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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 02:09 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Things are getting ridiculous:

TheGatewayPundit: Trump Campaign Banned From EMAILING Supporters After Being Suspended By Mail Service Provider

The Trump campaign is now blocked from emailing their millions of supporters after being suspended by their email service provider.

The suspension comes shortly after President Donald Trump and his campaign were permanently banned from Twitter.

The email service, Campaign Monitor, confirmed the suspension of the account to Financial Times’ Dave Lee.

The Nationalist Review reports “the move effectively cuts off communication between his team and his core supporters. What is not clear however, is what other services have banned his team. The Trump campaign sends out a massive amount of emails—33 in January so far. But, it has been 48 hours since the campaign has reached out to its supporters via email, prompting most journalists to speculate that other providers have shut off access as well.”

Wow. These clowns...

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: pteridine

Hunter Biden arrest coming Monday.

Source: (See most recent posts)

I don't know how to link to a Parler post. Probably doesn't matter at this point, since...RIP Parler.

They're a big enough outfit, they should be able to get their own gear and bounce back pretty quickly, shouldn't they?

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Does ATS have Section 230 liability cover too?

Presumably so. Did you read the T&Cs when you signed up? Do you think Trump did when he signed on to Twitter?

Perhaps that may have something to do with why the amigos are bailing. What with Trump's bitching about 230, and all.

They removed his tweet calling for calm on the 6th though. That's literally a national security level FCC code violation, as far as I can tell.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: Redferret

For mobile I'm using iCab for my mobile browser. It's available for Android or iOS.

It has a ton of ad and script blocking built into the app.

I'm stearing away from any online products that are developed or hosted in the US.

It takes a little research, but it's worth it.
edit on 10-1-2021 by CoramDeo because: TTT-[ ]

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 03:23 AM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
There are also very few military aircraft in the air right now, which seems unusual....only 8 or the entire US.

That you can see.

First you see lots.

Then you see very few.

Then you try to escape.

Then you get caught.

The aircraft are up there, you just can't detect them with this app.


posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 03:38 AM
New Lin Wood on parler looks ominous... Psalms 16:8... 1776 again:


Note the LFUK around an X in top right corner! May refer to UK but also =

Freedom, Liberty, Unity, Knowledge

May refer to #168

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: Qwfs7lfI No.150214824 📁
Nov 20 2017 13:13:08 (EST)

Anonymous ID: AjEyk7a4 No.150214567 📁
Nov 20 2017 13:10:19 (EST)
Q. glad you are here can you confirm this theory to Red October?📁
Saw the sub searches on the 13th and the navy build up in San diego.

Red Oct sig has not occurred yet.
Follow the map.

Bolded timestamp encodes Jan 10th.

Time for some zeds!

edit on 10-1-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2021 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 04:05 AM

originally posted by: MayRenee
Is that video supposed to make somebody want to be a member of Q? Really?

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie

originally posted by: blueman12
How do people still believe in Qanon? Im genuinely curious.. No arrests were ever made. No giant corruption reveal. And that's after 3+ years of seeing Q people say the storm is coming any second.

Isn't there the possibility that you're all being trolled?

I found this informative video that should clear things up for you.

White rabbit, tippy top, Q-proof baby! Need I say more?

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
Reading that a nationwide power failure has just hit Pakistan....somehow a 500KV power line was cut.

Lightning strike, perhaps?

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: angelchemuel
But seriously, there are only a few people that need to be brought to justice, that is not going to cause the massive upheaval and reason to 'bug down' as he suggests and others have backed him by saying we need to stay home and let the military get on with their job.

Hi Jane...

Seriously? You think there are only a few people that need to be brought to Justice? Either you are confused by the meaning of 'a few', or you are confused about the current situation.

There are literally thousands of traitors in the USA alone, from Governors on down to local DAs and Chiefs of Police, all the way up to hundreds of Congressmen and dozens of Senators. Then you have the State Department, the DOJ, the FBI and every other federal goverment agency that are all riddled with deep state traitors. Then, you have all of the NGOs (funded by Soros and his dozens of different shell companies, foundations, etc).

A few? Ok, but you need to petition to update their definition.

That's right. Lots and lots, as far as we can tell. None of this is any big secret, really. It just rarely gets reported, if ever.

