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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 33 -

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posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

The BeeBeeSee have him being mentally ill, fearing for his life and won't be extradited.

Is this good or bad

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 05:20 AM
Here are the links to articles and other websites from Mr. Wood's recent tweet storm. I know one or two have been posted, I wanted to go ahead and throw them all in here. er-minnesota-court-rules-on-international-child-trafficking-evidence/

It would seem as though Mr. Wood's opinion on Mr. Pence is not favorable...

originally posted by: zvezdar
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

To me Wood's tweets smack of having evidence, or knowledge of evidence, but that evidence hasn't been obtained in ways that will allow it to be admissible in court. In that case, you want an avenue which allows the evidence to enter a lawsuit in a legal manner. You could do that through discovery in a lawsuit that is related to the evidence you hold, but you generally can't do it if you bring the case yourself.

Now let's say you are a defamation attorney, and want someone to sue you so that you can use discovery to have the suing party submit the evidence to the court directly, thereby ensuring it is legally admissible. How would you go about it? Perhaps make outlandish public statements that you know would normally be sufficient to launch a defamation case?

Sometimes, court is more about legal strategy than the law itself. Let's see if anyone actually sues Wood; if they do, then Wood may just be crazy. If they don't, then he probably isn't crazy and is probably over target.

I had seen the theory bandied about. Seems plausible.

a reply to: brewtiger

Thanks again for another awesome post! I'll try to reply again in more detail if I am able, but I wanted to reply now to at least just say that.
edit on 4-1-2021 by TheBadCabbie because: because

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Is this scenario believable?

Chief Justice Roberts forced to rape and shoot a child on video-tape.

CJ John Roberts has been blackmailed, according to:




Can you be blackmailed over something you were forced at gunpoint to do?

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: carewemust
Is this scenario believable?

Chief Justice Roberts forced to rape and shoot a child on video-tape.

CJ John Roberts has been blackmailed, according to:




Can you be blackmailed over something you were forced at gunpoint to do?

I've often thought this might be how they do it and largely in order to obtain blackmail material. Probably not many people naturally inclined to do these things, most would die before doing so but the technique might just pick out those whose greed for power and position win over their ethics. They get rewarded for doing so but are kept permanently in line by fear of exposure due to blackmail material. You bring up an interesting question though about the definition of blackmail.

Was there a guest appearance here today? If so, can someone send me a pm? Thnx.

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: carewemust

I don't think this would count as legal extortion, but we do have lawyers that are on the site that might be able to answer this. Personally I think this is a group of elites are using the appearance of a voluntary crime as a point of extortion, rather then allowing these people to use the truth to fight against them. There must have been more to it than just this. I bet that these people that are being extorted were forced at gun point before they were given any kind of reward.

Basically the scam goes like this:
Grab an up and comer at gun point
Force them to preform a criminal act in front of a camera
Double down on that act by forcing the person to get rid of any witnesses
Reward that person for doing what they were told by giving them a fruitful career
When the time is needed for them to act, the elites then bring up the extortion films forcing the persons hands

It may seem complicated, but has anyone here looked at how a Ponzi Scheme works? Those are much more involved, and yet nobody thinks about the so-called victims of those, nor how the the people behind them easily get people to put forth the cash flow.

Finally somebody has the balls to put something out there as to what is going on. Kudos to Lin Wood for taking this risk, let's hope he get's this information out there enough to shut these people up.

Yes, but more than one way to make this stuff happen. Drug the mark and pair them up with the 'victim', take your photos and there you go.

I think a lot of people probably have done things that they don't want anyone to know about, and that they THINK no one really knows about, that are actually known about and then presented for use as leverage when the time comes, or probably at some early juncture simply to establish the nature of the relationship they wish to have with the 'client'.

Could be serious crimes for some, or perhaps something that might simply be scandalous, therefore politically damaging, for others. Stormy Daniels, for instance. Not a big deal for a guy like Trump. Really big deal for a guy like say Lindsey Graham, or Mike Pence. Not a crime either way, just scandalous.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 05:46 AM

originally posted by: Kaworu
a reply to: hangedman13
I've had a similar thought on this for years. The icy moon Europa with it's theorized frozen oceans. My money has always been on that one for alien life. Add to that the recent ufo sighting in Ohau and how it plunged into the ocean and its not to farfetched an idea to think our visitors could also be diving the salt waters of Europa.

It's kind of fallen off the radar in recent decades, but the Bermuda Triangle is definitely one of those suspect areas of the world's oeans.

There's a book out by Bruce Gernon, The Fog, about his experience there.

