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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - The Truth Won't Be For Everyone - -PART- -7H1R7Y s3v3n-

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posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 06:35 PM
Now there are people trying to get us to rat out those who won't take the jab. From Telegram poster "Punisher War Room" a patriot found a nasty little web site for ratting out neighbors for a chance to win big money!

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: crankyoldman
Remember the "I believe in science "posters that were littered everywhere. Poof, gone.

Anybody who actually knows anything about science knows that those people are totally NOT believing the science.

From the very beginning, the science has consistently said that COVID is not very dangerous; about on par with a mild flu. Only people with serious underlying health issues need be concerned. It's also consistently said that wearing a mask is pointless. The reaction from our so-called leaders is so far out of step with the science, it would be funny if the consequences weren't so serious.

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Onward team.
One of the pictures directs us to The WHO List of Essential Medicines.
These are medicines that are considered essential, safe and effective and reqquire no health oversite.
It was updated 2016. Anything around that date is a red flag.
A new list was published in 2019...another really, really red flag.
I examined the list and a couple popped up which we are very familiar with, our favorites- Ivermectin and Albendazole and Chloroquine.
There is a seperate list for children under 12. Since this is one of the paintings there must be something there but I haven't had time to go through all of them. The only one there that triggered me was Thalidomide, just because of the past.

Now time for a McAfee connection. Picture named H8-3 FOREVER.
This leads to Operation EREBUS.-Vulnerabilities. This area is not my forte at all so please dig away!

Next picture NICE TATS- CLONES no kuestion. So this confirms our suspicions.

Translation the H4-7 represents a headlight so I imagine it is something about the Ryoanji temple in Japan with the 15 stones and white sand. It is located in Kyoto.

This string of pictures , looking at their name titles we have a clear picture drawn:
The Incredible Journey
The Fuse is Lit [the picture is of a pill bottle with a fuse]-
Deckchair [those involved are just sitting back and watching]-
Penitent [as we should repent for our sins for the time is nigh]-
The Human Voice-
Happy, Happy Harvest
And then the Self Portrait.
I think we can be safe in saying we have a very clear picture.

Then there is the picture titled Jojoba Bean Oil...JJBO> The Grim Reaper.
We know!
This Picture nails the NIH for real.
AUROUS IODIDE This is all about iodized salt. Reading through the article if people do not get enough of this it can lead to mental retardation It is mandatory that it is added in Canada but mysteriously not in the U.S. In fact they extimate that 50% of the population does not get enough of this.
Purposefully dumbing us down.
Picture titled Justice H9-1 JUDGE RONNIE WHITE. OBAMA connection. Nominated him for U.S. district court. Lots of concern about pro crime and of course racism because he was African American.

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 06:48 PM
Joe Signaling?

Julius Caesar's crossing the Rubicon river on 10 January, 49 BC precipitated the Roman Civil War, which ultimately led to Caesar's becoming dictator and the rise of the imperial era of Rome.

Rome marked by decadence & depravity of out of touch "leaders."

Joe is not the leader we want, or need, but the leader we deserve. Second time in a week he's groping boys.

But don't worry, because Circle Back Jen says Joe has a "POLICY,,,,," that's right, Joe needs a "POLICY,,,," of letting women share their story. A policy is something one adopts, it isn't a moral imperative.

Sickening Clip

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Now there are people trying to get us to rat out those who won't take the jab. From Telegram poster "Punisher War Room" a patriot found a nasty little web site for ratting out neighbors for a chance to win big money!

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: crankyoldman
Remember the "I believe in science "posters that were littered everywhere. Poof, gone.

Anybody who actually knows anything about science knows that those people are totally NOT believing the science.

From the very beginning, the science has consistently said that COVID is not very dangerous; about on par with a mild flu. Only people with serious underlying health issues need be concerned. It's also consistently said that wearing a mask is pointless. The reaction from our so-called leaders is so far out of step with the science, it would be funny if the consequences weren't so serious.

