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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Cheers Cavv!

Could you share the collision calculator site url, when you get a spare minute?

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:18 AM
What evidence would put me all in on this grand scheme of things? I’ve been reading and I am testing the water with my toes and as much as I want it all to be true, it is very hard to just dive in head first and believe it all.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Unless they just put it all out there for the nation to see, I don't care since it will go no where. They'll save it for the court, but the courts did nothing. Look at what the SCOTUS didn't do today with the cases of election fraud.

Maybe they'll let the Congress investigate it, but they it will go no where either. Just look at all the investigations that are already out there now.

Maybe the incoming President will do something about it, but given that this has his fingers all over it it will just go away. Ukraine anyone?

No putting this information out to the forth pillar of Government is the only way forward. Murder, Crimes against minors, torture, it doesn't matter at this point. Let the American People have it all,, let the American people figure out what to do with the evidence. If the individual isn't sure they can handle it, then it should be up to them to decide that not the media or some legalized prosecutor that won't move on the evidence. The American people should make that determination as to what they should see, or how much if enough. All this promising of revealing evidence and hinted at crap just pisses people off, and that's what causes issues like the one last week to happen. Let us the American people see the evidence, and quit with all the babying the people.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: wdkirk

You might take a peek at

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:44 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Cheers Cavv!

Could you share the collision calculator site url, when you get a spare minute?

Cheers Rel!

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 02:56 AM
Regarding Pelosi.

One thing that should be considered is that she is not under arrest, but has voluntarily removed herself to another location for ... reasons.


posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Hawaii maybe? Doesn't she have a house there? With all the pooping going on I can't see her heading back to her district, and I would be very surprised if she really is still in DC given the circumstances.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday


LOL. And I used to think the dog poop on the sidewalks in France was unpleasant.


posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 03:20 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Last time I was in Seattle, I would have loved to see and smell dog poop. Drug addict poop is some of the worst stuff on Earth.

Though speaking of Milk Carton Pelosi, has any one seen Haspel lately? It seems like people are falling off the Earth.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: carewemust
You're right, as soon as that EO went into effect, the clock started ticking. It's about to pop off. This is going to be more epic than any movie you've ever watched

Funny how that mysterious account is brand new with very few followers and mostly just tweeted, today...

Wall Street Scrambles on U.S. Rule on Investments that Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies
edit on 12-1-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 04:13 AM
I think the sum of all fears ending probably worries me the most.

the ending of braveheart is what trump should be fearing

and The DS appears to want to THAnOS snap us out of existence, so let us hope iron man pulls through

hopefully everyone gets those references if not go watch some movies what have you been doing this last year!:p

originally posted by: pheonix358
So what single act would end all of this in one glorious moment?

We know some of the literal actors.

What if Joe confesses the steal and then concedes?

On the 20th!

What chaos would that put the Deep State into.

Reminder to all ... you are watching a movie ... so we can figure out the ending ... we are close ... closer than we have ever been before.

Have faith!

Truth wins.


edit on 12-1-2021 by RsaWarhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 04:15 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Her secret love for Trump has been revealed from her laptop and is trending on Twitter. she can't endure the shame.

Pelosi loves Trump

It's weird, but obviously they were always in it together and enjoyed the drama.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Yes, there are some interesting tweets there.

Of note, the author of the tweets does not [IMO] have English as a mother tongue. My guess is the author is from Taiwan, or perhaps, Hong Kong.

edit on 12-1-2021 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Hi Cranky,

PENCE = WHITE, BLACK or GRAY HAT (not important???)
- Pushing it back to the States for 10 days = still in limbo
- Certification = Red Line Crossed = election officially stolen
- They needed BIDEN WIN (POTUS gives them what they want)
- POTUS doesn't just want to win, he wants all evil gone

Consider events in relation to the KEYSTONE.
Trump winning election = obtain KEYSTONE (Military + Intelligence)
GAME OVER (they/we just didn't realize it yet)

Big Mistake = believed their own MSM lies & gave up power.
Big Mistake = confident fake Russia uncovers another Trump crime.
Big Mistake = panic when impeach trap blew up.

Military + Intelligence = unstoppable power in the right hands.
VIDEO TAUNT: Black dog / White dog stealing bone at last minute.

1) HRC EMAILS / SERVER = happened before keystone obtained
2) RUSSIA HOAX = took place before & after keystone obtained
3) TREASON = keystone in hand 100% of the time (full control)

- Despite being illegal, it was a common practice used by many
- Others protected her to protect themselves (did same thing)
- Team Trump required to dig & put the puzzle pieces together
- Trump enforcing means good people also caught up (equal justice)
- Some will still be held accounting for this (maybe)
- But this doesn't give unity & doesn't catch them all

- Messy, covered tracks, "just following orders" "honest mistake"
- "O Reports" prove a few deliberately corrupted incoming intel
- Opens door to "If i knew then what I know now" defense
- Flawed data leads to faulty assumptions/bias/manipulation
- 1000s of pages, classified, confusing to public, over 5-6 years
- Fallout puts government agencies at risk / public mistrust ?
- Regardless, many fired already, with possibility of more to come

- Team Trump 100% in control for the beginning, middle & end.
- Event is happening now (over few months)
- Rudy showed public so much evidence, yet MSM blanket deny
- RNC "I saw proof of fraud, but after "riots" today, I withdraw" (they clap!)
- Doubled down on a losing hand & lost big = everyone caught cold
- Political games gone (good working together to solve problems)
- Fake news & Big Tech censorship no longer dividing
- Voter ID, Law & Order, Prison Reform, Drugs & food safety.
- As the light begins to shine on the truth, more will see.

