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Anything to say about the covid vaccine or virus..your thoughts, questions, statements.

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posted on Jun, 7 2021 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: ExiledSpirit777

Same can be said that not everyone will have the same effects of the coronavirus. Some might die. Some might not. Either way its a gamble. But something to prevent the gamble of getting the virus is a better "risk" in my eyes.

I can understand that you may feel that way, and I respect your decision to do what you think is right for you.

Some may get the virus, some may not, whether that get the vaccine or not. Some may die from the virus or some may not. Life is a gamble. I don't think the risk of getting the virus is worth the risk of taking the vaccine. That is just the way I see it.

How I feel about the vaccine does not negate how you feel. It just means what is right for you, is not right for me.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 12:24 PM
Not getting vaccine. I have profound fear of injection of any foreign substance into my body.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: YongPeng
Not getting vaccine. I have profound fear of injection of any foreign substance into my body.

Yes, especially a foreign substance never used on humans before.

Yes, especially to protect against a virus with a survival rate of 99%

Yes, especially when there are several cures for the infections.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: zatara

Well , here is another Covid-19 BREAKING STORY.............

" Report: A DIFFERENT Virus Leaked From Another Chinese Bio-Facility AT SAME TIME As COVID-19 "

" Lab leaks have happened multiple times from such facilities in China, with SARS escaping twice from the Chinese Institute of Virology in Beijing in 2004, one year after its spread was brought under control.

Former FDA head Scott Gottlieb has also urged that “These kinds of lab leaks happen all the time.”

Gottlieb recently warned that “In China, the last six known outbreaks of SARS-1 have been out of labs, including the last known outbreak, which was a pretty extensive outbreak that China initially wouldn’t disclose that it came out of lab.”

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 07:39 PM
Well... since this thread is directly asking for my input, I hope this doesn't go against the rules. I'll be sharing a video here. But first, this.

My thoughts on this topic are here, laid out in great detail. I'm adding a link because it's too long to simply copy & paste here. My Thoughts on COVID & the Great Reset

And, in addition to that, I happen to have been compiling as many negative side-effects as possible and making them into compilations on my youtube channel. Naturally, they were blocked immediately and my channel was striked. So, I uploaded those two videos to my bitchute channel instead, and they contain countless instances of deaths and horrific side-effects from the COVID-19 'vaccines.'

And, unfortunately... during the editing process of my latest video, I found out that my Mamaw was killed from the jab, too.

So, if you actually want my thoughts, I have a lot to share and a lot of information that the mainline social media platforms are trying to drive into the ground right now. Enjoy.

The Reality & Side-Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccines #2

edit on 10-6-2021 by xXxKonspiracyxXx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 12:07 PM
I felt like airing some thoughts here...

It's been a pretty wild ride over the last year and a half.

When I first started paying attention to this, I was wondering how it would play out. Reports out of China and their heavy-handed approach to this, had me trying to figure out the nature of this threat. I remember reports of individuals falling down. The speculation of how the citizens of Wuhan were treated made me wonder what lengths our local government would go to manage the situation unfolding.

Fortunately, the dystopian images I remember looking at didn't materialize in my parts. I realize this challenge has been hell for many, and feel for those who have lost everything.

I get the impression that the virus has changed through time, it appears to be less lethal than I first worried. Since hitting our shores, local scientists and medical professionals have had the chance to better learn techniques and strategies for managing infections. It's difficult at the best of times to trust what the CCP puts out there. My hope and faith are in my fellow Canadians and the good inherent in the citizenry of mankind at large.

I feel this virus probably got out of the lab in Wuhan. I get the impression that it was accidentally released, I wonder if the individuals responsible are still with us. I figure the death toll over there between the virus and the response of their government was low.

I was curious as to whether suspicions of an accidental lab release would be entertained by our government. I can understand why it would be held back, to limit panic. More lately, I get the impression that it's undesirable. It's very easy to criticize the actions of the CCP, unfortunately, it looks like researchers in Canada and the US have had their hand in this too. I feel the risk of fallout from that is now more likely the reason for not wanting to entertain the idea.

