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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

CDC Vaccine Confidence

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: RenegadeOfTheLight
a reply to: cherokeetroy

CDC Vaccine Confidence

That was quite horrifying. Need to bleach out my eyes and ears on that one.

I pity the next generation and no doubt the "vaccine confidence" is making enemies of the "no thanks" and "I'll wait and see" crowds.

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: Blueracer
Biden holding a press conference. He just said President Harris. Anyone else catch that?

This is not the first time. Makes me wonder who he thinks he is.

It leaves me shaking my head. After all the talk about going 25th amendment on President Trump for, um, something or other, Biden gets a pass. Even the Republicans don't call him out--for this or any of the other shenanigans. Surely, whatever "The Plan" is, not everyone is in on it. If Biden is senile or a fake, why doesn't someone in government stand up and say, "The emperor has no clothes!" What is with the silence?

It's stuff like this that makes me wonder if maybe the Sun is about to take a crap on Earth. What else is big enough to get everyone to go along with this nonsense? Even if it's about preparing to release secret technology, it seems like some clueless congress critter would choose to be contrary just for the grandstanding. I mean, when have they all been on the same page about anything?
edit on 3/18/2021 by cimmerius because: The rant must be released.

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 06:00 PM
Will the Islamic world pitch in since they were the world leaders using the Barbary Pirates of the Mediterranean Sea to enslave Europeans. White women were their primary targets. They sacked the coastal cities of Europe for Centuries before America was discovered. We all know they were the source for all Western slaves after the fall of the Roman Empire. Will All white people get reparations for their ancestors being held slaves by Africans? They were especially fond of red haired women for their own concubines. Rape was a daily treat for the slave masters. The victims who had their genitalia removed to become Eunuch's were to guard the sex slaves. What a sick world.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Jesuit order pledges $100 million in reparations to descendants of slaves

The announcement by leaders [on the Ides of March] of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States is one of the largest initiatives of its kind by any institution, and the largest thus far by the church, the New York Times reported on Monday.

The order has committed to raising the full sum in three to five years, with $15 million deposited in a trust already, reported the Guardian.

The Rev. Timothy P. Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States, told the Times that this is the beginning of “a very serious process of truth and reconciliation.”

Kesicki called the history of Jesuit slaveholdings “shameful,” adding that it’s “been taken off the dusty shelf, and it can never be put back.”

For more than a century, Jesuits used and sold slave labor to finance the construction and day-to-day operations of churches and schools, notably including Georgetown University — where two Jesuit priests, who presided over the university in 1838, sold 272 enslaved men, women and children to Louisiana plantation owners in order to keep the school afloat.

ScreenCap credit to Mr. Gematria

WTF?! So much irony of Jesuitry deception. What or who is next? Screw it, All roads lead to Rome so I'm going after the Vatican bank & gov't of Italy followed by the British Empire.

"Boston College and Georgetown, remember?"
"Yeah, well, us Jesuit products run the world-we're just humble about it. They don't teach 'humble' at Harvard."
― Jack Ryan, the fictional character of the Tom Clancy series.

Anyone got receipts?

edit on 18-3-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 06:14 PM
Troy it was taught in Physical Chemistry that a Photon of light can alter DNA if it strikes it at the correct orientation at the time of impact.

That is most likely why we see skin lesions and often they are benign because our body is constructed so to fight off bad changes. It is normal to have DNA mutate from one generation to the next. Sometimes it is very good like when the beauty gene was tweaked. Sometimes it is bad like with severe genetic disorders. It is how God allows us to adapt. Or you could say mother nature for those who can't find God in the workings.

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
Why Does DNA Spontaneously Mutate? Quantum Physics Might Explain

In a recent study, published Jan. 29 in the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, researchers explore another explanation, showing that a quantum phenomenon called proton tunneling can cause point mutations by allowing positively charged protons in DNA to leap from place-to-place. This, in turn, can subtly change the hydrogen bridges that bind the two sides of DNA’s double helix, which can lead to errors when it’s time for DNA to make copies of itself. 

Proton tunneling relies on the quantum principle of uncertainty, which does not apply to the larger world. For example, in the world of big things, one can be certain of both the location of a train and the speed it’s traveling, and using that information, one can predict when that train should arrive at the next station. 

What that means is that particles can pass through barriers that they seemingly shouldn’t be able to, sometimes even letting them leap through walls, Live Science previously reported.

