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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 02:06 PM

In a surprising turn of events, the United States government is calling upon its country’s industry to reverse engineer components for the Air Force’s B-2 Spirit stealth bomber. An official call for this highly unusual kind of assistance was put out today on the U.S. government’s contracting website

The Warzone

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: Caled

Do you recall the old WINGDINGS FONT, that was also curious with cap locks set, especially if Q 33 , was typed.

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

He is vigorously denying the accusations, so if they thought to do this to try and keep him quiet, it will surely have the opposite effect ! If he was going to expose them before ... he has the opportunity to have a field day now ! He now appears to be stuck in the middle of the two possible investigations, he could just choose to flip completely and cut a deal.

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 02:30 PM
Well I'll be........ It looks to me like they are scared of the wind. Either a legal authority higher than us gets involved or it's over as far as we are concerned we will have to do it at the ballot box and find a way to stop the cheating.

IKR, that may not be possible without some divine intervention.

originally posted by: onehuman
I just came across this in regards to March 4. They have a lot of interesting little snips in the article. This below being one of them:

This date's significance is rooted in a bizarre conspiracy theory that a law enacted in 1871 secretly turned the US into a corporation.

DC police have credible information that an attempt to blow up Biden on 4th March is being planned.

National Guard on standby in DC for March 4 — the day QAnon followers believe that Trump will become president

Link to article

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 02:36 PM

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 02:47 PM
Texas news: No more masks and 100% open



edit on 2-3-2021 by bradychick because: (no reason given)

eta looks like Mississippi is also removing restrictions/masks....just twitter talk I don't have a legit source at this time but something to watch. I have been hearing the gone by April buzz so hopefully this is the start....
edit on 2-3-2021 by bradychick because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 02:49 PM
Pay no attention to the summer of 2020, says the great and powerful OZ.

FBI Director Christopher Wray says the Capitol riot was domestic terrorism

"It's got no place in our democracy, and tolerating it would make a mockery of our nation's rule of law"

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 02:58 PM
Has anyone heard anything else on Alan Parrot? I know this stuff started coming out at the beginning of all the censorship and the videos and audio recordings were taken down within minutes.

Is it possible he was silenced by White Hats so they didn’t expose something they did not want exposed at the time? I remember hearing two audio tapes he had discussing Bin Laden with acquaintances of Joe Biden. That story seemed to grab traction pretty fast and all of a sudden poof it was gone.

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 03:32 PM
Theta symbol.

Our brain produces Theta waves as we drift off into sleep I see.
Theta Waves

originally posted by: Caled
May be old information, but my interesting find of the day while working on my new avatar. This is the "Symbol" font for "Q".

In the Greek Alphabet this is character #8 and is the number 9. Numerologists have an opinion on both 8 and 9 but I am not fully into it. 8 is about money I remember. 9 I forgot what it means.

edit on 2-3-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 03:33 PM

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 03:42 PM
2nd! Angel has a good point. I can see that is her area of expertise and his wife. Melania said "we" i am sure too. Lets not mess with the piddly things when there are some real big fish to fry now. Joe did look real stupid as he half turned but didn't end up looking at her. The body language is the weird thing for me a lot with Joe. He is clearly a some ones puppet in my observations.

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: crankyoldman
But isn't it in Education and particularly children's mental health that Dr Jill is qualified in and hasn't Joe said that will be her role as First Lady....they all pick something that is 'dear' to them. Like Milania's was child abuse.

Not saying it was right or wrong for her to interject, but I can see why she did other than Jow fluffing his lines


posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 03:49 PM
The Congress and SCOTUS made a mockery of our nations law. It is time to cancel their contract to represent us. We need one of those Arab spring recalls were every non communist Freedom Loving American or immigrant seeking citizenship demands they "step off Congress dudes and dudettes" because you are not upholding the COTUS you work to uphold for the people. Instead they seek their own kingdoms at the expense of our freedoms.

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Pay no attention to the summer of 2020, says the great and powerful OZ.

FBI Director Christopher Wray says the Capitol riot was domestic terrorism

"It's got no place in our democracy, and tolerating it would make a mockery of our nation's rule of law"

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 03:57 PM
So I admittedly haven't been following along everyday here, just so much going on for me.

I wondered if anyone has posted anything along this thought line.

I know it's an oddish source in David Wilcox but he breaks down some interesting thoughts about some Q drops.

The idea being what if 11.3 and 11.4 and 11.6 are more than just dates? The first two speaking about indictments of Podesta and Huma.

