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How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions - Judy Mikovits

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posted on Jan, 31 2021 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: DarkestConspiracyMoon

I heard somewhere that Larry King had been sick with Covid for a while. Like at the beginning of the epidemic. I wonder if it kept coming back on him? Or if they tried to save him with the vaccine?

It isn't clear if Larry had the vaccine or not. It undoubtedly would be covered up.

posted on Jan, 31 2021 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: Randyvine

I have got to agree with your post. I refuse to wear a mask or comply in any way
with this more than obvious lie. There is nothing out there to get us. Nothing more
than the usual. It's so ridiculous and I challenge anyone who believes this crap.
Just act like it isn't happening. Because it really isn't. I figure the people that are
going along with this total BS. Were likely germ a phobes to begin with. They were
walking around years ago already thinking "I wish everyone would wear masks".
They don't even realize they were already sick in the head. People really have to
know when SCIENCE is just a card being played. and that's all it is at this point
with the covid.

Why, if it really isn't happening, do I know several people who've been seriously ill with it, and several who've died of it?

edit on 31-1-2021 by EvilAxis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2021 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: TheAMEDDDoc

i think our definitions are sloppy and not universally agreed to, so thats one big problem to this ongoing discussion.

also how certain are you that the mRNA doesnt make any permanent changes to ones physiology, genome or otherwise? Do we have a generally accepted body of knowledge based on the best experimental science that mRNA and nanotech delivery systems such as are being used in these vaccines do not have any known serious side effects or long term negative health outcomes?

Theoretical knowledge is fine for some things, but I dont think its a good basis for a global vaccination effort for a disease with as low of a mortality and morbidity as COVID 19.

posted on Jan, 31 2021 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: Randyvine

I have got to agree with your post. I refuse to wear a mask or comply in any way with this more than obvious lie. There is nothing out there to get us.

I would have thought that the shocking excess mortality figures for 2020 published in January would have convinced even the most hardened sceptic that at least there just might be something out there.

Personally, as posters such as Phage, ScepticScot and UK Truth etc can probably confirm, I have posted some pretty naive and foolish stuff during 2020 about Covid-19, particularly regarding the effectiveness of lockdowns. Not face masks, mind; they seem entirely logical despite initial doubts from assorted medical experts themselves in early 2020, although sheer supplies were an issue back then.

But hey, we were all learning as we progressed through this novel (being the operative word) virus. Well, at least most of us were.

As far as the UK is concerned, we suffered the greatest excess deaths in 2020 for over ONE HUNDRED YEARS, indeed since the First World War (ie not even fewer than the Second, despite Nazi bombings of Britain in 1940, similarly sustained V2 rocket attacks in 1944, D-Day, the Liberation of France, British casualties in Africa, Far East casualties, etc.)

THINK about that for one moment. Unless of course you believe the stats are all fiddled and Fake News(tm) - in which case nobody will be able to convince you of anything.

But yes... something is out there...

edit on 31-1-2021 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2021 @ 11:14 PM
It's possible some of the vaccines make women sterile, and it's possible the virus makes men sterile. Are we headed towards a population correction?

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 12:38 AM

originally posted by: ConfusedBrit

As far as the UK is concerned, we suffered the greatest excess deaths in 2020 for over ONE HUNDRED YEARS, indeed since the First World War (ie not even fewer than the Second, despite Nazi bombings of Britain in 1940, similarly sustained V2 rocket attacks in 1944, D-Day, the Liberation of France, British casualties in Africa, Far East casualties, etc.)

Correction: Sorry, I had a tiring day... "Excess Deaths" are the greatest since WWII, and "Total Deaths" the greatest since WWI, the latter obviously affected by population difference.

For clarity, an article based on the Office of National Statistics for 2020:

The mortality rate — the number of deaths per 1,000 people — surged by 12.1 per cent last year after 604,000 fatalities from all causes were recorded, including 77,700 where the virus was mentioned on the death certificate. It hasn't surged so much since 1940, when the Blitz and war with Germany led to 590,000 deaths and a 20 per cent jump in the annual death rate. Excluding warfare, figures reveal it is the sharpest rise in almost a century, with the last rise of 12 per cent recorded in 1929 when the country was in the grips of the Great Depression

Remember, "per 1000 people" is the important calculation - an aspect often deliberately missed by Covid sceptics.

