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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
I've long wondered if certain groups may be monitoring these Q discussions to use them as a recruitment tool...

Do Doctors hire Lab Rats because of promising results?
edit on 9/2/2021 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:07 PM
Storm Rider tweet

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
I've long wondered if certain groups may be monitoring these Q discussions to use them as a recruitment tool...

Do Doctors hire Lab Rats because of promising results?


posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: doobydoll

Schumer also recently said President Trump was "guilty of inciting an ERECTION", so take anything that demented old coot says with a heaping pinch of salt.

He might be speaking Truth.

How do we know what's going on in Schumer's long-johns when he looks at Trump?

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

You guys should read this book called "The Singularity is Near" by Ray Kurzweil. It goes into great detail how we are on the path to merging with computers and creating a super intelligent AI. Its from around 2005, but still rings true today. Hes supposed to be coming out with a new book this year called "The Singularity is Nearer."

Absolutely!! The video lecture I'm trying to find uses several Kurzweil quotes from his book to make a critical point. Freaky and frightening but truth is often cold.

"The first stage will be to augment our hundred trillion very slow interneuronal connections with high-speed virtual connections via nanorobot communication. This will provide us with the opportunity to greatly boost our pattern-recognition abilities..."
- Ray Kurzweil (The Singularity Is Near, pg 316)

Epstein's A.I. protege Ben Goertzel is on the board of the Timothy Leary archive (Harvard Dr/MKULTRA), maintained by Michael Horowitz (Winona Ryder's dad). Also on the board, the late John Perry Barlow, Todd Huffman (DARPA), Bruce Damer (Pentagon, Highlands Group).

Goertzel is writing a book with Lisa Rein, Timothy Leary's digital librarian and a consultant for KurzweilAI. Lisa was a friend of Aaron Swartz and co-founded Creative Commons with him and Larry Lessig.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Courts of Space? They couldn't call it StarCourt?


Star Chamber was maybe a little too on the nose?

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:20 PM

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edit on Tue Feb 9 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: bradychick

Thankyou for sharing StormRider's Tweet. For those (like me) who didn't know who Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is...

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: kreinhard

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Courts of Space? They couldn't call it StarCourt?


Star Chamber was maybe a little too on the nose?

The Star Chamber (1983) - interesting movie if you've never seen it.

The nickname of The Star Chamber was "the court of last resort".
Star chambers, named after the room in which the court met in Westminster Palace, had their origins in England where they were used to try people too powerful to be brought before ordinary common law courts. Their jurisdiction included forgery, perjury, riots, libel and conspiracy. Parliament abolished them in 1641.

In the movie the number of magistrates, judges and justices that sat on "The Star Chamber" was nine, the same number as the American Supreme Court.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: bradychick

Nice find. The Las Vegas Incident will always go down not only as a huge deliberate memory-hole in the American psyche but as one of those undeniable successes of the Trump administration behind the scenes in saving MBS.

( it's a little suspect that Storm Rider got his name wrong; its Bin Salman not Salam )

Being that Truml definitely had foreign allies behind the scenes it's even more of a disgrace that nobody has really stepped on the world stage to defend him these past few months.

It says a lot when Trump's only allies are 70 million+ American citizens instead of a single corrupt soul sitting at the table on the world's stage.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: pteridine

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: nerbot
a reply to: igloo

Just remebered..."TINWIKI".

That was our WIKI for ATS.

The site is still there but white page.

Who runs this? :

Looks interesting.

Thanks! Interesting page but doesn't make ATS look very good. I'd seen reference to TINWIKI but never looked at it.

Something I've been thinking about recently is that it may be time to stop using the word sheep for the uninformed sleepers. What has always been an apt inside joke was fine as long as no one was interested in conspiracy theories but if the time has come for a mass awakening all effort to not discourage or alienate the newcomers is important. Just my thoughts. Don't care if anyone uses it but just putting myself in the shoes of someone just getting started and feel it could put them off going past the tipping point into self discovery.

The criticism of ATS and derogatory comments are expected. Ignore them. Everyone has an agenda and any publicly edited site has insecure folk who attack that which they disagree with or misunderstand.

As to the "sheep" term -- what would you replace it with? Uninformed? Masses? Media believers?

Yes, you're right. Just ignore.

