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Israel and Palestine at it again.

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posted on May, 15 2021 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Riouz5

Sorry if I've upset your hypersensitivities.

No-one likes to see children suffering and being killed.
Both sides are consumed with hatred and it is engrained in their very being.
And this particular # show has the potential to have extremely serious implications for every single human being on earth by dragging the ROTW into their war of religious intolerance.

The Troubles were a truly awful period of UK/Irish history which we should never allow to happen again but despite there being some obvious similarities I don't think you can compare the two.

Sometimes people say things for dramatic effect in order to get a point across.
If you haven't worked that out yet then I suggest that you get out and about a bit more and gain some real life experiences away from the nice little woke bubble you seem to be wrapped up in.

Its ok people forget sometimes how they would respond in these circumstances. If thousands of rockets were streaming across the US border from say Mexico we would level it. Isreal has its population living in bunkers because at most they get 3 min warning for most less than a minute. Any country whose population has to live in bomb shelters is going to retaliate I don't blame them. Any other country in the world would have leveled Gaza and turned it into a parking lot. The fact they haven't told me they are trying really hard to limit civilian casualties. In reality, Isreal could go into Gaza and destroy everything they have the firepower to level every building if they chose to.

This is why Hamas uses the civilian population as shields they know the Israelis don't want to kill civilians so they move their assets next to them. For example, the Building they leveled today with Al Jazeera offices was also the same building that Hamas was using to coordinate rocket strikes into Isreal. Keep in mind Hamas has launched thousands of Qassams into Isreal and they don't care in the least where they land. They are targetting Israel's civilian population in fact Hamas is killing their own population as more than 200 rockets landed back in Gaza. These things are basically roman candles with a bomb attached no guidance system its range is set by the amount of fuel used. These are built-in Iran and smuggled into Gaza they are a weapon of terror they have no military value. The odds of hitting any military target with these rockets is almost zero. Luckily for Palestinians, I'm not in charge of Isreal because I would guarantee I would invade and kill any member of Hamas I could find.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

I saw on a live feed today a different kind of "rocket" being launched from Gaza today. Many are saying it was a short range ballistic missile, which would be a first for Hamas. It went straight up rather that the usual rockets they use.

In either case, I don't find myself agreeing with you very often, but I agree with you 100% on this. If it wasn't for the Iron dome, I can't imagine what it would look like in Israel right now. They (Hamas) have shot over 3000 rockets so far. Just in the last several days.
edit on 15-5-2021 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 07:03 PM
Israeli Government is an apartheid government.
Gaza is a locked Prison
Israeli Illegal settlements
Occupying lands that are not theirs. (Israelis that is)

The Nazis persecuted the Jews ..Now the Persecuted are the Persecutors
Creating Monsters

And Benny boy has become the persecutor in chief. all to stay in power.

I have no love for Hamas.. but Palestinians are being ethnically cleansed , it cannot be denied.
and the world looks on ..

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: yuppa

You really would think 2000 years of suffering, persecution and carnage would be enough

Apparently some truly believe Israel does not have the basic right of existance

Oh man, they are barking up the wrong tree
Israel's restraint is commendable.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: rigel4

Is that why the Pal's rejected the two state solution?

Lets be honest here. Pals (egged on by Iran) overplayed their hand, and they ended up with nothing. And now the friends of Iran want to cry foul since it is clear they will never achieve a military victory.

They thought they could ride this "racist!!!!! public opinion!!!!!" nonsense into a victory and they were dead wrong. Hamas needs to surrendor to the authorities and face justice instead of hiding behind civilians.
edit on 5/15/2021 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: rigel4
Israeli Government is an apartheid government.
Gaza is a locked Prison
Israeli Illegal settlements
Occupying lands that are not theirs. (Israelis that is)

The Nazis persecuted the Jews ..Now the Persecuted are the Persecutors
Creating Monsters

And Benny boy has become the persecutor in chief. all to stay in power.

I have no love for Hamas.. but Palestinians are being ethnically cleansed , it cannot be denied.
and the world looks on ..

History doesn't agree with you, That territory belonged to the jews long before the Arabs showed up. Want a real shocker Gaza was owned by jews until Egypt takes it over and they evicted the Jewish settlers. This fight is really only about 100 years old it doesn't go back centuries as people claim. This fight really goes back to the British mandate, They created the problem when they allowed Jews to return to their homeland. As far as the west bank this was unusable land mostly desert it requires infrastructure to just live there. This is why the Israelis will spend huge amounts of money on things like irrigation and power. Jordan neglected this area forcing many of the Arabs that lived there to leave because the land is difficult.

Now here Isreal I think makes a mistake they allowed settlers to move into the area as long as they were willing to pay for infrastructure because Jordan refused the offer to have this land returned for peace. The bottom line is the British caused this by promising land to everyone and then took steps to keep them from joining together. There are two sides to every story both have valid claims and both have the right to exist. Unfortunately, when Hamas took over they dedicated themselves to the destruction of the Israelis.