Meh, could be worse.

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 06:52 PM
Are we having fun yet. I must admit to being really tired.
Painting named Raffles. I just sense that maybe raffles are going to be used because the need to distribute Ivermectin is going to be huge and that is assuming we get it in time. Or could be they are holding a raffle to see which country starts the war. A win for the evil dudes.

Picture OPIUM 2000...Big breath everyone. I have said he was the beginning -PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH . The opium is yea!
This is the President who went to Slovania and as in watch the wives Laura wondered over to Lake Bled, as in the Castle at Lake Bled .

Picture The Souls 2011> Obama announced the death of OSAMA BIN LADEN.
We now know it was all a fraud. Obama is up to his neck in this.

This section needs to stand out!

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

Thank you for clarity.

a reply to: PillarOfFire

I plugged mine in a while back and now I know why some folks thought I might have been Lin Wood. lol

I swear I had no idea who he was until the rally he was at in Alpharetta last year with Sydney Powell where the line "Every lie will be revealed!" made its debute if I am not mistaken. There were some other interesting ones, both of good and bad. Such is how life goes I suppose.

Other honorable mentions include:
A Logical Name (Ha! Even Gematria has a sense of humor!)
Kung Flu
The Dragon
My Love
The Joker

As an aside, did anyone else see this? The warden for the federal jail Ghislaine Maxwell is being held at has been charged with murdering her own husband

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 07:22 PM
A John Trump meme from John Warner IV!

A profile of John Trump

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 07:31 PM
A month after getting our second COVID jab, my wife and I fell ill with flu-like symptoms two weeks ago.

Neither of us have been sick like this in about a decade.


I think not.

Vaxx regret?


End of transmission; make of it what you will!
edit on 5-8-2021 by CanadianMason because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

T1, re RAFFLES... consider this alternative:

A.J. Raffles

Arthur J. Raffles (usually called A. J. Raffles) is a fictional character created in 1898 by E. W. Hornung, brother-in-law of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes. Raffles is, in many ways, an inversion of Holmes – he is a "gentleman thief", living at the Albany, a prestigious address in London, playing cricket as a gentleman (or "amateur") for the Gentlemen of England and supporting himself by carrying out ingenious burglaries. He is called the "Amateur Cracksman" and often, at first, differentiates between him and the "professors" – professional criminals from the lower classes.

As Holmes has Dr. Watson to chronicle his adventures, Raffles has Harry "Bunny" Manders – a former schoolmate saved from disgrace by Raffles, whom Raffles persuaded to accompany him on a burglary. Raffles is an expert thief and like Holmes, he is a master of disguise.

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 07:35 PM
Apple to scan U.S. iPhones for images of child sexual abuse

Apple unveiled plans to scan U.S. iPhones for images of child sexual abuse, drawing applause from child protection groups but raising concern among some security researchers that the system could be misused, including by governments looking to surveil their citizens.

The tool designed to detected known images of child sexual abuse, called “neuralMatch,” will scan images before they are uploaded to iCloud. If it finds a match, the image will be reviewed by a human. If child pornography is confirmed, the user’s account will be disabled and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children notified.



..... Lots of info ... PASS this ON...

..... Vaccine Holocaust

The Vaccine Holocaust Is Well Underway—The War Against Humanity

The world has been ambushed. We are in the midst of a war against humanity.
Yet most people aren’t aware there is a war going on.

Those who carried out the ambush have easily and quickly overrun country after country, like Hitler’s blitzkrieg “lightning war”. Those who did the ambush—call them the Globalists, the Ruling Power Elite, the Global Deep State, the One Percent (actually an infinitesimal fraction of the world population)—are a handful of super-wealthy elitists, at war with 7.8 billion people.

