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Anything to say about the covid vaccine or virus..your thoughts, questions, statements.

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posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 10:21 AM
Hi guys, whenever I read a covid or vaccine related thread I come with thoughts and/or questions which are off the specific topic of that thread. This happened a few times and sometimes couldn't find a thread my question would be on topic or was not of such a an importance or interesting enough to start its own thread. Thats why I started this one in which everybody can write whatever he wants about the virus.

So.. there is THIS and THIS..

The first vid is about an expert informing us about new discoveries after studying the effects on the human body further. He says that certain parts of the vaccine can cause serious damage to children that are receiving breast milk...and women bleeding of the overy. Which happened to my sister not so very long ago...and the specialist in the hospital told her to have no clue what the cause is. This docter is afraid that the vaccine can not garantee longterm safety...for everybody.

Then there is the second vid about all test animals dying after being injected with the vaccine.

The thing that worries me is that these vids are most likely banned from youtube and considered false news. That these experts in their medical field will be silenced on all msm and painted rogue scientist...conspiracy scientists.

Me myself try to avoid taking the vaccine because of all this confusing and serious information. There is probably a clause which says that the company and all its workers are not responsible for any damage the vaccine may cause in the long or short term. To be honest it will not surprise me if within some 5 years people will fall ill and drop dead left and right..

What do you guys make of this and where will this go to..
edit on 2/6/2021 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 10:33 AM
I have had the virus, and while it was no fun, I will not be taking the vaccine. The blue state governments are pushing to hard for everyone to take it. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 10:38 AM
It is interesting, and i can see it from both sides, there truly is a viral virus, that if untreated or controlled has the capacity to kill thousands, especially old and people with conditions. Remember your not taking the vaccine to stop it, you're taking the vaccine so if you catch it it doesn't kill you, so its here for good.

the other side says who do you trust? there is so much disinformation out there, because people just don't believe something like this can happen, and vaccines take years to be correct, and did it really start in China, was it man made, I dont think we will ever get answers, maybe in 70 years from now, full discusses will or wont happen, and by then anyone involved will be long and buried.

I did however find this very interesting:

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: Phatdamage

Remember your not taking the vaccine to stop it, you're taking the vaccine so if you catch it it doesn't kill you,

On this side of the pond, individual states (blue ones) were telling the vaccinated that they no longer need to wear a mask.
The vaccinated can spread the virus, because they can and do become infected.
Why would TPTB tell them they don't need to wear a mask any longer?
So they can spread the virus?
They have been telling us all along how we need to wear a mask to protect others.
edit on b000000302021-06-02T10:48:33-05:0010America/ChicagoWed, 02 Jun 2021 10:48:33 -05001000000021 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: zatara

Thought this was an interesting question.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: zatara

anyone in the military remember shot day? just what did they shoot us up with, we were human pin cushions. thats why i got the vaccine, i fear not, there are many many other things in life far more dangerous than the vaccine. but i know, we live in an era of mis information, so i also understand this is a personal choice for vaccination, so either get vaccinated or not, it is no big deal. Quit living in fear from what someone told you on you tube.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:20 AM

your thoughts, questions, statements.

The "official" reaction has damaged public confidence in their governments, international organizations, and various 'experts'.

Not a good show.


posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: Joefoster

Keep that attitude and you'll be up for promotion in no time.

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: Joefoster

I want some chemical inside me that's supposed to protect me and others because I'm totally not affraid of a virus, with a 99% survival chance, it's just so nice to get some shots from time to time, really I do it out of love, not fear.

If I could not get legal shots I would get them Illegal that's how little I'm affraid of the shot

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: zatara

Well a great thread. There's no way any one will ever be held accountable.

A prime example is the 911 attacks and the heavily redacted "Truth Commission". They are in cahoots with Government, as has been seen throughout history. The Government and Big Corps are not our friends.

They poison us then profit through the Medico Industrial Complex till they bleed us to death financially. Then as we get older they keep raising the age pension screaming " there's not enough money in the social security system " Funny how they print trillions when it suits them to restart economies post covid shutdowns.

Where do we go from here? I'm cynical and see it as not ending well. My grandmother a bible reading woman predicted dark times for my and my children's generation some 30 years ago. She described it as apocalyptic. Now this is coming from a woman who had seen the genocide of her family and friends at the hands of the Ottomans - seen 2 world wars, and yet she saw something even worse on the horizon.

I'm at peace knowing that the soul can never be truly destroyed and if there are Laws of Karma and balance then maybe they'll suffer even worse privations.

Which doesn't really answer your questions however. There is no easy solution - just care for those closest to you and make the best of what you can.

Which happened to my sister not so very long ago...and the specialist in the hospital told her to have no clue what the cause is.

