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Anything to say about the covid vaccine or virus..your thoughts, questions, statements.

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posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: Phatdamage

The vaccinated can spread the virus, because they can and do become infected.

The vaccinated spread it significantly less than the unvacinated, and if you've been vaccinated as well then your less likely to catch it from them.

Two vaccinated people in a room have a minimal chance of infecting each other.

You could catch covid from punching a BLM activist in the nose, and then putting you hand to your mouth. Does that mean that your never going to punch a BLM activist in the nose?

You can't let silly fears rule your life. That's exactly what the liberals want.

If every person takes vaccine, wear mask, socially distances, then mother nature will up the ante and make virus far more contagious and much better at hiding from immune system. The result of evolution will be super bugs that infect people who wear masks, socially distances, takes vaccine. After all, viruses are everywhere in the air. It only takes 1 to infect.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: JosephWHammon

Nothing to do with viruses, lockdowns or cheap booze. You'd do well to do a bit of research


The main reasons for America's economic boom in the 1920s were technological progress which led to the mass production of goods, the electrification of America, new mass marketing techniques, the availability of cheap credit and increased employment which, in turn, created a huge amount of consumers.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: Joefoster
a reply to: zatara

anyone in the military remember shot day? just what did they shoot us up with, we were human pin cushions. thats why i got the vaccine, i fear not, there are many many other things in life far more dangerous than the vaccine. but i know, we live in an era of mis information, so i also understand this is a personal choice for vaccination, so either get vaccinated or not, it is no big deal. Quit living in fear from what someone told you on you tube.

GammaGlob .
Not to be confused with LoxGlob
edit on 6/2/21 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: network dude
Here is one question that doesn't seem to get much air time.

If you have had the covid 19 virus, and got over it, are you immune and for how long?

and for the bonus follow up, if you are protected, do you have to still get the shot to be allowed in all the reindeer games?

26 May 2021 Had COVID? You’ll probably make antibodies for a lifetime

Many people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 will probably make antibodies against the virus for most of their lives. So suggest researchers who have identified long-lived antibody-producing cells in the bone marrow of people who have recovered from COVID-19. The study provides evidence that immunity triggered by SARS-CoV-2 infection will be extraordinarily long-lasting.


posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

I figured as much.

Will the powers that be come out and say that if you had covid you don't need a vaccination?

I will wait for it.... but I won't hold my breath.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 03:26 PM
Taking health advice from eugenics experts, I mean health experts (lol) is pretty much irrational.
Making such a decision as to willfully take this gene therapy proves you are one of the ones to be sterilized and culled due to lack of personal research into what eugenists actual goal is.

The goals for the end game are not hidden and the people in charge (not the governments of the world) have no problems with well-learned individuals even if such people do not agree with them. People on this site, for the most part have nothing to fear and being an outlier isn't actually a target.

Only an undefined (as of now) percentage who take the shot will have side effects I believe but it will still fulfill the narrative more or less.

Of course, all of the above was just simple speculation.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 03:28 PM
For my own personal pet project I am taking it upon myself to get the actual numbers not just from the CDC, but to compare them with actual burial and cremation counts...but getting those figures is going to take a while.

but in the meantime I figured I would post them here so no one has to hunt them down since this is an open discussion.

Follow the data, sourced from the CDC here.

Total 2020 Deaths USA : 3,358,814
Total 2019 Deaths USA: 2,854,838
Total 2018 Deaths USA: 2,839,205

Total difference of deaths from 2019-2020: 504,976
The claimed covid related number for 2020: 377,883
Non covid death difference from above: 126,093

...the difference from 2018-2019: 15,633

Well that certainly is a big jump, though you have to wonder at the extra non-covid deaths of 126k (where is the media outcry for what I am going to assume are suicides and alcohol/drug related deaths due to the lockdown?

I'm also trying to get a hold of death counts after jan 21st...but I have a feeling they will have gone back to what the trend should be at post covid. Some might attribute that to getting their shot, but even if that's the case with such a large deviation in the past there should be a large amount post jan be continued....