The moral of all this waffle? Take The Vaccine

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 12:40 AM

originally posted by: ConfusedBritAs far as the UK is concerned, we suffered the greatest excess deaths in 2020 for over ONE HUNDRED YEARS,

however, the fact that "Hospital waiting times at record high with 2.15m people waiting more than 18 weeks for treatments" is doubtless a major contributing factor." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">https...://

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 12:51 AM

originally posted by: RoScoLaz5

however, the fact that "Hospital waiting times at record high with 2.15m people waiting more than 18 weeks for treatments" is doubtless a major contributing factor." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">https...://

Hi RoSco! By coincidence, I just corrected my last post (see above), ie the greatest Excess deaths since WWII, and greatest Total deaths since 1918. Sorry for that confusion.

And yes, you make a decent point. It remains to be seen how many of those unfortunate people factor into the final excess mortality rate for the UK as a whole once all the dust settles.

The Scotland and Northern Ireland figures are still due... so the total "UK" excess mortality compared to previous years may be worse than what the figures for "England & Wales" imply. (Or better, but I highly doubt that.)

I think I have a headache now...

edit on 1-2-2021 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 12:57 AM
There are concerns with mutations that the vaccine may not be effective, time will tell. So far so good though.

One article I read recently has this interesting point

the moment anyone says ‘vaccine’, the only acceptable response is to leap to your feet and salute, whilst singing Ode to Joy. Followed by fifteen minutes of enthusiastic clapping. Failure to do so, means you are taken out and shot for thought crimes. Doubleplusgood, indeed.

If you search, you can find reports of negative side effects or possible side effects. I do wish there was more openness about the side effects as Norway recommending old-poor health individuals not get it.

some links to check out. cine-2667500.html
edit on 1-2-2021 by 111DPKING111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: DarkestConspiracyMoon
Looks like the people for the vaccine and that have already taken it get extra uncomfortable /defensive when you bring up the VERY LOGICAL opposing opinion. I've come across people who seem to get offended when you bring up the fact that you're thinking for yourself and not just blindly trusting the government and the doctors when who knows what their true agenda is.

You have to question the small number of Doctors going against the grain to be fair the ones coming out with the fraudulent claims are all questionable as scientists anyway.

Your problem is assuming that everyone who is for the vaccine doesn't think for themselves.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
a reply to: djz3ro

That Dr. Judy Mikovits who was targeted for revealing some ugly truths and who was not convicted of a crime? Who lost her job and has undergone severe financial and psychological stresses because she believes the truth is more important than just being a good team player who never questions? People who stand up are ridiculed and have the legal system thrown at them in an attempt to shut them up. It's big money at stake, potentially billions and no person is going to stand in the way of that.

I say she's a very brave woman, a doctor of vast experience and one of the few I personally would trust without reservation.

But if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Faustus, Fauci, whatever his name is.

Spoken like someone who hasn't read this she is not credible.

There are other doctors than Fauci, I don't just take advice from my government, I look at the advice given the world over, UN, WHO, NHS, the word of Doctors the world over. But please carry on listening to a crack pot who admitted defeat only to carry on as if they hadn't been debunked. Fauci is actually way more credible.

But carry on thinking you're just a free thinker....

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: tribal

Well I’ll give you that, since this is a conspiracy site. I study this stuff all the time it’s my masters major and I work with Covid. On paper mRNA cannot change your genome because it can’t transport to the nucleus. But the nano particle and the mRNA can cause your DNA structure to change. This doesn’t mean the genetic sequence this is adding and removing molecules by covalent bonding. Don’t be scared about that because that’s how our cells respond to stimuli and it’s how we build immunity to any pathogen or any vaccine. Your cells unlock and lock away sections of
DNA to control gene expression by wrapping it around histone cores like a ball of yarn.

