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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Per FoxNews...

Twitter just announced that President Trump's account has been permanently suspended, because he is sending out dog whistles to supporters.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:19 PM
Sorry if I am late to the party, but Parler is officially gone from the Google Play Store.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: Mike Stivic
Anytime you have more than 1000 people fired up, there's bound to be at least one person who is angry enough to commit bodily harm on another. It's ridiculous and illogical to assume an entire hoarde of Trump supporters were comprised of 100% peaceful human beings.

I'm glad you're enjoying your "My Pillow"!

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:20 PM
Gone into observer mode on twitter till after the 20th.

Pepe doesn't remember everyone getting so worked up when the peaceful joggers were burning down cities...

Which Rome are we heading towards in 2021?🤪

A. Battle of Philippi Rome
B. 3rd century Crisis Rome aka Military Anarchy
C. 5th century Collapse Rome
D. None of the above, I create my own reality Rome

I don't think this panic is about either "safety" or censorship. It feels like something is about to come gushing out the floodgates that could lead to open conflict amongst these factions. I stay the hell away from all of it, is my advice. Don't put yourself in the line of fire during the ongoing purge. Things are only going to get worse at least online for the interim. Prepare yourselves. Fourth-generation warfare. Order out of chaos in about 12 days.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: Quadrivium

I can’t under the banner of q

It’s toxic

It’s peopple believing you in saviors and when bold claims are proven wrong they say of course, disinformation is necessary

I’ll keep fighting and researching as I was long before q

And I guess I’ll do so knowing full wel the bulk of q people will believe anything that some clever anonymous online poet tells them, and if that poet tells them to ignore him vicious corruption going on like barr letting comey of the hook, they’ll do that

And fighting the corruption will be harder as the very people we need to wake up will associate me with a group of people who believe those things

I wish you all luck

I think that what you describe is a trend that occurs in any area of conspiracy research.
Lots of slide in the forum, to make anybody trying to learn about it have to read more. Lots of disinformation, to muddy the waters about the topic.
Plenty of poison pill articles and lines of research, to throw earnest, well meaning researchers off the trail or into researching themselves into an unsupportable perspective.
Counterintelligence and law enforcement operatives, dropping subtle incitements to thought crime and hoping somebody takes the bait.
Those directly affected or their agents, sniffing for intelligence.
Every tom dick and harry, piling on with derisive comments decrying those trying to have a discussion as pathetic believers because they engaged in speculating.
Those who take the whole thing being discussed way too seriously or become unhinged by the truth of it or the deception of one of the poison pills, and ultimately make themselves mentally ill from the knowledge.
Cleaners attempting to discredit, undermine, or eliminate any legitimate efforts to discuss potentially damaging truths that may affect their clients.

All of this is standard fare in conspiracy research, I don't really understand why you think this is any better or worse than any other topic. I daresay the discussion is at the least a fair sight more intelligent than say, a flat earth thread or some such. Lots of great journalism getting shared in here, interesting discussion going on. Quit your griping and get in here already! You know you want to...

It's okay to speculate a little now and then. You know, to say what if, or maybe it's this, I don't know, just a guess. It's not like your face will melt off or something if your speculative prediction doesn't come true...

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
Tens of thousands of people are returning home from Washington DC and the absolutely glorious show of solidarity for our POTUS and for free and fair elections.

They were peace...passionate...and exercising their right to speak out and make their voices heard.

Whatever happened inside that Capitol bldg. is anybody's guess.

But, outside, patriots were merely showing solidarity for what is right. They were singing, holding flags, holding hands, and expressing their concerns.

As these patriots return home and share their experiences and videos across the "town square" platforms, are their videos and personal stories also going to be snuffed out by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and others?

Will the pictures of fellow Americans singing and marching in peace to make their voices heard also be wiped off these platforms so those unable to attend won't get to see the first person unedited raw personal videos showing the enormous crowd and the enormous love expressed for each other and for our country, and for our POTUS? It was so evident, so real, and the crowd was enormous.

Some had to walk miles to get into the area from their hotels. But they did it. They did it! Patriots all.

Talk to someone that was there. Hear their incredible stories. Look at their pics and videos. They were 99.99999 per cent peaceful and no one thought anybody was advocating for rioting.