He got lost in a kind of fog and found himself in a wormhole-like vortex. Florida should have been 50 miles away, but when he emerged from the "cloud bank" he was right over the coast of Florida.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 05:47 AM

originally posted by: queenofswords
Strong Trump supporter, Tom Cotton, has decided not to stand with Republicans who are voting to oppose the Electoral College results. Here is his statement.

What a conundrum! The election was obviously stolen, but opening a Pandora's Box is just too much for some of these DC politicians. Cotton has a point, but, do We The People just sit back and let a bunch of thieves and low-lifes rob us of the presidency?

Something BIG has to be revealed on or before Jan. 6 - 20, or, the evil b#sta#*s take it. Opposing the electoral college votes has to be accompanied by some jaw-dropping across-the-board indisputable revelations.

This is what cowardice looks like. Challenging election results from states where fraud took place is not even unprecedented and BIG stuff has been revealed all along. Cotton is being a coward. The Pandora’s Box was opened when people started cheating to win elections - even more so when they started conspiring in large groups, across state lines, to win national elections. Objecting to the electors, finding a solution where we revote or Congress just flat out installing Trump as the rightful president by throwing out some electors will start the process of CLOSING the Pandora’s box opened by the cheaters. Is it scary? Yeah. I’m sure I’m not alone in having mixed feelings about what is coming - while I’m excited to see some justice, I also know that no matter which way this plays out there will be upheaval in our country. Bad stuff will happen either way. Doing the right thing in the face of opposition is always scary. ALWAYS. We teach our kids to do it anyway for this very reason - to practice. If Trump is re-elected, the media will rile people up with their spin an try to cause as much damage as possible. Cotton fears what that looks like and is trying to side step it. He’s counting on conservatives to bend over and take it like they always have. They will not and I don’t know if he is in denial about that or he thinks they’re bluffing or what but Cotton, and guys like him, are trying to avoid conflict in a situation where that’s not possible. Either way, doing nothing because doing the right thing is uncomfortable makes you a coward. In this situation it’s also Miley to make you the loser in the next Primary for your Congressional seat.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Maybe Trump is hoping we'll descend on the Congressional building and scare the living sh*t out of Congress.


Perhaps. It certainly could happen. There are undoubtedly a lot of people upset and concerned about this whole thing.

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Fwiw id prefer your version to come true, but will see soon enough.

Me too.

originally posted by: More1ThanAny1
So someone comes on ATS and says they are one of the most advanced hackers in the world and "has it all" and disappears.

Then on the same day hours later Lin Wood, a lawyer currently on the world stage, starts talking about some hacker group that has damning files?

All within months of one of the most advanced and damaging hacks of all time that impacted the Pentagon, Homeland Security, Microsoft, and many major fortune 500 companies?

What the heck?

As much as I think ATS is some dusty old ignored little website for crazy people in the corner of the internet nobody cares about anymore, is there something going on here?

Wouldn't surprise me. There may be other places online where the caliber of discussion that is happening here can occur, but probably not many. We're special!

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 05:58 AM

originally posted by: Parksy1981
a reply to: Creep Thumper

Did I miss anything?

Looks like Cavv has you covered.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

Sorted thanks!

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 06:34 AM
Hello friends.

I've just come across this that's just been posted on twit with images of champagne bottles and 'congratulations' for Assange etc. I haven't read it all except for the last few lines of the document . .. what does it mean?

Sorry guys that the text in images is a bit small, follow the link to view it properly . ..

What's happening?
edit on 4-1-2021 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 06:53 AM
A nice interesting start to my monday, hope everyone ready for the following days .......its why we're here ...... after all.

PM for you dashen
edit on 4/1/2021 by Catch_a_Fire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
Lin Wood

I believe Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape. I have the key to the files containing the videos. I have also shared this information.

ETA: wrote this before I saw the Lin tweet about Kappy. Further behind than I realized.

Just a thought connecting this tweet to the letter from holmseth linked above - Holmseth references Jon Bonet, implying she was the victim of a government facilitated trafficking ring (or at least, that seemed to be his implication). Lin Wood won a libel lawsuit on behalf of her brother (assuming without reading the lawsuit that this was in relation to that special a few years ago where they basically said the brother killed her). As his attorney, Wood probably dug pretty deep into the case, evidence and whistleblower info that’s been hidden from the public. Maybe it was that case where he started to unravel what he knows and he’s just been sitting on it, fuming, but without a way to release it without violating a court order or attorney/client privilege or putting some whistleblower in danger because it wasn’t in the public eye enough for that person to be “safe”. We are all aware of what can happen to whistleblowers if they release everything they have in an uneventful way - they get suicided, media buries it before it takes off for public consumption, 99.9% of the public never even knows any of it exists so they never question the “suicide”. Any family member suggesting otherwise is considered “grief stricken and in denial”. “So sad....”.

