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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: MountainLaurel
Still not able to find any information on the other 3 "casualties". All I can see is that they just say 3 other ppl died and leave it at that.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

So I get how asymptomatic people might not be transferring the virus, depends on their immune system and the VL. It would also explain why some family members contract it but the rest of the family are fine.
But if that is the case, how the hell is this thing jumping from one person to the next? Is it airborne as opposed to aerosol as we keep getting told? I believed it was airborne as soon as I saw all those trucks in WuHan spraying the streets.

Thank you for the link.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder
As a Brit......OOPS!!!!


posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: PurpleFox

I saw it yesterday. One man died of a heart attack, a woman was trampled to death, and another man had a stroke.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Hi Cranky...
About all your posts on Biden...
what are your thoughts on this...


This is All A Play being acted out.

- Face lift, ears don't match old Joe, looks like Mr Burns on The Simpsons
- Mr Burns character = the "embodiment of corporate greed"
- Can The Simpson predicts the future? (Think logically = NO)
- Better: Writer of this story dropping "easter eggs" for us (in control)
- Debate: POTUS says "Biden wears the biggest mask I have ever seen" (hahaha)
- Biden acts so strange. Only reads. Limited appearances. Talks in shadows.

Can Jim Carrey Solve Joe Biden for ‘Saturday Night Live’?
- Jim Carrey as Biden (watch video: 1:33 - 1:50)

- SNL Debate 1 : "Joe wears the biggest mask I have ever seen." (0:15 - 0:33)

- JB "official" President-Elect "based on the electoral votes counted".
- A LIVE TOWN HALL meeting with Biden addressing the nation.

- Team POTUS has it all. Nothing can stop what is coming.
- Main Victory won after Trump won Presidency.
- KEYSTONE achieved = Military (President) + NSA (Intelligence)
- Few were ready to swallow "a full dose" of truth.
- Head cut off, but body still dangerous (Booby traps/bad actors)
- Prison system had to be dismantled, cleaned out, educate & unite.
- Q drops gave us bite-size pieces - digest, think about & connect
- Q drops allowed us to understand our power of working together
- Q drops allowed us to learn how the "prison system" worked.

Election fraud that took place was done on purpose.

- POTUS wants to save EVERYONE ON BOTH SIDES (not losing 4-6%)
- It clearly fits his decisions over the past 4 years.
- But the clock is ticking and deadline set.
- TP shortages / March yesterday = stress tests to gauge public readiness???
- What is going to happen with the big reveal happens?

- Self Reflection, understanding your impact on others - at all times.
- What you do with your awareness in solely on you
- It is the responsibility of the awake to remain calm for others
(they possibly can't deal with panic with all sides out of control)
(there are still others looking to inflict harm / spark chaos)

- Look to TEAM POTUS for guidance & reassurance when things change.
- Built your faith to establish & let it control your emotions.
- Keep holding the line with honor, integrity & truth.
- Be careful who you follow (deceivers / trolls pushing fear & doubt).

I AM ... Shane*+*Browning = suggests watching: READY PLAYER ONE
He is 100% pushing peace, forgiveness & unity as the way forward.

edit on 8-1-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: FlyingFox
VP Mike Pence would not accept any phone calls from either Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer today. It's funny how he alternates hats, from White to Black to Gray. I wonder what's the next color for Mr. Pence?

This makes we wonder if there is chance, maybe a tiny chance, that Pence is really a white hat. Perhaps the protest march wasn't part of the plan, but was just a result of Trump's ego. If this is the case, Trump really does bear part of the blame for what happened.

We all knew that the odds Congress would do anything about the fraud were slim to none. And Pence was right: the VP is basically just a glorified envelope opener during the process.

If anything is going to be done, it will have to be by the military, or else the job will default to We The People to set things right.

Storming the capital exposed that politicians were only ceremonially contesting election results. As in, they didn’t really mean it if anything were on the line. If you are principled, your contesting doesn’t switch just because a bad thing happened. No one was seriously contesting the election. The standing ovations were all for show. Even Rand Paul sold out.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: Quadrivium

I’m not trolling

I sincerely believe people that follow q and are not n this thread want corruption to end like me

I sincerely believe the fact they believed q hurt our best chance to take action while we had a president that may have listened to us

I sincerely believe many q followers are so invested they will follow q no matter how much he misleads them

Just had another poster put up an eloquent post about how of course disinformation is necessary, it’s unreal

And now q will be used to discredit every populist going forward

“You sound like you have a point that the establishment is corrupt. But you also said to just trust the plan and everything would be solved, and that was a lie. And then you said of course, sometimes we have to be lied to”

This is not the message we need to wake up the massive amount of people we will need to win this country back

So what would you amd other q people do of you sincerely thought an ally of yours was ruining your chances of achieving real change?

Stay silent?

