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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. - They Don't Know Who We Be - -PART- -7H1R7Y sIx-

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posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: MetalThunder
For discussion sake

Stories of Mysterious Tunnels and Subterranean Cities

Tunnel Network Under California

According to an article entitled "California Floats on Ocean?" in the Fall 1985 edition of Search magazine, a high-ranking but unnamed Naval officer told of the discovery of a huge network of tunnels under portions of the West Coast of the U.S. He said that U.S. nuclear submarines had explored some of these tunnels, which are accessible just off the continental shelf, and had followed them inland for several hundred miles. Here are more highlights of this incredible claim:

What is being passed off as the San Andreas Fault are actually large, unsupported chambers that are in the process of collapsing.

A well-known U.S. nuclear submarine lost its way in one of the passages and was never heard from again. (Two U.S. nuclear submarines have disappeared under mysterious circumstances — the U.S.S. Thresher and the U.S.S. Scorpion.)
Some of California is actually floating on the ocean. When oil companies began pumping oil from beneath the city of Long Beach, it began to sink — up to 26 feet before the pumping was stopped.

So, there's hope that California might actually fall into the sea?

Can someone please explain this hatred and obsession with California and calling for the death of American taxpaying citizens

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: olaru12

I have no clue why Newsome wants to kill American citizens.

It’s a joke. It’s ok to laugh.

ETA: it’s a joke about getting rid of super corrupt government. Most patriotic citizens should be leaving SoCal... and probably already have.
edit on 14-4-2021 by SuperStudChuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: olaru12

From your link:

Phobia indoctrination is also used, where cults play on a person's irrational fears, with threats such as the person will develop cancer or go insane if he ever leaves or questions the group.

Can you point out where you see phobia indoctrination being used to keep people from escaping the Q cult?

I see phobia indoctrination being Implemented on a global scale and it isn't coming from Q. Can you guess where I'm observing it?

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Post Sent ok .

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: olaru12

From your link:

Phobia indoctrination is also used, where cults play on a person's irrational fears, with threats such as the person will develop cancer or go insane if he ever leaves or questions the group.

I see phobia indoctrination being Implemented on a global scale and it isn't coming from Q. Can you guess where I'm observing it?

I'm speculating but I assume it's the MSM. But no one is being forced to watch or listen to that sh!t. Turn it off Troy!!!

Just like I turned off that internet troll Qanon when he showed his cultlike manipulations and wrong BS predictions Can you guess where I observed it?
edit on 14-4-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: steaming

I met the youtube link for the Kazakhstan video you had posted has been removed. Shows the acct has been terminated. At least for me. Thanks for the links.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 02:07 PM
2 posts, made 22 minutes apart..

“ MUGSHOT: Ex-officer Kim Potter arrested & charged with second-degree manslaughter in fatal shooting of Daunte Wright”

“BREAKING: Officer Who Killed Ashli Babbitt at Capitol Riot Will Not Be Charged”

Not justifying the MN officer, but her action was clearly an accident. Meanwhile capital officer...

Difference when it’s a white female cop shooting a black man and a black male cop shooting a white female...

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Actually I was referring to the mask/vaccine mandates

Mask mandate = phobia indoctrination = Cult
edit on 14-4-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 02:14 PM
Informed Consent and Implied Consent and the jab.

We've looked at this topic A LOT. Rel even found the topic included within the drops. And it matters. In short, one cannot create something new unless one knows what they are currently creating. Once one knows, Informed Consent is in play. Q is one tool used to reveal what is being created but there are many tools revealing this reality for what it is. More on consent from Lisa Renee HERE

The jab is the controllers last ditch effort and they have pulled out all the stops to get folks to take it. They know they can't get all to take it, but they believe if they can get enough they will create the 100 monkey effect and most will get sucked in to the coming world. They did not and do not care about health, as J&J [knowingly] sold toxic BABY powder for years, and then there was [knowingly] vioxx, [knowingly] thalidomide, ineffective cancer treatments, faked studies, Med Mafia kills 250k a year, and on and on.

The Med Industry is in the body/mind control business, not health business, and the jab is about just that. Control. The ultimate control.

The problem here is consent. Can they get folks to consent to the future the jab is meant to bring. What is that future? Well, in short Harsh Realm

"Harsh Realm is a virtual reality game created by the U. S. Army, programmed to minutely replicate the real world for training simulations. In the world of Harsh Realm, a small nuclear bomb is detonated in the program's version of New York City, killing four million people and thrusting its participants into a post-apocalyptic disaster scenario."

Replace nuke with jab.

We've explored here how the jab is meant to interact with 5g. This matters, the jab alone is not the trigger into the trans-human-zombie realm alone, it requires more and compartmentalization is done on purpose to avoid direct cause and effect connections.

5g is a part, or at least some form of EMF system, but also mind control (teeveee darpabook etc.) more additives via food and water and meds of course (follow up to jab). All will be put into play at various points to create the removal of one's consciousness from the Earth we know into a Harsh Realm.

