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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 10:37 AM
1963, I can't see them faking the head blowing off like that did. You can see the head is deformed from it very badly. The Secret Service agent for Jackie was told NOT to be at the car and he was pissed. He ran to the car and jumped on as Jackie was reaching for the brains. The clean up crew found the brains with some bone and a bullet on the side of the road the next day during the forensic cleanup. The Smithsonian LOST the evidence, "officially" IIRC.

originally posted by: Caled
Tinfoil hat time. Would it be possible to fake the head shot (along with the rest of the wounds) with special effects from that time period? Not CGI. Good old fashioned special effects with blood packs and little explosives.

originally posted by: Justoneman
Yes the Zapruder Film is real. I have been privileged to see that film for days in class as we studied each frame 30+ years ago at College. We had a physical copy and a football play by play version of the projector where the coach can process a play one frame at a time.

The bullet that struck JFK's head and split it open was definitely from the "grassy knoll". 100% confidence after a frame by frame review of the exit of the bullet from the grassy knoll to the Driver stomping on the gas to leave. We didn't concentrate on the information related to the driver turning, and possibly firing something too, after he indeed slowed down. That seems to be something several people talk about now.

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: pteridine
a reply to: Guyfriday

Can you post a link to the photo?
Looking at the Zapruder film, brains were scattered on impact. While it is true that head/brain injuries that do not cross the centerline are more recoverable, the brain must be generally intact. JFK was missing most of a hemisphere and I would expect the tearing and ejection of tissue made the event unrecoverable.

But is the Zapruder film real at all? It is the thing that drives all of the Original Narrative and the theories - that and stories from carefully selected eye witnesses. The CIA took the film, allegedly, or did they create it out of whole cloth and the story of taking it? Remove the film and what do people have? Dan Rather's version which was wrong and some print stories.

Assume for a second the entire event was a spontaneous movie set created by the CIA as their coming out party and because they weren't sure of the results they controlled it all. That doesn't mean JFK isn't dead of course, and I don't care either way. It was a timeline course change event either way.

This is the problem with the Original Narrative, we tend to try and make the clues, which are lies, fit the Narrative and then debunk it. The problem lies with using the clues at all. Hence 20 years later and folks still argue Plane Or No Plane at the pentagon.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: carewemust


The Republic has fallen.

No matter what ultimately happens, the USA will be subject to great change.

Cranky mentioned that a few pages back. The old system can't be reanimated; it has succumbed to profound corruption.

Even if some kind of 'devolution' rabbit is pulled from the hat, the public will realize the old system was unable to secure itself against subversion. Having to depend on the good will of the armed forces to keep a republic ... is not a republic.


This ^^^^^^ Yup!


posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 10:44 AM
Well you didn't even mention the magic bullet. But I can say I agree he WAS shot in the throat. We did feel like it was hard to say because the car was behind the sign. It was a crossfire from all directions actually. But for me, I got to see a full version of the film and slow motion of that grassy knoll was very easy to see. The other bullets were incoming on the film also but the head shot was fatal is my final conclusion. He might have survived a throat shot if it misses the carotid artery.


originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Justoneman

Yes the Zapruder Film is real. I have been privileged to see that film for days in class as we studied each frame 30+ years ago at College. We had a physical copy and a football play by play version of the projector where the coach can process a play one frame at a time.

I too researched the shooting. Many witnesses whose testimony never made it into the public domain. I didn't read just one opinion on the subject but as many as I could find.

There is testimony that a bullet hole was seen in the windshield by at least two people. A bullet that entered the glass from the front. Many say JFK was chocking on a bullet to the throat when he emerges from behind the road sign. And after reviewing the film a few dozen times of the windshield during those brief frames you can actually see the glinting sunshine reflecting off the hole. The evidence was there, he actually was shot in the throat, from the front, through the windshield.

When you lay out the plaza, place the car approximately where it was, where JFK was sitting in the car, and place the bullet hole in the windshield, you can then draw a line right back to where the bullet came from.

It came from the on coming traffic side of the overpass. Either from on top of it, or in it from behind the pillars. The fact that it hit his throat means it was a intended head shot, that fell low. The slight angle of the windshield may have been enough to throw the shot low, deflecting the bullet down.

