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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 34 -

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posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: Sakashima
In this stream when Biden is installed, there's no girl in white or girl in pink whatsoever near Biden at his installment oath.

Around the 1h46 mark.

Also noticed Jill wearing 2 different pairs of shoes.

She might have changed them. Rolls eyes....

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

It can't violate First Amendment

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 11:46 PM

The world is one big Movie, a stage set, it's all scripted, the elite are the actors and you are an extra. It's one big club and YOU ain't in it.đź’Ą

We're living in a 24/7 Saturday Night live skit!

posted on Jan, 23 2021 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: SKEPTEK

Statement from Tacoma Police on police car incident with a quote from police chief Snowflake.

edit on 23-1-2021 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Because we all change shoes midway through the day of a big event. I'm sure the blue heels were much more comfortable than the tan heels.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: Phoenix

Btw, no way no how is Lin unhinged or crazy as is being pushed about msm and msi

I agree the likelyhood of 2 prominent attorneys and one pillow business man all going insane at the same time is unlikely.

However, perhaps they are deepstate and their goal was to appease trump and his supporters to stay on the sideline thinking they were winning in the background when in reality the deepstate was handing them their arses?

Perhaps they intend to keep stroking people with what they want to be real to keep them pacified as they rebuild back stronger?

I think George Carlin, if he where still here, would say well that scenario where three people throw away their lives over a Larp is more likely after Bats fly out of their asses.

It is way more likely they know something. This isn't a bunch of flunky drug addicts from a back alley in Baltimore.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: interupt42

originally posted by: Phoenix
a reply to: interupt42

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps - cow dung!

Hopium , Hopium, Hopium - cow dung!

There is a growing body of evidence external to the interview providing enough information to more than back it up as far more than larping as insinuated.

Look I wish it were true, but so far:


It seems to me you put significantly more value on dates than most Ku-followers.

People are putting theories together that may or may not line up with something. But similar to biblical prophecy, it’s most easily discernible looking backwards.

“no one knows the day or the hour...”
True for the return of Jesus
True for weathermen
True for Ku theory-writers

Doesn’t keep people from making guesses on any/all of the above and more...

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 01:16 AM
Dark tonight....and the stage is still up...guess they took the weekend off?

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 01:17 AM
Fire Rips Through COVID-19 Vaccine Plant in India

Fire erupted Thursday in a building under construction in India that is owned by the world’s largest vaccine maker, but the company said it would not affect production of a COVID-19 vaccine.

“I would like to reassure all governments & the public that there would be no loss of COVISHIELD production due to multiple production buildings that I had kept in reserve to deal with such contingencies,” Poonawalla tweeted.

SII has been contracted to produce a billion does of the vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University.

All the news articles repeat this line: "Production of Covid-19 vaccines unaffected."

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Well...unless they happened to have a pair in her size in another color inside as she walked through and swapped them....

I dont recall seeing anyone carrying shoes, or even a bag that could have had is an oddity.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 02:12 AM
Im way back catching up but I just caught the White House having gone dark?
Any guesses as to why?

ETA: Ops Vasa beat me to it. Oh well now its been ATS verified!
edit on 1/24/21 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: igloo

It's not posted on Scavino's instagram. Apparently went viral back in Aug 2019.


Thanks, I'll take it down now.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 03:31 AM

originally posted by: onehuman
Im way back catching up but I just caught the White House having gone dark?
Any guesses as to why?

Perhaps they're actually serious in their commitment to action over climate change and are saving power.

Did anyone catch the article in Cosmopolitan?

A major reason that QAnon messaging was so successful on social media is that many influencers didn’t know (at least at first) that the language they were slipping in between stories on meditation and essential oils was linked to a conspiracy theory whose main goal was to prop up Donald Trump.

Instead, these influencers were just doing what influencers do: following the metrics. “If something interests you, and every time you post about it, you get more followers or subscribers, that’s helping you a lot,” says Kelly. It’s not that they didn’t believe what they were posting. But, she adds, “we’re persuaded into what we believe a little more strongly by the response of those around us.”

...As she spent more and more time online, digging deeper into the theories she saw on her feeds, she joined a QAnon Facebook group that was not bathed in the flattering glow of the Paris filter but was instead “downright crazy,” she says. The guru women preaching love and light who drew her into the movement, who “groomed” her, had now been replaced with…angry men.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 03:50 AM
WHat we are experiencing is a Power Vacuum.

Seemingly, there is no one in charge.

So ... why aren't the media filling the void.

Seems that exciting things are happening but we just can't see them.

Exciting times!


posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

Seemingly, there is no one in charge.

Now you see him, now you don't.


posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I was going to post the other day about this, choosing the right shoes for a once in a lifetime occasion is very important to a women. The shoes at the ceremony match the outfit, the ones on the steps don't. You change your shoes if they are hurting you and you cant walk properly, no other real reason to. So why would she change her shoes for another pair of the same height if they were hurting her ? Surely
you would go to lower more comfortable ones ?

Also - going back to the Inauguration ceremony ...
Why does Harris make her oath with her hand on top of a black pocket book/large wallet which has a zip round the side and has been put on top of a second book ? I realise that one should be a Bible but if it's the top one it's a very small odd one, and if it is the top one why the need for a second book underneath.