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 03:45 PM
News-wise, a very sheepish UK media today after all the (like last summer) "Pandemic over!" BS yesterday following zero bank holiday deaths - as if nobody has learned a thing over the last 16 months. Hospitalisations up significantly today, a dozen deaths and a whopping (for us) 4000+ new infections.

Most importantly, of course, we will find out (with the world watching) if the vaccines actually work - no more niche clinical surveys and picking & choosing data about vaccine effectiveness in conflicting reports ranging from Israel to Chile to Qatar to the North bloody Pole. NOW we will find out for sure in a real Wave with a significant Delta Variant unique in numbers to the UK outside India, and with nobody hiding this time.

You can probably guess my own prediction. Naturally I hope I'm wrong despite not currently worshipping at the Holy Temple Of Unapproved Jabs.... because the consequences are unthinkable.

My best mate is still in a terrible state six weeks after his Pfizer jab - within 3 hours of the jab he suffered continuous headaches, blurred vision, and is now diagnosed with Bi-Polarism after visiting his doctor today (following an A&E visit this week when it all got too much).

I guess he took a bullet for the global vaccine rescue team, eh? How many other such bullets going cheap out there? But who cares in the grand scheme of things, right? He's just my best friend after all. [insert extreme swear words here]

(PS: Don't bother replying, 'pro-Covid vaxxers' - I'm just passing, needed to get it off my chest, and far too angry at present to listen to mitigation about potential "coincidence" etc from the usual menu of tired apologisms.)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: ConfusedBrit

That's sad to hear about your friends condition. I also have a close friend who had both her mRNA shots and was rather sick for quite some time. I told her to wait for more information but her job required it "supposedly", I believe coercion had a large part to play in such.

She was pretty much bedridden for around a month and still has brain fog to this day to an extent.

I hope your friend will be okay and I will pray for him.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: ConfusedBrit
News-wise, a very sheepish UK media today after all the (like last summer) "Pandemic over!" BS yesterday following zero bank holiday deaths - as if nobody has learned a thing over the last 16 months. Hospitalisations up significantly today, a dozen deaths and a whopping (for us) 4000+ new infections.

Most importantly, of course, we will find out (with the world watching) if the vaccines actually work - no more niche clinical surveys and picking & choosing data about vaccine effectiveness in conflicting reports ranging from Israel to Chile to Qatar to the North bloody Pole. NOW we will find out for sure in a real Wave with a significant Delta Variant unique in numbers to the UK outside India, and with nobody hiding this time.

You can probably guess my own prediction. Naturally I hope I'm wrong despite not currently worshipping at the Holy Temple Of Unapproved Jabs.... because the consequences are unthinkable.

My best mate is still in a terrible state six weeks after his Pfizer jab - within 3 hours of the jab he suffered continuous headaches, blurred vision, and is now diagnosed with Bi-Polarism after visiting his doctor today (following an A&E visit this week when it all got too much).

I guess he took a bullet for the global vaccine rescue team, eh? How many other such bullets going cheap out there? But who cares in the grand scheme of things, right? He's just my best friend after all. [insert extreme swear words here]

(PS: Don't bother replying, 'pro-Covid vaxxers' - I'm just passing, needed to get it off my chest, and far too angry at present to listen to mitigation about potential "coincidence" etc from the usual menu of tired apologisms.)

I think vaccine will initially work for a few months before mother nature ups the ante and by means of evolution create much more contagious virus that are better at avoiding immune system and cases will go up again.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: network dude

If you have had the covid 19 virus, and got over it, are you immune and for how long?

Link to published study, Nature.

Overall, we show that SARS-CoV-2 infection induces a robust antigen-specific, long-lived humoral immune response in humans.

Obviously nobody knows exactly how long, because we don't have time travel, but like many other diseases it may well be perpetual or something akin to that.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: Phatdamage

Thanks for the vid.

Unfortunately my vocabulary is insufficiently broad enough to describe how enraging this is.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: zatara

What can I say about the vaccine and the virus?

The virus can be potentially fatal.
We don’t know everything about the virus.
People are not being pushed to catch the virus.

