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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:20 PM
Amazon has not banned Trump and continues to sell Trump merchandise. Interesting that Amazon has feet on both sides of the issue. Banning Parler and Twitch but continuing to sell merchandise. I suppose that will end when all of the merchandise is sold.
edit on 10-1-2021 by Thoughtful1 because: spelling

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

If you haven't already, give Network (1976) "The World is a Corporation" a watch.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

After last week, not strange at all that Mike Pence would attend the Biden inauguration.... if there is a Biden inauguration.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:24 PM
Agreed (except tennis part), baseball is the worst. Any "sporting event" announcement would be rut of. Drunk, napping, or just pissed off the game was interrupted. Would backfire.

a reply to: tanstaafl

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: angelchemuel

After last week, not strange at all that Mike Pence would attend the Biden inauguration.... if there is a Biden inauguration.

It will likely be just like his entire campaign....done in a secluded room with nobody there to watch or care.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

I have top disagree with you. Misinformation or not. What he is coming out with is accusations, not false and for that somebody will make a legal challenge to him. If nobody does, then he is digging his own grave and losing all credibility fast. This is not some sort of game anymore. The stakes are far too high especially in light of all the bannings/suspensions on social media for one.

Have you considered that Lin's Tweets in regards to Pence and the recent photo of him back in the '80's are actually true and therefore that is why Pence himself is distancing himself from Wood and Trump? I know I am contradicting myself a bit there. But I really see no reason at all why Pence has said next to nothing that I can find about agreeing with Trump and the alleged voter rigging and fraud. His silence has spoken volumes and now his actions are screaming out loud. Absolutely no reason for him to be playing 'deep state' infiltrator when they have plenty of alphabet agencies that can do a far better (or should be) job at sorting out that mess.

I just don't get it. If it smells like a's probably a rat...


PS Thank you for replying

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:30 PM
I was just checking this no fly zone around Washington and there is information saying that there are delays of 1 hour and 45 minutes due to snow and ice. I just checked my link and it is gone so maybe there is more to this.
a reply to: purplemer

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:30 PM

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:31 PM

BREAKING: Trump supporters BANNED from owning pigeons in case they try to communicate with one another.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

A lot of the illogical happenings Maybe to give the house more justification for impeaching president Trump.

Nancy Pelosi says she is a master at taking advantage of "crises" to the maximum.

I.e... President Trump is so dangerous we had to call in seven thousand more troops, ban all traffic in and out of Washington DC, get him off of all social media platforms, etc.. We must impeach and remove the MF as soon as possible!

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: dashen

Are we about to witness a resurrection?!

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:33 PM


This will be lost on almost everyone but those in this thread.

Lawfare/Brookings Institution wrote the Articles Of Impeachment before DJT was inaugurated then used the media to fuel a narrative to fit their case. 500k articles alone, plus teeeveee, radiot, web etc.

It seems to complete their task they fed Comey et al the talking points so he could then find the crime to fit the narrative.

Irony. They never found the evidence to fit the narrative of "russia collusion." In fact, to date, DJT has been investigated by everyone on earth, including us, and the only thing found is that he worked for the FBI to help bring down the mob and attended parties with lots of people many of whom reprehensible people, which is pretty much like every. single. DC. party.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Someone must have read my posts in the Forum about how our military should use trained pigeons that blow up on Maduro, Iran's leaders, Etc...LOL.

edit on 1/10/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:35 PM
My TMZ link had the comment that was the last platform that Trump could use. Maybe they have one uncompromised social media platform that was so small they did not bother to take control. After all if the founder hasn't been heard from in 4 years it has been flying under the radar.
a reply to: dashen

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
a reply to: Creep Thumper

I know the feeling, I dont know why I hang on that channel, as I'm going through the news, it just boils my piss.

On another note I've just had OAN added to my tv sub so can watch on the big telly now.

I dumped cable/satellite about 10 years ago. I have an antenna now to watch "Masterpiece" and "NOVA" and the Packers.

Saved myself a mint and read a lot of books with all that time.

Same here CT. Only difference is I don't watch it at all.
International news (mostly fake as well) is what I read/watch on the interwebs.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel. Not sure it is just strange Lin’s role in this so far. It is very strange indeed.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: kreinhard

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
Would guess it has to do with the inauguration? Seems early to do this though....

Not sure what it suggests since it is not given a defined end and limits the airspeed of certain aircraft.

I wonder if they are still using the lasers there to tell pilots they are not in the right place.....

There is also a very small, 1nm ring up to 1000' AGL in Terra Haute, IN that was noticed 08 JAN 2021, beginning 11 JAN 2021 through 17 JAN 2021. "Temporary flight restrictions for Special Security Reasons". Doesn't note VIP, though. Wonder what or who is under that cylinder.

Terra Haute TFR

Edit: Terra Haute Federal Correctional Institution is under that TFR

Terra Haute FCI

From Wikipedia:

FCI Terre Haute has a controversial high-security wing known as the Communication Management Unit (CMU) for inmates who were determined to pose a serious threat if their communications were not severely restricted. The CMU at FCI Terre Haute is a 55-cell unit located in the former death row and was opened in December 2006. Prisoners there are under open and covert audio and video surveillance, and all of their phone calls are monitored except for talks with their attorneys. Prisoners are prohibited from touching family members during tightly controlled visits. All telephone calls and mail are monitored, and inmates are required to conduct all conversations in English unless special permission is arranged for conversations in other languages. Without such strong security, the government claims, inmates would be able to conspire with outsiders to commit terrorist or criminal acts. The Federal Bureau of Prisons created the CMU in response to criticism that it had not been adequately monitoring the communications of prisoners. According to the Bureau of Prisons, "By concentrating resources in this fashion, it will greatly enhance the agency's capabilities for language translation, content analysis and intelligence sharing," according to the Bureau's summary of the CMU.[2]

Maybe they don't want whoever's going there to not communicate with anyone...
edit on 1/10/2021 by NightFlight because: further thoughts...

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:38 PM
Seeing Dash's post above makes me think.

I have no idea what DJT's possible social media platform might be or even if there is one.

But the irony here is priceless - literally priceless.

If such a thing exists, it will destroy the twit and more within seconds all alone.

The twit et al shot themselves in the face to prove their loyalty to their masters, sort of as they should. It'd be nice to see a stock tank on Monday followed by a new platform on tuesday. 230 need not be repealed, as the tech mob will just destroy itself and wind up like the possibly resurrected Myspace.

Let them destroy themselves.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:38 PM
Washington DC is sunny today and the temperature is around 45 so that would not cause any delay in air traffic. Washington airspace is one of the most highly regulated so maybe there is some other threat?

originally posted by: purplemer
Washington DC now a no fly zone??

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: dashen

I am not a technical guy. How many platforms are capable of handling 500000 to a million new users overnight? Could the AboveTopSecret.Com platform handle such a load?

edit on 1/10/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

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