On the TV I saw on the day you can only just see this briefly during the oath, but as her husband turns and walks back to his seat the camera switches angles to an above view and you can see the black book quite clearly. I can't now find the video I saw this on to get to the right timings ... but I am sure it is there.

edit on 24-1-2021 by TigerDrew because: Changed some words

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 05:34 AM
I have a question(s)

Is it true that the capital's federal buildings are still barrocaded? And if so why?

I hear the city is still in covid lockdown, so what are the barricades protecting?


EDIT Oops I was using google to search (bad habit) duckduckgo provided this

Says they're staying barricaded til weds, and were/are erected to stop the peaceful protests that happened at the inauguration.

edit on 24-1-2021 by FinallyAwake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: FinallyAwake

There's talk of having 7000 troops remain in DC until mid-March.

There has been absolutely no indication of right-wing "riots"/protests, but it fits their narrative to keep DC occupied.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 06:28 AM
#Durham Pg 6 Declassified FBI emails from "London debrief"
- New infor drops just before Inauguration Day
- New clues help fill in more of this matrix ???
- Can we solve hidden in Column 5: _____ to ___

Impeachment Witness Fiona Hill Connected Christopher Steele To Dossier Source, Alleges Declassified Doc
- FIONA HILL = one of main witnesses in Ukraine "perfect call"
- FIONA HILL = now served as connection between CS & Dossier Source
- this source later told FBI it was "bar talk, not intended for FBI"

0:40 - Great pride in being non-partisan; served under 3 presidents
2:45 - Just learned went to same University as Holmes (other witness)
4:00 - Under Bush/BO = Intel Committee's Senior Expert on Russia/Ukraine
General Flynn part of group that hired Hill
5:00 - Russia, not Ukraine attacked = public conclusion & bi-partisan reports
Beyond dispute, even if some details must remain confidential
6:45 - Asks committee to not promote Political Falsehoods... it helps Russia

Devin Nunes asks Hill about CS (just watch part from 1:00-3:33)
1) Do you know met with: Chalupa, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson?
2) CS was your counterpart? Met in 2016? When? How many times?
3) Colleague showed you Dossier? Strobe Talbott/day before Buzzfeed
4) Dossier was a "rabbit hole"? Yes
5) Who paid CS to generate the Steele DOSSIERS... several of them.
GPS Fusion, Law Firm involved, DNC and Clinton Foundation

Hill Says Longtime Clinton Crony Showed Her Steele Dossier Before It Was Published
- President of Brookings Institution & Clinton-ally
- HRC tapped ST to chair State Dept Foreign Affairs Advisory Board (2011)
- In Summer 2016, Talbott reached out to CS about his work
- Told CS learned of report via Susan Rice (denies) or Nuland (no comment)
- CS then provides Talbott a copy of dossier in Nov 2016.
- Talbott then passes it to others, including Fiona Hill
- Talbott is also brother-in-law to CODY SHEARER (important, more later)
Steele Updated Clinton Ally on Dossier Progress in 2016

Emails: State Department Officials Grappled With How To Handle Christopher Steele’s Intelligence Reports
- Victoria Nuland has strong ties to John Kerry.
- In Nov 2014, Nuland introduced to CS by Jonathan Winer.
(Winer also a long time Kerry aide)
- Soon afterwards, they helped set up "O Reports".
- 2014-16, US Intel receives dozens of stripped pro-bono reports (no CS link?)
- Only handful knew multiple US intel sources = may be same source???

Catherine Herridge: Follow the Pen
More from 2017 Steele FBI interview summary or “302.”
edit on 24-1-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: steaming
a reply to: igloo

[ Louise Hays interpretation of Sciatica:

SCIATICA: Being hypocritical. Fear of money & of the future.

Louise Hay affirmations ]

That is a complete waste of space & time....................... it even sees CANCER as a self inundated means of personal hate etc.

Obvious it has never studied Anatomical reasoning, But go for it, it's a said 'Free world' and everyone should forever be allowed Free Speech plus treasured self opinions etc. She has never stood by the side of a Medical Surgeon to watch just what it really takes to attempt the positive Cure of serious Sciatica, more serious as a person ages and Bones weaken, thereby trapping nerves etc.
Have a nice day now.

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: steaming
a reply to: igloo

[ Louise Hays interpretation of Sciatica:

SCIATICA: Being hypocritical. Fear of money & of the future.

Louise Hay affirmations ]

That is a complete waste of space & time....................... it even sees CANCER as a self inundated means of personal hate etc.

Obvious it has never studied Anatomical reasoning, But go for it, it's a said 'Free world' and everyone should forever be allowed Free Speech plus treasured self opinions etc. She has never stood by the side of a Medical Surgeon to watch just what it really takes to attempt the positive Cure of serious Sciatica, more serious as a person ages and Bones weaken, thereby trapping nerves etc.
Have a nice day now.

I didn't post the Louise Hays thing and I don't believe it. Someone else did a few pages back. I tried to respond to that post and the contents of my post disappeared so I gave up as I didn't think it that important.

What I was trying to say was that I completely disagree that it is psychological and that I have had severe sciatic pain from an old back injury that can happen if I simply twist in a certain direction while lifting things. It leaves me finding it hard to breathe and can be so severe that my legs won't hold me up and can last for a few days. That said... pope being elderly likely has had injuries over a lifetime, like the rest of us, that continue to haunt him.

You guys need to look into neural flossing. It will probably fix your sciatic problem. It worked for me, anyhow.

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