posted on Jun, 27 2021 @ 10:03 PM
Some of y'all are such sissy's!! LOL!!
100F isn't uncommon here at all in the dog days of summer out in August and September. We've even been having them here in June already. Had one
105F day, and a string of about a week of 100+ days.
I don't like the heat, but as I've noted previously; the heat here is nothing compared to the heat in SE Asia. There, you feel like you're zipped up
in a Ziplock bag laying on an asphalt road in the blazing sun! It's unbearable! And, it's inescapable. And that's only in the high 90's...but the
issue is the humidity which usually hovers around 97%, so sweating doesn't help. Worse, there's zero breeze, or wind.
I used to scoff when people said...'yeah, but it's a dry heat'...but it's true!