So far they’ve used two main bioweapons—a lab-engineered virus, and the harmful, often deadly COVID-19 “vaccines” (genetic modification agents) backed by a relentless propaganda campaign to trick people into getting the jab.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Science Officer, issued this warning in March 2021: “I’m well aware of the global crimes against humanity being perpetrated against a large proportion of the world’s population….I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil…and dangerous products [the gene-based vaccines].” Basing his observation on his 40-year medical research career, Dr. Yeadon believes the vaccines are often lethal and serve only one conceivable purpose: depopulation.........

edit on 852021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: BoomGiggle
a reply to: tallcool1

Thank you for clarity.

a reply to: PillarOfFire

I plugged mine in a while back and now I know why some folks thought I might have been Lin Wood. lol

I swear I had no idea who he was until the rally he was at in Alpharetta last year with Sydney Powell where the line "Every lie will be revealed!" made its debute if I am not mistaken. There were some other interesting ones, both of good and bad. Such is how life goes I suppose.

Other honorable mentions include:
A Logical Name (Ha! Even Gematria has a sense of humor!)
Kung Flu
The Dragon
My Love
The Joker

As an aside, did anyone else see this? The warden for the federal jail Ghislaine Maxwell is being held at has been charged with murdering her own husband

That's crazy. Vaxx mental/emotional breakdown?

From the link.

Roderick Ashford worked as a drug-treatment specialist at the Federal Correctional Institution, Fort Dix, in New Jersey, a spokesperson for the Federal Bureau of Prisons told Insider.

Multiple Shootings at Fort Dix Compound

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 07:41 PM
There is one picture showing someone washing their hands and next to it is a toxic symbol and then there is a fire. Maybe some type of soap that people wash their hands with.

Skull and Butterfly on a skateboard deck together. Butterfly was associated with the serial entrapreneur that Obama gave the award to- and our evil Damien in this together and sitting back and watching.?

There is one hand drawn picture with the name BRIAN JACOB- Connection to the mayors office in New York City and is the Walter H. ANNENBERG [link to the Annenberg foundation?] professeur of Education Policy + Professeur at University of Michigan. Dameon must have really dislike him to single him out that way and not even a nice painting. Awww.

This is for the brave people:
Beautiful Career Minded picture. If it is beautiful it must not be so.
BCM RIFLE COMPANY...okay...backing away a bit here military weapons.

Fruitful picture. I am going to wing this FF- false flag.
We have had enough of those.

Picture -Sans Souci...NO WORRIES

I did see a picture with a field of beautiful flowers and immediately thought- what's that all about? Enter The Rape of Persephone 2013
Well the vry rich do have their drama. Dameon's wife MAIA NORMAN just was just so, so done she left him. She was going to get someone better. A mercenary named TIM SPICER.
Much better since he was investigated for shipping arms to Sierre Leone and was a former officer and served in Northen Ireland and the Falkland Island.
The rape and the field of flowers.
Enter former ballerina SOPHIA CANNELL, half his age. Seems about right. The rape thing is about the evil one Damien saw her picking flowers and took her and dragged her to hades. That seems about right.

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 07:48 PM
What if, just what if, the CDC had a rapid test for influenza A and B back in February 2019?e

Rapid Flu Test RIDTS which detects respiratory influenza viral antigens in the respiratory track.
The test differentiates between Type A and Type B viruses but does not specifically identify subtypes of Influenza A viruses.>professionals>diagnosis>rapid lab

Compliments of picture Fast Scarlet TR Base
They need to go and get them right now and lock them up.
All those companies that racked up huge profits developing tests that we already had.
How much more evidence do we really need.

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 08:12 PM
the picture Superstition...I can guess where this is headed. Must, as in must be dealing with homeopathic vs the pharmaceutical poison. The CDC actually has guidance on products labeled as Homeopathic Guidance For FDA Staff and...Industry.
I am sure it is a page turner to make sure that none of them can get to market.>doi>pdf

Picture named L-Tryptopham.>pulse>whatever-happened-tr...
This picture refers to a supplement that was pulled off the market by the FDA because of a manufacturing error and resulted in a batch being contaminated
It was a safe product to deal with anxiety, insomnia and other health issues. The FDA kept if off for years. Retaliatory practices. Reading through comments one doctor noted his disgust that they kept this off the market meanwhile acetamnophen had the same problem but was given a pass.
What we have here is a deliberate banning of supplements which pose a direct threat to the pharmaceutical companies and favoring the pharmaceutical companies. Not holding everyone to the same standards.
We really have a solid legal case here to shut them down.
It is obvious that the FDA, NIH, CDC are just extensions of big Pharma.
President Trump you are a true hero!

