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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: awhispersecho

I feel you. I wish I knew what to tell you on that one.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Flesh699

Yeah, isn’t he on like his 6th new heart or something absurd like that? I would imagine a brand new young heart every few years, and a steady diet of baby blood does the old body wonders.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:05 PM
Weird and I mean really weird, how these two rally's look exactly like the did 9 months go. Even with 155 million votes cast with a near 100% voter turnout - a record in any non corrupt country. 81 million fervent Joe fans weathering The Rona to vote for him...

President Elect Joe

President DJT


Interesting comment from Joe Di. I know, Joe Di, but what is interesting is the last phrase "why WE are doing it..." This implies a well thought out plan, not a Hail Mary.

BTW, what's the most exciting moment in all of TEAM sports? The Hail Mary. The Walk Off Homer. The Shoot Out or last second goal. The Buzzer Beater. Conditioning is everything.

edit on 4-1-2021 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:19 PM
One need not destroy the enemy, one must destroy the enemy's willingness to engage. -Sun Tzu

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

It’s mind boggling.

- everyone knew they were going to cheat.
- everyone knew how they would cheat.
- they got caught cheating.
- they are allowed to win by cheating.

It’s eff’d up. It’s literally third world stuff right in front of a live audience.

All of this “objection” blustering won’t change anything. Delaying the inevitable. I will eat crow daily if anyone other than Biden is sworn in.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

All because they know they have the entire media in their back pockets. They knew beforehand than any mention of cheating would be met with all kinds of labels and that would be that. And look where we are today.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:32 PM

American Re-Made - The Real Story of Barry Seal, takes a cold, hard, look at the facts of not only just Barry Seal, but the hidden-from-the-public, polito-intel-world, he rose and was gunned down in, and lays it out for all to see.

Watch the Barry Seal story like it's never been told before

If anyone has insomnia...4 hours with links to each of 17 chapters.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:35 PM
No idea if legit...

It Takes a Village to Fuel a Biden Binge

In intelligence analysis, a diary ranks supreme to most personal communications. It’s one of the best sources for primary material. A diary—in contrast to letters, emails, IMs, or phone calls, which always go through some form of refinements, filtering, and self-censorship—captures a person’s raw inner thoughts and feelings. Hunter wrote various such notes and recorded voice memos on a variety of topics and these are helpful in reconstructing his psychological profile and shedding some a light on Biden family dynamics.

These are awful people. Awful, truly awful. Saying so, in today's climate, is akin to treason, but there is simply is no other way to see it IMO.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:36 PM
Adrenochrome Review

4 out of 5 stars.
· a month ago
Great for a synthetic product

Not as pure as when it’s freshly harvested, but this definitely comes in handy as a substitute when you don’t have anything else on hand.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:40 PM

From the link attached to his post;

I tried to pull/post bullet points but the doc seems to be a collection of image files so I cannot edit text - a few snapshots;

Much more at link - 9 pgs of context & 6 pgs of appendix/back up

Maybe someone with better editing skills can post more from doc

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:41 PM
Pop Quiz what's going on in this pic? Hint, no one will like it.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: Flesh699
Adrenochrome Review

4 out of 5 stars.
· a month ago
Great for a synthetic product

Not as pure as when it’s freshly harvested, but this definitely comes in handy as a substitute when you don’t have anything else on hand.

"Is this the naturally occurring type or synthetic? "

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:46 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
a reply to: TheMandolorian

JHTH admits he is supplying info to Wood.


Mr. Wood is helping to get my information out. Mr woods middle name is Lucius meaning light, I wonder what my middle name is

Ryan DARK White to Lin LUCIAN Wood.


D 2 L

Dark to light.

JHTH ------> Lucian

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

A basic implementation of AWS Rekognition?

Or... mapping entire interiors and exteriors so they can be rendered in a Google Earth like massive 3D model of every inch of the globe. Complete with a 3D model representation of your body and face in the exact GPS coordinates of your phone so they know where are at all times.

All they need now is LIDAR on our devices... Introducing the next iPad...

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:51 PM
Apparently they are flying the 13 start, circular pattern Betsy Ross flag above the White House tonight? Signifying the American Revolution?!

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

They already pretty much have LiDAR in our phone. They can send sound waves from our mic and pick them back up and map the interior of your house with 3D precision. There is a leaked report from an ad agency of all places detailing all the crazy chit they can do with your phone. And this was in like 2015-16.

Crazy stuff.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Justoneman
It seems we're headed for scenes like this one filmed in Canada: , if Biden's election steal is successful.

But here in America, probably 30% of those "enforcement visits" will end in injuries and/or deaths of both police and home occupants. That's probably why Joe Biden/China wants to disarm us, as quickly as possible.

Proof they are acting totally like Nazi's but want their followers to believe it is us who are the Nazi's. I am sad to see this train wreck occur since I have been knowing it was coming and few have tried to avoid being killed in it.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
Apparently they are flying the 13 start, circular pattern Betsy Ross flag above the White House tonight? Signifying the American Revolution?!

Any screen shots of this?

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:55 PM

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: pheonix358
Did Baron Trump purchase Above Top Secret?

Just asking for some friends.


Ok, am I the only one besides you who thinks that if it is true it would be pretty good proof we are going to keep ATS rolling. The Trumps seemingly want all the truth to come out and be seen by the public. I can say I like it and hope it is true that ATS will be preserved.

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