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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

Indicates something is about to break cranky?

Just been on /qresearch and there's a new kind of attack going on there = hundreds of wordy 2 paragraph posts, all different content, all different Chan IDs - so real posts don't stand out.

Out of the bread I was looking at I'd say 700+ out of 750 were these spam posts.

Agreed, this is connected to the march converging timeline seQuence. Funny, the irony is lost on the shills/trolls. Though your description suggests m.A.L.I.C.E. has gone nuts too. When the Ai freaks out, it is because it sees something it cannot process so it goes into default setting. Could be m.A.L.I.C.E. sees another threat and thinks it is Q, but isn't.

Another note...

Some find @MrPool an indicator/insider poster. Link

Pool Twit I don't see the above posts in the feed for some reason. Worth noting I guess, Pool's banner is green for go.

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 08:58 PM
50 years ago (and 4 days) the radical leftist Weather Underground (Bill Ayers) bombed the US Capitol Building. "Anti-imperialist, pro-"Black Power" and anti-Vietnam War, the group had declared on the US in 1970. Its leaders later became tenured academics at American universities.

Susan Rosenberg, convicted of the Senate bombing, was pardoned by Bill Clinton. She now runs the fundraising arm of Black Lives Matter.

That means there’s hope for the January 6, 2021 insurrectionists. They too can aspire to become tenured professors. Many, of today's students don’t even realize who is teaching them, and gave birth to the Obama presidency.🙄

Chaos to create crisis and reap control.

"The fault lies not with the mob, who demands nonsense, but with those who do not know how to produce anything else." ― Don Quixote

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 09:04 PM
A very sick story in three parts.

"step back" = return to child trafficking.

Pelosi says her grandchildren are “longtime friends of Joe Biden” and they don’t say “open sesame,” they say “Open Biden.”

I think was like 2013, four and five year old, two of mine, Paul and Thomas. We were at an event, the DCCC in New York, and Joe Biden was the keynote speaker. They were so excited to see him because they’d heard so much about him from their cousins. And they met him they talked about pets and things like that. And afterward, after the luncheon was over, I took them got candy.

Don’t tell their mom. I took them for candy at a place, Dylan’s in New York, where they have sort of like swinging doors. You have to get through the doors from one part of the store to the next. So, here they are, the place is packed and jammed. Kids are making all this noise over there on the side. And all of a sudden, I hear them pronounce, ‘In order to open these doors, we do not say open sesame, we say “Open Biden.” That’s our magic word.’

Full JHTH Searchable Transcript

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Anyone who brought their cell phone into the Capitol on 06 JAN 2021 should be shot at dawn for stupidness.

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

It's a zeitgeist.

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I agree.

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 10:44 PM
There's a member here that would know about this guy.

I watched this a couple of months ago, its long much info. I'm still of the belief of Thought Forms and how they've been a black mark on Humanity because people don't understand what they really are. Feeding on human energies. Conjured up by soulless heartless human beings in secret societies for a long time. Millenia or longer. Reacting to thoughts they create feed them, empowers them.

Newton's third law states that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Above Not mentioned in this video but more of " Time Jumping " to higher frequencies to raise the vibration.

Anyway heres the vid.

Physicist, consciousness researcher, author of the My Big TOE trilogy and international lecturer Thomas Campbell, describes the nature of our larger reality, provides a complete theory of consciousness, and explains our purpose and connection to that larger reality. Along the way, Campbell derives a more fundamental science that directly answers the most pressing problems and paradoxes of modern physics. “My intent is to set your mind free to find truth, not to pile on another layer of belief on top of what you already have, or replace one of your current beliefs with a new one. Freedom – spiritual, emotional, and intellectual freedom – provides the necessary environment for learning. Open minded skepticism is the primary tool you will need to maintain a free mind capable of significant evolutionary progress” – Thomas Campbell

edit on 5-3-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

When you take away the Trump hate, all that's left is hate.

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Hate? How about fear. These people are acting out due to fear not hate. The people behind creating that fear is just using the people to force the show of hate so that they can maintain control. Those people are also acting out of fear though, fear of losing their control of the people.

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Was there even an ASW response?

Everything about the cover and cover-cover story is bunk.

What happened at Whidbey Island?

What really happened at Whidbey Island? ✈🎇

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
No, because no one knows who Q is. They can literally trot out any body and say it is Q but it will be their word and they lie like the Devil on a good day and worse on a bad one.

Every few years we should be able to vote for who will get to be"Q"

posted on Mar, 5 2021 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

The Whidbey Island missile event is so complex. First be ware that the current Mayor of Seattle is fully supported by Socialist Alternative, even though Durkin and Sawant publicly appear to be at each others throats. Next thing that should be looked at is how the missile launch came from and area near (possibly at) Durkin's own home on Whidbey Island. Now ask your self this simple question:
"Why is it that Seattle seems to have a minor issue that goes crazy before that same styled event happens in another major city shortly afterwards but in a much bigger way?"

