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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Only the ones confused by the Q stuff are the shills and Cabal members. It is truly astounding how easy it is to see once you have had the Q hints to jump start your very own research of the facts.

originally posted by: blueman12

originally posted by: BlissSeeker

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Observationalist
Qannon has Washington on edge in regards to March 4th.
New York Times Instagram

In the post it says they “Been tracking some online chatter” from the pro-trump Qanon conspiracy theorist

The pictures show a dude dressed in military garb holding a gun but with no magazine loaded.


The next date we send Congress into Fear and Panic mode is March 20th.


This is fun. Let's keep Democrats paranoid and on-edge until they grant the 2020 election investigation commission wanted by Senator Ted Cruz.

My brain instantly said: that's it, Q IS a Chinese psyop to help us see the bad players. Q has opened up my eyes in a big way. Perhaps the upshot is we are supposed to remain engaged.

Why would china want to help America at all? If anything, Q is a psyop to create further confusion.

Yup im just a shill and cabal elitist. Sorry i questioned the master plan.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: BlissSeeker

So you're saying all world news is a lie and orchestrated. But the one truth is a unknown person or group posing as Qanon.

You do realize how wack that sounds right?

You and others here are sounding very cultish. Im all for questioning reality but you are trying to shift reality around one person/group - Q.

Go and talk to chinese people. They will tell you how the internet is limited in china. That gives evidence, without any media, that the chinese do supress their people.

Meanwhile, internet in America is very open.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: BlissSeeker

China wants us to wake up.. but meanwhile they put people in detention camps that rape and torture them. They ban free speech and erase history.

How the hell does china care about American citizens if the freedom of their own citizens is worthless?

Just as in the US. the people are good and honorable. They have lived the horrors of political party's, and secret societies who take control of their government. Same as what is happening here...

What??? China is still under communist rule.
edit on 6-3-2021 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 01:49 PM
Chinese Hacking Spree Hit an ‘Astronomical’ Number of Victims

When news hit earlier this week that Chinese hackers were actively targeting Microsoft Exchange servers, the cybersecurity community warned that the zero-day vulnerabilities they were exploiting might have allowed them to hit countless organizations around the world. Now it's becoming clear just many email servers they hacked. By all appearances, the group known as Hafnium breached as many victims they could find across the global internet, leaving behind backdoors to return to later.

"It's massive. Absolutely massive," one former national security official with knowledge of the investigation told WIRED. "We're talking thousands of servers compromised per hour, globally."

The small to medium-size organizations that were compromised include local government agencies, police, hospitals, Covid response, energy, transportation, airports, and prisons. "China just owned the world—or at least everyone with Outlook Web Access," the researcher said. "When was the last time someone was so bold as to just hit everyone?"

Oh boy, we have 'Circle Back' (quoted in the article) and 'expert' Chris Krebs ramping up the Microsoft Cultural exchange program story.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: blueman12

Go and talk to chinese people. They will tell you how the internet is limited in china. That gives evidence, without any media, that the chinese do supress their people.

The Chinese mainstream media is state run propaganda. Of course it's corrupt. Our U.S. media is privately owned and corrupt. Does it matter?

And it's a logical fallacy to say that since Chinese internet is censored that its incomparable to ours. We don't need the government to censor anything when big tech does it on a regular basis anyway.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

Tell me what im unable to access online?

Meanwhile, china has a large amount of data that citizens are not allowed to access.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 02:41 PM
I'm sorry Rel

I'm aiming this post
as an English woman.
Its lost mate...
Its done hunny..
We were done..
It cant be made good because the GOOD GUY lost.. and went..
Nothing you can say now makes sense... Its done Kido

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 02:52 PM

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

Tell me what im unable to access online?

Meanwhile, china has a large amount of data that citizens are not allowed to access.

I don't mean to butt in, but I would say the biggest thing you are not able to access online would be the non-politicized, uncorrupted truth about anything. Truth has been corrupted into just a point of view now.

And just to clarify, I follow Q posts but I certainly don't believe Q is the absolute truth either.

edited for spelling
edit on 6-3-2021 by tallcool1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed
I think people have lost track of the original point (paraphrasing): Maybe Q is a chinese psy-op to help the US?

And the rebuttal (also paraphrasing): Why would the CPP, since they would be the ones behind it, run a psy-op to help the US when they oppress their own people?

Seems like "Oh, look a squirrel!" works here as well.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: FinallyAwake

It's not off topic FA!

All part of the big picture...

Think of us like a group of friends that are all helping to finish a jigsaw puzzle; you're doing the heavens, i'm doing the weeds, cranky's doing the horizon, EtMN and MT are doing the buildings, daskakik wants to know now what the completed picture is, etc.

Thanks a lot Rel, as I'm someone who isolates too much, that comment hit home.
My username is finally awake is reference to my own ignorance, so I spend most of my time now trying not to be a d1ck (like my father, I didn't realise how alike we were) . It's difficult, but i think spirituality could be the key
edit on 6-3-2021 by FinallyAwake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: carewemust
Of all the people rumored to have a dead man's switch, don't you think Q would have been the most likely?

It was said, although not believed by many here, that Q was just an invention to secure Trumps 2nd term. That is gone, so why keep it up?

Occam's razor strikes again.

Without hindsight being what it is, Occam's razor wouldn't have a foot to stand on.👍

After clock revelation by our beloved sufi the pieces of the puzzle are all accounted for, laying on the deciphering table. Who/whatever Q mission is ongoing has an end more posts no more pieces needed.👍

My standing is not to fear judgement when it comes but welcome it, so it's a little off putting to see strong people seem vulnerable and fear judgement.

I'm a Norse that's studied some of the more resilient religions and somehow discovered existentialism in the process.
The wide spectrum analysis iyw...somewhere in there is the happy medium for all of us.

