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There is no actual evidence of voter fraud; here's how we know:

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posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: djz3ro

How many other elections have been conducted on US soil under a global pandemic?

No clue to why you asked this...

You said we had lots of elections like this, and I explained more as to why it is unique, and so what does this statement have to do with

I did? Funny coz it wasn't me.

I ask because the Mail in Ballots were more frequent this year because of Covid-19. Most Covid Deniers, Anti-Maskers and Lockdown Protesters are Right Wing, they were the ones turning out to vote en mass on the day.

Lefties are the ones taking this a bit more seriously and posted their votes in.

Trump knew this, hence his attack on Mail in Ballots, his attempt to get rid of them was an attempt to disenfrachise a lot of Biden voters.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: djz3ro

I did? Funny coz it wasn't me.

I ask because the Mail in Ballots were more frequent this year because of Covid-19. Most Covid Deniers, Anti-Maskers and Lockdown Protesters are Right Wing, they were the ones turning out to vote en mass on the day.

Lefties are the ones taking this a bit more seriously and posted their votes in.

Trump knew this, hence his attack on Mail in Ballots, his attempt to get rid of them was an attempt to disenfrachise a lot of Biden voters.

Oops sorry makes sense now. It wasn't you the first time. There has been big concerns for an instant no request mass mailing to everyone and anyone. There was no reason why for many months people could not request a ballot if they choose to not vote in person. The CDC also said voting in person was low risk, so have at it. Its 2020 no one is disenfranchised if they put in 2 minutes of effort. This effort ensures a person is registered and that they want to vote. Mass mailings is so open to fraud where requests are not...its really simple.

In another post they are looking at 25k+ votes that came to the post office before they were mailed out in one state alone. Its not very hard to print ballots....

BTW people on the right wear masks too, but they do not want draconian measures put on them as that attacks our freedoms. As to lock downs... There is a large uprising of the left in this latest lock down... I guess now that Trump is about gone their virtue signaling is all dried up. Even the Democratic leadership didn't believe in any of it, but they sure virtue signaled in a OMB event and behind everyone's back no masks and large group parties well until they get
edit on 29-11-2020 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Ok, I'm willing to concede that there was plenty time to organise Postal Ballots and that the Mass Mail in Ballots could be susceptible to fraud but no evidence has made it to the courts, why is that?

Surely these 25k+ votes should be evidence? If genuine they would make it through the court?

The Pandemic may be political in some respects but there is no way every world government is in on it?

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Doctor Smith

He is retired. He is also a raving lunatic.

He supported a war based on false allegations of his about Saddam's non existent WMD 's.

Did you put your confidence in that, I wonder?

there is evidence they moved those WMDs out of the country before the new war.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Doctor Smith

He is retired. He is also a raving lunatic.

He supported a war based on false allegations of his about Saddam's non existent WMD 's.

Did you put your confidence in that, I wonder?

there is evidence they moved those WMDs out of the country before the new war.

I've never heard this. Not that I don't believe you but have you any links?

I protested against that war based on their being no WMD's in the 1st place

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: djz3ro

Those have good information on them,well as good as we can access as civies.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:42 PM
To sum up where we are: Nearly 400 posts later with many nay sayers throughout, not a single person has offered anything that refutes the OP of this thread.

No one has linked to where Trump is alleging voter fraud in court.

No one has linked to evidence of voter fraud that Trump has put forth in court.

No one has linked to any credible evidence of voter fraud put forth by anyone in court.

Not a single cogent explanation has been offered as to why Trump is not putting forth evidence of voter fraud or even alleging it.

This should serve as a clear answer for any one that was still wondering whether evidence of voter fraud exists. It does not. Trump is lying when he says that they have evidence. If they did, they would put it forward in court.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: neutronflux

originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: Willtell

I definately agree he is dragging this on for as long as possible so he can maximize his donations.

If he admits he lost then he stops getting donations. If he admits there is no fraud, he gets no donations under the guise of legal support.

I regret not setting up a site to solicit donations to investigate claims of fraud for Trump's

But there is fraud. That is a fact. Please list what process post election audits impartially the accuracy of the original election night count? And if it has weight to impact the election.

If there were fraud, it would be presented in court as evidence by Trump. That has not happened. Thus, we can conclude that there is no fraud.

