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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 10:57 AM
We the people alert system.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:01 AM
This is a World Wide Alert.
I do not make these warnings for fun or lightly. If people are using generic medications please, please try to replace them with the non generic brand. I understand that insurance often forces the pharmacy to switch over to the less costly generic brand. Pay the difference.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:10 AM
People will need to rise up and remove the control they have given others. This needs to happen first so the vacuum created doesn’t start the cycle again. Less control, smaller vacuum.

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: Xactamundo

What if this is really just another form of control. Keeping the patriots calm so they won’t rise up and try taking back the country?

That has always been one of the possibilities ... even from the start and has been mentioned before.

The phrase 'Power loves a vacuum' comes to mind.

However, taking the time to educate the people as Q has done is not in the interest of anyone seeking control over the masses. It would be stupid.

If the country rises in anger, then several levels of control will be lost near instantly, but it just needs time to be replaced.

Let us take France as one example. The people didn't want to eat cake, they severed the heads of their ruling class.

Now ... how is France doing today ... having the same problem again ... perhaps the Elite should tell them to eat cake.

What I am hoping for is that this will be a complete clean ... although I know it will not be as complete as it needs to be.

Never-the-less, things are happening, good things! The people smuggling and child slavery have been curtailed, China is being dealt with and so I for one am willing to continue down this path to see where it leads.


posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:22 AM
James Charles for Truth tells a story of the first vote for Governor in Fallujah 5:24 minutes

A Dark little Tale

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Holy #...i've seen some disturbing things on the internet in my days...those pictures and those two videos with the screaming and the torture...kind of wish I'd never clicked that.

I hope everyone of the people involved in this #...all those politicians, celebrities...whoever...they all need to be brought to swift brutal justice...
edit on 29/8/2021 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:24 AM
Shays' Rebellion started on August 29, 1786 – an armed uprising in Western Massachusetts and Worcester in response to a debt crisis among the citizenry and in opposition to the state government's increased efforts to collect taxes both on individuals and their trades.

American Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays led 4000 rebels (called Shaysites) in a protest against economic and civil rights injustices.

The federal government had been unable to recruit soldiers for the army because of a lack of funding (imagine that), so Massachusetts leaders decided to act independently. Former Continental Army General Benjamin Lincoln recruited 3000 militia men and marched to the rebel camp.

Aftermath consequences:

Four thousand people signed confessions acknowledging participation in the events of the rebellion in exchange for amnesty. Several hundred participants were eventually indicted on charges relating to the rebellion, but most of these were pardoned under a general amnesty that excluded only a few ringleaders. Eighteen men were convicted and sentenced to death, but most of these had their sentences commuted or overturned on appeal, or were pardoned. John Bly and Charles Rose, however, were hanged on December 6, 1787. They were also accused of a common-law crime, as both were looters.
Daniel Shays

Shays was pardoned in 1788 and he returned to Massachusetts briefly then moved to Sparta, New York, died on September 29, 1825 and his legend made him a popular attraction for visitors.

Thomas Jefferson was serving as ambassador to France at the time and refused to be alarmed by Shays' Rebellion. He argued in a letter to James Madison on January 30, 1787, that occasional rebellion serves to preserve freedoms. In a letter to William Stephens Smith on November 13, 1787, Jefferson wrote, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

One of the leaders of the pro government faction included names that continued to appear in the early Federalist history of Lenox and Berkshire County: David Ingersoll

Re-dedicated replacement gravestone on August 12, 2016 (corrected name spelling) for Captain Daniel Shays, 5th Massachusetts Infantry, Continental Army and leader of Shays' Rebellion.

Reverse side of new gravestone for Daniel Shays:

Shays' Rebellion

Shays' Rebellion (US History)

Constitution Daily

Letter To George Washington from Henry Knox, 23 October 1786

Aug. 29, 1786: Shays’ Rebellion

The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at Mount Vernon

Last Battle of Shays' Rebellion: (song starts @ 1:48)

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:24 AM
Did I miss a post somewhere? I don’t think I have anything but generic medications…. What’s up?

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
This is a World Wide Alert.
I do not make these warnings for fun or lightly. If people are using generic medications please, please try to replace them with the non generic brand. I understand that insurance often forces the pharmacy to switch over to the less costly generic brand. Pay the difference.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:26 AM
We have a TWO PRONG DANGER issue here.
FIRST: The FDA halted the inspection of Generic Drugs back in March of 2020 and they have not resumed as yet.
The overseas pharmaceutical lab inspections [China] were disrupted due to the plandemic which means we have no eyes or boots on the ground. Chyna released the bioweapon on purpose or by accident and this is another weapon. I am calling this as I see it. A Trojan Horse weapon.

This weapon had already been deployed earlier but the FDA by their own actions and inactions have shown us that they are in league with the enemy. We understand the motive behind their actions, population reduction by any means.