I am skeptical of the long-term advantages of mRNA-style treatments. Hopefully functioning as a vaccine and calling it a vaccine muddies the waters. Its new technology being rolled out, its use in the children and those without preexisting conditions is a major concern of mine. Personally, I will wait and am content to take my chances. Life is unpredictable at best, hopefully, the longer I wait, the wider range of choices I will have.

I have been proactive as best I can, from the onset informing my friends and loved ones to what could be on the horizon. I don't think an mRNA-based approach to this is a choice for my children. I feel the risks outweigh the odds at this point. They are young adults, and will make their own decision. A part of me fears that it would be easier to mitigate the risks that come from coronavirus infection, than the potential of bad experience with these new treatments.

It's a fine line to walk, trying to remain supportive of others' decisions while encouraging due diligence. In my circle, my parents and the majority of my friends and extended family have received mRNA-style vaccinations. I am grateful that I haven't seen, suspected, or heard of anybody close (offline) who has had a bad experience. I don't take that for granted, and understand change is a constant.

I can be quite blunt when it comes to what matters to me. I will continue to be there for my friends and family, but it's more challenging now as those giving these new treatments a try numbers increase. Life has shown me how powerful the mind can be, I find myself holding back now sometimes expressing myself with them preferring not to feed fear. Adults making this choice for themselves is one thing, the health of our children is another. The logic of using this for minors goes against my intuition.

I can't help but get the feeling that encouraging the widespread use of mRNA-style vaccines with such vigor is akin to putting all our eggs in one basket. Hopefully, there are contingency plans in effect to manage the long-term risks to citizens in a worst-case scenario. The handling of this so far has left much room for improvement.

I have asked others to please talk with their doctors before making this decision. Hopefully, they will enquire as to the odds of risk and benefit for their particular situation. I get the impression that the elderly in my life were more likely to follow through with that suggestion. My parents did, and I hope others just kept that information confidential.

I work outdoors and consider my risk of infection on the low side. It's been encouraged at work, but I don't feel any pressure. My brothers and sisters are in a class of their own, everyone is supportive of each other practicing making decisions for themselves. My sympathies are with those where this may not be the case.

God willing, my fears will fade into the rearview mirror as we move forward. The way information that raises questions on the way society has managed the changes this challenge represents often leaves me with more questions than answers. Education and debate have been traditionally a technique relied on to help make the best decisions in the face of uncertainty. The way those who have had bad experiences and concerns are being addressed feels different than the way other polarizing issues of been dealt with over the years.

edit on 19-6-2021 by dffrntkndfnml because: spelling

edit on 19-6-2021 by dffrntkndfnml because: clarity and grammar

edit on 19-6-2021 by dffrntkndfnml because: clarity

edit on 19-6-2021 by dffrntkndfnml because: grammar

edit on 19-6-2021 by dffrntkndfnml because: grammar

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: xuenchen

But isn't the pervading sentiment, at least among many on these boards, that the "perpetrators of this virus, the "China Virus", the "Kung Flu", as so many here prefer to call COVID19, was the product of a "Communist Chinese bio-weapons lab in Wuhan"?

That would seem to make the presumptive most likely "targets" rather obvious, wouldn't it?

Thats the cheat.... they have us looking at country... not businesses. China may have won nicely by acquiring european companies, but the big winners are definitely big pharma, whose vaccines we didnt care for in 2014....

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: zatara

In regards to animals dying...

Did you know that in 2012 they were actually working on a sars covid vaccine. That got cancelled because their animal test subjects died during trials.

The vaccine kill off the virus sure enough, but also cause heavy cytokine storms, that ended up destroying the healthy lung tissue as well...

Sound like something we have seen so far??

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 03:25 PM
On a much deeper level.... the Corona Virus is an Alien Entity, more akin to a Robotic mission to multiply/infect other cells, rather than being a 'life form' trying to evade being destroyed as opposed to seeking to thrive & flourish

the global community ~IOW~ is under Alien Attack by Corona and Covid19, concocted by some mortal person or team of specialist scientists (rumor tells us it was birthed at Chapel Hill NC then sent to Wuhan Lab)

posted on Jun, 20 2021 @ 02:48 PM
Then there are these four BA pilots dying soon after an other.. An other mystery we will probably never understand because of coverup. Just the fact everybody is busy convincing the other it is not vaccination related worries me. Why not use that energy to tell us what happened with these four pilots..

