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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 12:45 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: FlyingFox

Was there even an ASW response?

Everything about the cover and cover-cover story is bunk.

What happened at Whidbey Island?

What really happened at Whidbey Island? ✈🎇

How about a rogue FF American attack on NK? For instance.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 12:46 AM
Hmm... last gasp as I was on way to bed...

Why would 4 C17 Globemaster planes be flying in a convoy to land in Ramstein airbase within a half hour of each other and then flu back 30 mins later? Picking up people? Or booty?

They all started in very different parts of the U.S.:

RCH696 started from Bangor, Maine
RCH580 started from Seattle, Washington
RCH855 started from Savannah Air National Guard Base
RCH425 started from Ronald Reagan airport Wahington

edit on 6-3-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Hmm... last gasp as I was on way to bed...

Why would 3 planes be flying in a convoy in the direction of The Hague, Netherlands - in the middle of the night?

They all started in very different parts of the U.S.:

RCH696 started from Bangor, Maine
RCH580 started from Seattle, Washington
RCH855 started from Savannah Air National Guard Base

Would be more interesting, seeing how they are cargo planes, where they return to.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

First one to land took off again within 30 mins and headed back the way it came. So far it's just coming back past The Hague.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: PillarOfFire

"“My intent is to set your mind free to find truth, not to pile on another layer of belief on top of what you already have, or replace one of your current beliefs with a new one. Freedom – spiritual, emotional, and intellectual freedom – provides the necessary environment for learning. Open minded skepticism is the primary tool you will need to maintain a free mind capable of significant evolutionary progress”"

I love it, absolutely love it. I learned early on that I was not going to find the answers I was looking for in the known intellectual framework. I knew I wasn't going to find it in the controlled and fabricated history, as I was to find out later on.
Intellectual freedom can only occur when you leave the predefined limitations of the institutions. They are designed to control your mind, not release it..

Spiritually speaking, If we are eternal souls, then it would be logical to assume we have amassed a unimaginable amount of information individually or as a collective. In that state of "being", life would become somewhat of a bore after a millennium or two. To live a ignorant life from time to time would be a God send, or vacation depending on how you want to look at it. Maybe even creating a few vacation planets here and there. From what I gather, earth may have been one of those, that for some reason was converted into a spiritual prison planet, similar to the episode of Star Trek "Shore Leave", where as you bring up, cause much negativity. And oddly as in the episode, the control mechanisms come from, below...

Hey glad you liked the vid post.

I know we are Eternal and that whatever error took place is/ has been fixed. I've many times in my lifetime imagined creating amazing things with my mind. Now I know it's true. Our awareness as eternal beings is pertinent to waking up from all the delusions we've been seduced by in this place.

I could talk forever about this stuff!

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 02:21 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Great post ETMN... FYI your "27 Guardians" link gives an "End of File" Error.

Thanks! Huh, that link works fine for me.

Here's the link:

Might be the extra -- after Vatican giving your browser an issue.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 02:22 AM
New from Whiplash347

I've followed HSRetoucher for a long time, up until his account on Twitter got locked out. I have a few of my own here to share from various places.

Look closely ... Johnathon Burrows DEA Agent. Thats Elvis Presley. Surprise!

edit on 6-3-2021 by PillarOfFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:13 AM
Funny that was the point of my statements is that YOU totally miss a bunch of the points. The only things I would want to know is why since you appear more intelligent than you pretend not to be. That is a skill.

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
No, because no one knows who Q is. They can literally trot out any body and say it is Q but it will be their word and they lie like the Devil on a good day and worse on a bad one.

Totally missed the point.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:17 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
Joe Biden wants the military to "discharge" all of the soldiers who are refusing to take the vaccine.

No chance that happens. They're saying that it's between 10-30% who are refusing.

That begs the question just when was the last time they refused and order? hmmmm?

I never was able to say no I don't want that vaccine Col ever during my time in the Army. In fact I recall being forced to take the same ones over and over if I didn't have that damn DD214 record in my pocket when I arrived with my unit at the clinic.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 03:26 AM
Help us out then.

Are you saying every to most predictions of a mystery are supposed to be true? Even when theory's trying to solve a complex mystery in a truth seeking discussion forum?
That begs the next question.
You did understand that we don't know for sure what is happening for a reason and are trying ways to speculate what the information means we do have and we NEVER had a book with answers in it?