This is the best promotional material that I've seen to date. Like Phage said:

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: MayRenee

Q is cool.

So very, very cool.

And blondes.

It's also kind of funny. Who is Streisand for the win, Alex?

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

By law, he should be able to yank their license on the spot, or anytime in the near future within a reasonable timeframe.

What license are you referring to?

I was referring to their broadcast license. If they are not licensed as a radio or television station would be, then I would clarify to add 'or otherwise curtail their broadcasting capabilities.'

edit on 10-1-2021 by TheBadCabbie because: because

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 04:06 AM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: interupt42

Nobody has any idea what's going on with that. If Trump is planning on using the EBS/EAS then it could happen at any time and without warning.

When would be the best time to launch an Emergency Broadcast Message? When would more people than ever be glued to TV's and radios?

Football game.

Or after a big false flag.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 04:08 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

I use Vivaldi, Chromium fork.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 04:34 AM

originally posted by: TheMandolorian

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I still don't understand why the Democrats didn't run a clean or at least neutral candidate, so they could sidestep all of the Biden entanglements. Surely a more well-rounded and generally appealing candidate could have been brought up.

There might be a reason Biden "has to" run, could it be part of a scripted Great Awakening?

A few potential reasons:
1. Can't investigate your political opponent. Biden and co are corrupt to the core. Even though the three later agencies were weaponized against DJT.

2. Biden has popularity from previous roles in government. I don't see it, but might persuade normies.

3. Number 1 but this really is a movie and DJT and team picked him for this explicit role for this explicit reason.

4. Obama still running shadow govt and will sacrifice Joe to move Kamala in shortly after inauguration.

I also thought it might be number three. Possibly secretly though. Like, they maneuvered the DNC into putting Joe up for it without them catching on. Perhaps Joe & Kama could even be controlled opposition, and not at all in fact as they are portraying themselves. Actually secretly on Team Trump. Wouldn't that be a twist! Seems unlikely.

The surrealness of it though...Biden's 'campaign' proper, his campaign rhetoric, the incredibly slanted media coverage. The obvious rig, clearly telegraphed beforehand, and leaving a very long evidence trail. All the engineered cultural division. Coronavirus. Untested vaccine. Naked corruption. Widespread censorship. The whole big picture here. It almost DOES seem like a movie. Feels very scripted, whether it actually is or not. Wouldn't be the first time I guess, if it actually were.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
Lin Wood is recommending people watch the following video, saying "TRUTH. A must watch."

Thought I'd share.

I think this is the same one that Flesh 699 posted a Rumble link to a few days back. Yeah, sounds like it, though I thought his was a few minutes shorter. It seemed pretty 'plan-ey', could be what we're about to see. That would be interesting if his claims about the two constitutions turned out to be true. Like I said a few posts back, I've never personally been able to confirm the accuracy of those claims, though I have looked into it in the past.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Phage

Over Target.

Twitter smacks of CCP tactics to both leaders.

The point is not whether one likes/dislikes what they say - they have a right to put their voice in the public domain and the reader has the right to read it or NOT read it.

I'm assuming you're not American or you should be saying "Meh, Free Speech!".

Totally agree, the way these outfits have been doing business for years now is so disgusting, and bad for us as a country in my opinion. Hopefully consumers will wise up and step away, stop feeding the beast. I won't be sorry to see these wise guys go when they do.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

I AM ... Shane*+*Browning - PART 1
- Violence is not the answer (same message as POTUS & WH)
- Love and Unity is the way forward.
- Never about Blue or Red Sides, or race.
- Always been about the children, Good Vs. Evil.
- God does not fail.
- Only God can judge.
- Do not let your ego and emotions cloud your judgement.
- Show mercy & give comfort.
- WATCH: READY PLAYER ONE (see lessons shown with new eyes)

- First to the Egg.
- 3 Keys must be found to unlock the final door.
- Each key found unlocks a clue to next step in the journey.
- Big Corp use power, debt, tech & murder to cheat/ try to win.