The shot from the grassy knoll, was a last chance shot and not meant as the primary head shot. The stories of the driver and Jacky doing the shooting are fabricated to muddy the research waters...

The true expert shooter was in the front, not the rear, or the grassy knoll.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

It was a crossfire from all directions actually. But for me, I got to see a full version of the film and slow motion of that grassy knoll was very easy to see. The other bullets were incoming on the film also

You saw bullets on the film?
edit on 22-2-2021 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating

Just because I don't think much if anything will happen, doesn't mean that I'm not interested in what might get revealed.

We are living in a strange moment in history and due to that I think it's important for everyone to get as much information as possible so that future generations can try and avoid the same mistakes. This "KU" movement is a very important part of this history we are living in, so not paying attention to what's going on in it would be a disservice to anyone in the future wanting to understand what we went through to get to where they are.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Drop #26


Nov 01, 2017 1:41:54 AM EDT


Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled.
Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
Biggest advanced drop on Pol

It was always going to come down to this. You're free to believe whatever you want of course, I'm just saying, from where I sit we are still 100% on track.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 11:11 AM
Good Morning All..

If anyone needs a little “ Hopium “ this is a great thread about Kim Clement Prophecies on Two Presidents, the man analyzing the prophecies makes some interesting observations.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 11:17 AM
Over in the megalomaniac psychotic pharma chemlords dept...

EPA Approves Chemical ‘Air Treatment’ Against COVID, Despite Known Health Hazards

In mid-January, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved requests from two southern states (Georgia and Tennessee) asking for an emergency exemption that would allow them to aerosolize selected indoor spaces with an antiviral “air treatment” called Grignard Pure.

Grignard Pure is a nanoparticle-based product. Its active ingredient is a substance called triethylene glycol (TEG).

An estimated 72% of the general population has anti-PEG antibodies (including elevated levels in 8% of Americans) that can set those individuals up for adverse reactions when later exposed to PEG-containing substances.

Unfortunately for the Georgia and Tennessee residents who are about to be continuously exposed to Grignard Pure (with Nevada possibly being next in line due to heavy lobbying by Las Vegas entrepreneurs), neither Grignard nor the EPA are addressing the thorny safety issues of potential TEG-PEG cross-reactivity, toxic buildup of nanoparticles in the body or synergistic toxicity from TEG-nanoparticle interactions.

EPA Quietly Approves Chemical ‘Air Treatment’ To Fight COVID-19 & US Vaccine Passports Are Here - video with a 100+ sources.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 11:19 AM
Great stuff there. I read this with the book by the DA of New Orleans Jim Garrison, "The JFK Assassination". His research team were pointing it out to him IIRC. The FBI were giving them the run around in my opinion and started me off early with that red alert feel to things JFK before I was as sure as I am now about it all.

originally posted by: onehuman
For those of you discussing JFK and his head wound, this link will take you to a Doctor that did a full breakdown of what they were actually dealing with when JFK arrived at the hospital. One thing for example was that its mentioned that his head was detached.

There are actually 5 parts of this whole dig, and this is part 5. So, if you want to see all the oddities of that day of which there are plenty of just go back to part one. It is linked at the bottom of this part 5 from the autopsy.

Just need to scroll down the page. LINK TO JFK AUTOPSY

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 11:24 AM
Well the Supreme Court sucks.

Here is BOOM though, it may actually turn into something if it can get off the ground.

OH MY! Latinos For Trump Sues to Shut Congress Down Over Civil Rights Violations

“The truth of the allegations set forth herein compels the shocking
conclusion that every member of currently-seated 117th U.S. Congress and the President-Elect, who is scheduled to be sworn in this coming Wednesday, January 20th, were not legitimately elected because the People of the United States were given ballots that were patently illegal under federal law, namely HAVA. Therefore, the entire 117th Congress is illegitimate and all actions taken since January 3, 2021, including the counting of the Electoral College votes and confirmation of Joseph Biden as President-Elect and the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump arenull and void.
edit on 22-2-2021 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 12:00 PM
The global Times...OUTBREAK. I'll bet the msm jackals use this map like a crystal ball. Remove the Covid cases and the US map looks very clean and Canada is like snow white clean.

Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Reported In Yellowstone County

Helena, Mont. – On February 5, 2021, the Montana Department of Livestock (DOL) received notification that four rabbits in Yellowstone County tested positive for Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD). The disease has also been reported in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, California, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Wyoming, Florida, and New York.

WHO release on 1st Influenza A (H3N2) variant virus in the US

On 13 January, 2021, a child under 18 years of age in Wisconsin developed respiratory disease. A respiratory specimen was collected on 14 January. Real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing conducted at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene indicated a presumptive positive influenza A(H3N2) variant virus infection.

That 'PCR' test is like the gold standard of virus identification.🤡

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Well you didn't even mention the magic bullet. But I can say I agree he WAS shot in the throat. We did feel like it was hard to say because the car was behind the sign. It was a crossfire from all directions actually. But for me, I got to see a full version of the film and slow motion of that grassy knoll was very easy to see. The other bullets were incoming on the film also but the head shot was fatal is my final conclusion. He might have survived a throat shot if it misses the carotid artery.


originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
a reply to: Justoneman

Yes the Zapruder Film is real. I have been privileged to see that film for days in class as we studied each frame 30+ years ago at College. We had a physical copy and a football play by play version of the projector where the coach can process a play one frame at a time.

I too researched the shooting. Many witnesses whose testimony never made it into the public domain. I didn't read just one opinion on the subject but as many as I could find.

There is testimony that a bullet hole was seen in the windshield by at least two people. A bullet that entered the glass from the front. Many say JFK was chocking on a bullet to the throat when he emerges from behind the road sign. And after reviewing the film a few dozen times of the windshield during those brief frames you can actually see the glinting sunshine reflecting off the hole. The evidence was there, he actually was shot in the throat, from the front, through the windshield.

When you lay out the plaza, place the car approximately where it was, where JFK was sitting in the car, and place the bullet hole in the windshield, you can then draw a line right back to where the bullet came from.

It came from the on coming traffic side of the overpass. Either from on top of it, or in it from behind the pillars. The fact that it hit his throat means it was a intended head shot, that fell low. The slight angle of the windshield may have been enough to throw the shot low, deflecting the bullet down.

The shot from the grassy knoll, was a last chance shot and not meant as the primary head shot. The stories of the driver and Jacky doing the shooting are fabricated to muddy the research waters...

The true expert shooter was in the front, not the rear, or the grassy knoll.

It wasn't my intention to disregard the other evidence. My main point was that it was in fact, a conspiracy. There were at least 3 shooting teams, maybe 4. I have seen two versions of the grassy knoll shooter, one from behind the fence, and one shooting from the sewer. Looking at how JFKs head responded to the impact would suggest the sewer angle would be the point of origin of that shot. The "Magic" bullets that came from the rear were basically ineffective, low quality shooters.

I didn't mention many things because those who have already gone over that ground already know. Besides, the congress itself came to the conclusion it was a conspiracy in 1977. And nothing happened!

But more importantly is the present conspiracy playing out right in front of our eyes??? The very same motis operandi for all to see. The only difference is the target is still drawing his breath.. But not for lack of trying on the criminal cabals side.......... Are we going to allow the caravan to slow down, again, for the final shot to take place?

With lack of action of good men, we have lost the republic. The only question then is, will good men act, to save it?

The SCOTUS has told the good men to go to hell. What say, the good men?

One way or another the future is going to degrade, the only question is, for who?

Yes, he was shot in the throat. And as long as the cabal owns the media, so have we...

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

These reports don't surprise me. During the era of the Great Mortality (black death/Plague) a unknown type of hemorrhagic fever was reported during the early days of the spread. In fact before the plague there were reports of a strange respiratory illness that had spread around some of the outlier towns, then the hemorrhagic fever, and finally the plague spread. It's been speculated that the Plague spread quickly due to peoples poor nutrition and health at the time. I'm sure that the weather and lack of admittance of the plague didn't help either. It's shaping up to be 1340 all over again.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 12:36 PM
The coup is now fully complete.

Taking a look at the SC ruling from my POV.

At the very outset it was mentioned that the SC, all courts, are NOT moral courts but places of retribution and restitution IF a party can show a grievance according to the "rules." There are no moral courts - none. That territory is reserved for the HUMAN population to manage - if they can through agreed upon moral means and methods.

So the SC is the second highest, but most visible, court in the world (the Hague is higher). And that court is corrupt as hell and always has been.