The vaccine can be potentially fatal.
We don’t know everything about the vaccine.
People are being pushed to take the vaccine.

The determination of which is more of a threat to the individual should be left up to the individual and people should not be forced or judged on their final decision.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

thanks for the link.

Now we just need to get to the second part of the question.

Will we have to get the shot, although we should be protected, in order to engage in commerce?
edit on 2-6-2021 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 06:45 PM
Certain anti-Trump say everything Trump does is evil etc. and so forth and his 'followers' believe he is God and worship everything Trump. Trump, warp speeded the vaccine. So why aren't most of his 'followers' taking it? Yet, the anti-Trump who say everything Trump does is evil etc. and so forth believe the vaccine to be God, and will stake their lives in and on it, which was commandeered by ...Donald Trump. Weird.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 06:58 PM
while no expert was available we were discussing this today at work, and while no we are not in the medical field we were all college educated people of various technical degrees so we have a few brain cells functioning.

There are only two options in our muddled brains... since death rates fell off a cliff before we had gotten very far with vaccinations, either those most prone to dying had already died or we have all had it to some degree and antibodies are present, which to us would mean herd immunity achieved.

by the time we were done hashing our way through data we were all of the same mindset, not going to take it for as long as possible without someone actually fessing up to the real data.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

I just returned from a community event made up of mostly people with young children, teens, and young adults. A group much like yours. Fairly well educated, with technical and medical backgrounds.

I was a bit surprised to see very few people wearing masks. At the end of the event even fewer were wearing masks.

I thought at first, that it was unusual, but quickly realized that no, it was normal.

I live in rural Florida.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 09:36 PM
For me, the red flags are that it’s technically not a vaccine. It’s an experimental injection that’s designed to instruct your mRNA to create the virus (i.e. spike protein) in your body. Yet, they have no idea what the proliferation of this spike protein may do and another major question is...will the body stop making the proteins? Historically, a vaccine injection I illicits an immune response that produces antibodies. This particular injection hasn’t been proven that it creates antibodies. At least not that I’ve read anywhere yet.

Another major red flag is that businesses & media are foaming at the mouth and bribing people to take an injection that isn’t even FDA approved. And the media, White House & many others have completely misled the public into believing that it was approved. It’s all super sketchy & I have a healthy distrust of government. There’s no reason to make a hasty decision as far as I’m concerned.

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: AaarghZombies

The vaccinated spread it significantly less than the unvacinated, and if you've been vaccinated as well then your less likely to catch it from them.

So how does that even make sense with their latest shouts that the vaccinated will be taking booster shots every 3 months?
What sort of immunity is that?

What about incubation period or does that no longer apply to your "new Covid science"

The 3 month figure is how long it will take them to make a booster shot for a new strain, not how often you will need to take them. Please stop with the alarmist Liberal garbage, you're not reporting this for CNN.

Those booster shots will just be like flu shots, they're to protect the elderly and so on, against possible new strains. Just like during flu season.

Give it a couple of years and there will be global herd immunity and boosters won't be a thing for most people.

What about the incubation period? I'm afraid that you're going to have to provide me with some context for this one.

You've let the Liberals get inside of your head, you're spouting the same doom porn as they are.

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: AaarghZombies

The vaccinated spread it significantly less than the unvacinated, and if you've been vaccinated as well then your less likely to catch it from them.

So how does that even make sense with their latest shouts that the vaccinated will be taking booster shots every 3 months?
What sort of immunity is that?

What about incubation period or does that no longer apply to your "new Covid science"

The 3 month figure is how long it will take them to make a booster shot for a new strain, not how often you will need to take them. Please stop with the alarmist Liberal garbage, you're not reporting this for CNN.

Those booster shots will just be like flu shots, they're to protect the elderly and so on, against possible new strains. Just like during flu season.

Give it a couple of years and there will be global herd immunity and boosters won't be a thing for most people.

What about the incubation period? I'm afraid that you're going to have to provide me with some context for this one.

You've let the Liberals get inside of your head, you're spouting the same doom porn as they are.

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