- Solution: To win an "impossible" race, GO BACKWARDS.
- Nice racing PADAWAN.
- QMAP GO BACKWARDS (1) = 3417
- QMAP PADAWAN (1) = 4940

KEY 2: Lost the love due to his lack of courage (first date)
- She wanted to go dancing. He pushed to stay home & watch The Shining
- Famous Shining ballroom photo helps them solve challenge (July 4, 1921)

- Thought 1: QMAP = 641921 (1) = 3817

- Thought 2: 1921 - 2021 = 100 YEARS
Anglo-Irish Treaty
The Treaty
- Anglo-Irish Treaty discussions begin in July 1921
- talks took months & eventually signed at 2:20am on Dec 6, 1921
- Irish Free State created - afforded same status as Canada
- Lloyd George insists Ireland stay with British Empire/Crown
- Ireland has popped up a lot (significance of this event in history???)

- Thought 3: Shining photo was a real photo from 1923 - face changed
- not sure, man is unknown (just adding as a thought)

- Big Tech uses "orb shield" to block others from reaching last challenge
- With only the CEO team inside & unlimited resources, the final key is his to find
- But Parzival secretly has someone on the inside trying to take down shield
- Parzival calls an army of digital soldiers to overcome their fears & unite
- Parzival drives his DMC Delorean as WE'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT begins playing
- QMAP= WNGTTI song (1) = Last Q Drop 4953

- With the shield comes down, CEO senses defeat
- He chooses to KILL EVERYONE in the game (sore loser)
- Everyone is wiped out and then an unexpected miracle happens
- Parzival received coin earlier, but never knew its hidden powers (Extra life)

- ATARI 2600 GAME: ADVENTURE (first game with a hidden EASTER EGG)
- With only him in the game, he solves it & opens the door of doors
- QMAP = EASTER EGG (1) = 4338

- Big Tech = censorship, Fed Reserve = Monetary Policy, MSM = Fake News
- What will proof of CDC altering public medical numbers do to them?


- His integrity & honor prove he is worthy of one final test
- He saves the Oasis & then shares reward/responsiblity with clan mates

- God woke us up for a reason
- Listen to President Trump & Follow his lead (Law & Order)
- We have one chance to do it the right way
- Remain calm & stop allowing the fear narrative
- Re-read what I AM ... Shane*+*Browning says at top.
- Re-read what President Trump & WH has told us.
- Overcome your fears, start pushing love, calm & unity to asleep
- Whatever the story / FAKE NEWS tell us next... ignore it.

The 1980s Anthems That Make ‘Ready Player One’ Rock


TEARS FOR FEARS = "Everybody wants to rule the world"
Veritas working around the clock these days. - Jan 9, 2021

We all should be expecting the unexpected.
So many KU drops link to this movie.
Hope more will watch & share their ideas.

God Bless.
edit on 10-1-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

the incredibly slanted media coverage.

I've known for a while that the advent of the web (where anyone can (or used to be able to) act as a 'journalist') put severe financial pressure on print media and TV-networks based media.

Your comment made me think of this.

They needed money to survive. Web technology like ad blockers meant that would be a hit and miss source of income. Add to that they already knew which direction of the political breeze they preferred. Solution: go full-tilt as a propaganda outlet for the DNC (and God knows who else). Financial issues resolved. Yeah, any pretense to professional ethics got trashed -- but, after all, for the vast majority of the "newsmen", that was pretense solely.

Trump knew this. Thus, for him, calling them 'fake news' was not a pejorative but, rather, a factual description. Many who over the years had observed the decline of the MSM had their perception of the MSM crystallized when Trump plainly stated the media for what it was.

So, of course, against a person like Trump who called them for what they are ... as you described it, "the incredibly slanted media coverage."


posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 05:37 AM
The message we're supposed to be getting.

edit on 10-1-2021 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

I'd previously viewed a breakdown of one of the hitman games that basically told the Epstein & Maxwell situation. It was very interesting and the last I'd read about it, whoever was doing the dig on it possibly found more information from looking at the code within the game files.

Looking at this breakdown reminded me of that, only this is probably a little easier to digest. Thanks for posting BT, its unbelievable to think that the answers are right in front of us if we're just given the hint ....... a start point if you will. I've always believed that the movies tell a completely different story if your in the know. What other messages have they been used to relay, what other secrets are within the reels, of what most see as a form of innocent 'entertainment'.

I think some have always wanted us to know the truth and have gone so far as to put it in plain sight for us.

Great work

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 06:13 AM
wow great job putting that together, i believe this movie does represent the future the elite want.

edit on 10-1-2021 by RsaWarhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: carewemust

Wouldn't you just love to follow the circuit that money takes as it returns to lobbyists and politicians! That trail of laundry would be very interesting!