I think that’s what Wood is doing here - he’s putting all the info out in a super public way so he controls the narrative. He’s even getting the liberalist of liberals to pay attention to him even if it’s just to mock him. They are spreading the word to all their liberal friends too - “hey, come watch this train wreck - it’s hilarious. Let’s mock him together”. His tweets are considered so outlandish by the general public that the targets don’t feel threatened enough to go after him. They are laughing because people think he’s crazy and they didn’t even need to do anything. I think at some point, Wood will drop the evidence but he’s got to find the sweet spot of maximum coverage and maybe he feels like he isn’t there yet. He’s probably right. Or his role is to just throw this stuff out there so when/if people are publicly arrested, the masses aren’t so socked and maybe even some liberals take a minute to think before jumping into the media spin fest. Either way, you can’t deny that Lin is definitely holding the attention of people who wouldn’t normally give his twitter the time of day. That seems planned, imo. The key to successful whistleblowing has always been about getting out in front of the narrative so you control it. You have to market the release of the info, get eyes on and then present it directly to the people. Too many times the whistleblower has just assumed that the information will stand for itself because it’s so shocking but the media is a master at burying it so it can’t.

So if that’s what Lin is doing, he’s going about it the right way imo and as much as I personally find this process annoying, I understand the necessity given out corrupt media and government.
edit on 4-1-2021 by FinallyFree72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 07:12 AM
Monday Monday .... Dominion in Action - How to edit away Votes. Why are we using these fully editable systems anyway ?

Georgia poll supervisor explains the Dominion vote scanning software. Adjudication allows voting supervisor to vote on ballots as they wish. Also shows the system can be confusing and allow accidental or intentional multiple counting of the same ballots.

its all in Context and timing in how you process info and connect dots
Mark Zuckerberg paying for election operations, vote counting across U.S.

edit on 142021 by MetalThunder because: 7 7 7

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 07:15 AM
So I've just caught up, it seems some of what I'd mentioned previously seems to be gaining some legs ie, pence and his apparent involvement in some serious crimes.

The scenario, lin is playing out in his drops, isnt hard to believe. People have some sick ways of securing another persons control. Weve read about similar situations before.

As for the visitor here ....... dont undermine or downplay him, I believe there is a reason why is here, the following week will tell us more.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I wouldn’t be able to get it up. Too much pressure.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: carewemust

Lin Wood @LLinWood 17m

After Kappy received the hacked files from member of Lizard Squad, he gave files to one friend and the encryption key to another friend. He provided this information to his friends shortly before he was murdered in May 13, 2019. Members of Lizard Squad were jailed for hacking.


Everything is coming full circle.

The freaking Lizard Squad? Are you kidding me? I’m more convinced now than ever that what we say and think about truly manifests into our reality. Truth is truly stranger than fiction.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: More1ThanAny1

Yes. There is definitely something going on here.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 07:38 AM
Drug-induced priapism.

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I wouldn’t be able to get it up. Too much pressure.

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

Wait, I KNOW that I saw a post somewhere recently talking about how Trump made a deal to have Assange released. They said it was not a pardon, but a sort of secret agreement that would grant JA his freedom. Turns out they might have been spot on.
edit on 4-1-2021 by PokeyJoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

My problem with all he is saying is that it all fits to well with stuff we have hashed out here before on ATS.

Its almost to convenient , coincidental and possibly a setup to tarnish trump supporters and conspiracy theorist which apparently are now at the top of the hit list.

edit on 58131America/ChicagoMon, 04 Jan 2021 07:58:11 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2021 @ 07:57 AM
Ok, I remember reading something about using electricity to regenerate limbs (I think it was also in rats) in a book decades ago... -quick-search- ... no, it was in frogs, Dr. Robert Becker, published in a paper and referenced in the book I read, 'The Body Electric'... and also referenced in the NIH article (3rd link below)...

originally posted by: More1ThanAny1
I am not sure what is going on but I do know this now:

Novel blood filter approved by FDA for emergency treatment of COVID-19

Israeli scientists claim to reverse aging process – using only oxygen

Effects of electrical stimulation on rat limb regeneration, a new look at an old model

These findings demonstrate that electricity stimulates tissue regeneration and form the basis for further research leading to possible new treatments for regenerating limbs.

Electrical stimulation to accelerate wound healing

Electrical stimulation has been shown to accelerate wound healing and increase cutaneous perfusion in human studies.

There is mention of electricity in this talk at 0:48 and some more detail at 15:02 and later.

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