Socialist Alternative is a Trotskyist Organization that has offices around the world, and in every major city in both the US and in Europe.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 12:04 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Re the Mr. Pool string: "113/111/589/111/311":

5+8+9 = 22
1+1,3 = 23
3, 1+1 = 32
1+1+1 = 3

So one can resolve it to:


Which gives:

MIRROR of 322 (Skull&Bones) bounded by it's own MIRROR of PAIN and MIRROR of 233/332

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: PillarOfFire

"“My intent is to set your mind free to find truth, not to pile on another layer of belief on top of what you already have, or replace one of your current beliefs with a new one. Freedom – spiritual, emotional, and intellectual freedom – provides the necessary environment for learning. Open minded skepticism is the primary tool you will need to maintain a free mind capable of significant evolutionary progress”"

I love it, absolutely love it. I learned early on that I was not going to find the answers I was looking for in the known intellectual framework. I knew I wasn't going to find it in the controlled and fabricated history, as I was to find out later on.
Intellectual freedom can only occur when you leave the predefined limitations of the institutions. They are designed to control your mind, not release it..

Spiritually speaking, If we are eternal souls, then it would be logical to assume we have amassed a unimaginable amount of information individually or as a collective. In that state of "being", life would become somewhat of a bore after a millennium or two. To live a ignorant life from time to time would be a God send, or vacation depending on how you want to look at it. Maybe even creating a few vacation planets here and there. From what I gather, earth may have been one of those, that for some reason was converted into a spiritual prison planet, similar to the episode of Star Trek "Shore Leave", where as you bring up, cause much negativity. And oddly as in the episode, the control mechanisms come from, below...

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 12:10 AM
Council For Inclusive Capitalism (WEF 2.0) puts "God" in the NWO narrative. Klaus Schwab/Davos Agenda under the guise of saving humanity does not speak of God but a Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) future of Artificial Intelligence. Two elite Masonic Brotherhood groups vying for pole position in the race to World Domination.

The Jesuit Bergoglio (former bouncer and a janitor) met with CIC members at the Vatican for the 1st time in 2019. With the new partnership, the 27 leading members, called "guardians" will continue to meet annually with @Pontifex & @CardinalTurkson.

Council for Inclusive Capitalism launches partnership with Vatican

Members include the Ford Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, Mastercard, Bank of America, the Rockefeller Foundation, and Merck.

“An inclusive capitalism that leaves no one behind, that discards none of our brothers or sisters, is a noble aspiration,” Pope Francis said Nov. 11, 2019.

The Vatican partnership puts the group “under the moral guidance” of Pope Francis and Cardinal Turkson, a press release states.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, founder of the council and managing partner of Inclusive Capital Partners, said “capitalism has created enormous global prosperity, but it has also left too many people behind, led to degradation of our planet, and is not widely trusted in society.”

The 27 Guardians of Humanity👀🙄

Following CIC guidelines, the European Council (EUCO) President of the European Commission, @Ursula von der Leyen (former Angela Merkel's cabinet) announced it's agreement to follow Klaus Schwab into the 4th industrial revolution. The EU is well under the spell of the CIC Guardians.

Put the Council for Inclusive Capitalism (@inclusivecap) on your watch list, right next to @ProfKlausSchwab, @Davos, @wef and @UN.

All Roads Lead To Rome: Dec 3, 2016:

2016 Fortune/Time Global Forum convened select global Fortune 500 CEOs, members of the Time 100 and nonprofit, academic, religious and labor leaders to address the need for a global economic system that both encourages growth and spreads its benefits more broadly. The two-day conference, held in Rome and at the Vatican, culminated today with a Special Papal Audience and an address by His Holiness Pope Francis.

The Council For Inclusive Capitalism is born out of this meeting.

To fully understand the context - Vatican partnering with the Big Corps - involved in this CIC you need to read this document describing the consolidation of power found in the Bankers Rule the World: “The Network of Global Corporate Control” according to the Swiss.

Introducing the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican starring Lynn Forester De Rothschild, wife of the infamous Evelyn de Rothschild and founder of the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism...

Guardians of the Council: Lynn Forester de Rothschild in conversation with Cardinal Peter Turkson and Allianz’s Oliver Bäte:

The Guardians with the Vatican has recently announced the addition of 17 new members, including the 1st British member, Trevor Jackson, Green engineer & Chairman of MAL R&D, of Plymouth Science Park

Meet CIC Guardian Marc @Benioff, CEO @salesforce / Owner @TIME, influencer at Davos/WEF/CIC, works under Lynn Rothschild, and is well connected to the global elite pushing Agenda 2030.

At the 2021 WEF Marc Benioff describes how he thinks the worlds people have come to trust Big Corp to lead them..."CEOs are the heroes" 👇

Mark Carney: "our clear objective..." "If you're not moving to NetZero you will be punished." (Referring to any corporations on the planet)

A Framework for Inclusive Capitalism - by The Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

This masonic Hegelian Dialectic will result in the reconstruction and consolidation of every aspect of our known matrix. 50% of US jobs will not survive the 4IR according to Klaus Schwab.
Klaus says Talentism will replace capitalism - teaching kids to become entrepreneurs will be their way out of poverty. This will encourage extreme competition resulting in the integration of AI for a more intelligent 4IR competitor.