Sheep alternative? Nothing comes to mind but something along the lines of uninformed as you suggest, something less derogatory. What made me think of this recently was the left's use of "woke" and how they use it pat themselves on the back more that anything, yet they are still missing a lot of the big picture. So not being "woke" is negative to them and I'm just the type of person who won't feel comfortable looking into something if the proponents of it are name callers, despite using the term sheep myself for years. But times are changing and for so long conspiracy theory was marginalized but now it's gaining ground, the uninformed hold the tipping point we have always needed.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:48 PM
Whatever they create , it will never win against ETMN’s unparalleled information library of elite connections and relationships!!! 🍻

As a side note on the recruitment stuff

A couple of years ago or maybe more before I started posting I started getting ads everywhere for job openings and career courses for the NSA.

I thought (a momentary lapse in judgment...)because of what I was lurking yall chat about everyday that there might be some kind of “sign” coming down the wire that I should try my hand in the great big world of smart people again (I left that # to be a mommy because I find more fulfillment here and I don’t think it’s oppressive to me as a woman to simple be someone who cooks cleans and raises babies 😊)

But anyways... after digging I decided it was the algorithms showing me relevant information to what I was reading here and some of the links I clicked on.

It’s kind of like fake synchronicity and it’s a crying shame that those with mental health issues who might not figure out they’re being manipulated by technology will instead follow those “signs” as if they’re coming down the wire in the same way they do in the real (non tech manipulated) world. (I’m a firm believer and experiencer of the paranormal and the ways that things like what many would call guardian angels, God, “the universe” interact with us on this personal journey)

Having experienced all of that before technology intervened, I can say I do not doubt that “algorithms” are trying to mimic that beautiful part of our reality.

That’s why I’m kind of anti tech... to the highest degree that I can be without trying to go “off grid”

(I’m also fully aware that tech and advancement have played a role in enhancing and even saving many of our lives. I would’ve died giving birth this fall, without modern medicine)

Everything requires balance.

I push back where I feel I need too
and I let it be used for good and try to help it out along the way , when I feel led to do that, too.

a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

ehh I’ve been getting wordy lately. Forgive me, it’s the mid winter slump. Spring is on the way, however. 🌻

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: IAMTAT

Milkshake? That's a COLOSTOMY BAG!

Bet she had trouble finding the shoes to match that.

As long as the shoes have steel toe-caps so her toes don't get pounded to dust she's happy.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman
CDC endorsed/funded studies prior to the current CCP attempted takeover of the U.S., proved that extended wearing of masks causes mental dullness, due to re-inhaling carbon dioxide.

Do you have working links?

I've been trying to capture links to things like this, but they keep disappearing on me.

I'm also looking for a link to a CDC study that showed that people who wore masks all the time were dramatically more likely to get COVID19 and have bad symptoms (like, 94% or something), vs those who never wore masks (something like 4%).

Quite a few links HERE

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 03:36 PM


posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

( it's a little suspect that Storm Rider got his name wrong; its Bin Salman not Salam )

Also, this: ".....controls the largest land assets every immensed!...."

Shouldn't 'immensed' be 'amassed'?

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: kreinhard

I was kinda going this way -

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: underpass61

Outstanding! You win the meme award for today.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Caled

I'm pretty sure Storm Rider is using the same TYPO method that KU/President Trump did.

Therefore here's what I make from this tweet, at 3:13PM/15:13 Est:

You are very UNAWARE you are watching a movie/// The Future proves Past+ the important part of the war is over and won... The real POTUS IS the wealthiest man in the world and controls the largest land assets every immensed! You are watching optics. The movie The plan play out.

a) every immensed should be ever amassed giving:

extra Y
IMEN instead of AAS

Together gives AMEN SAY I

b) The movie The plan play out... Not sure what to make of this one, except:
i) play should be plays
ii) comma missing after movie? Comma = bait,

c) add the letters from (a) and (b) to get I AMASS YEN
Now taking over China's finances?

edit on 9-2-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 04:40 PM
There is some stuff to decipher here. May have been previously posted, but this is interesting about the Las Vegas shooter:

"Brother of Las Vegas shooter arrested on child porn charges" (Oct 26th 2017)

That is a heck of a coincidence.

originally posted by: Caled

edit on Tue Feb 9 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

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