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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
I don't believe I should watch what is there. My memory is super strong and I will end up retaining every detail so seeing it is not healthy for me. The music videos that I have been investigating are disturbing enough. I have made a decision not to cover that unless I see a serious threat because I do not want to draw any fame to these monsters.
Salad Fingers use to cover the music angle. I wonder if he/she will post again.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
My opinion. The education system doesn't need to be overhauled. The entire system needs to be abolished. Just like the entire control system that enslaves the whole planet. Toss it out. It's just like if you have a computer that's been so overrun with viruses or malware that the entire system including every program is completely compromised. That system isn't worth trying to save. So you scrap it and build another one. That's pretty much where we are at. Are there aspects of this system that are worth saving? Probably yes. We will need to use the old system to create a blueprint for the new. But which aspects are worth saving and which aspects need to be tossed? We're not going to have those answers until we are awake to the totality of the corruption and deception that has manipulated us and steered our lives up to this point. At the moment, it's like we still have blindfolds on. We're fumbling around in the dark bumping into walls because we don't have all the information necessary to conceptualize what needs to be done. They keep important data from us to force us to rely on them for answers. But that doesn't mean we can't start making a stand. You have to go within and find that inner b itch. Make a stand and say enough is enough. I am not sharing custody of my children with a government run by deranged criminals, murderers, liars, rapists, psychopaths and morons. It's just not going to happen. Think about if you were in an abusive relationship with a dangerous socio/psychopath who is extremely violent, extremely controlling, extremely paranoid. Your instinct tells you that at some point, this sob is going to kill you. Probably kill your children too. Do you attempt to make compromises with this individual? Do you try to rationalize with them or try to reason with them hoping you can work through your problems, find a middle ground and save the relationship? No. Because there is no reasoning or rationalizing. Not with a dangerous psychopath. The proper response is to get out. For your own safety. It took me a long time to realize this myself. I have bent over backwards many times in my life. When you do this for all the wrong reasons for the wrong people, all you do is end up endangering and hurting yourself

We are in an unhealthy, dysfunctional, abusive relationship with a dangerous psychopath (this system). It's time to get out

edit on 29-8-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: cimmerius
Brilliant explanation - that's what I do. I have problems w videos, I can watch some, others can't be viewed in my browser. I search for officialMcAfee telegram to check it once in a while, make sure it's still up.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 03:31 PM
Shark Coms.


Difference between dates. 119 mirror 911


Obvious conclusion, Apex predator, old and which chooses to remain hidden is in big trouble. Note the shark appears to be surfacing to the light, indicating soon.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: cimmerius
VERY helpful. Thank you so much!!!!

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: cimmerius
Thanks that will help going forward. I usually view through other posts but this one I will skip. I can only imagine.
It appears that I an being directed to research in some other areas so I am going to follow the spirit.
We need to see and fully understand the truth.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Mine is too. I was literally sick a couple of weeks ago after watching (listening) to 2 of them McAfee released. Felt like I was having a heart attack which I know was MAJOR anxiety and it went on for 2 days! I finally had a couple of private conversations on here and calmed down. I don't really want to listen to or watch anymore vids if I don't have too. I still can't get the voices out of my mind when we are talking about them but at least they aren't haunting me 24/7 and my heart isn't trying to explode. You could probably handle the still photos.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 04:16 PM
Then if all that you posted is true, it doesn't matter what we did, we lose. I'm sure a few thousand people won't do much to stop these NWO criminals. But several million on each Continent can.

originally posted by: Xactamundo
a reply to: RookQueen
Following along with the subject of controlling the kids in public schools and parents just going along with the system instead of homeschooling. I believe there are several reasons why. One being single parents that have to work, family where both parents have to work, parents that are not literate enough to homeschool, parents that are too damn lazy, parents that really don’t give a shee it about their kids and just appreciate the public schools keeping them out of their lives for most of the day.
This “control” issue that all of us see coming and getting worse such as vax passport, digital currency where they will control every aspect of your life. If the controller doesn’t want you doing something all they have to do is turn off your digital money supply.
I have a serious question for all the excellent info providers here that I have followed for years. It concerns this theory of “devolution”. Where Trump and the military are really running things and will step in shortly and fix everything. What if this is really just another form of control. Keeping the patriots calm so they won’t rise up and try taking back the country?

edit on 29-8-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 04:17 PM
edit on 29-8-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 04:22 PM
Since the vaccines did not work I guess we can try the nuke approach because, why not.

Further to the IAEA’s COVID-19 response, the Zoonotic Disease Integrated Action (ZODIAC) initiative was established in June 2020 to help countries prevent pandemics caused by bacteria, parasites, fungi or viruses that originate in animals and can be transmitted to humans. Using a systematic and integrated approach, ZODIAC will strengthen the preparedness and capabilities of Member States to rapidly detect and timely respond to outbreaks of such diseases.