When stimulated, we have things called transcription regulators and activators that open up the DNA so we can use it and make RNA to express that DNA into protein. This will happen once the mRNA is made into protein and our cells start responding to it. Then the mRNA is destroyed by a genetic immune system. RNA vaccines should be safer, especially once we figure out the kinks. They’re also the future of vaccines.

The goal is to slow down spread and get this thing into seasonal circulation. This will slow down gain of function and problematic mutations and it will join the rest of the seasonal coronaviruses in their yearly journey through the population. Money is the driver here for the most part and getting us back to a normal footing.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

I wish it wasn't true. One of my friends has lost 2 family members and a 3rd in bad condition. Another friend took a video call from a friend, who denied Covid existed, that got it and was in hospital having signed a DNR order, his organs were beginning to shut down.

I think it might be the effects of how overblown this all seems.
I hope you understand what I'm getting at. I'm talking about how it's paraded
before us in the media. As if we should fear for our lives. Tell me do you fear
for your life the way they are gearing up the fear says you should? Listening to
the media is a joke and I will certainly argue that point. But then I haven't
seen anything of it (the disease) either. Which is enabling your feelings I suppose. I really
have no reason to doubt you at your word so I apologize.
edit on 1-2-2021 by Randyvine because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: ConfusedBrit

Hi RoSco! By coincidence, I just corrected my last post (see above), ie the greatest Excess deaths since WWII, and greatest Total deaths since 1918. Sorry for that confusion.

And yes, you make a decent point. It remains to be seen how many of those unfortunate people factor into the final excess mortality rate for the UK as a whole once all the dust settles.

The Scotland and Northern Ireland figures are still due... so the total "UK" excess mortality compared to previous years may be worse than what the figures for "England & Wales" imply. (Or better, but I highly doubt that.)

I think I have a headache now...

Huh! Duly noted. I gave you a star bit IDK what that means. lol
edit on 1-2-2021 by Randyvine because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: Randyvine

I do believe it's overblown in the media somewhat and I certainly have never feared for my life. It's vulnerable people close to me I'm worried about and my 71 year old Dad.

I believe masks work and having had no adverse side effects to any vaccine, will take this when I'm invited to.

I appreciate the apology. The fact behind all of this, whichever of us is right, false information is the big bad here.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: EvilAxis

Why, if it really isn't happening, do I know several people who've been seriously ill with it, and several who've died of it?

I guess it might be the numbers game I'm seeing played by
politicians and in the media. Where the number of covid cases
are obviously being way over blown. So can you blame all of us like
myself? I haven't complied in any way don't trust anyone injecting
anything into me or anyone I love.

Frankly I think that's a far bigger deal
then many followers seem to understand. How does ones trust
in science equate to a total trust in human beings? For me I can't just
walk right by that as many people seem to be doing. Therefore it has
nothing to do with how much I trust science when politicians are
involved. When they're involved you are no longer trusting science.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 05:43 AM
I am not going to get the vaccine. The only reason I am choosing not to get it is the lack of long term studies on its effects.

Any medication, for the non-pharmaceutical scientists, is a matter of trust. You are trusting the manufacturers of the medication to be providing what they say they are providing and nothing else. Most of the time this is fine. In some rare occasions, some pharmaceuticals have been contaminated unintentionally and cause harm.

Unless you run your own pharmaceutical lab, you really have no way to know, personally, that what you are being given is, in fact, what they say they are giving you. This can be said of almost any product that you use. Some unscrupulous people sell fake pharmaceuticals just as some unscrupulous people sell fake Rolex watches.

I can understand the skepticism of people not wanting to take the vaccine, but if any harm comes from it, I do not believe it is intentional. I believe that these manufacturers are providing what they say they are providing. I believe they believe in the efficacy of the product they are providing. I believe that the studies show that it has minimal side effects (but not zero, just like any other vaccine or medication) and that it works for the vast majority of people it is administered to.

My only concern is the lack of long term studies (which, given the time frame, are impossible to do) but that is not the fault of the manufacturers, but the urgency of the need by the populace (whether that need is actual or merely perceived can be debated).

