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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Some highlights from the Cochrane Collaberation:
1. We can all agree that if the Big Pharma companies are funding their own clinical trials they can manipulate the results because they have invested so much $ that failure is not an option and does not matter as we have seen.
This is proof of manipulation > publically funded studies were less likely to report favorable reviews.

2. There is a lack of reliable evidence showing that the vaccines are effective and they highlight the use/weaponizing of scientists of high reputation such as Fauci to manipulate and influence the conclusions.

3. The WHO random selection of the flu that is to be treated. There are over 200 influenza and influenza like illness so how can they be 100% certain. Luck?

4. He also points out that sifting through all of the studies there are just so few clinical trials and very dated. That makes it difficult to extrapolate to an entire population. Examining the results it was determined that the vaccine might be beneficial in 1 in 100 healthy adults but kuestions that might be overly optomistic.

So exactly why are we being asked to take the flu vaccine?

Always genetic alterations. There is no other reason, not now, not ever, the difference is this one is over the top. If it takes 3-5 years to develop a vaccine, and the pharma god's always know exactly what "natural" flu strain will arrive and when, why didn't they have a flu jab in the pipeline for The Rona 3-5 years ago? Why didn't any previous Flu shot reduce the issue of The Rona. It was always about altering the DNA.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:19 PM
Heading over to the NIH library. I do wonder if anyone, as in anyone reviews the literature being posted? I suppose it doesn't matter if the NIH and the CDC just are all one big happy pharma family Scientific truth, results that kuestion the narrative , just file it away where people will never look. They never expected us to really go there, read the material and understand it and kuestion it and them.

This was published in 2006.

Problems, problems, sigh.
1.Non randomized studies, especially for the elderly.
The metadata analysis shows it is ineffective to highly effective for the elderly. So which is it? Effective or not
effective? It can't be both.
2.It is impossible for a vaccine to be effective when it is not effective. Yep that makes sense.
3. Poor study quality. So we have seen repeatedly. The clinical trials mean nothing if not performed independently.
4. Absence of evidence or convincing evidence. Who needs evidence, certainly not the WHO, the NIH or the CDC.
5.Findings demonstrate Selection Bias. Half of the study population systemically differs from the the other in one or more
characteristics. Thankfully we all learned that word because of there is sooo much systemic racism. Right.
6. Result showed that it was as effective as a placebo. Healthy adults under the age of 65 there was no difference in hospitalization, time off or death, or complications. No evidence that it has any effect on Cystic fibrosis or asthma.
7. Chocrane database could only find 1 old trial with data on 35 people aged 12-28 months old and only 5 on the elderly.
Basically just doing mass vaccination programs without any rigerous studies on safety and efficacy.
8. Problems with the surveillance and reporting systems. They report results but do not define whether it is the influenza or is influenza similar. Can result in false positives.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

2) Look at the multicolored hat on the left hand side alien:
a) It shows Red/Blue/Green, which is the same 3 color receiving cone cells that our eyes receive light through... but I think it's been proven that our third eye also has these same R/B/G cone cells?
So are they literally used to decode LIGHT comms from source?
Does that hat represent pineal gland communications with source... and the bowman's yellow cap represents "closed off comms"?

Ancient Egyptian images were highly symbolic, particularly the crowns.

The meaning of such is not an exact science, but there are some accepted “associations.”

If you want to get a feel for modern interpretations, try

Ancient Egyptian Crowns and Headdresses

The God with the Upraised Arm Might provide some overall context for the image, regarding "smiting."

A reverse image search describes it as a popular image, "Pharoah's Army Slaying Nubian Captives, 1274 BC."

But it also brought up some weirdness: LUCIFERIANS EXPOSED II - LUCIFER AND SULPHUR Worth scrolling down for much that is strange.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:28 PM
Clip She is just one leaky diaper away from being the in charge of all the Marines. Listen to her voice crack, look at the shoulder roll, the mask of shame. No one wanted her for a reason, not even Montel Williams stayed with her!

Anecdote. I was walking and the termite guy was chatting with is client. The termite guy was railing against Joe and Afghanistan. It was clear they were gaining no comfort in Joe's stance on equity if you catch my drift.

edit on 26-8-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:33 PM
Iraqi Militias Claim to Attack Eight US Logistics Convoys in 24 Hours

Baghdad-allied Shia militias in Iraq have expressed dissatisfaction with the government’s recently-signed US forces agreement, which allows for a limited contingent of US troops to stay in the country, and have insisted that all US personnel, including trainers and elements of the US Air Force, leave the country immediately.

The spate of suspected attacks was reported to have taken place Tuesday, with convoys targeted in the Nasiriyah and Samawah areas in southeastern Iraq, with two more attacked in al-Diwaniyah, capital of the southeastern province of al-Qadisiyyah. Two improvised explosive device attacks were reported in Babil province, with a US Army logistics convoy targeted in Baghdad’s Yusufiyah district, more vehicles attacked in al-Taji and two other convoys struck in al-Muthana and Dhi Qar provinces.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:38 PM
Availability Creep. Makes perfect sense when the vaccines are all about the $, or at least it used to be until now.

Well Influenza season is coming up What do we have on hand? In the case of a pandemic when the pressure is on the author noted that the public health authorities would not wait for the data but would just pull out something from the readily available Big Pharma arsenal. They are making decisions without data.
Just to keep everyone up at night mRNA influenza vaccine trials started July 2021 and we don't even have the real data from the current vaccines.

I found his observation and kuestioning as to whether the influenza vaccine should be given to frail elderly people. It is the lack of clear data that causes uncertainty.

In the not so bad side:
Meta data analysis indicates that the populations who do benefit from the vaccine are HIV+ but then again who knows when so few clinical trials and supporting data are available.

