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There is no actual evidence of voter fraud; here's how we know:

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posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: johnnylaw16

Thanks for your legal knowledge. I think the lawsuits have merit, but once they mentioned devil worshiping all the judges have made their decisions before the case even gets to them.

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: johnnylaw16

Has this one been kicked out of court yet? honest question

And Sidney has filed suit in GA and MI that I know of, you can see parts of those law suits on her twit account

Yes and no. It is being appealed to the 11th Circuit because the district court that heard that case already denied it.

Sidney Powell has filed a number of lawsuits lately. Some have not had time to be dismissed yet, but they are quickly heading that way. Her complaints are filled with wild and outlandish allegations, and supported by speculation and conjecture--this is a clear recipe for early dismissal. There is a reason that the Trump team has distanced themselves from Powell and her lawsuits--even they realize that her theories are indefensible and without merit.

Does that mean that Clarence Thomas will hear the case since he is 'in charge' of the 11th Circuit?

Thanks again for your patience

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

Anything of significance would have been already submitted to a court.

I'm thinking there could be things that carry on well after Biden is President, unless you feel 2 weeks is enough to investigate everything fully.

My point is that as of right now, there is nothing to investigate. There has yet to be any evidence or even credible allegation of voter fraud. Until we have that, there is nothing to be investigated. So yes, two weeks is more than enough time to investigate something that does not exist, though it has been four weeks since the election (not two). And indeed, in these four weeks no one has even been able to offer a single plausible allegation of mass voter fraud in any court.

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: Hogleg

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: johnnylaw16

Has this one been kicked out of court yet? honest question

And Sidney has filed suit in GA and MI that I know of, you can see parts of those law suits on her twit account

Yes and no. It is being appealed to the 11th Circuit because the district court that heard that case already denied it.

Sidney Powell has filed a number of lawsuits lately. Some have not had time to be dismissed yet, but they are quickly heading that way. Her complaints are filled with wild and outlandish allegations, and supported by speculation and conjecture--this is a clear recipe for early dismissal. There is a reason that the Trump team has distanced themselves from Powell and her lawsuits--even they realize that her theories are indefensible and without merit.

Does that mean that Clarence Thomas will hear the case since he is 'in charge' of the 11th Circuit?

Thanks again for your patience

If there is an emergency motion arising out of this case, then Clarence Thomas would hear that motion. Such a motion would be very narrow, seeking emergency relief until the full court hears the case (or decides not to do so). But if the actual case goes to the Supreme Court, the full court would hear the case.

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: johnnylaw16

Thanks for your legal knowledge. I think the lawsuits have merit, but once they mentioned devil worshiping all the judges have made their decisions before the case even gets to them.

Saying that you believe "the lawsuits" have merit is a meaningless and broad statement. I don't mean to pick on you, but I think that there are a lot of people on this forum that would say the same thing without thinking about what it means.

What lawsuits do you believe have merit? There are many and they allege very different things; and more importantly, they do not allege much of what people assume that they do. Very few of the lawsuits and none of the lawsuits put forth by Trump allege explicit fraud. Some of the lawsuits (like those by Powell and Wood) do allege fraud, but they do so without support, and their suits either have been or will be dismissed. What do allegations do you believe have merit, and more importantly, why? Think about this like a judge. What evidence that has been submitted has convinced you?

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: johnnylaw16

I know in my heart that the level of fraud in this election is well beyond anything we have ever seen in history. All the haters have key positions in the swing states, and 95% of the poll workers hate potus. Wearing their Biden shirts and masks at the polling station is against the law, not letting the observers get close enough to observe.

The outright hate for potus, from the dem's and all the obama judges out weighs their obligation to hear the case fairly. Sworn statements are evidence....but you all cry ...hear say......or not credible witness.

I'm starting to think credible witness means a lefty blinded by hate

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: johnnylaw16

I know in my heart that the level of fraud in this election is well beyond anything we have ever seen in history. All the haters have key positions in the swing states, and 95% of the poll workers hate potus. Wearing their Biden shirts and masks at the polling station is against the law, not letting the observers get close enough to observe.

The outright hate for potus, from the dem's and all the obama judges out weighs their obligation to hear the case fairly. Sworn statements are evidence....but you all cry ...hear say......or not credible witness.

I'm starting to think credible witness means a lefty blinded by hate

Is this a joke? "I know in my heart . . ." That is the exact type of emotional, illogical reasoning that this thread was meant to dispel.