Q-clearance vax on the way.🤪

Impossible to ignore the fact that after the covid "vaccination" rate surpassed 50% of the population in the USA the "delta variant" magically appeared to "breakthrough" the protection of being "vaccinated." Herd immunity didn’t happen which means the vaccines have failed.

But the TV said!

The reason why mRNA vaccines have struggled to reach the market before is supposedly because they tend not to last very long, by design of course. So now we get a situation where every 4 to 6 months they come knocking on your door for a booster shot!

And for those who suffer from trypanophobia, well fear not, Merck & Co. are working on a magick pill.

Soon to be in chewable form for the children and “edible vaccines”.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: RookQueen
I am not on Telegram. Is there any way I can see? I have seen enough ugliness in the not artwork and the music side has some really, really awful messages especially when tied in with their music videos.

You cant un see it later. You might be better off to take our description of it. There is one child with an eaten off face, it is sickening. Another that was seen with Hillary Clinton in a pic then is later had her mouth cut from ear to ear and stitched closed. I cried and am again over this right now.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: Justoneman

Holy #...i've seen some disturbing things on the internet in my days...those pictures and those two videos with the screaming and the torture...kind of wish I'd never clicked that.

I hope everyone of the people involved in this #...all those politicians, celebrities...whoever...they all need to be brought to swift brutal justice...

Me too. This is beyond belief. I wish to God it was a photoshop job that is doom porn. Too many other things point to this has been happening, is not doom porn because it is evil humans doing evil stuff, and needs to be ended.

edit on 29-8-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 04:42 PM
Well, algorithm today I noticed something. That line Miss Jane uses at the end of her posts "Rainbows" was an option for my text when I was typing a word that didn't even have an R in the word, neither ain nor bows was used. I was thinking that is odd. That for no reason Rainbows was center of my texts.

How could it possibly apply that to me? Is that a new special word people throw around like Miss Jane does to mean hope it is all wonderful?

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Well that's a little offensive, but I think it's telling that ATS isn't on there. Google must really hate us.

In theory, the people here who don’t use their real name are not easily identifiable.


I was poking around on my internet provider’s e-mail application that I use for normal business. Was looking to create a second account. There, deep in the settings options, was a list of my “aliases.” There was only one. From my ATS account. No other user names from dozens of frequented sites was listed. There was an option to remove it, which I did.

Now nobody knows.


It is clear from what the algorithm coughs up that Facebook knows every move I make. I do stay logged in, put never have that site open simultaneously with any others. They can even track what I do on a separate browser that never logs in to FB.

We don’t even know who owns ATS now, do we?

There is only have the illusion of privacy, to induce folks to show their colors.

As the totalitarian state closes in, they won’t have to be covert about it.
Your social credit score will take a ding for starring or liking the wrong post, even if you say nothing.

Their ultimate goal is to get inside your head. It’s not enough to never commit a criminal act. You must not think wrong thoughts.

“Thought crime.” George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four should be required reading in school. But schools are part of the problem.

As we discuss the awakening and transformation of society, we have to realize that change must be on a granular level, molecular, atomic, quantum.

When literally everything is corrupted, how can that even be addressed?

edit on 29-8-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

My opinion. The education system doesn't need to be overhauled. The entire system needs to be abolished. Just like the entire control system that enslaves the whole planet. Toss it out. It's just like if you have a computer that's been so completely overrun by viruses or malware that the entire system including every program is completely compromised. That system isn't worth trying to save. So you scrap it and build another one. That's pretty much where we are at. Are there aspects of this system that are worth saving? Probably yes. We will need to use the old system to create a blueprint for the new. But which aspects are worth saving and which aspects need to be tossed?

The basics reading, writing, arithmetic (this needs to be looked at closer than by me because I do NOT understand some of the new age math). I’d think art and a common sense class should be created.

We're not going to have those answers until we are awake to the totality of the corruption and deception that has manipulated us and steered our lives up to this point. At the moment, it's like we still have blindfolds on. We're groping around in the dark bumping into walls because we don't have all the information necessary to conceptualize what needs to be done. They keep important data from us to keep us reliant on them for answers. But that doesn't mean we can't start making a stand.

I agree with not having answers, but I don’t think part of the population can wake up until they are forced to and I just don’t know how long we are supposed to wait for them to wake up or until we just take over and show them how the lies we have been told their entire life have enslaved them. Do you ever read some of the dumb arsed comments on twitter? They aren’t getting it!

You have to go within and find that inner b itch. Make a stand and say enough is enough. I am not sharing custody of my children with a government run by psychopaths and morons. It's just not going to happen.

