal wise, watch the water has many meanings, imo our own water first then outside, however. All about intent imo, oh and the Bee's = gold. Honey honey honey Hex hex hex, research Manuka honey with Ceyene pepper, together mind blowing, life changing if sick.

a reply to: cherokeetroy

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 10:36 PM
The Biden Chapter:
He is desperate and ready to make a run for it. He is looking for land and coordinates are given.

October 30, 2020 What you'll get with a Biden presidency is matrixed, integrated,...
Mexico would be the main focus because of its long land border -

Biden has picked LGBT.

The Biden's Family Strange Business
In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden' son Hunter and Joe's younger brother...
"But you can put in some firewalls in place in your own office.">articles
His foes have called the $500,000 he paid for land ridiculous...I think the country of today is a country where you can allow for
and it goes on and on.

We even have home.Kpmg...
Covid related Flash Alerts- Kpmg International.

"Tango" is an important word. Obama did the Tango, Hillary Clinton did the Tango, the plane of the president of Argentina is called Tango aside from the dance Tango.

The embassy in Argentina
Travel advisary: Level 4- Do Not Travel...Brazil and Argentina this week. National Security Advisor Jae Sullivan will travel to Brazil and Argentina.

Biden doesn't want attackers 'on the Earth' anymore.

Giant meteorite found in Argentina. We need the hate to stop. Will Reflect.>babylon-bee
Get Seth Dillan.
Lost Argentine town re-emerges from Lake. Epecuen.



Argentina president" Search for missing sub will continue.

Jan 10, 2018 pre plandemic Hidden Lake. It was an irregular purchase, for this land is within the ----- Lago Corp and Hidden Lake bought all the shares in the Argentine Firm.

Seems We The People really are not a thing are we? It is all about land grabs, weapons, space, money, abortions and collecting dead babies supply, and Antarctica and whatever is there. Probably some lost ancient technology maybe?

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 10:41 PM
From my point of view reading all of the Obama Files, Clinton Files, Bush Files, Biden Files -to date it appears that a parallel society is being established in Argentina. George W. Bush has some type of military base set up and there are concerns over nuclear weapons.
We have China with a space station set up in Argentina? A sub is missing. I mean sounds like lots of drama. No wonder Biden botched the Afghanistan withdrawal. Just look at what he is contending with. His focus is not on us at all. Doesn't care and never has. It was just a job and a paycheck.
How sad.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 10:42 PM
Fenty = CCP.

These go together.

White House proposes removing penalties for fentanyl trafficking-related offenses

The White House on Thursday proposed removing certain penalties associated with trafficking of fentanyl-related substances (FRS), prompting criticism that it would weaken illicit drug enforcement.

President Biden and former President Trump temporarily placed FRS under schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. Thursday's proposal would make that change permanent while removing certain quantity-based mandatory minimums.

Team Joe right now...

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Thank you for posting that link. Depressing isn't it? All that money and resources while we have all paid crippling taxes, property, income and sale tax and gas tax and having to borrow for our children's education.
I do wonder what he has hidden in all of that water?
I used to laugh at it but maybe he is a Reptilian.

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: dug88
I want to look but I just can't.....

Does whatever it is, implicate one of the powerful leaders we'd like to see indicted?

posted on Sep, 2 2021 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

We have come so far past your "discoveries" The Bolt Hole and Paraguay has been Tunneled through like Storm D..
If your trying to educate your a bit late..If your trying to reset reality back 5 years your right on time..
The fact that you garner any acknowledgement from the regulars is troublesome...

I am going the way of ORRED..

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 12:19 AM
a reply to: Sabrechucker

Did you mean"Tunnelled through like Stormy D..."?

Almost guffawed my coffee over laptop - I'll be looking for opportunities to reuse that line!

edit on 3-9-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-9-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 12:51 AM
Add another layer of foil...

The families suing Remington Arms over its marketing of the rifle used in the Sandy Hook School massacre want a court to order the gunmaker to keep confidential school records it has subpoenaed about five children and four educators who died in the 2012 attack in Newtown.

The Remington subpoena demands, among other things, the children’s “application and admission paperwork, attendance records, transcripts, report cards, (and) disciplinary records.”

edit on 3-9-2021 by FlyingFox because:

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