Looking at all of this evidence, lack of effectiveness, conflicts of interest, Big Pharma involvement, the current vaccine environment, I do believe people should really think hard about this.>cdsr>doi>abstract

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
You'll find this interesting. Car bumper stickers are appearing. "I Believe in Science".
They are desperate.

Ones are appearing on some lawns. I Believe in Science is now in pink lettering.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Interesting conversation yesterday from someone lost in the weeds. Yep it is all Trump's fault and as for the people stranded there, well it is their fault too. Trump told them he was going to be pulling the troops out and they should accept responsibility. They should not have been there.
Biden was just following through on the plan. No thought about execution.
I did point out the September 11th trigger date. Just poor optics.
There are some people that will never, ever wake up.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel I just want you to know that I did find something interesting about the VW symbol. I need to clean it up a bit but it is all connected.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 03:57 PM
FBI blooper allowed agents to use Palantir to see restricted material -letter

NEW YORK, Aug 26 (Reuters) - FBI investigators have used software from Palantir Technologies Inc to access restricted evidence they were not supposed to see, according to a letter from a U.S. prosecutor and a spokeswoman for the software firm.

The letter, sent by Manhattan's acting federal prosecutor, Audrey Strauss, to U.S. District Judge P. Kevin Castel, said her office had discovered several FBI employees had improperly accessed evidence gathered in a case because the data had mistakenly been tagged as unrestricted when it was loaded into Palantir's system.

The data had been meant to be segregated so that it was available only to those prosecuting the case. However, the error meant four FBI employees unconnected to the prosecution were able to view the data for over a 15-month period, Strauss said.

Blooper.🤡 Hmm, wonder what 'case' this concerns?

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow


posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
These 3 letter agencies remind me of 3 other things...

Meanwhile our soldiers are dying (related post)
Something Needs to Change
PRAY ... is a start

edit on 8262021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 04:13 PM
Great Reset” on the Agenda at Fed’s Annual Jackson Hole Meeting

As unfolding developments in Afghanistan have captured most people’s attention, Federal Reserve officials will hold their annual Jackson Hole, Wyoming confab on Friday, during which they will confer on how to proceed with the Great Reset swindle without tipping off too many people as to their real intent.  While they engage in “Fed-speak” on such topics as “transitory inflation” and “tapering”, what they really are doing is consolidating a global central banker’s dictatorship, to hand the biggest banks and financial institutions control over fiscal, i.e., spending policy.  The only way to counter this drive for depopulation, is to mobilize for the implementation of LaRouche’s “Four Laws”, to revive physical production as an alternative to a bankrupt neoliberal speculative system.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Queensland new 1000-bed, dedicated Re-education camp facility...

Ha, Wellcamp. Almost read that as Wellcome, as in Wellcome Trust.🙄 Aussie MP's have lost their minds. I'll bet as AUS & NZ impose more & more fascist measures the US gov't is closely monitoring the population response to see what works.

This might be useful. I believe it was 2016 I read a posted comment from an architect. He said that he never posts anything but he felt the need to warn people. He explained that he made detailed blue prints for shopping areas, buildings for large clients. He had completed a project and submitted it but he was then told to amend it to add upper unused areas that he claimed looked like guard towers.
He told them the expense was unnecessay but they insisted and that worried him a lot. It wasn't just one client.
Looking at some new developments around our area and I kid you not it really does look guard towers and they are currently empty. Not sure whether it is to keep someone in or keep someone out.
They had some big plans for us.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
After you upload the file to ATS go to the upload folder and copy the file name. After that, then just paste it in the reply window., It will load.

originally posted by: cimmerius
a reply to: crankyoldman

I spent the last few minutes trying in vain to upload an image for the first time.

Anyway, doing an image search for "placement of facelift scar" shows that the incision goes right across where the earlobe joins to the face. Skin is rearranged and then heals that way. I would imagine many of these aging politicians go that route.

I'm wondering if that procedure might account for some of these attached vs unattached earlobe photos. Everyone is born one way or the other. Like male or female. That doesn't mean everything still looks the same if one has certain surgeries.


Thank you. I will give it another try at some point. Nothing would even upload. But ATS or my computer was acting a little wonky. Seems like Rel has said something about trouble uploading as well, so I don't really know if I was doing it right or not.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 04:42 PM

Over 800,000 Servicemen Face Court Martial For Not Getting Mandatory Vaccine, Biden Admin Under Fire. With the crisis in Afghanistan and the Democrats abandoning Americans in favor of aghan refugees a hit to the U.S. armed forces could not come at a worse moment. While this is typically Democrat and Biden pushing vaccine mandates Republicans seem to be doing absolutely nothing about the emerging crisis. While the threat of China looms, the US falters in Kabul, now we have the real risk of decimating our Armed forces over the vaccine.


posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 04:42 PM

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 04:50 PM
Clip I thought Castro's son was more popular. Funny that's not the case...

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Many years ago on another forum I was a member of, there was a thread about all the security fencing going up around our schools here in the UK, under the guise it was to prevent break in's and burglaries of computer equipment.
Thing is, the overhanging security fencing points INWARDS. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that overhanging the wrong way if you are wanting to keep people OUT?

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 04:52 PM
Darwin helped us here. The weak ones, exposed to such would likely suffer a slow death of several weeks
and they would easily get killed and their DNA went poof! Radiation poisoning would alter your DNA and the atomic elements in your body.

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: Justoneman
If early human populations suffered from extensive lead/heavy metal poisoning, as this research suggests, then that toxicity would have leeched into their DNA. Which would explain one of the reasons why humans have mutated into the dumbed down, sickly specimen that we are today

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