SECOND: We do not know if any of the ingredients have been changed and changed in such a manner that the generic drug may still work and appear effective but has an ingredient or process that creates negative health consequences. These health consequences will not be detected immediately but we will see an increase, a significant increase in cancer.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:43 AM

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

I do not know a way to put the videos on any other platforms other than sharing the telegram link. Maybe some techies will help us out. Another possibility would be to join telegram just so when someone shares something from there you can go in and look at it. That's how I do twitter. I only use it to be able to read what has been shared.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:49 AM
Prior to the halting of Overseas Inspections there were serious problems with the FDA oversight of the generic drugs period.
With brand named drugs there is stringent oversight, clinical trials and reviews. But with generic drugs why bother, right FDA?
They were primarily concerned with issues such as whether the drug would be absorbed the same way but no concern about what other ingredients were added and how these different ingredients interacted.

Big Pharma=FDA. Once their drug patent has expired there is no financial incentive to ensure that the generics are safe. They don't care. It has never been about the health of the people, especially the little people who are forced to take the generics because of the cost.

This plays into the equation because they all work together. Wink Wink Big Insurance. We have been hunting for you.

Big Pharma prices the medications so high that the uninusured or poorly insured must use generics or a similar but inferior brand which is not as safe and effective. Most large employers offer health insurance as a benefit but Insurance companies are the Gate Keepers. They decide who gets what medication, what procedure and they dictate to the pharmacies. Often the pharmacist does not agree but has to comply.
Big Pharma also dictates to the Drs. and to the hospitals. Big Pharma, The FDA, NIH, CDC and Big Insurance all work as one team against, not for, our health.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

You don’t have to be registered to Twitter to be able to read what others have posted. And if you’re really serious, maybe upload the videos from telegram to another alt streaming service? Perhaps one that hasn’t been (((compromised.)))

This… instead of asking ATS users to sign up for services from a known deep state honey pot.

Glow a little harder, next time.

edit on 8/29/2021 by ColdWisdom because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
You don't see much in these videos but you hear screaming, begging, children pleading as they are being tortured. The still photos are pretty graphic, one in particular that I can't get out of my mind is of what I believe is the child that Killery and Huma tried to cut her face off. I wasn't sure what I was looking at until I noticed shoulders and arms. It is rumored that 30 year veterans of police who have "seen it all" during their careers vomited upon watching the actual video. I have not seen it and do want to.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: Xactamundo
a reply to: RookQueen
Following along with the subject of controlling the kids in public schools and parents just going along with the system instead of homeschooling. I believe there are several reasons why. One being single parents that have to work, family where both parents have to work, parents that are not literate enough to homeschool, parents that are too damn lazy, parents that really don’t give a shee it about their kids and just appreciate the public schools keeping them out of their lives for most of the day.
This “control” issue that all of us see coming and getting worse such as vax passport, digital currency where they will control every aspect of your life. If the controller doesn’t want you doing something all they have to do is turn off your digital money supply.
I have a serious question for all the excellent info providers here that I have followed for years. It concerns this theory of “devolution”. Where Trump and the military are really running things and will step in shortly and fix everything. What if this is really just another form of control. Keeping the patriots calm so they won’t rise up and try taking back the country?

I have a serious question for all the excellent info providers here that I have followed for years. It concerns this theory of “devolution”. Where Trump and the military are really running things and will step in shortly and fix everything. What if this is really just another form of control. Keeping the patriots calm so they won’t rise up and try taking back the country?

I would say this. The main aspect for me at this point is the connected nature of this process and one's personal inner knowing = call it what you prefer.

So is this current Great Awakening just another "revolution" or is it something more? That can only be determined by each from within. If one is looking at X or Y and has to ask another "what's this mean" then it will all seem like another "revolution" with the new boss same as the old boss.

One really cannot know until they know. The destruction of a pyramidal control structure isn't easy. The problem is the "enslaved" at the bottom were not given enough tools to rule themselves in a new way (see South Africa). So the ultimate transformation must come from a deeper place then the shallow superficial education folks get: folks must break out of the physical chains and the mental ones.

So are there signs this is different then a South Africa or French revolution? Well, for one the number of folks drawn from within the Q, Maga, Great Awakening is countless. In fact, I'd argue no one found this movement any other way, it was all from within and all over the world, over all class and education levels. The other sign is the reactions by the targets. To date all revolutions are just a change in team colors by those in charge, so all the vitriol is fake. The last four years of Anti Q, MAGA, DJT, Great Awakening etc. is off the charts real, violent and obvious.

In the end the arrival of the military or even alien invasion will look like liberation to half and enslave to half, and both will be right from their POV.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: BlissSeeker

I agree Bliss! I can watch a lot of stuff but this is rough for me.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 12:05 PM
FDA overseas inspections. What about that? Who cares what the results are? Certainly not the FDA with their file and forget system.

Prior to 2020 random Overseas Inspections were taking place but seriously undermanned. Part of the plan I assume. Not enough people to inspect facilities so serious issues falling through the cracks. However there was no point in even conducting these inspections because even if anyone looked at them no one bothered to take any action. Just carry on as usual.

The demoralized inspectors would submit reports, provide information to the pharmaceutical facilities, to the CDC, provide recommendations with no accountability from anyone. Not the inspector who was tasked with the impossible, not the facility and not the CDC.