So “just before the splitting process, you then have a moment of vulnerability, where this quantum effect, which normally wouldn’t matter at all, is now non-trivial,” Slocombe said. 

scientific American

DNA is quantum. Humans are quantum, the entire universe is quantum

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 06:16 PM
My Scientific gut feeling was something very strange with that "accident" scene. I recall commenting that it looked very abnormal for the vehicles to be in the positions they were and be such fires.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Sidney Powell says Kelly Loeffler’s staffer who died in car crash was murdered

Back in December, Harrison Deal, a young staffer who worked for former Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler, died in what the mainstream media described as “a car crash.” According to attorney Sidney Powell, though, Deal was actually murdered.

During a recent appearance on “The Right Side” with Doug Billings, Powell explained that the alleged crash “was no car accident” at all, but rather a planned assassination.

“He was vaporized by whatever the explosion was,” Powell told Billings and viewers. “Some people who know more about it than I do tell me it had to have been thermite to have triggered a fireball such as happened in that car.”

Thermite? Seriously?

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Eartha Kitt "I want to be evil" (she's lying on glass in case you don't notice)

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 07:09 PM
Hey i am saying they don't have the right to arrest you for not wearing a mask is all. They can ASK you to wear one but they can't arrest you when there is no mandate. I hope that makes sense of what I was trying to say earlier.

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Justoneman
It will boil down to if the mask mandates were removed officially. Had they not been dropped, I suspect they get away with this. Basically the Lefty a holes are suspending the COTUS for a pandemic which simply is not allowable normally. Yet, here we are. They're BSin their way to gaining more power from the word go on the CV19 doom porn.

You misunderstand my question.

I'm in Georgia, We have never had a Statewide Mask Mandate, yet businesses that are open to the public are still requiring masks.

I do personally believe that a private business should be able to do whatever they want, including but not limited to:

a) refuse service to those who don't meet minimal dress code standards (must wear a shirt, shoes, etc)

b) refuse service to anyone or class of people they want (yes, I mean due to race/skin color/ethnicity, etc)

My question has to do with how the law sees these kinds of restrictions with regard to private businesses that are open to the public, vs publicly held/traded entities that are open to the public. Currently, private businesses that openly refuse service to someone because of their race can be sued into oblivion, whether or not they are a publicly held entity or not.

I know that truly private clubs that are not 'open to the public', but instead require a membership, can impose a lot of restrictions that businesses that are open to the public can't, but I'd love to learn that there also really is a legal distinction between truly private businesses that are not publicly held/traded entities, and those that are.

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: RenegadeOfTheLight
Interesting propaganda. If we didn't have gov. institutions and news media to tell us exactly how to feel about this virus (obsessive, morbid fear), I wonder how or even if society would ever reach that conclusion all on its own. As we all know, the media are never sensationalists...

Funny how they create the label "antivax" when a more appropriate title would be "free choice". Liberals claim to be huge proponents of free choice...'my body, my choice'...but I guess that idealogy only works when it involves the destruction of a fetus

btw... we don't get vaxxed to protect other people. You take a vax because you believe the idea that it will stop your body from reacting to unwanted pathogens. You do it to protect yourself. If other people believe in that same protection then they also get a vax. The idea that we vaccinate ourselves out of obligation or a duty to others is lunacy... this is pure fear mongering and guilt tripping/shaming (psychological warfare)
edit on 18-3-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 07:19 PM
One of the great benefits of memory holing the Trump Twit account was to prevent folks from seeing that he tweeted out exactly what Joe was going to do. The fact that single person voted for this at all is beyond me.

Higher Energy Prices in days.
Higher Interest Rates in weeks.
Inflation from spending.

Regressive taxes ^^^.

Higher Actual Taxes Coming.

Now comes the pain for those who thought none of this really matters - everyone will be impacted. In the past the choices people made took YEARS to manifest. Vote for X, agree to Y, choose 1,2 and not 3, took years to create, so most simply saw no direct cause and effect from their choices and the reality created.

Now, believe it or not, the manifestation process is weeks, and folks are see the hell the created with without consent. See for yourself. In this very thread we said this was coming, it is in the drops: Implied Consent versus Informed Consent. Those who gave implied are getting their lesson right now.

Remarkable if you think about it. In just a few weeks the fraudulent election of the worst candidate in history has seen it all go to hell in a hand basket and their 78 year old savior won't speak to them because he cannot. Remarkable.

