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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:40 PM
Guys...He didn’t SAY it was over. Trust me, if it’s over he’d be VERY CLEAR about it.

It’s not over. Hold the line!
edit on 12-1-2021 by texasgirl because: Soelling

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I missed the speech and am listening now - did he say it in regard to the wall or did he mention it a second time? I am listening and in regard to the wall he said NEXT administration taking it down - (may not be exact but for that one it was next).

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:40 PM
It's a movie.
They haven't rolled any credits yet.
And... even after the credits start rolling, you shouldn't stop watching.
Sometimes there are Easter Eggs in the credits.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:42 PM
Any new tweets or what not from Mike Pompeo lately? I’d like to hear what his thoughts are about Trump mentioning incoming Biden Administration.
edit on 12-1-2021 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Over 800K by the end - those are supposed to be loser numbers?

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: thesaint

SqUID's future starts hear

Relax. Breath. GO enjoy yourselfonaShELF.

We are all Qued in but are we Q'd in the right direction?
Turn off tv.
What did our Easy friend say yesterday?
What has our friend said in the past regarding Q? Q+,Q++, etc.
What about the other side of the spectrum? -Q and Downward and So on, and off?
What is msm and social media saying about conspiring on alternative platforms.
Be at the READy!
Communication black out.
This is our final frontier.
It's not the where that we all go
It's the WHen!

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:44 PM
A little light on DJT's 25th Joe statement.

So most heard that and felt a drop within, a deflation.

The Q-uestion one has to ask is WHO was that meant for? Was it for US or for THEM?

We will pick up on the feeling either way.

It was meant for THEM. He is saying he knows what was planned for Joe, and he has proof of it.

Chance to redeem was being offered, he can step down now under those terms.

Also, odd use of "knowingly" but no direct double confirmation on any drop.

As always, the MOST POSITIVE PRESIDENT EVER. The addiction to fear, hate etc. is too strong in many sadly.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:46 PM
This# reflects opposition researchers as well as supporters.

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: IAMTAT

Over 800K by the end - those are supposed to be loser numbers?

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Yeah, guys keep the faith. Where is Nancy? What’s the traffic in DC look like?

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:47 PM
For anyone thinking that a Biden administration will calm things down, let me assure you: It won’t.

Things will keep getting worse.

The global financial system is an 'unsustainable' Ponzi scheme. People will get more restless and the corporate police state will get more repressive.

Hope everyone is ready for pandemic and a war... err "conflict'. The war hawks & hypocrites are back and the C!A is back in the White House.

Pondering the there anything going on presently that is NOT typical of an empire in the early stages of collapse? Guess depends if you see America as a satellite of the British Empire or the Roman (Vatican) Empire.

Don't worry, the Great Reset will fix everything.

"The end won't be for everyone." -Q

Here are the world leaders who most stand to lose — and to gain — from a Biden presidency:

President Trump in Texas:

"The 25th Amendment is of zero risk to me but will come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden administration ... be careful what you wish for."

The good guys lost but only a battle. We live to fight another day.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:48 PM
Q "The Wall"

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8071a4 No.894110 📁
Apr 4 2018 15:05:21 (EST)
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8071a4 No.893904 📁
Apr 4 2018 14:52:00 (EST)
It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET.
Massive intel sweep.
Manafort was a plant.
Trace background.
Open source.
Who was arrested?
Non US.
Trace background.
Open source.
Carter Page was a plant.
Trace background.
Open source.
Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?
Flynn is safe.
Define 'witness'.
Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?
Russia Russia Russia?
Real or fake?
Seth Rich?
MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?
MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel'
No investigation into WL receipt of information?
No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL?
No pull down of NSA metadata period?
Nothing transferred across web?
Direct-to-Direct bypass dump?
No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software?
No 'direct' investigation into CS?
FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS's report on data breach?
HUSSEIN block?
HUSSEIN control?
Awan attached?
Cheatin' Obama.
Trust the plan.
Troops to Border.
Clown Black Ops.
Private funds.
Raised how?
Troops @ Border does what?
To who?
D's involved.
MS_13/Illegals road block.
Sex traffic road block.
Children road block.
Drugs road block.
Guns road block.
China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block.
Name we don't say AZ road block.
Jeff Flake AZ road block.
Big money TERMINATE.
The WALL means more than you know.
The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.
Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148027165 📁
Nov 5 2017 00:06:58 (EST)
Who funds MS13?
Why did BO instruct HS & BP to release MS13 captures at the border?
What agency has direct ties to (2) major drug cartels?
Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing the removal of MS13?
Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing building the wall?
Who do you hire for a hit?
Who can be eliminated after the job is complete?
Seth Rich.
Who was found dead (2) shortly after his murder?
What affiliation did they have?

He covered quite a few of these topics today. Hmmm.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: MayRenee

Opposition to what? He's done in what, 8 days?
And how many "opposition researchers" are we talking about? 10? 20? 500,000?
Too funny
edit on 1 12 2021 by underpass61 because: added

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: samuelsson
Thank you, I appreciate that. I'm just feeling very anxious right now like i know we all are

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:49 PM
It's not over

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

Pompeii is about to explode!

One minute deltas!

Hold the/this_________________

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Sounds like he just admitted there will be a Biden administration.

Yeah, I heard that... ugh...

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
a reply to: texasgirl

Trump sign will stay up until the 20th....and hopefully beyond.

EDT...I didn't HEAR him say "I concede"...but I did hear him acknowledge a "Biden administration" existing in the future.
Simple logic tells me it's over...but I'll watch and wait to see what Trump does.

I understand but you can’t apply simple logic to Trump or the Q movement. You’ve always been dedicated to Q and the plan and have held belief this movement will be victorious. It’s one of the reasons I’ve stayed the course, too.

He’s got this. Trust the plan, man!😀

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:52 PM
I listened further and heard the correct reference...while I have no idea what will happen, he said the Biden administration in regard to the 25th amendment...ironically, a few minutes before I starting the video I was thinking about how a sentence can be taken multiple ways depending on the listener and can expand beyond that when being retold. How something is said can be equally important as what words are being said. Technically Biden has his administration chosen so couldn't it be argued that those wanting to invoke the 25th on Trump within the selected Biden admin come to regret trying to pull Trump out...

I am currently hoping that Trump has something legal up his sleeve that would allow him to remain president. I hope bad guys are being exposed and I hope that America gets a chance to wipe away some of the bad stuff that has been happening but I am not convinced that it will....that to echo what others have said, I trust that God is ultimately in control so while it may not turn out the way I would like it will be what He allows.
edit on 12-1-2021 by bradychick because: fixing jumbled sentence

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Makes sense to me. He was talking about the Administration of the Office of the President Elect.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: BoomGiggle
Do you have a link to where you see that please?

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