Add to this that the inspections were not designed to surprise the facility to really see and understand the operation in action. We are talking about Chyna, the CCP and approval must be received first. Regardless the inspectors still found horrifying conditions.

That was prior to the plandemic and now the entire pretence has been dropped for all eyes to see and they have no palns to resume.
I seriously urge people to switch their generics to a regulated medication but as always it s up to the individual. I understand in some cases the cost is simply impossible.
Solution: The government should mandate that the non generic medications should be priced the same as generics until generics can be proven safe and effective and reintroduced.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Remove the politics out of your mind and you see it all for what it is...Power & Profits. Once you accept that, it all starts making more sense.

The fight goes on...

The military brass may regret firing Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller

The military’s decision to jettison Scheller may have been a mistake because, now that he’s free of the military’s constraints, he’s on the warpath—against the aging, incompetent baby boomers currently in charge:

The maverick Marine fired after he released a now-viral video slamming the US military for botching the exit from Kabul, issued a clear threat to his aging superiors Saturday.

“The baby boomer’s turn is over,” Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller told The Post. “I demand accountability, at all levels. If we don’t get it, I’m bringing it.”

He also quoted Thomas Jefferson, saying “every generation needs a revolution.”

Will be interesting to watch if his actions start trending within the military.

I find it odd, but amazing this video is still up! And still receiving comments, nearing 17,000!

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I was going to add this to my response but got interrupted and I think I ran out of time to edit so I'll say it here. If this was some sort of black hat attempt to control Americans, it may have back-fired on them. Like you pointed out it became a world movement that does not know class or educational boundaries......

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 12:30 PM
Corey's Digs wrote an excellent report on the future of digital IDs. It's a four part series. This is the fourth part:

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 4: BLOCKCHAINED

In short, once you have submitted to getting your digital identity QR code, you have opened the door for them. Think of it like WordPress that uses an endless amount of plugins to build your perfect site. You have your smartphone as the device, the QR code is the tool, and all of the individual apps and institutions hook right in to your QR code. You’ve now linked your health records, injection records, bank account, financial loans and assets, shopping, events, travel, you name it! They are using the blockchain framework to run, sync, share, and distribute, all of that data under the guise of “convenience” for you. Some will be centralized, some decentralized, but at the end of the day your data is out there as a means for them to control you, remove all privacy, and be used for their AI agenda. This only happens if you take that first step. Whether it’s your bank requesting you create a digital ID, your state for a driver’s license, institutions for a “vaccine ID passport,” or whomever makes the request or demand, don’t open that door.

An NIH study from 2012 shows how they carried out research to determine the best way to identify and store DNA data, which revealed that the QR code was found to have the largest coding capacity and high compression ratio, allowing them to convert a DNA sequence to and from a QR code. They then constructed a web server for biologists to utilize QR codes in practical DNA barcoding applications. In 2021, the National Science Foundation raved about the next-generation sequencing technologies that have revolutionized genetic data, by allowing them to store the data in a QR code so they can simply scan a specimen and extract the data, which streamlines data collection.

What’s the next step? Now that they’ve managed to store DNA data into QR codes, putting that data onto a blockchain platform is the next best thing for scientists. Just imagine the millions of people who have submitted their DNA through Ancestry, 23andMe, and countless other eugenicist-owned organizations, such as George Church’s Nebula Genomics. Not that they are all putting the data on the blockchain yet, but Church and others certainly are. So where is this heading, and what is the QR code really about?

Molecular Engineer, Chemist and Geneticist George Church founded Nebula Genomics in 2018. They run whole genome sequencing that decodes 100% of a person’s DNA to “unlock your genetic blueprints.” For just $99 – $299 you can “begin your journey of discovery without risking the privacy of your most personal information” – until he rolls it onto the blockchain. They have partnered with Oasis Labs for “cutting-edge privacy technology” on blockchain. People will surely argue that blockchain is protected and none of these nefarious characters will have access to any of your data. Keep reading.

Why blockchain? What is their goal? Nebula wants to connect people with companies, and give people the opportunity to sell their genetic information that Nebula sequenced, to these companies, in which case people will receive payment in the form of digital tokens, all in the name of science. This isn’t the only company Church owns or co-owns in regards to DNA collections going on the blockchain. More on this below.

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports and Where It’s Headed: Part 1

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 2: How Your Digital Identity is Moving to The Blockchain for Full Control Over Humans or-full-control-over-humans/

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 3: The Key Implementers of Your Digital Identity onto The Blockchain blockchain/

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: ColdWisdom
Yeah I knew I'd catch some kinda s**t over that suggestion. I am merely saying that I DONT KNOW how to transfer the videos from telegram to another service. I am still learning how to post correctly on ATS. You did read this part

Maybe some techies will help us out.
meaning I am not tech advanced enough to help in any other way than I already have. As for the twitter comment, I was not able to read the comments on the twitter feed and read somewhere over a month ago that you had to join to do that, so I joined.......As for the glowing a little harder comment-looks to me like you think you glow enough for the rest of us anyway so I'll just leave that in your hands.

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