Notice how in the last five years they have been tossing the word "trans" around all over. Who do the dems champion? Trans. Why does it seem the PR push is to turn men into women, women into men, with the neutered as the best of both? Trans = Trans-human. They are triggering the seed within us, a seed planted long ago. Notice the addictions to hyper realistic video games? Notice folks literally LIVING their lives by looking at their reality through the phones?

That realm is a prison. The reality will NOT have the usual markers of, nature, linear time, direct cause and effect, and in particular a reference for Source, God etc. It will be fully controlled by various versions of m.A.L.I.C.E. In short, Dark Citywhere reality is controlled through memory construction and visual control - no outside input from self or Source.

Why is this happening? Well, in short, Q adepts may have noticed the world is not the same as it was in 2017. Not even close. The separation has begun to move into full swing. Everything is being Q-uestioned, challenged, removed, replaced, altered, or is falling apart. Including ourselves at many levels as we negotiate this. The controllers hate this change (and us) and demand we stay. They created this plan long ago and they want as many souls as they can get.

Seems insane. It does, but so did world wide human/children trafficking as the backbone of civilization and blood harvesting to many prior to 2017. So did CCP control of the eneMedia. So did changing the gender of toddlers. So did trans-human-zombieism to many. So did DNA/RNA manipulation for the sniffles. It is all being exposed, and, frankly, the goal of the jab is exposed as well. One has to care to look, not listen, but look by looking within.

The fear surrounding the jab right now is NOT us, but the controllers translating THEIR fear into this PR push for Informed Consent. They are spending billions on shills, shills whose job it is to herd folks into the Harsh Realm 3, 4, or 20 years down the road - including themselves btw. Look at the PR, it is absurd, if The Rona as so bad we would not need a 1984 "official" to tell us who died from covid "involved" after using the bogus test. We all know people who died from cancer, car accidents, old age and so on but I don't know one person who knows anyone who dropped dead exclusively from The Rona.

Who winds up in Harsh Realm? Tough to say. Liberators are working their asses off in multiple densities to prevent anyone from winding up there, but this is a mess as the awakened, the asleep, the controlled, the lazy, the clone-bots are all at different levels and many fighting amongst themselves at the behest of the controllers increasing rage. Liberators will likely be in the Harsh Realm to help, but in small numbers, as this was the battleground, not the Harsh Realm. Folks will be on their own there for the most part.

Can we take back our consent if we screw up and choose poorly? Yes and no. The constant state of take-backs must end sometime. Inhabitants get this option all the time, perpetually opening up new timelines to correct for the lack of awareness.

A some point it has to stop! Folks need to accept control over their own self, own health, own soul, own choices and stop with the "gee I didn't know, can get a I do over..." stuff.

This is the test. There is no need for this jab, right now the choice is NOT being made because bodies are piling up, but because peer pressure, teeeveee, billions in PR, fear+fear+fear+fear, "return to freedom," and a lack of will to understand our true nature. If it was real there is no need for PR, Shills, Peer Pressure, as it should be self evident - even then I never gave the government, the med mafia, the local city health "officials, the church or anyone else control over me. I never have.

Folks have to stand up for themselves, trust themselves, and make an INFORMED CHOICE, not the choice based on the path of least resistance. My god, the endless excuses for why folks just caved on everything is insane, yet many feel they are ready to move on even though they cannot master the process of owning their choice, their power.

In my experience the path of empowerment - Informed Choice, scares people more then any other thing. Yet the only path to empowerment is to choose, with intent, through informed self awareness.

Choice points exist in all moments. The jab is a choice point that might lead to instant death, bells palsy, blood clots, sickness but will lead to Harsh Realm in the future - count on it. And at that point folks will again, AGAIN, be thinking "gee how did I get here..." Life isn't full of endless do overs due to failing to accept the power over one's choice points. At some point folks have to step up.

Frankly, folks choosing the damn jab is really disheartening to liberators. Choose wisely.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Astana Kazakhstan? isn't that the city that was built so that the worlds religions could hold that conference about 2012. I think it was about moving forward after the Mayan Dooms day thing wasn't going to happen even though the people that went are heads of the worlds religions and were pushing that date as the "end of days".

Yeah, nothing to see there... ever.

a reply to: carewemust

Yeps, that same lab that mysteriously caught fire and burned down when people started making accusations about China and the cover-up. Then there was the hiding of the Plague Outbreak, the burning of all those bodies, the locking down on anyone or anything coming out of the area, and finally China opening the whole place up and saying that nothing ever happened. We all saw the pictures, and without a government controlling the narrative we all also can see what happened.

it's was stupid theater at it's worst when the UN's WHO went to the lab to see if there was evidence of the virus coming out of China, when the original lab burnt down. I mean come on people pay attention here. The big tip off for everyone here should be the fact that every time the Plague is brought up in any regards, China immediately stops talking and goes into full cover up mode. Even if asked about the 1340 outbreak. China's hiding a pandemic alright, it's the damn Yersinia pestis outbreak they are having, and how it's gone outside of their boarders.