He finds some 2020 drops mention 11.3 etc.

Puts this info in sort of a new light, maybe.

It's an extremely long video 3 plus hours.

The source for those numbers he finds is connected to the United States interrpretation of the Geneva convention.

Those passages deal with a hostile occupying power, which is kind of interesting.

Anything with a hope glimmer is interesting to me at this point.

He shows the drops and ties a lot of stuff together. Worth the watch if you have time.

I apologize if someone already posted!

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Agree! Well said.

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: tiredoflooking
So I admittedly haven't been following along everyday here, just so much going on for me.

I wondered if anyone has posted anything along this thought line.

I know it's an oddish source in David Wilcox but he breaks down some interesting thoughts about some Q drops.

The idea being what if 11.3 and 11.4 and 11.6 are more than just dates? The first two speaking about indictments of Podesta and Huma.

He finds some 2020 drops mention 11.3 etc.

Puts this info in sort of a new light, maybe.

It's an extremely long video 3 plus hours.

The source for those numbers he finds is connected to the United States interrpretation of the Geneva convention.

Those passages deal with a hostile occupying power, which is kind of interesting.

Anything with a hope glimmer is interesting to me at this point.

He shows the drops and ties a lot of stuff together. Worth the watch if you have time.

I apologize if someone already posted!

Good to see you TOL,

Yes, 11.3 proved to be many things. Kevin Clinesmith's initials K-11 C-3, Election Date, Sections 11.3 of a military manual among many others.

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Thank you! This was my first discovery of it and it is quite interesting for certain!

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: steaming
a reply to: Caled

Do you recall the old WINGDINGS FONT, that was also curious with cap locks set, especially if Q 33 , was typed.

Under Wingdings type-1 An airplane is the Q and the 33 is two towers

Under Wingdings type-2 A checked box is the Q and to pill bottle looking items make up ##

Under Wingding type-3 A "Circle back" symbol is the Q and the 33 is made up of two overlapping backtracking arrows

Grrr! if this is a hint that we are working on a 20 year cycle. Given that 2001 had the airplanes and buildings, 2021 had the checked box on needing pills and health cards, and what the hell would Psaki "the circle-jerk back" have to do with 2041 and whatever nonsense that has yet to come?

in fact let's take a quick look back:
1981- Reagan was "shot" allowing the National Security State to take control over his two terms in office, or did it? Reagan was a Propagandist during WW2. Maybe him getting shot was about something else.

1961- JFK was shot and removed from the Office of President. It seems at this point that not everything is as it seems, but one thing is certain; JFK getting shot did assassinate his time in public office.

1941- FDR moves the majority of the Pacific Fleet to Pearl Harbor making it an easy target for the Japanese, and thus tossing America into the second WW.

1921- Vitamin E is discovered and The Great War (WW1) is declared over by Congress. V-E was the same substance that was the "cause" for that raspatory illness vapers were dying from before the invention of the "covid". First cases of the V-E illness also came from China. Side fact: did you know that one of the most contagious forms of Plague is the Pneumatic variety? True fact.

1901- President McKinley was shot and replaced by TR. Not a lot of people look into this Presidential assassination, but things point pretty well to TR having it done to control power, but we don't discuss that do we. Also JP Morgan creates US Steel and builds it into the first Billion Dollar business. That funny since JP Morgan and family also were behind funding socialist groups like Trotsky and his followers, Mao and that mess, and other very anti-Democratic groups around the globe. Oh yeah and the Morgan family also cleared the way for a group of Nationalistic extremists in Southern California to build a complex in the LA area. This group was the first actual emergence of the NAZI Party which was given much greater headway in 1920-30's Germany. I wonder where the funding that got them off the ground over there came from?

So if we look back at the last few 20 years cycle, we can see that we are not out of the forest yet, if we've ever been out of the forest. I doubt Psaki will play a part of 2041, but given her circling back comments all the damn time, I thought it might be funny to put that above statement in there.


Just for those not having the time to look up Q-33, here is the texts and a link to it:

I’m hopeful my time spent here was not wasted.
Note few if any shills inside this thread. Reason for that. It’s being monitored, recorded, and analyzed and don’t want the clutter.
Take good care. God bless.

33rd degree of "KU"
edit on 2-3-2021 by Guyfriday because: John Titor said he was going to break my arm if I didn't edit this, but that was a week ago. Stupid Time Traveler, he didn't realize that you still have to self-quarantine regardless of how you travel.