If you meet a patriot that took the time and effort to be there, thank them. Thank them for representing us and this movement. Shake their hand and tell them how much you appreciate their one drop of water that together with the hundreds of thousands of other drops was an ocean of American patriots.

Fair question QOS, if he "incited the riot", and he's the leader of a dangerous cult, then how come hundreds of thousands didn't rush through the doors being opened by the "security?" How come it appears those who "stormed" the open doors were waiting there instead of the rally? NVM, logic = trashed when teeeveee is involved. Worst. False. Flag. Ever.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog

Guy in the back isn't behind the "president".
You can tell by the size of their heads. Doesn't seem to be anyone behind the guy.

Also looks like the "cop" is wearing the same color suit.

I'm thinking those two guys are together. It's not a cop arresting someone.

People are saying this pic was taken in india and that the "guy" is the ambassador to india.
edit on 8-1-2021 by scraedtosleep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Now is the time the real FFs kick off.

That's why I'm home, not traveling.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep
Ok. We don't see cuffs. If anything, the man's posture would indicate that his hands might be restrained behind his back

The speculation that the Italian President has been arrested is because of this message

As with all the other info/disinfo floating around right now, time will tell

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

People are saying this pic was taken in india and that the "guy" is the ambassador to india.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: carewemust

First half of Storm was behind scenes during pandemic unrest and lockdowns. Started 3.11


Prep for secondary (back side) of Storm

Eye: from election until today.

Next phase: cannot disclose due to opsec and need to know which we do not know all. REMEMBER I and my team are NOT Q team. Connections and correlations affirm guidance from higher. Pandemic lockdowns and riots etc were prep for world for what is incoming.

Here and elsewhere anons knew years in advance what was to come. You should all be prepped and ready. As Q says: Mil is the only way.


Stay Vigilant
Remember your Oaths

Psalm 91

Semper Fidelis
edit on 8-1-2021 by 0311Warrior because: Clarity

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:26 PM
Thank you everyone in these threads for the great MEMES!

Over the past 3+ years, the memes have had me laughing till it hurt.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:27 PM
Spooked adds this pice to the puzzle. That recent Italian reveal might have been important. Link

Trump now has the final piece of puzzle
I.e., Vatican funding w Soros.
Complete records of financial transactions, including NATO collusion
Arrests begin tomorrow in US and Europe

At this point. Spain, Germany, Italy, China, Pakistan, Venezuela, and like 50 other countries were more involved in our election then we were. Makes sense, to someone.

How can anyone think that advocating for this, raging against "trumpers" is beneficial to them? US educational system I guess, cellphone and drugs.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: crankyoldman

I understand that it’s supposedly not just one person. But do you not agree that the events of the past week or so would normally come with a barrage of Q post to explain what they say is going on? The silence is deafening.

Joe, I'm surprised at you : )

You've been around these parts way longer than me. Maybe too long perhaps lol.
Q is literally coming alive before your eyes. Red 1... fully confirmed. 10 days of darkness. You have more than you know. We don't need more Q posts. I think as time passes, you'll find yourself looking back on them as events unfold.

It is all there.

When people say "buckle up" they mean it.

Oh, and my latest excuse to post my favourite gif, and it actually mean something...

Oh and... this is true...

and I would keep this in mind...

Just a little side note.
It is becoming clear to me why starlink was pushed through despite everything. I think they will want to shut down the internet, but that will have been foreseen. Bypassed perhaps.

There isn't much I can say right now that I haven't already. I will watch with interest.
But if the net does go down, and I don't know how long that would be for (if it does), but when we come out the other side, I hope to come find you all again. But, I'm not sure that will be required. I think this is all under control. Might not be pretty, or easy, but I do think it has been designed to minimise human tragedy. On that, those making a big issue out of deaths at the capitol...
Without being heartless, all deaths are tragic when before their time, but I honestly don't think some of the people looking from the side-lines really understand the gravity of the fight going on. There will be losses, but when the enemy is shown in full, without clothes, it will become clear just how dark it gets and why. To achieve everything with minimal loss will be incredible. Losses will be remembered.

Most people haven't witnessed serious events. It is all a shock. But this is the war of our generation, and it is only just dawning on many people. But if, like in WW 1 and 2, they witnessed destruction and death as they did, the comparison would be drastic. The big difference between then and now, is that the war is in our minds. People during the war were united, had purpose and direction... a clear enemy. We've been unable to recognise the enemy in full, because they have controlled the media in totality. A muscle they are now flexing before stunned eyes.
But a clear enemy before the people is what will unite them. Left and right divide will vanish as true crime becomes clear. The fall of heroes, who perhaps were never heroes at all... just products of meticulous PR and a very hidden agenda.

