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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - 32 -

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posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

"QAnon harassment campaign"? LMFAO. WTF does that even mean?

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: interupt42

If the outcomes is China as master, then yes that still holds. China has a bigger consumer base. The US MSM is looking ahead to when they will be outlets for China in the US, not outlets for the US.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Speaking of that. I found it funny as hell that you can eat at a restaurant by sitting outside in a tent with no air circulation, but going inside where the air is cycled through an HVAC system is a big no-no. Wear a mask so that you have poor air transfer, and only sit in places that also have the same. I'm waiting for them to say that we are ok to travel as long as we wear plastic bags over our heads.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

"QAnon harassment campaign"? LMFAO. WTF does that even mean?

Clearly it means that the media wants to harass anyone that reads anything "KU" related.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:23 AM
Getting closer

DNI Ratcliffe says that he has given 'thousands of documents to John Durham'

DNI Ratcliffe said that he has "provided literally thousands of documents to John Durham, but many of those do contain sources and methods that we can’t make public for a number of reasons, including to jeopardize any investigation that’s going there."

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: carewemust

The sad truth is most of the population won't wake up unless their immediate surroundings become unstable.

The immense corruption of the federal and state bureaucracies is on display for anyone who cares to look.


Maybe...I get the sense a good portion of the population is acutely aware of all this, and it's just one of those things that nobody's really talking about just because of the tense situation that it is. The disconnect between the mainstream narrative and what's really going on is stark, so people on either side haven't really figured out how to talk to each other about it yet and just aren't.

There are strong passionate feelings on either side of this right now I'm sure. Facebook does seem quieter than it should be, though that could just be the censorship. It sure seems like a lot of liberal types who should be gloating over their 'win' on there, aren't.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:31 AM
This sequence of POTUS tweets today looks IMPORTANT:


1) In sequence:
08:54:38 - 54:38 = 9:11, tweet ALL CAPS
08:55:25 - 55 and 25 both = 5by5 Eyes On, tweet ALL CAPS
08:56:00 - 56 sums to 11 = deep state, tweet ALL CAPS
08:56:55 - #55 Look to Twitter: Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." God bless.
08:58:16 - #16 Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise

The last 2 are both POTUS self-retweets - Decodes on the way.

2) Timestamp hours/mins point to relevant posts:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 071c71 No.564130 📁
Mar 6 2018 01:29:38 (EST)
1 of 5.
2 of 5.
What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken?
What if Hussein knew and authorized?
How many Marines volunteered to serve Hussein during his term?
What if his name we don’t say organized the deal?
The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD.
AMERICA has been sold to the highest bidder.
AMERICA has been weakened on purpose.
The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable.
Pure EVIL.
HELL on earth - HRC victory.


Note that "1 of 5" and "2 of 5" gives Dec 5th!


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 071c71 No.564638 📁
Mar 6 2018 02:04:41 (EST)
A parade that will never be forgotten.
Ask yourself, why?
God bless our brave men & women in uniform.
We will never forget.


Does 11-11-18 represent 5 Digital soldiers? (with 8 =8kun)


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 3c553f No.567440 📁
Mar 6 2018 10:59:13 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 7c6e17 No.567393 📁
Mar 6 2018 10:54:42 (EST)
How did Q know they were going to be in front of that picture this time?

Trust the plan.

Bolded timestamp encodes Dec 5th.

edit on 4-12-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:42 AM
Rel, PM for you. - CT 🙂

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: doobydoll

doobydoll, I'm wondering if my diagram below might explain "Sines in the Sci"?


Did the Indians develop the sine calculations to understand which locations on earth would be drought or monsoon ridden?
a) In the diagram:
Sine 1 = your position on the earth in relation to the Horizon (Hypotenuse line),
Sine 2 = Value of Sine 1 as a segment of the Sun's rays that would be strongest to hit you at that point?

It seems to me that this would have been THE most practical reason for them to create the 2 SINE calculations!

Hi Rel

The ancient Indians were super-clever. It seems there was only science and mathematics in their heads. I wish I could understand just a tiny fraction of their superior knowledge. But even a tiny fraction of a tiny fraction of it would no doubt be too much for my tiny pea-brain.