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: brewtiger

Nice connect brewtiger... to add:

1) That 226 day delta between Jan 8th (day before the tweet in my decode) to Jun 15 candidancy announcement:

226 = Feb 26th... the date of the other tweet in my decode!
(I'll update my graphic to include)

2) At least one of your post numbers/timestamps are misaligned I think:

POST 3093 Timestamp = Date (17:03:45 mirror March 17?)

#3093 = 15:01:24 (EST)
#3716 = 17:03:45 (EST)

3) I'm not understanding how i=9 fits into #1299, per:

2) POST 1299 i = 9

I found the vids an interesting viewing... and they threw up this on the side bar:

a) Michael Jackson wearing a prosthetic mask to play "Dave Dave" and comment on his own "death",
b) Michael Jackson saying "The Best is Yet to Come"!

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 05:15 PM

Cranky rant on this.

So the average person figured the Supreme Court would hear the voter fraud cases and fix it. The problem is most folks have no idea how the court would "fix it." All due respect Sydney and company - much respect for trying and huge shout out for actually doing the hard work of exposing it all for those with eyes to see.

The court is a court established to deal with matters of commerce, disputes about MONEY. There was no money involved here so the court could not take money from X and give it to Y to make it all better. This creates a problem, as the court then needs to find some justifiable reason for being involved. And it could not find one.

There are NO MORAL COURTS. None. Sharia Law is a sick and twisted version of a moral court, but the Supreme Court cares not one iota about morality. It only deals with issue of money and issues relating to the execution of Government and the like.

So. The court COULD have gotten involved if anywhere in the True United States Constitution it said this: If, at any point, an election result is proven to be fraudulent, the remedy will be to remove the recipient from office and a new election granted. If the beneficiary of the fraud is proven to have known of it, the will be prohibited from running for office again.

THEN, the SC would have said "we'll hear the case and rule" and within weeks Joe would be out and chaos would ensue.

The problem is the SC had no remedy to point to to resolve the problem and, more importantly, they CANNOT just make one up.

I mentioned this even was the big reveal. The reveal is this: Your vote never, ever mattered. Why? Simply because there is ZERO REMEDY in place to make sure your vote matters. Have your care stolen and you find the guy who did it? There is a remedy built into the "the law". Steal an election and remarkably there is no remedy listed in the very document that gives the right to vote. Think about that.

Seriously. Think about it. Why does The Constitution NOT have a remedy for election fraud built in? Anyone?

That was the reveal. I was NOT surprised by this, at all. It would have been overreach had they actually accepted the case and made up a remedy on the spot. Moral, yes, but the court isn't a moral court at this point.

The only way is the military. Literally.

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 05:26 PM
Interesting Reuters article on the surge in prices of rare earth elements:


Kvanefjeld - Greenland Minerals Ltd seeking government approval to build $505 million mine complex with 37-year life, hopes to start construction in 2022. Targets output of 5,692 tonnes a year of neodymium-praseodymium oxides, used for permanent magnets

Think flying saucer designs and free electricity.


Norra Karr - Leading Edge Materials Corp is seeking government approval for a mine that it says will have a 20-year life, producing 5,000 tonnes a year of rare earth oxides. Key metals are dysprosium, used in magnets, and terbium


Nolans - Arafura Resources is seeking funding to build a A$1.03 billion mine with a 33-year life. Aiming for 7,540 tonnes a year of cerium oxide and 3,920 tonnes of neodymium-praseodymium oxide.

Browns Range - Northern Minerals has a pilot plant producing dysprosium to assess feasibility of commercial development of a mine.


Lofdal - Namibia Critical Minerals has a joint venture with state-run Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp to develop a mine from a deposit rich in yttrium and also with dysprosium and terbium.


Longonjo - Pensana expects to start construction this year on a mine to produce 4,500 tonnes a year of neodymium-praseodymium oxides. It also plans to build a separation processing plant in the UK.


Ngualla - Peak Resources has environmetal approvals in place and has applied for a special mining licence to build a $365 million mine with a life of 26 years. It is targeting 2,810 tonnes a year of neodymium-praseodymium oxides.


Strange Lake - Privately-held Torngat Metals plans to begin production in 2023 from a mine with a 25-year life, and build a separation plant in Canada with output of 11,000 tonnes a year of rare earth oxides. Its main metal is dysprosium.

Might be worth checking these minerals against energy and UFO patents.

edit on 2-3-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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