Your third sentence seems to be missing some words or something--what were trying to say?

You going with zero fraud, would you like to take that statement back?

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: djz3ro
a reply to: Xtrozero

Ok, I'm willing to concede that there was plenty time to organise Postal Ballots and that the Mass Mail in Ballots could be susceptible to fraud but no evidence has made it to the courts, why is that?

Surely these 25k+ votes should be evidence? If genuine they would make it through the court?

The Pandemic may be political in some respects but there is no way every world government is in on it?

In on what? People are getting upset with lock downs in other countries too. Much of it was a politician "cover my ass" approach as it is not as bad as first thought and even death rates are down 70%+ from 4 months ago due to understanding more how to take care of people.

As to voter fraud, lets see where it goes...I'm getting tired of people screaming "there is no fraud period". Trump might have a time limit to put something out, but I don't, and I just want the next election to have better safe guards in place and to focus on correcting irregularities in the process.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: johnnylaw16

Funny you didn’t quote this post of mine?

“ Or investigate the suspicious actions of political machines that control the voting process from city to city. With no real oversight, and no system of independent audits to ensure and rate accuracy of post election results. Think if the IRS could not conduct their own audits, but had to rely on companies own audits.

To say it plainly, the fox is guarding the hen house. When it comes to political machines controlling the counting of vote city by city, county by county, state by state. Lots of power when a political machine controls prosecutors and judges, what is investigated, and what is prosecuted.”

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: neutronflux

originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: Willtell

I definately agree he is dragging this on for as long as possible so he can maximize his donations.

If he admits he lost then he stops getting donations. If he admits there is no fraud, he gets no donations under the guise of legal support.

I regret not setting up a site to solicit donations to investigate claims of fraud for Trump's

But there is fraud. That is a fact. Please list what process post election audits impartially the accuracy of the original election night count? And if it has weight to impact the election.

If there were fraud, it would be presented in court as evidence by Trump. That has not happened. Thus, we can conclude that there is no fraud.

Your third sentence seems to be missing some words or something--what were trying to say?

You going with zero fraud, would you like to take that statement back?

No. Why would I? We haven't seen any evidence of it in court. That is literally the entire point of this thread . . .

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: johnnylaw16

Funny you didn’t quote this post of mine?

“ Or investigate the suspicious actions of political machines that control the voting process from city to city. With no real oversight, and no system of independent audits to ensure and rate accuracy of post election results. Think if the IRS could not conduct their own audits, but had to rely on companies own audits.

To say it plainly, the fox is guarding the hen house. When it comes to political machines controlling the counting of vote city by city, county by county, state by state. Lots of power when a political machine controls prosecutors and judges, what is investigated, and what is prosecuted.”

Happy to respond: You do not know what you are talking about. If there were real fraud, we would see real evidence of it. If there were real evidence of it, Trump would be putting it forward in court. I don't know what else to tell you. You can question everything and shout fraud until you're blue in the face--it doesn't make your ramblings have any merit. There are well-compensated individuals hunting for any shred of fraud, anything for Trump to be able to hold out in court and win a judgment reversing this election. They have not found anything. Why? Because there is nothing to find.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: djz3roall the machines in Atlanta have been wiped, and the thumbdrives mutilated. So I guess that's checkmate....

edit on th1116kAmerica/Chicagoth by SmikeS because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

No one has linked to any credible evidence of voter fraud put forth by anyone in court.

Have you read Powell's litigation against Georgia?

They make some compelling points in my opinion. the proof is apparently spelled out in the affidavits, exhibits, and footnote sources (unless they are simply bluffing and wasting their time). Unfortunately the pdf doesn't include access to the affidavits, exhibits, and footnote sources so I guess that would be the determining factor.

"Full unredacted copies of all exhibits have been filed under seal with the Court
and Plaintiffs have simultaneously moved for a protective order."

If they have support for the claims they make in this pdf, then I don't see how it will not be considered by the higher courts.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 09:13 PM
Fox News Host Pulls Apart Election Lies Trump Spouted On Network Hours Earlier

Eric Shawn debunked claims that his colleague Maria Bartiromo allowed the president to amplify on her show.

Fox News host Eric Shawn on Sunday debunked election disinformation that President Donald Trump shared on the same network only hours earlier.