If you didn't you do know.

originally posted by: Connector
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I've read the thread. I've done my research.

You've posted no proof of any predictions coming to fruition. Instead you've asked me tp prove a negative.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

WOW ! EMN they are 2 of the most important posts I have seen in ages ... thank you for pulling all of that quite alarming info together ! It is going to take me a while to dissect all of that and fully comprehend it. I would give you a 100 stars if I could.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 07:03 AM
Its Time

Way too much here to upload, heres link. Whiplash347

Sunday 7th
Sec Test 1
Sec Test 2
[XRP Related]
Monday 8th (Red October)
Don Jr shows us Part 2 which links to Red October. (Meaning Election Flip)
Tells us to Buckle Up.
Tells us about Trusting Sessions
Then you look up Sessions you see
Cyber Task Force.
Then you know Election + 1 (Mass Cyber Attacks) meaning day after Election Flip (Shutdown of Social media & Internet) TUESDAY 9th.
Just so happens 919 is the most powerful Angel Number there is. Big Endings/Massive Beginnings in all of our lives.
You know Winter ends on 19th.
Did anyone see when i placed the 919 Angel Number on my Twitter cover photo?

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: PillarOfFire

"“My intent is to set your mind free to find truth, not to pile on another layer of belief on top of what you already have, or replace one of your current beliefs with a new one. Freedom – spiritual, emotional, and intellectual freedom – provides the necessary environment for learning. Open minded skepticism is the primary tool you will need to maintain a free mind capable of significant evolutionary progress”"

I love it, absolutely love it. I learned early on that I was not going to find the answers I was looking for in the known intellectual framework. I knew I wasn't going to find it in the controlled and fabricated history, as I was to find out later on.
Intellectual freedom can only occur when you leave the predefined limitations of the institutions. They are designed to control your mind, not release it..

Spiritually speaking, If we are eternal souls, then it would be logical to assume we have amassed a unimaginable amount of information individually or as a collective. In that state of "being", life would become somewhat of a bore after a millennium or two. To live a ignorant life from time to time would be a God send, or vacation depending on how you want to look at it. Maybe even creating a few vacation planets here and there. From what I gather, earth may have been one of those, that for some reason was converted into a spiritual prison planet, similar to the episode of Star Trek "Shore Leave", where as you bring up, cause much negativity. And oddly as in the episode, the control mechanisms come from, below...

Hey glad you liked the vid post.

I know we are Eternal and that whatever error took place is/ has been fixed. I've many times in my lifetime imagined creating amazing things with my mind. Now I know it's true. Our awareness as eternal beings is pertinent to waking up from all the delusions we've been seduced by in this place.

I could talk forever about this stuff!

Haven't had time to read everything yet, but a quick question.
Could our soul/consciousness still exist/be eternal without religion?

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: FinallyAwake

Truth comes from within, not religion.

Its who we are. It can't be defined, it just is.

I'm not an atheist, there is Source. I believe its where we are from. Its locked inside us.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 07:44 AM
Lurking , but wanted to "uncloak" to comment Religion was the first Division
Once defined as "the belief in a Supreme being" it has been manipulated to divide, control, and conquer civilizations

Simply put the whole subject has morphed into a sand trap by design. Stand United, never give up your beliefs or dreams based on someone else's reality.

More Awaken as each day passes...
I Trust the Plan .... And wouldn't have known it was all a damn movie ... Not without Q making me pause and see for myself what's going on here ...

Can't take that away from me... And the BEAT goes ON

God Bless America

Eta item of interest...

Gold, silver and other precious metals poured in to the U.S. as purchases of other overseas items dropped. Here's why.

edit on 362021 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
Joe Biden wants the military to "discharge" all of the soldiers who are refusing to take the vaccine.

No chance that happens. They're saying that it's between 10-30% who are refusing.

The heads of the military departments are stating that military personnel refusing to take the vaccine is a huge problem and they need to be coerced into taking it, even though everything in writing says we need to support people’s right to decide. There is also military-wide training going out to deal with supremacists and extremism which would result in discharge and firing. Impermissible actions include things as simple as being a part of an ideological group or having an ideological mindset. They are all tip-toeing around what extremism really means though, and I’m curious how long that will be for. Also, they are treading into illegal activity saying military and civilians cannot attend rallies and other stuff that is legal (yes, even for military personnel). The stage is getting set for something big. Either a successful purge...or something else...