I don't know what's wrong with me but I could never get my head around mathematics. It might sound like I must be so dense but I couldn't and still can't understand the difference between 'range' and 'ratio' in maths. I would get them confused, like if I was asked to give an example of a 'range' of numbers, and a 'ratio' of numbers, I didn't know which was which. I still wouldn't be able to do it. Tutors would be so patient trying to help me understand but for me it was infuriating that I just couldn't grasp it.

I also confuse 'East' and 'West', 'left' and 'right', too. I get them the opposite way around. Always. Constantly.

I may never understand 'sine language', but I'm getting better at understanding the 'sign' language. I hope.

Always learning lol.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:45 AM
I was reading over at the Secret Sun Blog and there is a couple interesting posts regarding 'Rome' and the idea the Empire never fell. The author thinks our statues are being taken down to be replaced with that of the 'Old' ways of worship. Specifically, Mithraism.

Mithraism, also known as the Mithraic mysteries, was a Roman mystery religion centered on the god Mithras. The religion was inspired by Iranian worship of the Zoroastrian divinity (yazata) Mithra, although the Greek Mithras was linked to a new and distinctive imagery, and the level of continuity between Persian and Greco-Roman practice is debated.[a] The mysteries were popular among the Imperial Roman army from about the 1st to the 4th century CE.........Initiates called themselves syndexioi, those "united by the handshake"


In addition to being the divinity of contracts, Mithra is also a judicial figure, an all-seeing protector of Truth, and the guardian of cattle, the harvest, and of the Waters.


Lots going on in that quote. It was also major rival to Christianity which seems to fit with the Anti-Christian approach going on. There was also discussion on 3 Roman Rules to make a freeman a slave. Maybe someone has more info on that. I'm not well versed in this just what I stumble across in my reading.

They seem to be -1st is Strip you of access to family, 2nd is to limit access to Public Places, Step 3 is No Public access/freedoms/ entertainment etc. That sounds alot like Covid...Maybe the Great Reset is resetting us all back to 'slave' under Roman law?

I also found this last quote interesting if this is where those in charge are headed..

The text goes on to tell us that in order to be recognised by the Father, he has to be tattooed, in other words branded on both hands. On several portraits, even on portraits of emperors, these tattoo marks are clearly visible, but on the forehead, in place of the hands.


edit on 4-12-2020 by misfit312 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
Forgive me, but I thought all of these 'sealed indictments' claims had been debunked?

originally posted by: onehuman
Im still way back catching up but for just in case, I have the updated Heat Map of the Indictments. Still waiting on the old fashion lay out. Should be along shortly.

The New Numbers:
6,003 NEW / 216, 529 Total

Debunked by who?

"Debunked" isn't some magic word that makes something go away. It just means that some person, supposedly an authority figure, said something isn't true. How much weight that person's debunking carries is 100% dependent on how much confidence you place in that person.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Rex Thread #7-11
Rudy called Retired Army Col Phil Waldron as an expert witness
AZ Hearing on Dec 1, 2020
Testimony is 54 minutes but really worth a listen
This witness will remove all doubts
POTUS has it all & will release when he deems best
Peace is the Plan.

AZ Hearing Highlights: Dominion Connected to web, Data Points to Fraud, Forensic Exam Can Find Out.

