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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Thank you, yeah that one but I guess there isn't a link.

Anyone have any other ideas about those bar code looking things in the picture?

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

When fully awake we won't need money. The Great Awakening will reveal itself, as christ said, you will do greater things than even I. Walking on water has always appealed to me, I think I'll do that because, I have faith that I can.
edit on 19-6-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: tommyjo

Yup, and it makes me wonder why other illnesses have dropped to all time lows due to "covid".

Im always a skeptic, also taking note about what others have said like " we're watching a movie". If its already been done, then it's already been done. We are watching a replay of events of what already took place. Like the residue of a dream. Why? I don't know everything, I only know what I know. Putting a massive puzzle together with the pieces we've been dealt. To make some sense of it. Maybe there is no meaning.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: Gravelbone

Looks like somethings going offline soon. Like the Planet.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 02:16 AM

Noor bin Ladin, a niece of terrorist Osama Bin Laden, staged an eye-catching protest Wednesday, June 16, in Geneva when Joe Biden met with Vladimir Putin and told Britain’s Daily Mail that the U.S. president’s tour made it clear that Biden is not in charge and someone else is running things behind the scenes.

“This overseas trip made it all the more clear on the world stage that he is a frail, incapacitated man—and somebody else is running affairs behind the scene,” Noor said.

“Biden is a weak figure, but I don’t believe he is in charge of the United States right now,” she added. “Biden does not represent America.”

Born in Saudi Arabia, Noor bin Ladin, who also holds Swiss citizenship, organized a protest along with supporters of former President Donald Trump who in a flotilla of boats held banners that read “Trump won.”

That was somewhat, unexpected.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 02:32 AM

From Shellshqck's t-gram feed.


posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 05:07 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: tanstaafl
June 19th and General Order #3 didn't end it either.

My point was, actual, black formal slavery wasn't ended by the EP. It only applied to slaves in the southern states, and specifically did not apply to the slaves in the northern states.

Contrary to popular myth, Lincoln was not anti-slavery - in fact, he was in favor of shipping every single black person back to Africa.

Slavery was already illegal in most northern states.

And Lincoln had no legal authority to proclaim anything for northern states.

But congress did soon after start to see the wisdom of Lincoln's words.

So Democrats assassinated Lincoln.

And we got jim crow.

And freed slaves never got their 40 acres.

Are you forgetting that we still have Lincoln's words?

"All aspects of slavery are morally reprehensible."

"Slavery is unjust. And I can't remember having ever believed anything else."

Ran for office on those oft repeated words.

Not to mention the inconvenient fact that Democrats, who very much wanted slavery to continue, actually started a WAR over this, almost the minute Lincoln took office.

Had this all saved up for Juneteenth or something?


edit on 19-6-2021 by Nunyabizisit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Amazing Polly has recently come up with one interpretation of Covfefe - Covid and Magnetite.

Magnetic Nanoparticles in the Injections, Masks and Swabs

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 07:30 AM
I thought I recalled seeing that pattern for an EMS before when I saw this one.

OK, probably not the DNA test because the way that works IIRC is each one goes a certain distance across the media and stops at a specific location each time. So as to designate from any other strand. Any similarities to other strands are sorted out other ways in the past. Not exactly the same as chem analysis where we super heat the unknown to about 800 Degrees C and each compound falls out in a unique place that only a few other compounds occupy on the scale. Then we look at other properties of an unknown such as the temp of a solid where ice is about 0 C and other things have a much warmer temp of the formation of the solid state from a gas or liquid.

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: FlyingFox

Thank you, yeah that one but I guess there isn't a link.

Anyone have any other ideas about those bar code looking things in the picture?

edit on 19-6-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 07:42 AM
If we are watching a movie what it means is we are really watching a live play and the actors are doing their part. Not only has the ending been settled, we appear near a climax to the story. One way or another. The reason has to be the idiot tools out here believing and spreading the lies with a vengeance. They have poisoned the minds of children and the public needs to be "debriefed". Like in the military after an event.

The same idiots who are looking at the truth as evil and not the deeds of these men and women like Epstein's clients. Notice how no one was indicted but him and Ghislaine Maxwell. The leader of the NVIXM and some of those who entrapped women the take down and the rest like a certain former POTUS get a pass? Harvey scumbag Weinstein has the same evidence against him from best I can tell and he is guilty but not Prince Andrew?