The Israelis at this point are tired of negotiating and just decided to build a wall to keep Hamas out. There were almost daily attacks and suicide bombers. So now we have 2 sides that can no longer negotiate the best you can do is get them to leave each other alone. But even in this they fail because one side or the other always finds reasons to break the peace.

Jewish perspective is this land had belonged to them until the British mess things up.

Here is a more historical perspective

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: JBurns

Whatever is going on, it is still a power play by the elites, dragging innocent people, into the situation as more deaths occur. Owning land is a fantasy you can only have use of it during a lifetime. The fact that there is enough for all will never be understood by people who need the illusion of wealth and power.

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: gortex

Land stolen based on its 1967 borders.

Thats the price of losing a war. Its not stealing, its securing borders! Arab states should think twice about waging war on Israel lest they have more land annexed as a price of losing!

Please show me where I have defended Hamas , I don't think civilians and more importantly children should be blown to pieces in order for Israel to claim its scalps , that is not defending Hamas it's defending decency

There is only one side here that is aiming to kill innocent civilians and children, care to guess which? By portraying Israel as the instigator in all this and focusing on collateral damage that they literally do more than any other army on earth to avoid, you make it out as if they are willingly aiming for civilians, shame on you. Hamas, who was voted in to power in the Gaza strip in 2005, who openly call for the destruction of Israel in its entirety, are indiscriminately firing rockets, actually aiming for civilians and children while you preach 'decency' and cast Israel as 'claiming scalps' and compare them to Nazi Germany, its pathetic and sad, and to be honest kind of worrying. Why dont you defend decency in that case? What justifies actually aiming for civilians and children? So get real... In this instant by casting Israel the way you do, you are indirectly defending the actions of Hamas and its that kind of BS that prevents the innocent palestinian population from ever having anything other than a terrorist regime running their show. Not once have you condemned Hamas and their terrorist tactics. You are obviously lost in a brainwashed attempt at regurgitating blatantly false propoganda, so there is no point in replying to you after this post. I will learn nothing new from you in this topic. Hide behind your semantics and sly comments, you're good at that! Just know its that exact mindset that will dig a deeper hole for them poor palestinians. Israel will continue to defend themselves from these barbaric regimes and haters. People like you will come and go, Israel is here to stay!

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: combatmaster

Thats part of the lunacy I see even on news stations they expect Isreal to just allow Hamas to continue to try to kill their citizens without a response. If I was hiding in a bomb shelter in Tel Aviv id be wondering why bombers had not levelled everything in Gaza. They wouldn't like my warning Id simply say if another rocket is launched at our citizens I would declare war not only on Gaza but Iran as well. If Iran wants to continue to play its games id send bomber crews to level Tehran. I wouldn't tolerate someone doing this to the United States and I don't expect Isreal to either.

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 03:44 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

This is why Hamas uses the civilian population as shields they know the Israelis don't want to kill civilians so they move their assets next to them. For example, the Building they leveled today with Al Jazeera offices was also the same building that Hamas was using to coordinate rocket strikes into Isreal. Keep in mind Hamas has launched thousands of Qassams into Isreal and they don't care in the least where they land. They are targetting Israel's civilian population in fact Hamas is killing their own population as more than 200 rockets landed back in Gaza. These things are basically roman candles with a bomb attached no guidance system its range is set by the amount of fuel used. These are built-in Iran and smuggled into Gaza they are a weapon of terror they have no military value. The odds of hitting any military target with these rockets is almost zero. Luckily for Palestinians, I'm not in charge of Isreal because I would guarantee I would invade and kill any member of Hamas I could find.

If the IDF don't want to kill innocents then why have their been several times more women and children than Hamas millitants killed in every past invasion of Gaza?

What about the IDF and Israeli police kidnapping and tying Palestinian children to bonnets of their vehicles and using them as human shields? It's a common tactic with a lot of video and pictoral evidence. Or the deliberate targetting of children by some in the IDF? Bombing the press? Refugee camps? etc...

Same with blowing up press offices; there's no evidence Hamas ever used it according to all international press. It's around the 10th time they've blown up press offices reporting from Gaza, they've never provided any evidence of them being used by Hamas, it's a deliberate attempt to cover up the war crimes and ban the press from uncovering the 'accidents'.

They refused to allow news crews to gather their cameras and equipment and blew up the building 15 minutes before the warning expired. It's a miracle more weren't killed.

The vast majority of Israelis are against the assualt on Gaza and illegal settlements. It's only 10 -15% of Israeli's who support their war crimes.

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

Never get your history lessons from You Tube.

Britain did not start the Arab-Israeli Conflict. You need to go back further to The Otoman Empire.