But something else.. I am afraid that as time goes by and mutations will appear it will become very dangerous to fly long distances. Maybe I am wrong and someone teling me how it does works will be welcome.

Will the airfilters in a passenger plane capture the covid virus and all its brother and sister mutations..? I mean, sure this will be a concern for the companies but if they underestimate the problem even been vaccinated a flight to a holliday destignation the plane can be a death trap.

edit on 20/6/2021 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2021 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: dffrntkndfnml

I am skeptical of the long-term advantages of mRNA-style treatments. Hopefully functioning as a vaccine and calling it a vaccine muddies the waters. Its new technology being rolled out, its use in the children and those without preexisting conditions is a major concern of mine. Personally, I will wait and am content to take my chances. Life is unpredictable at best, hopefully, the longer I wait, the wider range of choices I will have.

Hell no, I meant unfortunately. I can't believe I didn't catch that checking over this before.

Imo, calling this a vaccine increases the odds that individuals with a more cursory knowledge will confuse mRNA technology with the more traditional ones.

posted on Jun, 22 2021 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: St Udio
In the 90's there were many microbiologist dying from suicides and accidents.. Can it be that there is a connection with what is now happening in the world?

Can it be that from the start a playbook has been activated. It is all about conditioning of the masses to prevent the masses hunting down those responsible for the global mass murders. I remember the fear when the first lockdown was isseud by the government. How facemasks were an advise and now manditory by supermarkets and companies..same will happen with the vaccination I am afraid.. Things will become normal and accepted while reality is that it is not normal. I am afraid a more agressive mutation will appear and vaccination will become manditory, cash money will be considered a contamination source and people will not protest when taken out of society. It is all with baby steps until society has changed in the way those in power want it. All speculation of course

How nice to have a chip under your skin which can hold your vaccination passport, social security number....and be able to make digital financial transactions with it.

edit on 22/6/2021 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2021 @ 02:20 PM
I've been wondering how many people have gotten the placebo instead of the actual Covid Vaccine. Do they know when they are adminestering the shot. Do they knowingly give some people the actual shot and some the plocebo? Is it up to their discretion? Can your first shot be a placebo and the second be the huge dosage of Covid ?

Also I was thinking about the nations blood supply. Will donors have to be non vaccinated or will they have to be vaccintated? If you need a blood transfusion can you get the protein spikes?

posted on Jun, 22 2021 @ 02:46 PM
I have several questions that have been bothering me..

1. In January of 2020, pictures were coming out from China showing citizens falling and dying on the streets with blood around their heads..did that happen here..and if it did..where are the pictures? If there truly were a pandemic we would not need to be reminded to stay away from others even our own family...would we?
2. Citizens were being sealed up in their apartments and China was hastily building hospitals to hold all the sick..what happened with them all? Why do they still report only approximately 91,600 cases out of 1.4 billion people after a year and a half?
3. All of a sudden in March 2020 all of these signs, plexiglass, distancing circles and roping off of playgrounds and benches were in place all at once it seems did they coordinate all of this around the world?
4. Why have they flip flopped on so many procedures and policy..close the schools (the children will never recover from this), sanitize your groceries when you bring them home (don't use your recycle bags when you shop) wear a mask, wear two, wear three, covid is catchable within 6 ft but not further, covid is a danger when you walk into a restaurant but not once you are seated to eat?
5. The vaccine is produced in less than a year and unofficially approved for emergency injection into arms but it must be transported at -70 degrees celcius. they show shipments of vaccines packed in dry ice..i see no refrigeration trucks at the local injection site where they push through thousands of arms each day..why?
6. Trump was promoting that the vaccine would be ready soon but the manufacturers waited until he lost the election to provide release dates to give people hope. People said they would never get the "Trump" vaccine but rushed and even gave insentives for people to get it after Biden was 'ELECTED'.
7. First they said to get your 1st shot then wait 8 weeks for Astra Zenica or 28 days for Phizer or Moderna. Then they ran low or into shipping problems so the 2nd could be pushed longer..Can it or Can't it? Does it make a difference or not? They are making this up as they go IMO.
8, Kids don't spread covid then they do. Kids under 19 should not get nor do they need the vaccine then they do? Which is it..make up your mind?
9. Politicians are caught breaking their own rules of lockdown worldwide almost like it is a fake pandemic..Which is it?
10. Lockdowns and restrictions are based on case counts then all of a sudden in May 2021 they are based on vaccine percentages 1st and 2nd doses?