In a nut shell, when you take an aspirin, you are trusting the manufacturer to provide aspirin and only aspirin in that tablet you are swallowing. Unless you are knowledgeable in the manufacture of aspirin and observe that manufacturing process from beginning to end, there is no way for you to personally verify that the end product is indeed aspirin, except by trusting the manufacturer and the regulatory bodies that govern such manufacturing.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

I appreciate the apology. The fact behind all of this, whichever of us is right, false information is the big bad here.

It's truly a lack of trust in our leaders my good person. When people don't
trust their leaders. Then this is exactly what you get when people have to
decide for themselves thru that lack of trust. I trust these people leading
us now like I trust a cobra.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 06:01 AM

originally posted by: EA006
a reply to: Doctor Smith



curses, foiled again!

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Don't know man, don't know.
I'm also not inclined to get it cause there's just too much that's not known.

Has anyone looked into the science that goes into this?
Incredibly complex and intricate stuff.

Just look here...

The vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca is known as ChAdOx1 nCoV-19.

Then what is ChAdOx1 ?

From wiki: ChAdOx1 is a adenoviral vaccine vector developed by the Jenner Institute, University of Oxford. The vector is a chimpanzee adenovirus modified to avoid its replication.

Hmm... so a modified chimpanzee virus is used to deliver the mRNA payload into our cells. Then much like any other virus it hijacks the ribosome and basically tricks it into producing the same protein that makes up the "spikes" on the corona virus' envelope.

Then our immune systems react to this foreign protein by producing antibodies that stick to it and signal to our white blood cells that "hey here's your target! kill it!"

Then those same antibodies stick to the corona virus' spikes when we get infected, but at that point we should have enough antibodies to overpower it and have our white blood cells make quick work of the virus before it gets too out of hand.

But then I read # like this...

From wiki: ChAdOx1 has been derived from a simian adenovirus (ChAd) serotype Y25 engineered by λ red recombination to exchange the native E4 orf4, orf6 and orf6/7 genes for those from human adenovirus HAdV-C5

Then this...

From wiki on Adenoviridae under replication:

Some adenoviruses under specialized conditions can transform cells using their early gene products. E1A (binds Retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein) has been found to immortalize primary cells in vitro allowing E1B (binds p53 tumor suppressor) to assist and stably transform the cells. Nevertheless, they are reliant upon each other to successfully transform the host cell and form tumors.

Then think to myself...

Jesus Christ this is insanity!

All these steps and genetic modifications and crap that I honestly can't begin to get a firm grasp on or wrap my mind around.

Not to mention all the information I'm lacking and the information that I want but is lacking in these articles (which adenoviruses? Under what specialized conditions?).

Then there's the fact that production was rushed on these vaccines. ( Yes I know that these type of vaccines were being researched for a while before this)

Then # even I remember from high school biology learning about why there isn't a cold vaccine - cause it mutates too quickly. (What about this virus? Well nobody is sure about that one yet)

Then we got mass media censorship and draconian measures in place that stifle all information across a broad spectrum of categories including but not limited to medical, social, political and economical...

We got medical experts contradicting themselves. Getting shots on live TV in their left arm then complaining about soreness at the injection site while rubbing their right arm in another TV spot a few days later.

Oh yeah, before I forget. Does anyone know how and when the hell the host cell's ribosome decides to stop using the foreign mRNA strand and discard it? Well if you do then maybe you should win a god dang prize cause modern science doesn't have the answer to that one yet either. (This does happen eventually by the way, but the mechanism by which it happens is not understood)

Full disclosure: I have covid-19, worst part so far is no sense of smell or taste and headaches. Then I read on the CDC's website that I should still get the vaccine after contracting and recovering from the virus? What the hell man?

How the hell am I supposed roll up my sleeve and say "yes please, I'll take two pricks" without a second thought or pause for concern?

edit on 1-2-2021 by totalperdition because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-2-2021 by totalperdition because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-2-2021 by totalperdition because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-2-2021 by totalperdition because: (no reason given)

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