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: CanadianMason

Guess you're not enjoying the steak huh?
Get well soon you two.

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 08:25 PM
File under "Could be something... Could be nothing... We'll find out tomorrow!!"

Is tomorrow, Friday Aug 6th, our CHRISTMAS DAY, and tonight when the DURHAM boat crosses the Delaware?

Whiplash347 Forwarded from The Authority

Today is [:17] and if you check the Q clock it would be Christmas eve.

1) What this is saying is that:
a) Today, Aug 5th, is on the 17 min position on the Qclock,
b) The first date on the Qclock, at that minute position, was Dec 24th 2017, CHRISTMAS EVE!

2) Qclock builds:
a) Dec 24th 2017 was layer 1 of dates around the Qclock,
b) Aug 5th 2021 is layer 23 = PAIN,

c) The last post on Dec 24th 2017 was #456 - The 2nd occurrence of the picture of Washington crossing the Delaware in a DURHAM BOAT on Christmas Eve:

d) The 2 other posts with the DURHAMBOAT picture both encode Aug 6th AND layer 23 in their timestamps:

Oct 31 2 = Aug (Oct = 8th month) 6th = tomorrow
22:00:15 = 23rd layer


Jan 28 2020 14:46:22 gives Aug 6th, tomorrow
Jan 28 2020 14:46:22; 1+22 = 23rd layer

3) Post #2557

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8ef2d1 No.4171504 📁
Dec 5 2018 17:47:00 (EST)📁
What do you want for XMAS?

Chan ID encodes Aug 5th/6th
Link is to FISA abuses

4) Now look at #4108 - which also gives Aug 5th in its post number:

"All wrapped up neatly in a parcel" for us? Durham report, DECLAS, FISA abuse, +, ++, +++?

5) Apparently Brittany Spears tweeted "Happy Christmas" today - can't find her account to link...

edit on 5-8-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 08:30 PM
From what I can tell from all of the pictures that have drug names associated with them seem to be evidence of wrong doing. This is the evidence we need to be able to present a legal defense to hold them accountable.
I just looked at Wellcome Zovirax picture. Wellcome is part of GlaxoSmithKline.
I will state this for honesty that this is the drug company responsible for my son's death. I looked over this drug and it should not be approved IMHO. No study has been done on the safety and efficacy on pregnant women or children under 2. No drug should be on the market without scientific testing. These pharmaceutical companies cannot just leave out groups of people. That is just not right.
The Drs. prescribing these medicines cannot possibly know which groups are okay and which are notf or so many different drugs. It is unreasonable. The products need to be tested for all groups.www.the...>article>new-ceo-at-

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 08:42 PM
More drugs, Valium, Lorabid, Levoxyl, Pfizer VGR, 4-Biphenamine, as you can all see paintings are simply not named this.
I think I am going to frame the picture FATE. Our fate is not sealed yet!

I did my best and I am tired but I have to say it was the best Evil sudoku match I ever had.

I am working on the next level...Lake Bled and the Castle because after all in the "name game" what could possibly be going on/has gone on there and with that name? Ah just warming up. Lol. Lol. Lol.

I posted all of this here because I do not know where to go with important information. I have zero trust in the FBI who would just bury it. So, my friends I decided to open the cage and let it all fly free here with the best of the best.

posted on Aug, 5 2021 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I hadn't thought of that but it certainly fits. I am pretty tired. I had a vision so got up at 3 a.m. and went to work and it is now 8 p.m.
Time is of no importance when we are busy trying to save the world. Right?

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