For the immediate future, I'm hoping Joe Biden's business partners really are being investigated by the DOJ for Money Laundering. It was only Hunter and his associates before. Scanning daily for any hints that Joe Biden might not be the President on January 20th. Arrest, Obama Era or Extortion Crimes Exposed, a Major Health Episode....anything to give hope.

The fact that Kamala was never nominated to her position makes me very nervous.
Like getting rid of Joe is part of their plan.
I would feel better if I knew for sure she’s disqualified too

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan
Lin Wood just posted this on Parler:


President Trump will be using be using emergency broadcast system.

We have a man of courage & faith at the helm.

He will be at the helm for 4 more years per the RULE OF LAW.

Pray for President, our country & ALL.


He also just posted that Apple is about to push an update that shuts the EBS off on their devices....WTF?

Make sure your Auto-Update feature is turned OFF...both Apple and Android.

Is EBS being enabled/on mandatory, per U.S. law?

Oh, I see where my phone updated yesterday afternoon before I read this.

Crap...... I didn't get an EBS if there was one.

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 06:34 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Big difference.

Trump was elected (and deselected) by the states. And the west is best, of course.

Plus, we're tired of Trump's blather.

I like Trump.

I think he’s great!
edit on 10-1-2021 by Guiltyguitarist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 06:46 AM
I actually woke up this morning asking why Trump contesting the election results is now, apparently, a crime.

Previous candidates have done the same thing.

Did they expect Trump voters would roll over and accept an equally corrupt recount process, or the corrupt results from the Georgia election held recently?

You can only bend people over the desk so many times before they object. I think Trump voters have been remarkably patient, waiting for justice to be served and still not getting it.

Piles of evidence proving a corrupt presidential election have been completely ignored, and we know why. Justices refusing to hear cases because they are morally compromised and simply don't like the current President.

Now we are being censored left and right in record time and it's pretty damn clear the left is being advised by and using China's playbook.

Why is the left so hypocritical, saying it's okay to burn and destroy, loot and assault for their causes, but denying their opposites the same freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution - the freedom to assemble and petition the government? The freedom to express their opinions?

This kind of hypocrisy in the United States in the 21st century is a stunning regression of everything this country stands for. The left, Pelosi and her ilk, claim Trump is endangering our democracy.

No, you hag, you and your minions are the danger to democracy. You are systematically silencing your opposition as would any communist/socialist country. The United States is a Republic with a founding document that clearly states what the citizenry, ALL of it, is allowed to do.

The very first amendment guarantees what you, you hysterical old b*tch, are now taking away from your opponents. You are the enemy of freedom.

Trump didn't say one word telling ANYONE they should engage in violence. When the unrest was over, an unrest that would have been acceptable if committed by the left, Trump condemned it in the strongest possible terms.

He, literally, said YEARS ago that they weren't trying to silence him, they were trying to silence us. He's not psychic. He saw the writing on the wall a long time ago.

That being said I'd like to thank the f'ing idiots who trashed the Capitol for completely f'ing up everything we stand for, whatever side they were on.

And don't try to tell me there were no Antifa operatives in that group. There were distinctive behaviors and clothing filmed and photographed, along with various other indicators pointing to there being members of Antifa in that crowd.

In utter disgust and loathing,

edit on 1/10/2021 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

Incidentally, if Trump is so dangerous and shouldn't have the nuclear launch codes, why are you morons working around the clock at the Capitol trying to remove him? Why have you taken the weekend off?

I'll let you in on a little secret. YOU ARE TERRIBLE LIARS.
edit on 1/10/2021 by Creep Thumper because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2021 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan
Lin Wood just posted this on Parler:


President Trump will be using be using emergency broadcast system.

We have a man of courage & faith at the helm.

He will be at the helm for 4 more years per the RULE OF LAW.

Pray for President, our country & ALL.


He also just posted that Apple is about to push an update that shuts the EBS off on their devices....WTF?

Make sure your Auto-Update feature is turned OFF...both Apple and Android.

Is EBS being enabled/on mandatory, per U.S. law?

Oh, I see where my phone updated yesterday afternoon before I read this.

Crap...... I didn't get an EBS if there was one.

There wasn't. Relax. 🙂

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