Why do you "know" this to be true? What evidence has convinced you of this?

Sword statements are not evidence in and of themselves. They can contain evidence in the form of testimony relating to events that the affiant has witnessed. But we have no credible affidavits alleging mass voter fraud. Seriously. If you find a single one, please link to it here. You wont find any, though, because they do not exist. I know that you've been told over and over that the affidavits and evidence exist, but it's not true. How many of these affidavits have you read or seen? None, I bet. How do we know that they don't exist? Because Trump isn't filing them in court. If they existed, these would be the first things that his legal team put forward.

I'm sorry, but your heart is misleading you here

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

Extrapolation from facts and history is not a psychic power--it is deductive reasoning; it is logic. We can say with confidence what will happen based on the facts and history that we have at our disposal.

Do you realise that is a Marxist way of looking at things?

Historical determinism is not a thing outside of Marxist historian circles.

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: Whodathunkdatcheese

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

Extrapolation from facts and history is not a psychic power--it is deductive reasoning; it is logic. We can say with confidence what will happen based on the facts and history that we have at our disposal.

Do you realise that is a Marxist way of looking at things?

Historical determinism is not a thing outside of Marxist historian circles.

Come on, man--you can do better than that. Are you really saying that employing logic and reasoning is Marxist? This might be the most inane comment I have come across yet. Of course we can extrapolate how courts will handle this situation based on how they have handled past situations. Nothing about that is Marxist.

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: johnnylaw16

4 years of russia, russia, russia, no proof, and impeachment. LOL that's enough to convince me. the depths of their hate spews out at all levels of government and MSM. Flynn put on trial for doing his job. burden of proof is overlooked if you are a lefty.

Ballots in ditches, trash dumpsters, etc. dead people voting, people voting multiple times. Pick a date have a re-vote and see how those numbers change. But, I know that will never happen.

Get ready for 4 years of china, china, china and hunter gate. we will treat the new administration the same way the Dims treated POTUS

edit on 28-11-2020 by Hogleg because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: johnnylaw16

4 years of russia, russia, russia, no proof, and impeachment. LOL that's enough to convince me. the depths of their hate spews out at all levels of government. Flynn put on trial for doing his job. burden of proof is overlooked if you are a lefty.

Ballots in ditches, trash dumpsters, etc. dead people voting, people voting multiple times. Pick a date have an re-vote and see how those numbers change.

Wow. You have really drank the kool-aid, huh? Just to clarify, Flynn was convicted of lying to the FBI. Not sure where that fits into his job description.

As for your last statement: "Ballots in ditches, trash dumpsters, etc. dead people voting, people voting multiple times." Where are you getting your information? Your heart again? I already told you, you can't trust that thing. Find one instance of someone putting forth that evidence in court. You won't find it. Either because it didn't happen, or it was a one-off event that could have no impact on the election results. Aren't you even curious why Trump himself isn't arguing about these things in court? SMH.

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: johnnylaw16

LOL Flynn pleaded guilty to get it over with. The charges against him were bogus. if not.. then Kerry, the clintons and many, many others should be in prison for conspiring with foreign governments.

The evidence is out there, then you say not enough. If they show evidence before court, then it's hear say, we have witnesses, then you say not credible, not enough to change outcome.

How much Fraud is legally allowed in an election?

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: johnnylaw16

LOL Flynn pleaded guilty to get it over with. The charges against him were bogus. if not.. then Kerry, the clintons and many, many others should be in prison for conspiring with foreign governments.

The evidence is out there, then you say not enough. If they show evidence before court, then it's hear say, we have witnesses, then you say not credible, not enough to change outcome.

How much Fraud is legally allowed in an election?

You have yet to point to a single piece of evidence. If the evidence existed it would be in front of the courts. I can't force you to understand reason and logic, but you would be well served to do so.

Btw: Well-off, innocent officials do not plead guilty to lying to the FBI "to get it over with." If that is what you're lawyer tells you to do, you have a bad lawyer.

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: Hogleg

If you do not set a standard for the level of fraud before overturning an election then there is no point in elections. You can find cases on both sides for fraud. In 2018 a republican was busted for fraud during the election. They determined that the amount did not change the election results so the election stood as is.

Those caught doing it should always be prosecuted to the fullest extent. Catching Billy Bob filling out his dead mother's ballot shouldn't change the result of an election. Billy Bob Still gets locked up though.