Klaus: 4IR economy will rely on talentism - it will replace capitalism.
AI is so important because the 4IR depends on intelligence which needs to be maintained and upgradable to succeed. AI will be the key factor in the forced Great Reset.

How to achieve AI mass adoption
With jobs in short supply, in a 4IR world where talentism will demand intensified competition, DESPERATE TO SUCCEED, people will be more willing to integrate AI into their lives to gain an edge on their competitors. Talentism in the form of exploited employees with neurological differences, such as ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, chronic depression or autism, to boost the company's technology offerings.

Or listen to Klaus Schwab: Global Leadership needed in the Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution: (from June 2016)


posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 12:12 AM

The Great Digital Reset: Chasing Talent, Not Capital

Addressing the global skills revolution requires collaboration between companies and governments, Schwab says. “The world of the future is not the world of capitalism, it’s the world of ‘talentism’.” Talent has become the new currency that fuels and sustain ventures, more so than money alone, he says. Talent is needed to support technology development, which has accelerated at a blinding pace over the past year, in response to the Covid crisis. “It's a world of talentism. Because the world's precious resource is talents. It's not financial capital any more. Capital is always available if you have a talent which is unique.”

Their plan no doubt has been in the making for a long time. But at what point did it become clear that 2030 would be the End of game? Possibly it was the result of Sri Lanka's Tsunami and subsequent World Bank bailout of 2004.

Sri Lanka lost ~250K lives. The United Nations and Bill Clinton stepped in to implement a plan overseen by World Bank to solve the problems they faced. The Build Back Better slogan was created.

Build Back Better 2006

3. Existing guidelines for BBB
Former US President Bill Clinton’s (2006) “Key propositions for BBB” was the earliest known official document to be published which attempted to provide a comprehensive guideline for implementing BBB practices in post-disaster environments. The report was based on and aimed at the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster. Clinton (2006)introduced ten propositions for BBB. Clinton’s propositions were (Clinton, 2006):

Build Back Better [PDF]

Building Back Better Japan

The result of the World Bank taking control of Sri Lanka - terms of contract for $100s of Millions in loans - legislation passed, regulations mandated, constant monitoring, tighter economic control, loss of ownership of land - the bank owns everything in the name of security.

10 Years After the Tsunami: Is Sri Lanka Better Prepared for the Next Disaster? - Nope, not really, only for the Banksters.

Data harvesting and lessons learned from Sri Lanka were put to the test and by 2014 international guidelines were in place. "Build Back Better" was becoming a name brand.
Build Back Better 2014

Building Back Better signifies the opportunity that post-disaster reconstruction presents to induce resilience into communities and overcome recurring vulnerabilities. The framework for BBB created by Mannakkara and Wilkinson recognizes that BBB requires disaster risk reduction, psycho-social recovery of affected communities, regeneration of local...

By 2016, WEF and Davos working in conjunction with the White House, United Nations and global leaders were well on their way to Agenda 2030 - the subjugation of humanity by consent.

WEF 11 Nov 2016

By 2018 the UK had worked out the plans with Davos/Klaus Schwab. It was Go Time. Time to roll out the tsunami, I mean planscamdemic, and destroy the global economy bringing America to it's knees under the tagline, #TheGreatReset and #BuildBackBetter.

And it was done. Every conspiring politician would use the #BuildBackBetter tagline.

Great Reset

The planscamdemic of 2020 is the Sri Lanka Tsunami of 2004. The Great Reset, a global elitist conspiracy, required a false flag and Covert-19 was the ace card. The reset would be complete with AI, depopulation and one world government. 5G-AI-Transhumanism > 4th stage of humanity.
"‘Great Reset’ in Davos at the forefront of a ‘great deception’ in the free world": News clip from Sky News AUS...

Of course their plan is much more complex with tentacles across the world but I think you get my point.

Those who do not go along with the Plan will be filed under 'Domestic Terrorism' and hauled off to the re-education camp.

Here's to their plan...

Perhaps their plan might go over like the Metric system in the USA.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I was reading your post when the Q hit me as an individual (us) leaving/breaking the circle (evil).

Maybe of the scene in Independence Day: Resurgence where they use the fusion drive to break free from the circling swarm of alien ships protecting the Queen.

Wish I could find a clip but I can't!

Time for zeds.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Great post ETMN... FYI your "27 Guardians" link gives an "End of File" Error.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: pteridine

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: pteridine

All you need is to park an Aegis cruiser there.

Yes, that was the CG task group I mentioned but it would have been more than one. Stacking the deck.

Just that the air launch is the least likely delivery mode. Same for sub launch AA, as well as the missile in the image sub launched. That would leave a big fat tuna sitting there in shallow water.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 12:45 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Anyone who brought their cell phone into the Capitol on 06 JAN 2021 should be shot at dawn for stupidness.

Why? If they pay taxes, they own part of the building. The Capitol police correctly opened the doors and invited them in.

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