My inner b itch is no longer inner…lol. I try to keep it in check on here but she has been set free upon the world offline. Do you have children that are school aged? I do not, I have a precious 7 yr. old granddaughter whose parents are divorced. Her father is my son who can survive in any circumstance ie: feed himself with the grocery store, build shelters, farm to feed others, etc Her mother has custody and is a nurse. She’s very intelligent but is a huge advocate of our educational system. She does swear she will never let my granddaughter get vaccinated but other than that I don’t know how she will react to taking a stand. I have offered to pay for private school and she has turned me down because she believes diversity is necessary. I’m not in control of my granddaughter’s immediate circumstances but will do what I need to as far ad taking a stand to free us all. I am asking you if you have school aged children how are you going to stop them from the legal aspects of taking them out of school? Do you think they would be better off with you locked up? You gotta know that the socialist, satan worshipping, lizards will not blink an eye before they arrest you. If your in jail who has control of your children? PLEASE hear me. I am agreeing with you. We just need to be smart between now and the time we all take that stand. Now may be the time to take that stand. I can confirm that in my area they are not holding people that have been arrested for over 8 hours due to Covid. The sheriff and the chief of police are both good friends of mine and I know this information is sound. I also know that the sheriff will not go against the people here, he may be an ATS lurker I’m not sure but I know he is on the right side in this battle but with all that said…..that’s my area. What is the atmosphere in your area and other areas?

Think about if you were in an abusive relationship with a dangerous socio/psychopath who is extremely violent, extremely controlling, extremely paranoid. Your instinct tells you that at some point, this sob is going to kill you. Probably kill your children too. Do you attempt to make compromises with this individual? Do you try to rationalize with them or try to reason with them hoping you can work through your problems and save the relationship? No. Because there is no reasoning or rationalizing. Not with a dangerous psychopath. The proper response is to get out. For your own safety. It took me a long time to realize this myself. I have bent over backwards many times in my life. When you do this for all the wrong reasons for the wrong people, all you do is end up hurting yourself

We are in an unhealthy relationship with a dangerous psychopath (this system). It's time to get out.

I have been reading your analogies for a very long time and have always known you are on the right side of this mess but this is the best analogy I have ever read of yours and quite possibly of anyone elses. I was actually in the relationship you have described and he almost succeeded in killing me. After breaking my back and fracturing both hips I was able to get away. I won’t drone on about that experience I’m just saying that your comparison here is spot on. I hope everyone on ATS (not just this thread) reads that part and gets it! We are going to die and so are our children and grandchildren if we do not divorce this this dangerous psychopathic system! Where the F**k do we start????? WWG1WGA is a must in our current circumstances. If Ku did nothing else, he, she, it taught us that we had to have the numbers. I believe right now we are the majority but I do not know for how long and people are getting older.......I think if we are going to take a stand now we are going to have to get involved in local chapters who are aligned with our beliefs. We know that whatever the plan is going to be, it can't be discussed online......I'll bet this post will prove it.....just watch.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Did you see where I PM'd you? It isn't about the McAfee stuff. It's about links in your posts.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 05:07 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
That is odd! Have you ever copied and pasted anything Jane has said?

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: cherokeetroy

My opinion. The education system doesn't need to be overhauled. The entire system needs to be abolished. Just like the entire control system that enslaves the whole planet. Toss it out. It's just like if you have a computer that's been so completely overrun by viruses or malware that the entire system including every program is completely compromised. That system isn't worth trying to save. So you scrap it and build another one. That's pretty much where we are at. Are there aspects of this system that are worth saving? Probably yes. We will need to use the old system to create a blueprint for the new. But which aspects are worth saving and which aspects need to be tossed?

The basics reading, writing, arithmetic (this needs to be looked at closer than by me because I do NOT understand some of the new age math). I’d think art and a common sense class should be created.

Let me cut to this part.

They don't need "new age math" the old stuff works fine. The crap they teach was to dumb society down. Pound those addition/subtraction and multiplication tables until about the 9th grade. Know them inside and out in your sleep and Algebra is easy. Geometry is still going to be the advanced math and most adults don't need it to work. Engineers and Scientists need the advanced math. Biologist only borrow Math for statistics. English and Math are as far apart as one can imagine. Math is about the basics. Science needs the complex Calculus which requires a good working knowledge of Algebra. Algebra being the place we have to get with most people who work with tools to build things. Those who excel and go further in Math have to handle those complex word problems that require putting it all together and is just not for everyone, but the basics are needed by everyone. Without basic ability in math you can be cheated and you can make mistakes in you checking account balance book.

edit on 29-8-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Justoneman
That is odd! Have you ever copied and pasted anything Jane has said?

No I have not. Other than like this to reply to your post.

posted on Aug, 29 2021 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

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