Booms create shock. Even those prepared will be shocked. But when we brace for impact, we're a little more prepared.

Countdown has begun, and I believe everything will become crystal clear.

Can you feel the energy right now?

Hold tight. Much love to all... even those who stand in opposition. The unknown country is coming into view.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:33 PM
They could have avoided the whole damn thing.

By running an honest election.

They chose not to.

They were given time to fix "the error".

They did not.

They doubled down.

Kind of stupid to piss off 75 million people.

Imagine if we were a geographically smaller country like the UK.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: 0311Warrior
a reply to: carewemust

First half of Storm was behind scenes during pandemic unrest and lockdowns. Started 3.11


Prep for secondary (back side) of Storm

Eye: from election until today.

Next phase: cannot disclose due to opsec and need to know which we do not know all. REMEMBER I and my team are NOT Q team. Connections and correlations affirm guidance from higher. Pandemic lockdowns and riots etc were prep for world for what is incoming.

Here and elsewhere anons knew years in advance what was to come. You should all be prepped and ready. As Q says: Mil is the only way.


Stay Vigilant
Remember your Oaths

Psalm 91

Semper Fidelis

Thank you and God Bless the plan

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: 0311Warrior

Thank you Warrior on behalf of the world, you are doing an amazing job. With Love from the UK

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:37 PM
I agree, I can feel the energy building. BOOMS incoming.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: Hamlin

I can see it happening. Or at least it will be a push for something. Trump TV. Trump Bacon... I don't know, but theres no way he doesn't try to capitalize off of it.

As a business man he will know he this is a great opportunity.

Oh absolutely, I just don't think he will be allowed to entertain those opportunities.

I think you're right, in that the powers that be will be gunning for him. Whether they will succeed remains to be seen, but it is already a widely discussed media topic.

originally posted by: Hamlin
a reply to: Quadrivium

Anons reached before Q and anons will research long after Q has been forgotten.

I think what some see as a spark others see as an opportunity for apathy.

Like it or not people followed Q, fed off Q.... relied on Q. Whether you'll admit it or not.

That breeds dependence and reduces the motivation and energy for critical thinking outside of the boundaries set by Q (trust so and so).

Those inside the Q bubble are oblivious to how it looks from the outside and how their behaviour comes off.

Hey wait a minute? Are you saying that this all could be an elaborate deceptive psy-op? That is a mind blowing insight, I never would have even considered it. Thanks for bringing that to my attention!

originally posted by: RudeMarine

originally posted by: summer5
Just sharing this for those who are interested.

Need I remind you that our SecDef is a former Green Beret.

Green Berets are known for being EXTREMELY well at planning and strategy. They are the toughest of the tough mentally.

You can send two Green Berets into a country and flip that country upside down in its head within 6 months.

Point being is this.

The Deep State could VERY well have been put into a trap this week.

Watch and See.

~Game on

(Ref. Q Post 4414

That is why I have completely lost my marbles over this. Trump has the executive order he signed in 2018 that just needs court proof which the Michigan judge handed him on a silver platter.

Lynn Woods and the other guy did say they were prevented from seeing the President, just one day after they had a meeting with Trump, his regular white house attorneys and staff. Trump had agreed to have all his election attorneys run things from then on and be given access to him when needed. The white house staff and attorneys have prevented them from seeing the President because they were all going to get paid a large sum of money if they could talk him into giving up and leaving the white house.

I am wondering if they have Trump trapped in the White House and have him prevented from doing anything. Hostage in your own home type deal. Threats to his family and so on.

Hey wait a minute(being serious this time)! Are you saying the executive order requires court heard evidence? That detail had slipped by me. Thanks for mentioning it. The repeated refusals to even view the evidence have an extra dimension to them then, if that particular detail is accurate.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 08:39 PM
He's in cuffs. And federal agents wear nothing but suits. Well...around someone like Pompeo. Otherwise it is polos if they can get away with it. And excessively long pants.

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: scraedtosleep

So cops don’t wear suits? Too me it looks like a guy in cuffs. Can’t say I know who it is but it for sure a curious picture.

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