In a normal world of scientists and immunologists a standard set of procedures would apply to all. Regions would not have their own way of dealing with a pandemic. If it was as deadly as they are promoting it to be...we would not need reminders from commercials to stay away from others...they evidence would be clear and we would see refrigerated trucks lining up at our hospitals and creamatories would be overrun. This is all about FEAR and CONTROL IMHO.

Pandemic: A pandemic is an epidemic occurring on a scale that crosses international boundaries, usually affecting people on a worldwide scale.

Pandora's Box: The box is not only a gift from Zeus, but also a tool for his revenge. It symbolized a source of trouble, curiosity, and the unknown future. Pandora's action of opening the story means the start of trouble. She released all the illness, disease, bitterness and all the misfortune.

IMO I think Fauci financed indirectly and oversaw the unleashing of Pandora's box and it's contents on humanity and by doing so is guilty of crimes against it...

posted on Jun, 22 2021 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: TamtammyMacx

For all I know they will only give a placebo covid vaccine to people who participate during clinical trials. That will say that you willingly enter a trial and know you could have received a placebo. I do not think they will give people a placebo when they are not part of the trial...that would not make any sense anyways..

posted on Jun, 22 2021 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: zatara Thanks. People were talking that we are all in the trials for intill 2023. That is why it is all voluntary. Don't know

posted on Jun, 22 2021 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: zatara
a reply to: St Udio

Can it be that from the start a playbook has been activated.

There's a good vid here showing what Gates (and DARPA) have been working towards over the last few years.

Also think some extremely serious questions need to be asked about Gates (and DARPA) involvement in gene drives.


posted on Jun, 22 2021 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: TamtammyMacx
a reply to: zatara Thanks. People were talking that we are all in the trials for intill 2023. That is why it is all voluntary. Don't know

Its all very weird all together..., we are not informed about what is really going on. Time will probably tell.

edit on 22/6/2021 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2021 @ 03:39 PM
I had 1st dose of Pfizer 8 days ago, the last two days I now have a head cold. I haven’t had a head cold in about 2 years. How can this be? Is it the vaccination or have just managed to pick up a cold, even though I haven’t mixed with many people apart from husband and kids and a couple of friends and also having a hit of tennis last week and weekend just gone.

None of anyone I’ve interacted with appeared to have a cold. I live in Melbourne, Australia, where we are slowly coming out of a 4th lockdown which lasted 3 weeks due to the Delta variant of covid. Have i picked it up going to the shops or playing tennis? Even though I haven’t been to any listed COVID exposure sites.

Maybe I just have a normal head cold?

We are told here, even with the slightest of symptoms to go and get tested for covid. Part of me wants to out of curiosity and part of me just wants to stay home, away from people and let it pass, so the school holidays coming up won’t be ruined.

posted on Jun, 22 2021 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: karl 12

originally posted by: zatara
a reply to: St Udio

Can it be that from the start a playbook has been activated.

There's a good vid here showing what Gates (and DARPA) have been working towards over the last few years.

Also think some extremely serious questions need to be asked about Gates (and DARPA) involvement in gene drives.


DARPA...there you have it. Those guys are connected to US government departments with deep pockets and "important" interests. Thinking DARPA it will not surprise me that deep state is a welcome customer too. And then we are back again to all these things and people that are untouchable and protected. There is nobody with the authority to investigate the investigators and bring the big players to justice. People who can be, or become a threat will creatively be removed from that power..

There is a pattern emerging which goes way back to the murder of JFK...if you ask me its that same gentlemens club behind it all.

Of course are all these thoughts and everything written pure speculation..

edit on 22/6/2021 by zatara because: (no reason given)

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