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
a reply to: tommyjo

Yup, and it makes me wonder why other illnesses have dropped to all time lows due to "covid".

Im always a skeptic, also taking note about what others have said like " we're watching a movie". If its already been done, then it's already been done. We are watching a replay of events of what already took place. Like the residue of a dream. Why? I don't know everything, I only know what I know. Putting a massive puzzle together with the pieces we've been dealt. To make some sense of it. Maybe there is no meaning.

edit on 19-6-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 07:55 AM
There were pockets of slaves still allowed to be 'owned'
NJ had 18 slaves at the time of the Civil War beginning

originally posted by: Nunyabizisit

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: tanstaafl
June 19th and General Order #3 didn't end it either.

My point was, actual, black formal slavery wasn't ended by the EP. It only applied to slaves in the southern states, and specifically did not apply to the slaves in the northern states.

Contrary to popular myth, Lincoln was not anti-slavery - in fact, he was in favor of shipping every single black person back to Africa.

Slavery was already illegal in most northern states.

And Lincoln had no legal authority to proclaim anything for northern states.

But congress did soon after start to see the wisdom of Lincoln's words.

So Democrats assassinated Lincoln.

And we got jim crow.

And freed slaves never got their 40 acres.

Are you forgetting that we still have Lincoln's words?

"All aspects of slavery are morally reprehensible."

"Slavery is unjust. And I can't remember having ever believed anything else."

Ran for office on those oft repeated words.

Not to mention the inconvenient fact that Democrats, who very much wanted slavery to continue, actually started a WAR over this, almost the minute Lincoln took office.

Had this all saved up for Juneteenth or something?


edit on 19-6-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: Gravelbone

Gravelbone... my take on the video you caught that Mr Pool posted last night:

1) Link to Telegram post,

2) The video is 1:13 mins long = 11.3 MARKER,

3) Timestamp of 08:56pm, assuming you captured it in EST timezone:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 071c71 No.564638 📁
Mar 6 2018 02:04:41 (EST)
A parade that will never be forgotten.
Ask yourself, why?
God bless our brave men & women in uniform.
We will never forget.

Timestamp encodes tweet date of Jun 18th.

4) Mr Pool later posted it to Telegram at 03:13 on Jun 19th:
a) 3:13 = Mirror of 13/31,

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No.60365 📁
Dec 9 2017 13:44:08 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 14e054 No.60346 📁
Dec 9 2017 13:42:19 (EST)

A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
They always knew.

b) 3 = March (madness?): March Madness 13th seed upsets:

31-113: Record for 13 seeds vs. No. 4 seeds

5) Mr Pool has posted 6 (I think?) videos (Length:date):
00:11 mins : 02/23/2020
01:33 mins : 05/16/2021
00:33 mins : 05/16/2021
00:09 mins : 05/16/2021
00:10 mins : 05/15/2021
01:13 mins : 06/19/2021

Seems to be a lot of 1s and 3s in those lengths!

edit on 19-6-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
a reply to: tommyjo

Yup, and it makes me wonder why other illnesses have dropped to all time lows due to "covid".

Im always a skeptic, also taking note about what others have said like " we're watching a movie". If its already been done, then it's already been done. We are watching a replay of events of what already took place. Like the residue of a dream. Why? I don't know everything, I only know what I know. Putting a massive puzzle together with the pieces we've been dealt. To make some sense of it. Maybe there is no meaning.

Other illnesses haven't dropped due to COVID. They've been misidentified.

And, the flu was "non-existent" not because of masks, but because hospitals are being paid big bucks for every COVID patient they treat. So everything is being treated as COVID.

Death certificates during the lockdown prove this. People dying of various unrelated diseases are being listed as dying of COVID.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 10:17 AM
Methodist just tried this with my mom she went in for diabetic issues and died of AFib 2days later. They said covid I said F-U it was murder.

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
a reply to: tommyjo

Yup, and it makes me wonder why other illnesses have dropped to all time lows due to "covid".

Im always a skeptic, also taking note about what others have said like " we're watching a movie". If its already been done, then it's already been done. We are watching a replay of events of what already took place. Like the residue of a dream. Why? I don't know everything, I only know what I know. Putting a massive puzzle together with the pieces we've been dealt. To make some sense of it. Maybe there is no meaning.