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: johnnylaw16

LOL Flynn pleaded guilty to get it over with. The charges against him were bogus. if not.. then Kerry, the clintons and many, many others should be in prison for conspiring with foreign governments.

The evidence is out there, then you say not enough. If they show evidence before court, then it's hear say, we have witnesses, then you say not credible, not enough to change outcome.

How much Fraud is legally allowed in an election?

You have yet to point to a single piece of evidence. If the evidence existed it would be in front of the courts. I can't force you to understand reason and logic, but you would be well served to do so.

Btw: Well-off, innocent officials do not plead guilty to lying to the FBI "to get it over with." If that is what you're lawyer tells you to do, you have a bad lawyer.

All I have to say about flynn - when you are surrounded by jackals you go with the flow if you want to live. reason and logic?

I've seen evidence on the web, and news since the day of the election. I got banned from another website for calling out the Q-tards on their crazy theories, i was called a biden shill etc.. I don't feel like getting the links again, but you can go to GLP and search, it's out there even on the chans you just have to be willing to search for it, instead of turning on the MSM and swallowing their bull $h!T coverage of anything POTUS.

But I get it, you're a lawyer, you argue for a living. You live in a bubble and everything is so laughable to you and your friends. You probably laugh at religious people and live in a blue city.

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: Hogleg

originally posted by: johnnylaw16

originally posted by: Hogleg
a reply to: johnnylaw16

LOL Flynn pleaded guilty to get it over with. The charges against him were bogus. if not.. then Kerry, the clintons and many, many others should be in prison for conspiring with foreign governments.

The evidence is out there, then you say not enough. If they show evidence before court, then it's hear say, we have witnesses, then you say not credible, not enough to change outcome.

How much Fraud is legally allowed in an election?

You have yet to point to a single piece of evidence. If the evidence existed it would be in front of the courts. I can't force you to understand reason and logic, but you would be well served to do so.

Btw: Well-off, innocent officials do not plead guilty to lying to the FBI "to get it over with." If that is what you're lawyer tells you to do, you have a bad lawyer.

All I have to say about flynn - when you are surrounded by jackals you go with the flow if you want to live. reason and logic?

I've seen evidence on the web, and news since the day of the election. I got banned from another website for calling out the Q-tards on their crazy theories, i was called a biden shill etc.. I don't feel like getting the links again, but you can go to GLP and search, it's out there even on the chans you just have to be willing to search for it, instead of turning on the MSM and swallowing their bull $h!T coverage of anything POTUS.

But I get it, you're a lawyer, you argue for a living. You live in a bubble and everything is so laughable to you and your friends. You probably laugh at religious people and live in a blue city.

Glad to hear you're calling out the Q-crazies. But aren't you curious why we are not seeing Trump trumpet (pun intended) evidence of fraud in court? Look, I'm not saying you have to like Biden, and I'm not laughing at you, or trying to make fun of you. But I am trying to challenge you beliefs. It may seem crazy to you that Biden legitimately won this election. It might be something that you would have sworn could never happen. But if all of this fraud existed, if Biden stole this election, we would see evidence of it in court. Moreover, Trump would be the one spearheading these claims and evidence in court. He is not doing so. Doesn't that strike you as odd?

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: johnnylaw16

yep, I think Trump is just tired of fighting for his political life. He has been on defense since he came down the escalator to announce he was running. considering he is a businessman he knows how litigation works, add that to his body language and you can tell he's struggling.

Can you acknowledge that the level of hate towards potus goes deeper than any amount of evidence that could be produced?

Some compared his election to 9/11, and they all call him hitler. but why? why such hate from the left. They messed up....This nation will not heel for Biden. china, china, china

back on topic - If I get bored later I'll dig up some links for you to shoot down

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: canucks555
So where are we at here? Johnny 50 points, Trumpers at points.

Never seen the floor cleaned so eloquently here. The beauty of truth is that you cannot argue against it. Though you can try, I suppose...

Let me guess, using 'Dominion' to keep score?

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi


posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: Murgatroid

originally posted by: canucks555
So where are we at here? Johnny 50 points, Trumpers at points.

Never seen the floor cleaned so eloquently here. The beauty of truth is that you cannot argue against it. Though you can try, I suppose...

Let me guess, using 'Dominion' to keep score?

Naw, just simple math, not feelings!

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