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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: onehuman
My confidence level in Mike Pence went up a notch when he canceled his Jan 7th trip to Israel Wednesday(yesterday).

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: onehuman
My confidence level in Mike Pence went up a notch when he canceled his Jan 7th trip to Israel Wednesday(yesterday).

Yeah but the question is, or my question is, did he do it on his own for personal reasons or was it "suggested" and or "stressed" that it would good idea if he did cancel it.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 01:41 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
The "Downtown" RV bomber story gets more & more bizarre.

I thought it was weird how the police at the scene were so concerned about ammo "cooking off" right after the blast, they kept everyone out. Seems like a cover story to buy some time and space for covert ops.

I know I am late but just had to say that those cars that were burning probably had loaded magazines and guns in then. Tennessee is one of those states you can open carry a sidearm. A lot of people at least keep weapons in their trunk or glovebox in most states where guns are still legal to carry. The stolen guns often occur because the car was stolen when the gun owner is attempting to comply with weapons laws in cities. The fact that men will slaughter other men over almost nothing is the problem and it is not the weapon of choice.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 01:45 AM
This little 8-second clip of Businessman Donald Trump telling Dan Rather how he operates, is very applicable to the present.

Extremely relevant for Jan 2021:

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: onehuman

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: onehuman
My confidence level in Mike Pence went up a notch when he canceled his Jan 7th trip to Israel Wednesday(yesterday).

Yeah but the question is, or my question is, did he do it on his own for personal reasons or was it "suggested" and or "stressed" that it would good idea if he did cancel it.

The "Times of Israel" publication says its a mystery why Pence cancelled his trip.


IMO, if Pence was dead-set on confirming Joe Biden as our next President, he would not have cancelled.

Those who have studied the history of contested electors, say the June 6th special session of Congress could last 2 or 3 days, if the evidence against Joe Biden's victory being legitimate, is strong.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
a reply to: Justoneman

I actually laughed (yet again) at CNN saying the girlfriend reported him for making explosives in his RV, apparently, the police knocked and didnt get an answer, so they just left it.

What a load of absolute bollocks, the most sensitive nation to terrorism just left the fact that an ex military, alien believing conspiracy theorist was making explosives in his RV.


The Police apparently keep trying to say the Attorney said NOT to go there. And the Attorney claims he told the Cops Warren had the knowledge to build a big bomb and to look in that RV. The interesting twist is the girlfriend who was suicidal we are learning when she made the claim.

The thing about it being a different RV is a big mystery for me. But this report gives credence to he is a lone wolf. That is best for all if it is the truth. Sad that he didn't get help or someone actually stopped him in time.

edit on 31-12-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 02:59 AM
Because attorney Lin Wood has won so many Defamation lawsuits for clients, he certainly knows how to trigger one against himself.

Wood has been trying hard to get Chief Justice John Roberts to file a defamation suit against him, but Roberts won't do it.

Why won't Roberts sue me?:

Here's why. If Justice Roberts (or anyone else) wants to sue for defamation, he'll have to prove Lin Wood is lying.

But if Lin is telling the truth, Roberts would only be indicting himself by going after Mr. Wood.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 03:00 AM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Apologies for continuing to report on election fraud evidence being presented today.

I'm done...and I'll try to catch up now...

Aliens and UFO's now, is it?

Q did reference a UFO one time, lol.

I hate to say this, but the more I read, the more I can confirm the bible. But, not in its original context, that's the problem. We were ignorant and uneducated, for the most part, of technology and the complete set of natural laws.

The Bible even tells us who had the power.

UFOs do not exist. But hidden, ancient technology, does...

Way behind in the thread, but to me the "God" in the Bible has always been the devil. All of the destruction and chaos would be unfit for an all forgiving deity like the God people allegedly worship. I stopped believing when I was a teenager and became able to recognize and form my own thought process; but alas, Satan being the deity talked about in the Bible has always made more sense. Satan is worshipped like a deity. Allegedly has all the same powers as a deity. Allegedly likes chaos and destruction. All of the sinning in the Bible written as if its celebrated rather than looked down upon.

Or, Satan/Lucifer/Whatever name you call it, was an arch angel sent to Hell to punish those who did the evil deeds. If you believe God is God and Satan is Satan -- then Satan is just doing what his father made him do -- punish those deserving of it. So how could Satan really be evil? Is Satan really evil? We're told he is by the way the Bible is translated, misconstrued and manipulated by the pastors priests and preachers. We're not supposed to just believe everything we're told. That's what sheep are.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 03:21 AM

originally posted by: imthegoat

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Apologies for continuing to report on election fraud evidence being presented today.

I'm done...and I'll try to catch up now...

Aliens and UFO's now, is it?

Q did reference a UFO one time, lol.