The effort here has been to reveal and awaken. That was the point at the beginning. For those long aware of this, Q was simply a new twist on the process and its awakening focused on lots of hidden parts. The courts being one.

So the SC ruled to sue prior to an election or election result equals NO standing. Meaning no damage has occurred so no retribution or restitution can be exacted by the court. They also, at the same time, ruled that AFTER the fraud there is no point to suing as the damage is done and this type of "case" cannot be fixed by the court.

So, for the uninitiated. The court just said, in no uncertain terms: Your vote never mattered at all, as the system was created to make sure it does not if folks vote wrong. (Voting is too important to be left up to the people).

The SC was exposed. It is now an irrelevant relic without purpose any longer. This, it would seem, is the final reveal.

Med industry exposed.
Corporations exposed.
Pay offs exposed.
Child Trafficking exposed.
Satanists etc. exposed.
Church exposed.
Government at all levels exposed.
Education exposed.
Monetary system exposed.
International trade etc. exposed.
CCP exposed.
MB exposed.
Regional and Local government control exposed.
eneMedia exposed.
Intelligence agencies exposed.
Celebrities, sports/figures exposed.
Military traitors exposed.
FBI exposed.
CIA exposed.
Symbolism exposed.
Mind control systems exposed.
Dems/Rinos/Politics fake polarity exposed.
Voting fraud exposed.
Tech control exposed.
Chemicals, Vax, food poison exposed.
Schools/education exposed.
False Flags, transference, mirroring exposed.

And Now.

Supreme Court Exposed.

If I read this correctly, this is the last one to expose.

This is for those with eyes to see. None of the above were exposed because they were in place to HELP, but exposed because they are an integrated part of the control mechanism. The machine is so big, so elaborate, so pervasive that it is everywhere and in everything -------- especially our thoughts and desires.

Takeaway. All of that garbage is needed to keep the human population contained. Meditate on that. All of the above, all we have worked to expose,was put in place to control the population.

It begs the question, if we are so weak why is all of that firepower needed?

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 12:43 PM
I don't know how many folks read "The Last President" but I wound up in my email inbox magically so I read it.

I'd say we are nearing the end of that version of the map.

I read it before The Rona, which I didn't think fit the timeline given. Oddly, in retrospect, the collapse of it all in the book occurs AFTER the population has their halcyon days of freedom from the system of The FED and so on.

Free money led to what could be described as 2019 (remember that?) after the excess took hold and folks realized they had bigger issues.

Just a thought.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 01:12 PM
Imagine the upraor if this was heard on the newest Spotify add

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I have a simple test for sexist-racist topics. Just change around the race or gender, and see if it's really "ok".

Is it alright to tell people to be less black?

100% agreed. Racism is defined, by definition, not by color. Imagine the heads rolling if this is what you heard on the new Spotify ad.... blah blah white love, blah blah white power. Yup. Call to arms literally.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: PioneerFigureSkating
Even if the public are completely disgusted by whatever is exposed, it's too late and all those people, "That have it all", didn't use anything to stop this.

"The Military is the only way."

I agree 100% with this, and in fact, this was the first statement that gave me some hope when when I read it when I first encountered these Q threads...

I had been saying that very thing (in so many words) privately to my brother and Dad for many years, though I never actually entertained it as an actual possibility.

You can't have a functioning government when all the people controlling it are dysfunctional.

Very true, but that is why 'you have to show them' is also true, and necessary.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: Guyfriday
It was always going to come down to this. You're free to believe whatever you want of course, I'm just saying, from where I sit we are still 100% on track.

I sure hope you're right, but I am very, very far from confident about it... just barely clinging to hope at this point.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I think an outbreak of the black plague occurred somewhere in China or Mongolia last year. If the globalist overlords, Davos crowd does not get the great reset results they are expecting in X amount of time they may unleash some hellish virus or mother Earth will decide enough is enough. Too many people dropping dead all over will just create uncontrollable panic so as usual will likely be another great psyop. Who knows really, everything is so upside down distorted reality I'm expecting just about anything.

Carl Gerhard Busch, DoD Syndicate member, Men in Black Case Officer Assassin.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

We continue to wait as there seems to be no other option. Can anyone on this thread think of any other possible exposure?

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