7:00 - he has been researching Dominion since Aug 2020
Another team researching for 2 years (anomalies from Cruz/Beto, KY Gov)
Calls it part of Unconventional warfare / Information Warfare office
multiple vulnerabilities found in voting system (eg. server connect, PW...)
12:11 - Hundreds of small cyber teams & statisticians involved
Not a secret / DEFCON 2019 broke into US voting system within 2 minutes
19:45 - White Hats identified packet traffic to Frankfurt, Germany
22:00 - Rudy asks any good reason to hire them to also count votes?
A - Good lobby / relationship with government
22:30 - AZ Analysis = Fixing the Vote Chart
Spike Analysis show electronic injection of lots of votes (potential anomaly)
time period at 8:06:40 pm exceeded the ability of the scanners to process
recommends these batch files are worthy of a closer look
24:00 - Dominion user manual provides authorized personnel tools to move votes
Anonymous email sent to all members of AZ legislator, DOJ
Attended a meeting to add 35,000 fraud votes to all Dem candidates
Time listed 8pm on Nov 3, 2020 (matches spike observed by witness)
Speaker knew of ways to avoid audit detection (spread batches of 1,000)
29:00 - AZ public reports merged all voting totals - blocks independent checking
30:00 - Maricopa Co requested 1.9 million mail in ballots - signatures not checked
32:00 - with system access it is possible to verify spike with full forensic audit
33:00 - All US voting systems have similar vulnerabilities.
His team dealt with Dominion, but a partner team reviewed ES&S
35:00 - PIMA Co (AZ) has less than 1 million votes - full audit is possible & feasible
- AZ also has capability to validate ballots (INK/PAPER Consistency/mass produced)
36:00 - Rudy repeats Maricopa didn't validate signatures of up to 1.9M mail in votes
if envelopes were separated from ballots, can no longer be rechecked
37:30 - Ballpoint vs sharpie pens issue
Maricopa - requested only use ball point pens in early voting
Maricopa - requested only use sharpie pens on election day
Sharpies can bleed through - creating error ballots in machine
GREEN BUTTON flags error ballots in batches to be adjudicated by admins
39:00 database discrepancies (no gender, default DOB, names, false addresses)
local investigators found at least 6,000
issue tied to AZ Drivers License online registration
DL allows eligible to Register to Vote at same time (but missing some fields)
Maricopa Co found 8,000+ ballots with names / out of state issues
45:30 AZ has Election Integrity Program/Election Board of Supervisors
but no authority to audit, investigate, review these issues w/o subpoena
48:30 Panel asks questions to Rudy & Witness
Witness confirms multiple meetings with CISA & INA Intelligence Assessment
Team handed over 600GB data + 200 GB of confirmatory data
Members of CISA election security division NEVER attending these briefings
52:30 White hats confirm internet connection & tracking of data sent offshore
These findings contradict CISA website - voting machine integrity.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: Creep Thumper


posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: tanstaafl

Catching up so apologies if mentioned already:

#4881 was taken as a guide that we should not use terms that directly link us to "Q" and therefore it was thought that a phonetic spelling would achieve that objective.

Ok, makes sense, thanks...

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 10:58 AM

edit on 4-12-2020 by awhispersecho because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Creep Thumper


Replied and THANK YOU! 🙂

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 11:08 AM
Rona Forever! Govt Scientist Suggests Britons Could Be Wearing Masks ‘for Years’

The United Kingdom’s deputy chief medical officer has suggested that practices like wearing masks and using hand sanitiser could be habits Britons have to keep “for years”.

He continued: “Do I think there will come a big moment where we have a massive party and throw our masks and hand sanitiser and say, ‘That’s it, it’s behind us’, like the end of the war? No, I don’t.

“I think those kinds of habits that we have learned from… will perhaps persist for many years, and that may be a good thing if they do.”

“It isn’t something we’re going to leave people waiting on forever, but we’ve got to follow the science, we’ve got to see the data that gives us the assurance that we can tell people they can relax in certain ways, and have a fairly high degree of confidence that it is safe to do so.”

"There is nothing so permanent as a temporary government program."
-Ronald Reagan

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: Trillium
SAME documents he gave Barr/Durham in October? Durham was made a Special Prosecutor (allegedly) in October, about a week after Ratcliffe said he gave thousands of documents to Barr.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Thank-you! DJT's Georgia rally on Saturday will be extra special, IMO.

posted on Dec, 4 2020 @ 11:17 AM
More Dog comms?
NBC retweet

Queen Elizabeth’s beloved dorgi Vulcan dies, leaving her with just 1 dog

TODAY article in tweet:

One of Queen Elizabeth’s treasured dorgis, Vulcan, has died, Buckingham Palace confirmed to NBC News.

Now the British monarch has just one dog left, a dorgi named Candy.

A dorgi is a crossbreed between a corgi and a dachshund. The queen reportedly engineered the mix years ago by breeding past generations of her corgis with dachshunds belonging to her late sister, Princess Margaret.

edit on 4-12-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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