I hate to say this, but the more I read, the more I can confirm the bible. But, not in its original context, that's the problem. We were ignorant and uneducated, for the most part, of technology and the complete set of natural laws.

The Bible even tells us who had the power.

UFOs do not exist. But hidden, ancient technology, does...

Way behind in the thread, but to me the "God" in the Bible has always been the devil. All of the destruction and chaos would be unfit for an all forgiving deity like the God people allegedly worship. I stopped believing when I was a teenager and became able to recognize and form my own thought process; but alas, Satan being the deity talked about in the Bible has always made more sense. Satan is worshipped like a deity. Allegedly has all the same powers as a deity. Allegedly likes chaos and destruction. All of the sinning in the Bible written as if its celebrated rather than looked down upon.

Or, Satan/Lucifer/Whatever name you call it, was an arch angel sent to Hell to punish those who did the evil deeds. If you believe God is God and Satan is Satan -- then Satan is just doing what his father made him do -- punish those deserving of it. So how could Satan really be evil? Is Satan really evil? We're told he is by the way the Bible is translated, misconstrued and manipulated by the pastors priests and preachers. We're not supposed to just believe everything we're told. That's what sheep are.

I don't really know much about the bible but from what I've gathered so far this year it's a mind weapon from interdimensional beings and it's inverted like every thing else. Like this:

At least with "god" worshiping. I find it hard to believe that human sacrifice is what is intended by the Divine Ruler of positive polarity, especially with a bunch of elite whack-jobs doing exactly that all over the country at various pizza parlors. What ever it is they're doing you shouldn't be doing it.

Robert Monroe, in his book Far Journeys, mentioned a similar perspective:
entities from a higher level of reality, in their eagerness to obtain a "scarce good" that would be found within the organic molecules disseminated throughout the galaxy, perform a series of biological experiments, starting with the First and Second Crops, that is, the Stationaries or vegetables and the Mobiles or animal.

This "scarce good," called Loosh, is easily collected when it emerges in a conflict situation, especially during the death of a living organism:
As the Second Crop grew scarce, energy needs of the Mobiles became acute. Often two Mobiles would seek to ingest the identical Second Crop unit. This created Conflict, which resulted in physical struggle among two or more of the ungainly Mobiles.

Someone observed these struggles, at first bemused with the problem, then with great interest. As the struggles ensued, the Mobiles were emanating Loosh!
Not in fractional amounts, but in sizable, usable quantities and of a much higher purity.
He quickly put the theory to the test. He removed another unit of First Crop from the liquid Garden area, redesigned it for the gaseous environment - but with one significant change.
The new Mobile would be somewhat smaller, but would require the ingestion of other Mobiles for nourishment.
This would solve the problem of overpopulation of Mobiles, and at the same time would create good quantities of usable Loosh during each conflict-struggle, plus a bonus if the new class of Mobile terminated the life span of the other.

It's probably a historical record with much cut and added to keep us confused. You can contact "God" (Christ Consciousness) very easily and naturally if you know what you're doing and don't mind doing illegal things—well, at least if you want to blast off to that consciousness without learning meditation or yoga or what ever.
The planet provides.


Those slime-balls got the whole game on lock, bruh. They think we're #ing stupid.

edit on fThursdayAmerica/Chicago5303699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: imthegoat

Satan or Lucifers main deal was pride. Thought he was better than god, therefore got put down lol. Apparently along with 1/3 of the angels too.

At least according to our "current" version of the bible, no doubt a mere distorted shadow of the original ancient text.

And in the king James version, god indeed doesn't seem like such a great fella. More like "hey I want these pets in this garden" and then the snake crossed up his plans. Bibles a good read with a discerning eye.
edit on 31-12-2020 by SuicideKing33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Your average citizen didn't do sh*t to "build the system", so don't include them.

All they've been doing for decades is work hard to try to pay the mortgage and feed their kids.

I've had nothing to do with slavery of any kind. Don't even go there. 🤬

I hear ya CT, it’s Infuriating how we’ve been Deceived into helping to build this slave system.
From the horse’s mouth, David Rockefeller, paraphrased “ It wouldn’t have been possible to establish the foundation of the NWO with out a complicit MSM “ . Every time people say “ We get the Government we Deserve “ it triggers me big time ! How the Hell could we have even conceived the level of Lies ,Deceit and Gaslighting that’s been deployed to achieve “ Mr. Global’s “ Hell on Earth World Vision !?

Yet, here we are and our enemies have us all dependent on this system for our basic needs and comforts, lol, as much as I Love camping, even that takes a car load full of supplies and ice bought from the store ! IDK CT, sorry your vacation was ruined and it looks like traveling will be one of the 1st things to go if you refuse to get the jab.

