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originally posted by: alphabetaone
originally posted by: carewemust
those of us who want lots of Democrat fraud/cheating uncovered
Somehow, I think i would have far more respect for some people if they said they want "lots of fraud cheating uncovered" without tacking on a party affiliation. It almost makes one believe that you think Conservatives aren't equally as prone to it.
originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Doctor Smith
Yeah, I saw that pathetic display.
Well, this Arizonan doesn't give a rat's patootie what he thinks. Real Americans think for themselves, not let pasty faced weaselly reporters tell us what to think... much less what to do. I'm pretty sure I'm in good company too.
We're doing the audit anyway.
After publicly expressing "grave concerns" over Arizona's audit of the 2020 election results...
...Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D) was "stripped" of her ability to "defend election lawsuits" by the state's Republican-led House Appropriations Committee, reported Arizona's ABC 15 on Tuesday. The duty was transferred "exclusively" to Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) through the end of the 2023 fiscal year.
Democrats say the move is retaliation against Hobbs' defense of Arizona voters in "lawsuits filed by the State Republican Party and others challenging Arizona's election results," per ABC 15. "It can't be just a coincidence" that Republicans are blocking a "vocal critic of the audit," writes Elvia Díaz for Democratic State Rep. Randy Friese reportedly called the move "troubling," "disturbing," and "quite nefarious."
The Pennsylvania-based IT company that was in charge of running the hand recount of Maricopa County ballots is no longer involved in the audit.
The contract with Wake TSI ended May 14, the original completion date for the hand count, and the company chose not to renew its contract, according to Randy Pullen, an audit spokesperson and former state GOP chair.
"They were done," he said. "They didn't want to come back."
Pullen said that Scottsdale-based technology company StratTech Solutions took over Monday running the hand count, using Wake's procedures.
The company has been involved in the audit since the beginning, Pullen said, including helping set up the technology for the hand count procedures. It's unclear whether the company, which specializes in cybersecurity and other internet technology, has any election or auditing experience.
originally posted by: Boadicea
I really hope the Senate has more reason for doing this than what is publicly known. Otherwise it does look like a partisan power play from certain perspectives.
What hasn’t looked partisan?
originally posted by: Annee
originally posted by: Boadicea
I really hope the Senate has more reason for doing this than what is publicly known. Otherwise it does look like a partisan power play from certain perspectives.
Ya think?
“The duty was transferred "exclusively" to Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) through the end of the 2023 fiscal year.”
What hasn’t looked partisan?
Two reasons were given Monday for Luzerne County Republican ballots mislabeled as Democratic ones on electronic screens at polling places in the May 18 primary.
Dominion Voting Systems Inc., which supplied and programs the devices, said “human error” caused the data entry typographical mistake in the heading at the top of the ballot, according to company executive vice president of operations Nicole Nollette.
And county Administrative Services Division Head David Parsnik acknowledged the county does not test the on-screen ballots after they are approved. The county leaves it up to Dominion to program them into the electronic ballot marking devices with no county examination before the machines are locked up for delivery, he said.
Numerous voters spoke during the virtual session to express outrage over the ballot mislabeling and, in some cases, problems poll workers encountered with voting equipment.
There were calls for ending use of the Dominion system and returning to paper ballots and terminating county management involved in elections.
Election Board member Missy Thomas said she believes the company should do more by helping to fund an independent forensic audit of the election, arguing the ballot mislabeling caused many to lose faith in voting and confidence in Dominion.
“These machines — their credibility is lost,” she said, predicting the county will have trouble getting election workers due to the mishap. “The system is compromised.”
With some citizens bringing up general complaints about Dominion, she said the company has been the target of a “disinformation campaign” since the November 2020 presidential general election.
“I truly apologize for the people on this call and more broadly that have been lied to. We at Dominion do not lie,” she said.
originally posted by: Nunyabizisit
a reply to: Boadicea
Thank you for your incredible ongoing effort on this subject!
Are the last surviving republican spines all in Arizona right now?
Does seem to look that way sometimes.
What we have seen though, is that many towns have bizarre date/time stamps on their machine tapes. Two towns, Londonderry and Amherst set one of their machines to zero and counted ballots on October 17 and October 23 respectively, 17 and 11 days before the election! Yes, an incorrectly set time clock could account for this, but why is this an issues in 2 of the 4 towns we have checked? Also, on several of the other Londonderry machines, they set the machine to zero around 11 PM, four hours after the polls closed when all ballots should’ve already been entered into the machines. They then ran final tally tapes three hours later. Were there observers from each party still in the room when this was done, many hours after the polls had closed?
Although the cause of the vote discrepancy does not appear to be due to fraud, that does not absolve the Secretary of State for his lack of curiosity in explaining this abnormality, when he dismissed the discrepancy stating “it didn’t change the outcome of the election.” It also does not excuse the Attorney General for refusing to look into this issue either.
originally posted by: carewemust
Dammit! Forensic audits are ILLEGAL and will VOID THE MACHINE WARRANTIES!
Read and Obey:
In a separate letter to all Michigan counties that use its equipment, Dominion warned that transferring machines to unaccredited auditors could void licensing agreements and render the equipment “unqualified for official use.”
The letter also warned that restoring certification to machines examined by third parties could be costly — and that cost would fall on local governments.
“Remember, your voting system is deemed critical infrastructure by the U.S. government and should be utilized, maintained and protected as such,” states the letter, which was sent in early May. “Chain of custody breaches may require a separate forensic audit and software reinstallation by an accredited lab.”
In Georgia' Arizona, Pennsylvania and a couple others the Republican and independent observers were totally shut out from seeing the process.
Unprecedented in US history.