Sorry interjecting while some pages back, y'all.

eta re

A running query in my mind is when the medical boot comes out is when the switching role players occurs...?Boots distract just enough to get a foot in the door for the imposter?
edit on (3/6/2121 by loveguy because:

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: daskakik

So the CCP are putting Uighur's in camps because they want to free the American lower classes from the Elites? The Social Score and Great Firewall are for our protection?

I'm having trouble following the logic behind your theory, if you could expound more in detail on what you mean about "Q being a Chinese psyop to help America" (sic), that would be great, thank you.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: Irikash
a reply to: FinallyAwake

This is all part of the awakening and its awesome to see so many starting to openly talk about spirituality, especially in Western society. As Rel stated, we each play an important role in the awakening process.

If it helps any, here is a video recommended by a friend of mine who spent some time living as a monk. Meditation starts simply with breathing(took me a while to get down, have to make a habit of it and it gets easier over time):

(Not sure how to embed video, so links it is.)

Start with breathing

Another good one, recomended by the same person, helps bring to light the scientific understanding of the connection between the heart and mind:

Mind Heart connection

As we bring our body mind and spirit into sync, you will notice that your search for answers becomes easier, information is easier to recall, things that used to stress you out become acknowledgements of lessons to learn, and many other benefits that take up a lot of space to list here.

Thank you all for your contributions to one of the most interesting forums I've encountered on the web. Keep up the good work.

Love you all

This is great, thank you 🙏🏼
I've bookmarked both links and subbed to both channels. I've had some practice at putting myself in the present, so I can occasionally clear my mind.
Hopefully the breathing with make a big difference. 👍🏼

Speaking of breathing, I've also been tempted to try the Wim Hoff breathing technique, but not sure that it's related to spirituality? 🤔
What you've sent probably suits me better anyway,
Thanks again!

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

Yup...that's why every conversation about corporate censorship inevitably leads to...private company deal with it...

It lets everyone skirt the censorship debate. Even though, that argument seems fallacious. Google, Facebook, amazon, and most of the other big tech companies engaging in censorship wouldn't exist without government grants in their early years, current government subsidies and tax breaks and lucrative government contracts other companies don't have a chance to bid on.

How they can be considered private companies is beyond me.

On the note of chinese censorship though. It always reminds me of this guy i went to school with. He loved being here. He was so happy getting to do things he loved doing, spending time with people here, trying things he'd never get to do in China. Then he found out his dad was dying and he had to go home to run the family business. He was so sad because when he went back to China, he'd never get to talk to any of us again. That was over ten years ago. Haven't heard from him since he left. He has a facebook page. Hasn't been updated or online for over a decade. Don't even know if he's alive.

He was a good guy...sometimes i wonder what happened to him and hope he's doing well. He didn't seem happy to be going back though.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:36 PM

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edit on Sat Mar 6 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: Gravelbone
I'm having trouble following the logic behind your theory, if you could expound more in detail on what you mean about "Q being a Chinese psyop to help America" (sic), that would be great, thank you.

It isn't my theory, it was something posted by BlissSeeker

My brain instantly said: that's it, Q IS a Chinese psyop to help us see the bad players. Q has opened up my eyes in a big way. Perhaps the upshot is we are supposed to remain engaged.

and the rebuttal came from blueman12.

Somehow that turned into internet censorship in the US, which has nothing to do with the original point.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

Yup...that's why every conversation about corporate censorship inevitably leads to...private company deal with it...

It lets everyone skirt the censorship debate. Even though, that argument seems fallacious. Google, Facebook, amazon, and most of the other big tech companies engaging in censorship wouldn't exist without government grants in their early years, current government subsidies and tax breaks and lucrative government contracts other companies don't have a chance to bid on.

How they can be considered private companies is beyond me.

On the note of chinese censorship though. It always reminds me of this guy i went to school with. He loved being here. He was so happy getting to do things he loved doing, spending time with people here, trying things he'd never get to do in China. Then he found out his dad was dying and he had to go home to run the family business. He was so sad because when he went back to China, he'd never get to talk to any of us again. That was over ten years ago. Haven't heard from him since he left. He has a facebook page. Hasn't been updated or online for over a decade. Don't even know if he's alive.

He was a good guy...sometimes i wonder what happened to him and hope he's doing well. He didn't seem happy to be going back though.

Agree D88.

They're distinctions with no difference. Argumentative drivel. When agency is in place, CCP or Darpagoog, then censorship is INHERENT. That is what a agent is and the exclusive purpose. When there is no agent, the censorship is not an issue, that is why all of these systems are created, to give the illusion agency is not present, when in fact it is present in every CCP, search, even the internet lines themselves are agency.

Agency is the primary issue in most things. Agents wedge themselves in between transactions (VISA/Mastercard), Real Estate, Lawyers, Information, Money - obviously an agent, government and so on. Folks do not realize it but even school created itself as agent to alter thought through word definitions among other techniques.

Agency = censorship - it is inherent and cannot be extracted.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:53 PM

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edit on Sat Mar 6 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: loveguy
Without hindsight being what it is, Occam's razor wouldn't have a foot to stand on.👍

After clock revelation by our beloved sufi the pieces of the puzzle are all accounted for, laying on the deciphering table. Who/whatever Q mission is ongoing has an end more posts no more pieces needed.👍

Actually both require a bit of hope, the former hoping you deduced correctly, which means you are right, only hindsight proves if that was the case, but the same could be said for the later.

My standing is not to fear judgement when it comes but welcome it, so it's a little off putting to see strong people seem vulnerable and fear judgement.

Being of the opinion that the judgment mentioned by Q isn't coming is not the same as fearing it. Personally, it wouldn't even be directed at me so I have no reason to fear it, even if it does come about.

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