Even if he did suspect it may have been vaccine related it would never see the light of day. Too many careers have been ruined for people who speak up.

Be strong

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:27 AM
Coming out now from real emails (Fauci) that the virus is a bio-weapon.

Many people (knew) thought this all along 🚨

Get ready for retaliation 🚨🚨

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: karl 12

You know all these Western countries pay lip service to Human Rights Conventions and by the same token carry out their experiments in 3rd world countries.

Why would I trust anyone who takes away my Human Sovereignty by forcing a medical procedure on me?

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Coming out now from real emails (Fauci) that the virus is a bio-weapon.

Many people (knew) thought this all along 🚨

Get ready for retaliation 🚨🚨

Fauci mail better not be the proof they base another war on. That's worst than the WMD that were never found...

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:36 AM
Here is one question that doesn't seem to get much air time.

If you have had the covid 19 virus, and got over it, are you immune and for how long?

and for the bonus follow up, if you are protected, do you have to still get the shot to be allowed in all the reindeer games?

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Coming out now from real emails (Fauci) that the virus is a bio-weapon.

Many people (knew) thought this all along 🚨

Get ready for retaliation 🚨🚨

So, if (you believe that) the virus is actually a bio-weapon, doesn't refusing to be vaccinated against the possible
effects of said bio-weapon play into the hands of the enemy by aiding and abetting their efforts to weaken us by assisting in the spread of infection and over-taxing our health care system (a major contributor to our national economy)?

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021

originally posted by: xuenchen
Coming out now from real emails (Fauci) that the virus is a bio-weapon.

Many people (knew) thought this all along 🚨

Get ready for retaliation 🚨🚨

So, if (you believe that) the virus is actually a bio-weapon, doesn't refusing to be vaccinated against the possible
effects of said bio-weapon play into the hands of the enemy by aiding and abetting their efforts to weaken us by assisting in the spread of infection and over-taxing our health care system (a major contributor to our national economy)?

Depends who and what the "targets" **are/were/will be**☠️

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Coming out now from real emails (Fauci) that the virus is a bio-weapon.

Many people (knew) thought this all along 🚨

Get ready for retaliation 🚨🚨

Maybe the big disclosure coming soon will take everyone's mind off covid?!?

Who knows, 2020 and 2021 have and will be like no other years we have had

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: zatara

I saw the previous sars and mers virus come and go without much fanfare. Somehow I, and I assume countless others knew that this time was going to be different.

Maybe the tone of the media lead us on prematurely, maybe all the details raised flags for anyone interested enough, but we knew I even advised my client and his house was on lockdown 2 weeks before our national lockdown.

I had a thread in the beginning of this mess detailing various countries' delayed responses and assuring their people, and the world, that even though there is one or ten cases already in the country the borders will still be be open and there's no reason to panic when it was clear as the liver spots on a ginger that we knew how infectious it was but the mortality rate was still an open topic of discussion.

The public knew well before the lockdowns were declared how potentially dangerous this was and yet so many countries were trying to be casual af.


posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

But isn't the pervading sentiment, at least among many on these boards, that the "perpetrators of this virus, the "China Virus", the "Kung Flu", as so many here prefer to call COVID19, was the product of a "Communist Chinese bio-weapons lab in Wuhan"?

That would seem to make the presumptive most likely "targets" rather obvious, wouldn't it?

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: karl 12

You know all these Western countries pay lip service to Human Rights Conventions and by the same token carry out their experiments in 3rd world countries.

Why would I trust anyone who takes away my Human Sovereignty by forcing a medical procedure on me?

I have always thought that there is a think tank which works on such "problems"...How can we make it so that the public will freely accept mass inoculation. First..make sure that only our vision is available for the public....all negative information must be labelled ..dis-information or false news. Well, the way it is today they succeeded and played the game step by step that most people hold up their arm to receive that needle. Its a kind of chess game..

It is as if I am between a rock and a hard place. The government does not dare to make the vaccination manditory...yet. The way they play it is that they allow enforce their "house rules" on their customers. Just like they played it with these face dipers. At first was wearing a facemask at the groceries an advise and now it is manditory or else you must take your business somewhere else.

The government allow busineses to do this to their customers. Same thing will happen with the vaccination.. Today they say they prefer you to be vaccinated and tomorrow they would like to see your vaccination passport.

What about accepting a job..the company can refuse you because of your not vaccinated body.. what can you do if you need to pay the rent?

This way they make the few who resist taking the vaccine to take it anyways. What is left are the die hards who can affort somehow not to take it. What If you need to travel.. "They" try to find ways to make the number of people not vaccinated smaller and smaller. And all for the right reasons of course...

edit on 2/6/2021 by zatara because: (no reason given)

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