If that’s what you all want so be it

DON'T stay quiet.
If you know anything about this thread you should understand that not every post has to do with Q anon. There is a lot of information gathered, presented then researched.
Be the Q.
Help dig.
Add value.
Help us seek the truth.
That is what many of are looking for.
The whole thing was staged to gain more control. Trump, Wood, Q they are all in on this strategy to divide and conquer. I’m sorry but you’ve been hoodwinked. This was 4 years of political theatre to give the impression there is a good side, there isn’t.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: PurpleFox
a reply to: MountainLaurel
Still not able to find any information on the other 3 "casualties". All I can see is that they just say 3 other ppl died and leave it at that.

They haven’t finished writing up their backstories yet. Character development takes time...

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: MetalThunder

So I get how asymptomatic people might not be transferring the virus, depends on their immune system and the VL. It would also explain why some family members contract it but the rest of the family are fine.
But if that is the case, how the hell is this thing jumping from one person to the next? Is it airborne as opposed to aerosol as we keep getting told? I believed it was airborne as soon as I saw all those trucks in WuHan spraying the streets.

Thank you for the link.

I’m pretty sure the test is merely a coronavirus test. This would classify every cold and flu as Covid positive. No fakery required. Do you really believe flu numbers are down? I don’t. The flu/pneumonia kills at risk people every year. Same thing is happening this year. New name. New fear. Same old killer.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: macaronicaesar

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: Quadrivium

I’m not trolling

I sincerely believe people that follow q and are not n this thread want corruption to end like me

I sincerely believe the fact they believed q hurt our best chance to take action while we had a president that may have listened to us

I sincerely believe many q followers are so invested they will follow q no matter how much he misleads them

Just had another poster put up an eloquent post about how of course disinformation is necessary, it’s unreal

And now q will be used to discredit every populist going forward

“You sound like you have a point that the establishment is corrupt. But you also said to just trust the plan and everything would be solved, and that was a lie. And then you said of course, sometimes we have to be lied to”

This is not the message we need to wake up the massive amount of people we will need to win this country back

So what would you amd other q people do of you sincerely thought an ally of yours was ruining your chances of achieving real change?

Stay silent?

If that’s what you all want so be it

DON'T stay quiet.
If you know anything about this thread you should understand that not every post has to do with Q anon. There is a lot of information gathered, presented then researched.
Be the Q.
Help dig.
Add value.
Help us seek the truth.
That is what many of are looking for.
The whole thing was staged to gain more control. Trump, Wood, Q they are all in on this strategy to divide and conquer. I’m sorry but you’ve been hoodwinked. This was 4 years of political theatre to give the impression there is a good side, there isn’t.

No good versus bad is well established. Even before Q. If you've been paying attention the past few days, this was all over the TV for everyone to see, not just ATS posters.
"This is not about R vs D."
Q 4813
edit on 8-1-2021 by TheMandolorian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 09:52 AM
Daughter, Wife, Veteran, Patriot, Killed by traitors in the U.S. Capitol Building - Jan 6 2020, In loving memory (yes, the memorial says Jan 6)

BENJAMIN PHILLIPS, Son, father, Patriot, In loving memory

KEVIN GREESON, Son, Brother, Father, Patriot, Died fighting for his country, Jan 6, 2020, In loving memory (yes, the memorial says Jan 6)

ROSEANNE BOYLAND, Daughter, Sister, Patriot, In loving memory

originally posted by: PurpleFox
a reply to: MountainLaurel
Still not able to find any information on the other 3 "casualties". All I can see is that they just say 3 other ppl died and leave it at that.

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Caled

Let's see:
Trump knew that antifa was going to be in town

there was strangely little security around the Capital Building during one of the most important Congressional event in modern times

none of Trumps actual supporters at the Capital Building tried to stop the antifa members from going inside

I personally think Trump knew and allowed this to happen so that he could do something. Some here think it was to pre-deploy troops around the Congressional Buildings, others think it was to all an oversite. members of Congress had a day before this event drafted up a motion to exclude members that objected to the vote (we've seen the evidence of that). So what's really at play here?

I think these theatrics were allowed by Trump so that he could legally attempt a third term after all this settles down and he remains in office. I also think that all this theater was so that aging members of the corrupt politics of DC could quietly go away without facing any jail time. Deal of the Century folks. If I'm right, but there is a good chance that I'm not right too.

What are we missing, and is there anything in the "KU" bag that leads us to a conclusion, or does "KU" merely Qloud up the waters?
You are 100% not right, you can take that to the bank. There is no 2nd or 3rd term, this is so over lol

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: SuperStudChuck

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: FlyingFox
VP Mike Pence would not accept any phone calls from either Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer today. It's funny how he alternates hats, from White to Black to Gray. I wonder what's the next color for Mr. Pence?

This makes we wonder if there is chance, maybe a tiny chance, that Pence is really a white hat. Perhaps the protest march wasn't part of the plan, but was just a result of Trump's ego. If this is the case, Trump really does bear part of the blame for what happened.