China also does not currently have the population it claims, it most likely has less than India at this point. Wait till the 3G dam breaks, we'll find out how many people really live in China then.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 02:19 PM
The date is set for the recount of Maricopa Co . The world is watching Maricopa Co

Time for the patriots to win one on the books so we don't have to do it with Bombers and combat. These cheaters need to go down legally and we can start unraveling the rest of the mess with a much better chance at minimal violence from our enemies inside the borders.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
The date is set for the recount of Maricopa Co . The world is watching Maricopa Co

Time for the patriots to win one on the books so we don't have to do it with Bombers and combat. These cheaters need to go down legally and we can start unraveling the rest of the mess with a much better chance at minimal violence from our enemies inside the borders.

Will you accept the results, if it doesn't turn out like you think it will. Or will you just inflict your minimal violence on American citizens who don't measure up to your patriotic standards anyway.
edit on 14-4-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 02:42 PM
Quantum computers are revealing an unexpected new theory of reality

A powerful new idea about how the laws of physics work could bring breakthroughs on everything from quantum gravity to consciousness, says researcher Chiara Marletto

“QUANTUM supremacy” is a phrase that has been in the news a lot lately. Several labs worldwide have already claimed to have reached this milestone, at which computers exploiting the wondrous features of the quantum world solve a problem faster than a conventional classical computer feasibly could. Although we aren’t quite there yet, a general-purpose “universal” quantum computer seems closer than ever – a revolutionary development for how we communicate and encrypt data, for virtual reality, artificial intelligence and much more.

These prospects excite me as a theoretical physicist too, but my colleagues and I are captivated by an even bigger picture. The quantum theory of computation originated as a way to deepen our understanding of quantum theory, our fundamental theory of physical reality. By applying the principles we have learned more broadly, we think we are beginning to see the outline of a radical new way to construct laws of nature.

It means abandoning the idea of physics as the science of what’s actually happening, and embracing it as the science of what might or might not happen. This “science of can and can’t” could help us tackle some of the big questions that conventional physics has tried and failed to get to grips with, from delivering an exact, unifying theory of thermodynamics and information to getting round conceptual barriers that stop us merging quantum theory with general relativity, Einstein’s theory of gravity. It might go even further and help us to understand how intelligent thought works, and kick-start a technological revolution that would make quantum supremacy look modest by comparison.


This is where we are headed. This is where the quantum revolution is taking us. And imo this is what they are working so hard to prevent. They do not want humanity to unlock the secrets to the true nature of this reality because doing so will reveal all the truths that they've hidden for so long. Once we start to discover and comprehend that there are dimensions beyond this material world that we've been indoctrinated into through classical physics, then their sham matrix will begin to unravel and their entire power structure will crumble and fade away
edit on 14-4-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 02:50 PM

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
And imo this is what they are working so hard to prevent.

Who are they?

I doubt it is the qanons funding this research. If anything it would be people with deep pockets and wouldn't those be the same people you say want to prevent this?

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: daskakik

"they" aka TPTB, the puppet masters, the ones who hide in the shadows. They can't completely stop the process of evolution but they can slow it down and impede. They can bifurcate the 'timelines' leading us off track into parallel pathways. Which is probably what they're doing right now

Established science has discouraged research into quantum physics and consciousness because of the lack of empirical physical evidence that classical physics requires for observation and measurement. This alternate field (which is the basis of the true nature of this reality) has been labeled as 'pseudoscience' and 'woo' for decades if not centuries. This closed minded mentality has set us back years in technological and medical and even spiritual advancements

edit on 14-4-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
But aren't "they" the ones funding this type of research?

Established science has not discouraged research into quantum physics and consciousness.

What has been called 'pseudoscience' and 'woo' is people using scientific terms and speculating on what they 'may' mean.

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: daskakik

The 'they' that I'm referring to already have access to this technology. They allow data to trickle out to humanity as long as they can continue to manipulate information so that they remain in control. For example, humans have the natural ability to communicate through telepathy. 'They' know this. But rather than allow us to have this knowledge, they give us tech toys and gadgets to use instead. Tech toys keeps us enslaved to their system because we use their currency to pay for these toys which maintains their pyramid of wealth. Also, the agenda of interfacing our consciousness with their technology disempowers us. Their tech becomes our crutch and our addiction. As soon as they can figure out a way to have full control over telepathy so that our innate abilities are securely infused with their technology, we will get the slow rollout of this 'new advanced' tech. And they'll sell it as the salvation of humanity. Neurolink is already headed that way

"Established science has not discouraged research into quantum physics and consciousness."

Yes it has.

edit on 14-4-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy
You theory makes no sense, if they allow it to trickle they could just as easily stop any flow.

If they have this tech why do they need a pyramid of wealth?

This is an example of woo where you mix assertions with 'maybes".

posted on Apr, 14 2021 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: dashen

Get DMX out of your Q sillyness... probably can't edit it out but you should if you can.

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