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 08:17 AM
Fun “17” fact for today. Andrew Johnson was the 17th President who took office after Lincoln was assassinated. He executed the traitors responsible for the assassination, was impeached (Congress even made a point of looking at his bank accounts), and opposed Congressional plans to implement the law that made anyone born in the US a citizen (which opened one of the doors to where we are today).

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: Caled

Well, if we accept the Q narrative at face value (I do) what they're playing at here is the destruction of the US Armed Forces. This is the very thing Obama was doing during his tenure. He took many steps to weaken our military. Of course, then came along Donald Trump who undid all of that and now that the other side has "regained control" they have to try to reverse course yet again and put the destruction of our military on an accelerated timeline.

The problem for these guys is that since they've had to accelerate their timeline (not just with the US Military, but everything else too, see Joe Biden's 50 EOs), the shenanigans become blatantly obvious. They're up against deadlines here (see EtMN's excellent posts about the Global 2030 Agenda).

All of this stuff takes careful planning so as not to tip off the proles to their game. Because if there ever came a time when the commoners realized what they were up to, it would be like what George Bush said that one time when he said, "if the American people were to realize what we have done, we would all be hanging from lampposts by morning." For the longest time we used to use the frog in the pot of boiling water analogy. "If you place a frog in a pot of warm water and very slowly bring up the temperature to a boil, the frog will never jump out. So long as the temperature increases slowly the frog will just remain there until temperature cooks him." And that's pretty much how they've been doing things for decades.

Along comes Donald Trump through and he throws a wrench in the gears of their plans. Even if nothing pans out in such a way that Trump retakes the White House, he will have seriously affected their master plan. He has set them back decades already just with his judicial appointments.

Their only option at this point, if they hope to salvage their plan, is to step out fully into the light and roll the dice. Pray that the proles remain asleep even as they do more and more ridiculous things such as float the idea of discharging 30% of our Armed Forces. There is zero chance that actually happens. In fact, I'm quite sure that if Joe Biden actually tried to force the military to get rid of everyone refusing the vaccine (30%!), we would see an actual overt military coup. It wouldn't be allowed. No matter what the top brass at the Pentagon think about politics, or whose side they back, there is no chance they would allow someone to destroy troop readiness by getting rid of 1/3 of our military.

Rumor is that Mike Rogers told Obama to go eff himself when Obama told him we would be giving one of our aircraft carriers to NATO. Some say that this precise moment was when the Q plan went from planning stages to kinetic stages actually and I wouldn't doubt it. I believe we would see a similar situation if Biden told them to get rid of the folks refusing their vaccine. I believe Biden would be relieved of his duties. And honestly, it's absolutely laughable to me that he would even suggest such a thing. Imagine the idiocy and arrogance it would take for someone to try to tell the Pentagon to do such a thing.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Maybe. Let's keep in mind the government has told the Pentagon to do many things over the decades that impacted military readiness. An example was in the wake of the October 1973 war in the Middle East. U.S. Army Europe basically had to hand over its tank reserve to the Israelis because the Israeli armor force had tried to be cowboys, resulting in the loss of many of their tanks to a then relatively new weapon, the antitank guided missile.

The generals may have scowled, but they handed the tanks over, resulting in months of combat non-readiness for all of U.S. Army Europe.

Perhaps more related to this vaccine business is how the military has been used as national social experiments laboratory since the end of World War II. One of the big problems with our military, ironically, is that too few of the flag rank officers encounter orders they are categorically unable to follow.


posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: PillarOfFire
a reply to: FinallyAwake

Truth comes from within, not religion.

Its who we are. It can't be defined, it just is.

I'm not an atheist, there is Source. I believe its where we are from. Its locked inside us.

Thanks, I've always thought there could be a source, an energy if you like, but not a god or anything with intelligence. I wouldn't rule out aliens/advanced civilizations though.

I've recently started saying I'm an atheist (from agnostic), but something about it isn't quite sitting right. I think I'm in a quandary like Pascal's wager.

I don't like the doubts in my mind 🙁

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