Other illnesses haven't dropped due to COVID. They've been misidentified.

And, the flu was "non-existent" not because of masks, but because hospitals are being paid big bucks for every COVID patient they treat. So everything is being treated as COVID.

Death certificates during the lockdown prove this. People dying of various unrelated diseases are being listed as dying of COVID.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 10:29 AM
Lincoln had no legal authority to simply proclaim anything in the northern states.

As stated previously.

So Lincoln asked congress to take care of those exceptions.

And they eventually did.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 10:41 AM
Ex-Facebook VR exec says he'll turn U.S. troops into 'invincible technomancers,' just raised $450 million

Luckey is best known for selling Oculus to Facebook in 2014 for $2 billion before he was fired in 2017 amid controversy for his political donations and financial support of far-right groups. But his announcement of the new funding was unusual.

"We just raised $450M in Series D funding for Anduril," Luckey said on Twitter. "It will be used to turn American and allied warfighters into invincible technomancers who wield the power of autonomous systems to safely accomplish their mission. Our future roadmap is going to blow you away, stay tuned!

Other tech companies are working to make American troops more lethal. Microsoft, for example, won an Army contract in March worth up to $21.9 billion to provide special versions of its HoloLens augmented reality headsets to U.S. fighters.

IMO, whole lotta ritual marketing horse💩.

No one ever lost money selling comic book fantasies to the Pentagon.
"Men Who Stare at Displays" just doesn’t have the same star appeal. Meh, I wouldn’t watch it even if it was trending on Netflix.

Fairy tales based on First Earth Battalion.

Engraving of occultists John Dee and Edward Kelley "in the act of invoking the spirit of a deceased person"; from Astrology (1806) by Ebenezer Sibly.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: SkipperJohn
Methodist just tried this with my mom she went in for diabetic issues and died of AFib 2days later. They said covid I said F-U it was murder.

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
a reply to: tommyjo

Yup, and it makes me wonder why other illnesses have dropped to all time lows due to "covid".

Im always a skeptic, also taking note about what others have said like " we're watching a movie". If its already been done, then it's already been done. We are watching a replay of events of what already took place. Like the residue of a dream. Why? I don't know everything, I only know what I know. Putting a massive puzzle together with the pieces we've been dealt. To make some sense of it. Maybe there is no meaning.

Other illnesses haven't dropped due to COVID. They've been misidentified.

And, the flu was "non-existent" not because of masks, but because hospitals are being paid big bucks for every COVID patient they treat. So everything is being treated as COVID.

Death certificates during the lockdown prove this. People dying of various unrelated diseases are being listed as dying of COVID.

My God, I'm very sorry about your mom. It had to have been very hard for you. ☹️

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

There was an episode of "Star Trek" that appears to be coming true. Pretty soon computers will wage war and each side will march citizens off to be exterminated.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 11:09 AM
I feel as light as a feather.
I'm walking on sunshine.
I feel like I'm on Cloud 9.
My heart is jumping for joy.
Good vibrations.
Don't bring me down.
Feels like a weight being lifted off me.
I have a sinking feeling.
My heart is heavy.

- Objects in density experiment = Our heart density

- False stats / Anonymous Leaks / Shadow Banning & Censorship
- Paid Actors & Influencers / Misleading Headlines & photos / Word Play
- Political attacks / Censored Documents / Corrections months later

- To keep us divided, fighting, angry, in fear, low end of the spectrum
- To plant seeds to turn our imagination & bias against us
- When do we Stop Watching their Movie...

- Shouldn't be doing the exact opposite of what the MSM is pushing?

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: tallcool1
That's why I said "rapture type event" in my post about that. The sad truth is that most people would mostly ignore that it even happened. Social media Companies might even have AIs fill in for people that no longer post so that most people would never know whos still around and who isn't.

Hey Guyfriday (Harbor? Obviously you're a fellow Washingtonian!) You're probably right. Most of the people of the world (especially Westerners) really would ignore it and believe whatever they read on the socials. Regardless of how ridiculous it was. They are already zombies staring dutifully into their iPhones (Incite Population via Handheld Opinion Notification and Entertainment System) awaiting instructions regarding how outraged they are supposed to be at whatever various "news" events... they simply are "useful idiots". SMH...

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