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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: Riouz5
Please stop all this Hocus Pocus , it seriously. Negates the motto of this website Deny Ignorance..and also shows how deluded alot of Americans are. Rigged or Not Biden will Repeat WILL be President on the 20th

People started playing video games so intensely they lost track of reality. They lived ate and slept the video game. They became so engrossed in the game, they became, the game. The real world became a digital reality they foolishly absorbed themselves into.

Biden is nothing but a digital representation of something that is factious in the real world. 80,000,000 votes for biden, digital. 76,000,000 votes for trump, real world. Trump, is the commander and chief of the deciding factor, military. And there are 15,000 of them in Washington.

Now, who do really think won?? Reality, or digital??

ADDED: Fire for effect

edit on AMTuesdayTuesday thAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago2919 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

I thought he will be speaking from the TOWN of Alamo, Texas, down by the Rio Grande -- right by the Wall.


posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: butcherguy

No crap. Instead we got the oh so traditional Muslim burial at sea. Because everyone knows Muslims have such an affinity for water, and live in places surrounded by water.....that there was the biggest, smelliest pile of horse crap I have ever heard. That was the only time in my life before or after that I have heard of a traditional Muslim burial at sea.

One media site actually went and asked several Muslim scholars about burial at sea. The consensus, without a doubt, was that Islam really isn't cool with that, and burial on land is pretty much required. One of them actually suggested a scenario where if a faithful Muslim died on a boat at sea, and it would be a while before they could return to land, his companions could tie his body to a board and tow it behind the boat until they reached land and the body could be buried.
edit on 12-1-2021 by AndyFromMichigan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Good thing OBL is actually working a 7-11 in Minnesota.


posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:31 AM
Pompeo supposed to be speaking shortly at the Press Club:

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:37 AM
Oh oh! Just tried to sign into my Facebook account (tab was already up) and a new screen came up saying it was down for maintenance etc.
So I hit the wee refresh icon...and in I went

Sign of preparation of things to come???


posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: brewtiger
President Trump tweets out video statement "Go Home in Peace"

When I watched this video statement, my first though was it was CGI or green screen POTUS.
edit on 12-1-2021 by panoz77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:41 AM

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:44 AM
First post in 6 years, eh?

originally posted by: 113399

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Justoneman

I thought he will be speaking from the TOWN of Alamo, Texas, down by the Rio Grande -- right by the Wall.


You are correct. They specifically say that it is the town.... not the mission, on his schedule.
POTUS Schedule

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:58 AM
Just a little TWITTER news...

Yesterday, FORBES published a negative OP-ED piece against TWITTER showing how to deactivate your account...

Twitter Is The Worst Company On Planet Earth--Here's How To Bet Against The Stock And Deactivate Your Account

TODAY it's been inactivated.

This page is no longer active.
We regret any inconvenience.

More about our terms
Back to Forbes r-account/?sh=6c0b0e125ba3

The censorship is pervasive.
edit on 12-1-2021 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-1-2021 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:58 AM
Bioterrorists is some very strong rhetoric from supporters of the Democrat members that have contracted the virus.The second member of congress, Pamela Jayapal has tested positive along with Bonnie Watson Coleman. They both claim that they have caught it because some Republican senators did not wear masks when they were forced into a secure location during the lockdown. She is demanding that any Republicans not wearing masks should be forcibly removed and be fined.
Scrolling through the comments it is very disturbing.
Bioterrorists, Republicans should be charged with assault, reckless endangerment, be fined and be forcibly removed. Many suspected that something like this would occur. But what about the masks that they were wearing? Right that spin has been floated that masks protect others but do not protect the one wearing it.
By any means necessary they have to remove every single member of opposition and that means no eye witnesses as to what is to come.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: RsaWarhawk
the ending of braveheart is what trump should be fearing

This. I'm not even convinced Q is real, or the plan is genuine and not a psy-op to distract us all.

But even if it is real, it is without a doubt that there were at least one or two traitors in the beginning stages.

So, unless they knew this, and came up with a genius plan to deal with the inevitable traitor(s) that were embedded in the plan, then... sadness, misery, defeat, end-game.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 10:02 AM
Heard a rumor that Sidney Powell stated there was going to be a rush inauguration of Biden on the 13th -- tomorrow.

Has anyone else heard anything to that effect?


posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 10:04 AM
No, but that would be an interesting twist.

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Heard a rumor that Sidney Powell stated there was going to be a rush inauguration of Biden on the 13th -- tomorrow.

Has anyone else heard anything to that effect?


posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

No but me and my ol lady get text from newsmax daily at the same time. I got an I phone, she has galaxy. Two hours ago she got a text saying state of emergency in DC. I still have not received that text. Weird.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Heard a rumor that Sidney Powell stated there was going to be a rush inauguration of Biden on the 13th -- tomorrow.

Has anyone else heard anything to that effect?


20th Amendment

Twentieth Amendment
Section 1
The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

For those interested in reading the Forbes article, it can be seen here.

The actual instructions given have to be viewed in a TODAY article here.

edit on 12-1-2021 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 10:11 AM
Also since this is thread 33 let’s play numbers

12 and 21 have been popping up a lot

Obviously 12+21=33

33 is a master number here is a link - THE SECRET MEANING OF THE NUMBER 33

But lets play with my favorite number 37

Funny thing with 1221/37=33
Or 33x37=1221

Today is 1/12/21

We can look at January 2021 as 1/2021 or 12021
12021x37= 444,777


If you look how 37 works with triple numbers


Notice the 369 pattern
Also the 12 15 18 21... All incriminates of 3

So if we continue with multiplication instead of division.
Beyond 33 the 369 pattern continues
And so on....

Notice now with the 4 digit numbers the outside numbers go up by 1 and the inside go up by 11

1332 outside numbers are 12 inside numbers 33
1443 outside numbers are 13 inside numbers 44
1554 outside numbers are 14 inside numbers 55

If you sum the separated numbers you would get
12=3 33=6
13=4 44=8
14=5 55=10

So the outside numbers go up by 1 inside go up by 2

Okay now for 17.

Look at 51x37 which equals 1887


The 37 pattern is unique, I have found no other number that does this. 17 seems to compliment 37 with its own patterns
17 has a count down pattern if you start at 17 and add increases of 17, and digit sum the results.

.....and so on till the paten starts over.

I thought I’d share my madness with you.

These numbers and patterns are meaningless to me, But perhaps they are valuable to those demons and principalities that control the elites.

Symbolism will be their down fall.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: MetalThunder

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: MetalThunder

That article says they are looking at 10 to 15 more. That tells me they were either told to allow them in or they knew these people weren't insurrectionists or terrorists. Maybe we'll find out, but I'm sure it won't be from the mouths of the msm.

Makes one wonder
WHERES Nancy ?

Red3 was CLAS movement of Pence or Pelosi. Maybe that just happened.

Red4 was movement of some certain military unit under the guise of providing riot control. That could well be happening now, or have already happened.

Yes, RED 4 is already underway if not complete. Premise was threats to all 50 state capitols from a second wave of "terrorists". Military mobilizations currently underway if not close to complete.

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