We all knew that the odds Congress would do anything about the fraud were slim to none. And Pence was right: the VP is basically just a glorified envelope opener during the process.

If anything is going to be done, it will have to be by the military, or else the job will default to We The People to set things right.

Storming the capital exposed that politicians were only ceremonially contesting election results. As in, they didn’t really mean it if anything were on the line. If you are principled, your contesting doesn’t switch just because a bad thing happened. No one was seriously contesting the election. The standing ovations were all for show. Even Rand Paul sold out.

This ^^^^^ bolded part by me....TRUTH!!!


posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: SuperStudChuck



posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 10:10 AM
Senator Jeff Merkley says his laptop was stolen from his office in Capitol building during the breach . ..

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) said that the rioters who stormed the Capitol ransacked his office and stole a laptop.

In a video posted on Twitter, Merkley said that rioters “smashed the door virtually off its hinges.”

Rioters “tore things off the walls,” including art on his wall, left a cigarette butt that was stamped out, and stole the laptop, Merkley added.

I wonder what is on the stolen laptop. I wonder now if the laptop, and perhaps others in other offices, were intentionally targeted/stolen and the breach used as cover to ransack offices and copy info from computers/devices, and perhaps steal those computers/devices they couldn't get into quickly?

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 10:11 AM
And here we have Server To and From connect records from election night in PA

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 10:11 AM
There was a video on MSNBC last night the boy that was knocked out of the window was speaking to them about what was happening he was just breaking that, different groups were arguing with each other and he was just breaking the glass and another guy told him to stop and he was doing what he thought everybody wanted him to do but the guy punched him. He was a young trumper.

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Video of Trump supporters calling out, and eventually pulling away, AnTiFa trying to smash windows to get into Capitol building.
Twitter censors the video.

Stop listening to MSM lies. I was there in DC. Antifa started to break windows but stops by Trump supporters.

Video Shows Trump Supporters Attempting to Stop People From Breaking Into the Capitol 5

edit on 8-1-2021 by MayRenee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Yep it was painful how quickly many flipped over and gave up their hard stance they had been presenting. Maybe some just gave up hope maybe others were coerced with a deal. Regardless it is obvious who has no character or integrity. As stated above there is no R or D once your “in” the family it is forever

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 10:13 AM

In 2013, I was studying the communication differences between 4chan's /pol/ and Tumblr. I found that social media gamified communication and created monocultures based on strategies that maximize attention economy efficiency. I also found that anonymous forums had a unique ability to interfere with these games by leveraging what I call "The Butterfly Attack". This attack is named after the Müller interpretation of the mimetic polymorphism found in lepidoptera, commonly known as butterflies.

One day, Twitter users decided to start a hashtag called #solidarityIsForWhiteWomen and I saw a chance to try out my theory: What if people could trick others into thinking they were members of a protected class?

 This theory required me to convince /pol/ to be black feminists to amplify the shaming of white feminists. It was /pol/'s first successful raid. 4chan nostalgia confirms this:

The conclusion was astounding: White feminists were so afraid of Civil Rights wing patterns, they feared retaliating against black feminist rage. (The hashtag was legit, btw. White feminists cry about pixels. Black feminists can't feed their kids. I don't feel bad for what I did.)

How do you maximize an all-volunteer military that has been cycled through multiple tours and received no training in urban occupation? It's the same question as: How do you maximize a finite number of community managers who received no training in memetic warfare? You use meta data! DoD captures all Iraqi telecom data and analyzes the meta data for behavior that indicates if someone is gonna go hot. Petraeus used this heavily to make sure the door kickers were allocated for high impact missions. Fits right into Jigsaw's needs. If I was Jigsaw, I'd bring on Petraeus as well. He's the first general in history to successfully integrate the meta data domain into urban conflict.

This also means Google is deploying military-tested techniques and methodologies against American citizens as if they were a destabilized, displaced, and distressed population.

As these efforts go into full swing and the defectors pile up, Silicon Valley will have to institute Scientology-style restrictions of expression and behavior. These limitations will only create more defectors as internal reprimands become more reactionary. If you need help finding the psychology of Silicon Valley developers, mine HackerNews and IRC logs for sentiment analysis about their behaviors and allegiances.

 Silicon Valley wanted to engage in infinite conflict escalation over their obsession with Civil Rights wing patterns. This zeal will be their undoing. We will make them eat the bad butterflies until they can't have another bite. Then we will make them eat more.

 Welcome to the Butterfly War.
edit on fFridayAmerica/Chicago1010699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2021 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
And here we have Server To and From connect records from election night in PA

What is the source for this?
My county is in that list.
edit on b000000312021-01-08T10:19:56-06:0010America/ChicagoFri, 08 Jan 2021 10:19:56 -06001000000021 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

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