Tensions between the Zionist movements and the Arab residents of Palestine started to emerge after the 1880s, when immigration of European Jews to Palestine increased. This immigration increased the Jewish communities in Ottoman Palestine by the acquisition of land from Ottoman and individual Arab landholders, known as effendis, and establishment of Jewish agricultural settlements (kibbutzim).
edit on 16-5-2021 by alldaylong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: yuppa

So let me get this right; events of two thousand years or so ago are some sort of justification for the intolerance, bigotry, hatred and killing that we are witnessing today?

If so then we should all be bombing the crap out of each other.

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 06:36 AM
Palestine deserves whatever punishment for launching rockets into isreal.

I mean, how stupid of an act, to provoke a serious National Contender like Isreal?

I mean, Palestinians are getting steamrolled.

Ah well, that's how it works in that part of the world and Isreal, surrounding by enemies?

I support and stand with Isreal, destroy those terrorist.

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: alldaylong

Some people like to blame the UK for all the world's ills.
It is a convenient distraction from having to examine their own nations role in recent and current world events.

The Arab/Jew conflict goes way, way back.

After the Battle of the Trench in 627, the Jews of Banu Qurayza were accused of conspiring with the Meccans. According to Watt, though Qurayza does not appear to have committed any overt hostile act[20] and been overtly correct in their behavior,[21] they had most likely[20][21] been involved in negotiations with the enemy."[20][22] Marco Scholler believes the Banu Qurayza were "openly, probably actively," supporting Meccans and their allies.[23] Nasr writes that it was discovered that Qurayzah had been complicit with the enemy during the Battle.[24]

The Qurayza were fought and then defeated in battle, and then were allowed an arbitrator to decide their punishment. A previously allied tribe, Aws, pleaded with Muhammad for him to select an arbitrator from within the ranks of Aws. Banu Qurayza were appointed Sa'd ibn Mua'dh, a leading man among the allied Aws, a tribe that converted to Islam, whom they believed would judge in their favour. Sa'd passed an execution sentence against the Qurayza and 600-900 Qurayza men were beheaded (except for the few who chose to convert to Islam), all women and children enslaved, and their properties confiscated.[25] Watt writes that some of the Arab tribe of Aws wanted to honour their old alliance with Qurayza, are said to have asked Muhammad to forgive the Qurayza for their sake as Muhammad had previously forgiven the Nadir for the sake of Abd-Allah ibn Ubayy.

A minority of Muslim scholars reject the incident holding that Ibn Ishaq, the first biographer of Muhammad, supposedly gathered many details of the incident from descendants of the Qurayza Jews themselves. These descendants allegedly embellished or manufactured details of the incident by borrowing from histories of Jewish persecutions during Roman times

The thing is, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews - who constitute the majority of modern day Israeli's - and Arabs have a shared genetic ancestry.
Both claim to be exclusively descended from the Canaanites that occupied the area 5000 years ago but scientific study shows that in fact both are and that they are more or less indistinguishable from each other in every regard other than religion.

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

Some people like to blame the UK for all the world's ills

How very true that statement is.

The " You Tube Documentary " that was linked was produced by Quintus Media GmbH Berlin.

I will leave it there.

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: dragonridrThis fight really goes back to the British mandate, They created the problem when they allowed Jews to return to their homeland.

Oh come on surely it was the Serb's who triggered all this off.

So Gavrilo Princip assassinates Franz Ferdinand whereby the First World war kicks off.

Germans have us done for, we just start to run out of chemicals due to their naval blockade.

Chaim Weizmann a Manc comes up with ethyl acetone, munitions factories start ramping up production again, the war goes on

As a gift to Chaim the Balfour Declaration happens.

The Serb's started all this, we just happened to be one of the dominoes

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 10:30 AM
So Hamas in Canada are mad at Jews in Canada, because Palestine attacked Israel?

Video of Violence in Toronto:

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 10:52 AM
Heard an interesting nugget of news this morning, apparently an arab minority party in israel was closing in on a deal to form a coalition to finally push bibi out of power.

Once the fireworks kicked off the deal was off the table, just an interesting tibit of information on a mixed up jumble of ME politics.

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: bastion

If the IDF don't want to kill innocents then why have their been several times more women and children than Hamas millitants killed in every past invasion of Gaza?

Because Hamas embed their bases and arsenals in schools and hospitals and residential complexes, knowing Israel cannot harm innocents intentionally! Educate yourself on the situation.

The vast majority of Israelis are against the assualt on Gaza and illegal settlements. It's only 10 -15% of Israeli's who support their war crimes.

Complete and utter bollocks.... wheres your evidence to support this pathetic claim? Israel is united in defending itself from Jew hating terrorist regimes!

posted on May, 16 2021 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

I agree! No country would put up with this!

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