Trump unloaded a stream of baseless claims about a rigged election in his first televised interview since the election to his devout Fox News ally Maria Bartiromo, who encouraged the allegations and allowed them to go largely unchallenged.

But Fox weekend anchor Shawn pointed out on “America’s News Headquarters” that Trump’s campaign has failed to prove any of his accusations in court.

“In fact, your government, election officials, experts and others ― many of them Republican, including Trump appointed officials ― say that the president’s claims are false and unsubstantiated,” he told viewers.

He invited Axios political reporter Hans Nichols to help dismantle many of Trump’s claims, including that ballots counted after the initial tallies on election night were somehow fraudulent.

“Every swing state that we’re talking about, and they did these massive dumps of votes,” Trump said. “And all of a sudden, I went from winning by a lot to losing by a little.”

“Well, officials say these are not illegal dumps,” Shawn said. “That’s just the counting of the many mail-in ballots that are entered into the computer system.”

Biden overtook Trump in several battleground states where Trump initially led on election night as absentee and mail-in ballots were counted in subsequent days, a standard and legitimate procedure.

Trump also asserted that President-elect Joe Biden couldn’t possibly have received more votes than former President Barack Obama.

“It seems that we have a president who, he can’t wrap his brain or mind around the fact, he can’t process the fact that someone who he thinks is so inferior to him won the election,” Shawn said.

Trump’s allies at Fox News, including Bartiromo and prime-time opinion hosts, helped him amplify false claims of election fraud. But some members of the network’s hard news division pushed back and fact-checked the unsubstantiated assertions.

Shawn participated in a similar segment two weeks ago after Bartiromo gave airtime to Trump lawyers who peddled conspiracy theories about voter fraud.

Media outlet host debunks Trump BIG LIE

Oh..oh this is Fox...

Even they can no longer put up with the BIG LIE from the BIG LIAR

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

There has actually been 1 fraudulent vote PROVEN in Pennsylvania - and yet it has not been presented in court as evidence by anyone on Trump's "team". Why not?

There is no evidence your cl.aim is true. See, I can do it too.

Lt. Gov. Fetterman seeks claim of $1M voter fraud reward from Texas lieutenant governor

Pa. Lieut. Governor Urges Man Charged With Voter Fraud to Apply for Pardon if Convicted: 'I Believe in a 2nd Chance'

Fetterman referenced a case in Luzerne County where 67-year-old Robert Richard Lynn is charged with signing the name of his mother, who had died in May 2015, on an absentee ballot application, according to Fox 8 News. Lynn — a registered Republican — is charged with forgery and interference with primaries/elections, court documents show.

In an interview Wednesday with CNN, Fetterman said state officials have not seen any other cases of voter fraud.

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 09:28 PM

edit on 29/11/2020 by rnaa because: double post

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

We have multiple levels of appeal. If one judge were corrupt, there are checks and balances to ensure that errors are corrected. You seem to watch too much tv--paid off judges and threatening families is not a normal occurrence.

Yeah, but what about memo 618?

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: rnaa

But we've had lots of elections like this.

I was talking about how we voted with mass mailings at this level, not whether it was close or not, or hotly contested. Massive mass mailings opened up doors for the possibility of fraud not there before.

How many other elections have been conducted on US soil under a global pandemic?

America pulled off an election during the Spanish flu, but not without paying a price

posted on Nov, 29 2020 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

No one has linked to any credible evidence of voter fraud put forth by anyone in court.

Have you read Powell's litigation against Georgia?

They make some compelling points in my opinion. the proof is apparently spelled out in the affidavits, exhibits, and footnote sources (unless they are simply bluffing and wasting their time). Unfortunately the pdf doesn't include access to the affidavits, exhibits, and footnote sources so I guess that would be the determining factor.

"Full unredacted copies of all exhibits have been filed under seal with the Court
and Plaintiffs have simultaneously moved for a protective order."

If they have support for the claims they make in this pdf, then I don't see how it will not be considered by the higher courts.

That stuff is 'under seal' because they don't want their sycophants to see that it is the same 'ol same 'ol that failed in every other 'case'.

Definition of PETTIFOGGER
1. a lawyer whose methods are petty, underhanded or disreputable
2. one given to quibbling over triffles

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