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Eartha Kitt "I want to be evil" (she's lying on glass in case you don't notice)

That ^^^ wins for the most obscure but fitting reference of the week, maybe the month.

Here it is with blood red.

edit on 18-3-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-3-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
There are actions we can take to switch on desired genetic codes and switch off undesired ones through things like proper sleep, diet, fasting, exercise and meditation. We can also steer ourselves toward beneficial mutations and avoid harmful ones through the direction of our conscious thoughts and emotions

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 07:54 PM
They want you divided, Stay UNITED !

Americas Darkest Secret - The Nine Stages of American Autogenocide

What Autogenocide Means

Auto comes from the Greek reflexive pronoun while genocide comes from the Latin words gens meaning "race, tribe" and -cidere meaning "kill." (source:

American Autogenocide is the deliberate, systematic and legal murder of American citizens by socially-engineering the die-off of populations that are “problematic” for the interests of wealth and power. Most victims prematurely die from social forces targeted at them to cause them to wear out by stress. This process is called "Weathering Away" or "Attrition By Stress from Shock." The simple formula for this is: SHOCK=STRESS=PREMATURE DEATH BY AUTOGENOCIDE........

I encourage the full read....

Why mention it you May ask ?
It Looks as Though a Special Prosecutor Will Be Investigating Whitmer's COVID Policies After All

“Just like New York, Michigan was one of five states whose executive orders forced nursing homes to take COVID-19-positive patients into the same facilities as our most vulnerable seniors,” the state senator said in a statement. “Grieving families deserve to know why this happened, how it was allowed to happen, and why the administration refuses to release nursing home COVID-19 data.

Throughout the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, Whitmer followed the same protocols as Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee and New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo. All three ordered nursing homes to take in COVID-positive patients where otherwise healthy, elderly people resided. Runestad said, in some cases, "proper precautions" weren't followed when nursing homes did take in patients infected with the virus. 

edit on 3182021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 08:00 PM
Warning: Galactic Irony.

China arrives to the US meeting with BLM talking points to use the same way the dems use them.


posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 08:13 PM
New Storm Rider Tweets

End the Movie Q,45,Mil.?
_The plan to save the world/OPs have been going over 4 years+
20,000 missing nukes/[H] cheney bush ext.[HRC][DS]>>32,000 Miles Tunnels Kids,dreno,45mil. Trafficking, 160 deadly virus missing[duke/Manitoba/Wuhan ext./
8:39 PM · Mar 18, 2021

End the Game! End the Movie!
/Patriots losing hope/???
_You don't realize
20,000 missing nukes/hidden [H]
160 different far deadlier virus/ chimera Missing/hidden[c_a] bush [H][jb]DarkWinter22 (nukeholcst 22 cities)//CABAL MAY BE DEAD BUT MINIONS HAVE THE WORLD HOSTAGE
8:25 PM · Mar 18, 2021·Twitter for Android

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 08:17 PM

Some new Storm Rider Tweets have been posted in the last hour including ones that arise out of conversations, so you need to look at the Tweets and Replies tab at the top ...
By the way when did Storm Rider suddenly get a huge increase in followers? The total was creeping up gradually over the last month from a start of around 370, but has suddenly jumped up to 3,776 ... a ten fold increase !

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 08:19 PM
Children are running the governments of this country now.

In Chicago, 567 people have been shot this year. That is 139 more than 2020.

The Chicago Tribune crime team tracks shooting victims in Chicago.

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: pteridine

Sorry Pteradine we crossed - but those arent the only tweets posted in the last hour, there are some under the other tab ! I have difficulty posting the actual Tweets themselves.

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: TigerDrew

Another new one:

Military is up 45 years ahead of classified TECH.....//) they know and can see.... FAR.../// Have faith/// Believe..
There is only 1
God wins

He's was turned in 2018
PELOSI 2017 (actress)
///All that matters now is Future Proves past (mil. tech 45 years ahead/search/finding the last 20,000 nukes 160 missing bioweapon virus/chimera/35,000 Miles Tunnels dis.
The plan to save the WORLD
9:20 PM · Mar 18, 2021·Twitter for Android

edit on 3/18/2021 by pteridine because: ETA

posted on Mar, 18 2021 @ 08:42 PM

Another Odd Clip showing Joe's head problem - again.

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