- WH has public and private sec cams (Capitol building too?)
- NSA has all email & documents of discussions (3 jump rule)
- Military has all proof of real-time vote changes (coming)
- Possible video confessions of "flippers playing their role"
- Possible people we thought dead are alive (who?)
- It will be damning & irrefutable
- Expect the unexpected

- Current events are scary, ugly & everything we don't want
- We have a responsibility to use our gift to BE BEST.
- Prodigal Son = Welcome, embrace & support all as they wake up
- Our choice = ends endless war = protects innocent life
- It was always about saving the children.

- 100% they have lost & systems of control being dismantled
- Create panic to cause people to fight/hurt one another

Keep praying for those in harms way.
Keep praying for those still asleep.
Keep praying for those awake choose faith over fear.
edit on 12-1-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
I noticed some followers are French

edit on 12-1-2021 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 05:47 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
a reply to: NorthOfStuff
Real talk: the Vatican is the throne of Satan/Saturn. Anyone in the Popes seat is wielding ungodly power literally, no matter the relative popularity

There is a very excellent, well footnoted/sourced book that goes into great detail about the cabal. The downside to the book is, it is apparently written by an alt-right white supremacist. So, you have to just ignore that aspect of the book to get to the meat, which is, as I said, extremely well documented.

The name of the book is 'War Cycles, Peace Cycles'. It actually documents through biblical sources that - and no offense intended to the general Catholic population, they have been duped as well - that the Roman Catholic Church is the Great Satan.

There's an e-publication floating around called the 'Almanac Of Evil'. It reads like a laundry list for 100+ pages or so, giving a detailed list of crimes allegedly committed by Catholic agents. An eye opening though grisly read.

I assume it has been printed before as well, but I only ever saw it as a pdf. I'd guess it's still available somewhere online for free. I thought you guys might like to check it out. I can't vouch for its complete veracity and don't know the source of it. Some religious group I think it was.

originally posted by: TheRaxVirus

Hunter didn't get arrested.
No EO was signed
No power failure
No Emergency Broadcast
No arrests of anyone

Its all nonsense

350K Americans have 'KU" clearance but the one nut job Q is leading bunch of people down a rabbit hole

Trump will be in prison very soon.. mark this post

originally posted by: BoomGiggle
They fOllOwed the pen...

Was just over surfing the chan's and caught this interesting take on certain executive orders Trump has signed into law.

No picnic's in D.C.

So starting tomorrow, 1/11/21at 9:30am est. the E.O pertaining to any "financial involvement" with the CCP goes into effect, making it illegal for any company, group, or person to send or receive any form of payment that can be traced back to the CCP, directly or indirectly. (Think shell companies that launder our tax dollars)

This will have been signed 60 days come tommorow. Then, there is the memorandum against Antifa as a criminal organization signed on the 5th(day before certification of votes) as well as a memorandum signed last Friday, the 8th, that deals with the line of succession regarding any seat or position that becomes vacant unexpectedly.

So to summarize, Trump trapped all the deep state communist from further selling out our country. He also took away the CCP's ability to blackmail our representatives we used to entrust in office. By doing that, he has put the burden of releasing material back on China. Non-political hit. Now the stage has been properly set and it's made entirely out of trap doors. I expect major network disruptions to continue and/or a distraction event to be highly likely over next 24 hrs to cause confusion and distraction

Prediction: The eye of the storm will begin to make landfall tomorrow. Stock market is going to crash tomorrow due to wide scale CCP involvement with almost every company that's publicly traded. Trump to speak at the Alamo regarding border wall progress on Tuesday. Last stand symbolism? Remember the Alamo! Very tasteful and quite symbolic. Will this set the stage for Trump to reveal the return of the gold standard(commodity backed currency) or transition to something else? Again, these are my personal predictions and should be taken as a wild speculation.

A better summary in total

Que The Styx-Renegade
"The jig is up, the news is out
They finally found me.
The renegade who had it made
Retrieve for a bounty."

How do you know he hasn't been arrested? Was he on Good Morning America or something? Why would you assume BG's find on an anonymous message board to be an authentic Q post and not just another online poster? How does Hunter Biden being arrested or not being arrested have anything to do with Q? What exactly has Q said about Hunter Biden being arrested that we should be considering to be a prediction about it? Please bring me up to speed here, because I don't ever remember seeing that sort of prediction in the material posted by the online anonymous poster known as Q.

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
Now they're going after bank accounts. A**hats.

"Wall Street Banks Freeze Political Donations After Capitol Hill Riots, Threaten Pro-Trump Politicians with Blacklisting"

Wall Street is slamming the lid shut on the coffers of its corporate political action committees and threatening pro-Trump politicians on Capitol Hill with blacklisting.