My point is that anything we can do to not feed the beast, using local banks/credit unions, supporting small business, etc. is at least a start.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 06:47 AM
Never thought of China involvement, however upon learning about pkst/ China alliance, I can see them being (pkst) a proxies. Hey Joe about that wire, and your prediction wassup wit that?

a reply to: Caled

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 07:35 AM
Today I woke up wondering if Q's DURHAM is a a double ref ... Not like we haven't talked about her.... Interesting article on

Keep in mind just research ... YMMV
Ann Durham & ....A Khazar Rothschild

The following family tree demonstrates how Hitler was secretly a Rothschild descendent and therefore is also part Jewish (Khazarian Zionist). Meaning that Barack Obama is also a Rothschild descendent and also part Jewish. What's even more interesting is that Obama's real biological father was the founder of an Indonesian Islamic cult known as Subud, which his biological mother was also a member of. No wonder there are so many issues relating to Obama's fake birth certificates.

Just For Fun .. ran across this too

edit on 12312020 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: IAMTAT

Oh no, not Mary Ann. Weird, got a flashback of Q favorite gunship video of Gilligan's Island.
Q4776 & other drops.

Gilligan’s writer was Sherwood Schwartz.

In this video interview with Schwartz...
Link is cued to start @ 17:40

* He states TV used to be driven by Ad Agencies not TV Networks... until 1962, Newt Minow the Chairman of the FCC changed TV (in his words, Minow ruined Television). Minow now places each network in charge of every show. Whatever they (the networks) say, goes.

* He states The SS Minnow was named after Newt Minow.

* Minow recruited Obama in 1988 to work for his law firm Sidley Austin LLP as a summer associate, where Obama met his future wife Michelle Robinson

* Minow pursued Obama on the recommendation of daughter Martha, who was Obama’s law professor.

* Barack Obama named him a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom for 2016.

* He is great-uncle to Adam Frankel, a speechwriter of his former protege, Barack Obama.

Interesting facts about the old Gilligan's Island.
Watched it as a kid...and beyond in reruns.
The TV scene has always been pretty dark behind it's scenes.

Years ago, I became pretty close to one of the stars of the show.
I brought it up once and ONLY once when asking them to talk about it.
They shut down the discussion immediately...and we never spoke of it again.
edit on 31-12-2020 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: Im2keul
a reply to: All Seeing Eye
How awesome if he is the Kraken?

Not "The" Kracken. But might get to play "A" Kracken, when the trials commence

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: onehuman
Now that is appears we have found where that picture of POTUS was taken, (last debate with Hillary) why is this picture so important now? It wouldnt have been brought out if it wasnt important.

Is the the same night he said she'd be in Jail? Through this whole vote debacle there has been hints that her fingers have been in the pie also behind the scenes. The driving all in factor behind it.

We are focused on Pence, what if we should be focusing on her. What if she might be the one arrested on the 6th? Nobody is looking for this right now. Focus is on pretty much everything BUT her, yet we know she is the queen bee more or less.

That would be a real attention getter no doubt about that. Thoughts? Any numbers pointing at her or anything you can think of? Seems like I read a Q drop she was mentioned in a few pages back?

Along the same lines of my comment earlier about optics and arresting a rhino first, Clinton is probably one of the few Dems who could be arrested and most people over 25 would be “eh... I’m not mad”. She is not well liked among anyone who isn’t elite or an irreversibly brainwashed liberal and those people will see any arrest, even a rhino arrest, as a political revenge move by Trump because he’s been very critical of Roberts and Rhinos publicly.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

That Videon show by FlyingFox, well, the Officer in Grey uniform has a Leaf symbol on the collar. Does thet match the symbolic image seen on page 40 as shown by OneHuman ??? or is it just my ruddy eyes, that are nowadays slightly blurred.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:37 AM
This guy points to the Elephant in the Room pretty accurately ...


THERE’S A LOT of media hoopla just now over a new strain of coronavirus that is more infectious than the original that causes covid-19. They speak, now, of a coming covid-21 pandemic, a new worldwide health emergency that will require more and longer lockdowns everywhere outside China, which will further degrade the national economies of every country except China, which is the biggest reason why the covid diseases exist in the first place: making China the supreme world economic superpower, to which all other countries must bow and pay money.

Looks like China is making moves ..

Merck, Bristol Myers, AstraZeneca and Roche lose bid to expand PD-1/L1 reach in China

edit on 12312020 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:43 AM
A few observations on the Panic-Demic in Cali I made yesterday after visiting hospital.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 08:44 AM
I agree that it’s not popular and I’ve never really bought the idea that she was actively involved but her behavior before and after the assassination, her marriage to Onassis, her family connections growing up, etc Make it hard to trust her. I think it’s entirely plausible that she was DS or CIA sent to manage JFK from the beginning. I don’t think their marriage was one of love for either or them and in the weeks leading up to his death she certainly behaved strangely. Obviously, she’s just suffered an unspeakable tragedy and that could very easily account for her behavior but some of it was weird regardless of the circumstances.

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