Following a week in which major social media companies cut of President Donald Trump and began excluding some of his biggest advocates in the wake of the Capitol Hill riot, some of the nation’s largest financial institutions have announced that they are halting donations to their political action committees and considering permanently cutting off politicians accused of attempting to “overturn” the 2020 election.

J.P. Morgan Chase, the nation’s biggest bank by assets and market capitalization, said it is halting donations through its PAC for six months. Citigroup, the third-largest U.S. bank by assets, is reportedly pressing pause on political donations for the first quarter of 2020.

Uh oh...I assume he has a plan for this.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 06:15 AM

originally posted by: Guiltyguitarist
It just clicked to me why theyre banning everything.
When Trump drops the truth hammer they are going to look you in the eye and deny, deny, deny.
It’s going to be twilight zone creepy

Agree. Seems very likely.

originally posted by: purplemer
did anyone see this speech by Trump. It was aird in Greece between the 6-8th. Someone not seen it anywhere on msm news.

That's his speech from the evening of the sixth, it was posted in here at the time. Thanks for sharing though.

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: Creep Thumper
I wondered if they might be set up for the inauguration but if people are being told not to go to the inauguration then why do they need all these huge generators all over the place?

Well I'd guess the place doesn't look too welcoming right about now. 10,000+ troops, tall fencing all over the place. Not really the scene I'd be looking to enjoy if I were considering a visit to the capitol. Of course, the less regular people that are there, the less eyes there are to see whatever transpires there. That's okay though, whatever's about to go down over there I really don't think I need a front row seat for it.

The gennies though...well they have thousands of troops to garrison, that's a lot of tent city. That takes some power, if you're going to provide power for your troops...

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 06:27 AM
Gotta luv them 401ks
Jussie thinking outloud ....Wonder if the real purpose of them was to Fund the growth of CCP
BlackRock and Vanguard face heavy burden of US sanctions on China

The two largest asset managers had heavy exposure to blacklisted Chinese companies

BlackRock and Vanguard face having to offload billions of dollars worth of investments in order to comply with the US government’s decision to blacklist Chinese companies with military connections.,,,

edit on 1122021 by MetalThunder because: 5 5 5

So I wonder (outload - then search - Welcome to My World

Is your 401K funding China's war on the US?

................................Instead, with our support, the Chinese have launched a massive campaign to become the world’s leading superpower. We know about the “Belt and Road Initiative,” a strategic undertaking to place huge segments of the world under China’s influence or outright control. We know about “Made in China 2025,” a strategy designed to dominate key technology sectors—from artificial intelligence and quantum computing to hypersonic missiles and 5G. We know about China’s practice of forced technology transfers: requiring American companies to share their trade secrets and R&D in order to do business in China. We know about China’s predatory trade practices. We know many of these things only because President Trump has brought them to the forefront of national attention, for which he deserves credit. And the ongoing tariff war is a good thing in the sense that we’ve finally begun to take a stand.

But there is an issue more critical than trade that Americans, by and large, do not know about: China has over 700 companies in our stock and bond markets or capital markets. It has about 86 companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, about 62 in the NASDAQ, and over 500 in the murky, poorly regulated over-the-counter market. Among these companies are some egregious bad actors. .......

edit on 1122021 by MetalThunder because: 5 5 5

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

[ Q says be sure to drink your Ovaltine. ]

Bac in 1930, the Ovaltini ' Fans', Did setup a League , 1939 ish, the set up became Better by actually speaking via a Luxembourge Radio Station.

posted on Jan, 12 2021 @ 06:35 AM
Ovaltine and "a Christmas Story"

The Mathematics Behind Ralphie's Secret Decoder Pin

What gives? We've now figured out it can't just be a simple Caesar cipher. Since we know the message, let's translate the letters we can know for sure: A=9, B=12, D=14, E=11, I=18, K=21, L=17?, N=23, O=24, R=25, S=2, T=4, U=3, V=5, Y=6? Ralphie's handwriting isn't great, so a couple of these aren't clear, but there's no obvious pattern separating adjacent letters. Being a mathematician, my first instinct is to imagine a more complicated encryption scheme, such as the Vigenère cipher. This scheme involves choosing a keyword and encrypting as follows. Concatenate the keyword repeatedly until it matches the length of the message you wish to send and then consult the tabula recta below to encode your message.

Say your message is Be sure to drink your Ovaltine, and your keyword is milk (really, I suspect the sponsors would want the keyword to be Ovaltine, but let's forge ahead). You would then concatenate the keyword to have the appropriate length: MILKMILKMILKMILKMILKMILKM. To encode the first letter, consult row M in the table and go to the B column to get N. The E in "be" gets paired with I and so encodes as M. The whole message is then NMDEDMEYPZTXWGZEDWGKZBTXQ. Decoding such ciphers is not easy, but they are not impenetrable. The major hurdle is to guess the length of the keyword and then make some frequency analyses to break it.

More Than You Know

edit on 1122021 by MetalThunder because: 5 5 5

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